549 research outputs found

    Recent results and future of the NA61/SHINE strong interactions program

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    NA61/SHINE is a fixed target experiment at the CERN Super-Proton- Synchrotron. The main goals of the experiment are to discover the critical point of strongly interacting matter and study the properties of the onset of deconfnement. In order to reach these goals the collaboration studies hadron production properties in nucleus-nucleus, proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions. In this talk, recent results on particle production in p+p interactions, as well as Be+Be and Ar+Sc collisions in the SPS energy range are reviewed. The results are compared with available world data. The future of the NA61/SHINE scientifc program is also presented

    O instante fotográfico: os lugares de memória da cidade do Rio Grande do período de Juscelino Kubistchek

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    Os anos 1950, mais precisamente os anos do governo de Juscelino Kubistchek de Oliveira (1956-1961) eram marcados pelo desejo e anseio pela urbanização e, consequentemente, modernização. Assim, chega-se a cidade do Rio Grande, localizada no Rio Grande do Sul, e possuindo importância considerável portuária (variando entre a 1ª a 3ª posição brasileira) e industrial. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é compreender como se expressou a visualidade urbana, consequentemente a modernização e urbanização na cidade do Rio Grande. Para isso, serão utilizadas fotografias da cidade, oriundas do estúdio Casa Foto Rio Grande e fotorreportagens do Jornal Rio Grande. A fotografia é um produto da cultura material do momento. Assim, este trabalho, sob a perspectiva da atualidade, é um trabalho de “patrimonialização” daquele instante. Dessa maneira, as imagens, configurações e representações do tempo vivido ou imaginado pertencem ao campo da memória.Sem bols

    Development of a Haptic Training Simulation for the Administration of Dental Anaesthesia based upon Accurate Anatomical Data

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    In the dental curriculum, the initial administration of local anaesthesia injection on live patients is critical and students may experience a high degree of anxiety. Low self-confidence often caused by insufficient knowledge of anatomy has been repeatedly reported as one of the major causes. In this paper, we focus on the development of a haptic training system based upon an accurate anatomical model, which aims to encourage self-paced learning of the practical skills that are required in such procedures and to increase students’ self-confidence. We first present the workflow we have considered to develop an accurate anatomical model of the human head and neck and introduce a Virtual Reality-based application commissioned by NHS Education for Scotland to support the learning of the anatomy in a safe and repeatable manner. Finally, we describe the functionalities of the haptic training system and discuss further developments with regard to existing research outcomes

    Nefopam for the prevention of postoperative pain: quantitative systematic review

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    Nefopam, a centrally acting analgesic, has been used in the surgical setting in many countries since the mid-1970s. However, clinical trials provide contflicting results for its analgesic potency. We performed a systematic search (multiple databases, bibliographies, any language, to January 2008) for randomized, placebo-controlled trials of nefopam for the prevention of postoperative pain. Data were combined using classic methods of meta-analyses and were expressed as weighted mean difference (WMD), relative risk (RR), and number needed to treat/harm (NNT/H) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Nine trials (847 adult patients, 359 received nefopam) were included. Nefopam (cumulative doses, 20-160 mg) was given orally or i.v., as single or multiple doses, or as a continuous infusion. Compared with placebo, cumulative 24 h morphine consumption was decreased with nefopam: WMD −13 mg (95% CI −17.9 to −8.15). Pain intensity at 24 h was also decreased: on a 100 mm visual analogue scale, WMD −11.5 mm (95% CI −15.1 to −7.85). The incidence of tachycardia was increased with nefopam (RR 3.12, 95% CI 1.11-8.79; NNH 7), as was the incidence of sweating (RR 4.92, 95% CI 2.0-12.1; NNH 13). There is limited evidence from the published literature that nefopam may be a useful non-opioid analgesic in surgical patients. The analgesic potency seems to be similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, dose responsiveness and adverse effect profile remain unclear, and the role of nefopam as part of multimodal analgesia needs to be established. Data in children are lackin

    Benefit and risk of intrathecal morphine without local anaesthetic in patients undergoing major surgery: meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    Intrathecal morphine without local anaesthetic is often added to a general anaesthetic to prevent pain after major surgery. Quantification of benefit and harm and assessment of dose-response are needed. We performed a meta-analysis of randomized trials testing intrathecal morphine alone (without local anaesthetic) in adults undergoing major surgery under general anaesthesia. Twenty-seven studies (15 cardiac-thoracic, nine abdominal, and three spine surgery) were included; 645 patients received intrathecal morphine (dose-range, 100-4000 µg). Pain intensity at rest was decreased by 2 cm on the 10 cm visual analogue scale up to 4 h after operation and by about 1 cm at 12 and 24 h. Pain intensity on movement was decreased by 2 cm at 12 and 24 h. Opioid requirement was decreased intraoperatively, and up to 48 h after operation. Morphine-sparing at 24 h was significantly greater after abdominal surgery {weighted mean difference, −24.2 mg [95% confidence interval (CI) −29.5 to −19.0]}, compared with cardiac-thoracic surgery [−9.7 mg (95% CI −17.6 to −1.80)]. The incidence of respiratory depression was increased with intrathecal morphine [odds ratio (OR) 7.86 (95% CI 1.54-40.3)], as was the incidence of pruritus [OR 3.85 (95% CI 2.40-6.15)]. There was no evidence of linear dose-responsiveness for any of the beneficial or harmful outcomes. In conclusion, intrathecal morphine decreases pain intensity at rest and on movement up to 24 h after major surgery. Morphine-sparing is more pronounced after abdominal than after cardiac-thoracic surgery. Respiratory depression remains a major safety concer

    Perspectivas fotográficas das/dos trabalhadoras/es de São Paulo : registros visuais da fotógrafa Hildegard Rosenthal (1940)

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    Este trabalho tem como problema de pesquisa analisar o registro visual, logo, o olhar de uma fotógrafa mulher, estrangeira (no caso Hildegard Rosenthal) para os homens, mulheres e crianças que exerciam atividades laborais no espaço urbano de São Paulo na década de 1940. O objetivo é investigar como Hildegard Rosenthal construiu narrativas visuais sobre as(os) trabalhadoras (es) da urbe paulistana na década de 1940. Como fontes, utilizei 11 fotografias e uma entrevista que Hildegard Rosenthal concedeu ao Museu de Imagem e do Som, em 1981. Como metodologia, trabalho com duas etapas: Questões técnicas (analisei luminosidade, ângulo e plano fotográfico) e Processos Interpretativos Fotográficos (bibliografia e questões intrínsecas das fotografias). E como resultados de pesquisa, compreendo que as questões próprias da fotógrafa, como ser uma profissional e imigrante em um cenário que poucas mulheres ocupavam esse espaço, estão inerentes no seu ato de fotografar. Ainda, seu olhar para as mulheres trabalhadoras, foi voltado para as invisibilidades femininas no espaço de trabalho, especialmente quando ocupavam as ruas de São Paulo. E as narrativas visuais dos homens trabalhadores foram construídas para demonstrar que este grupo ocupou mais livremente a urbe paulistana. E nesse momento, as questões raciais também são evidentes –há profissionais negros retratados – o que não era comum no período. E as crianças trabalhadoras foram registradas demonstrando a seriedade das suas profissões (carregador de feira, engraxate e jornaleiro). Mas, também, foram fotografados em pequenos momentos de risadas, cumplicidade e criancice. Logo, concluo que Hildegard Rosenthal construiu as narrativas visuais sobre as (os) trabalhadoras (es) da urbe paulistana na década de 1940, mostrando a heterogeneidade que ocupavam as ruas do período.This paper has as a research problem to analyze the visual register, therefore, the look of a foreign woman photographer (in this case Hildegard Rosenthal) to men, women, and children who worked in the urban space of São Paulo in the 1940s. The objective is to investigate how Hildegard Rosenthal built visual narratives about the workers of the city of São Paulo in the 1940s. As sources, I used 11 photographs and an interview that Hildegard Rosenthal gave to the Museu de Imagem e do Som, in 1981. As a methodology, I work with two stages: Technical Issues (I analyzed luminosity, angle, and photographic plan) and Photographic Interpretative Processes (bibliography and intrinsic issues of the photographs). As research results, I understand that the photographer's issues, such as being a professional and an immigrant in a scenario where few women occupied this space, are inherent in her act of photographing. Still, her look at working women was focused on the invisibilities of women in the workspace, especially when they occupied the streets of São Paulo. And the visual narratives of working men were built to demonstrate that this group occupied more freely the city of São Paulo. And at this moment, racial issues are also evident - there are black professionals portrayed - which was not common in the period. And working children were registered, showing the seriousness of their professions (fair helpers, shoeshine boy, and newsboy). But, also, they were photographed in small moments of laughter, complicity, and childishness. Then, I conclude that Hildegard Rosenthal built visual narratives about the workers of São Paulo in the 1940s, showing the heterogeneity that occupied the streets of the period

    Propofol 1% versus propofol 2% in children undergoing minor ENT surgery

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    Background. The induction characteristics of propofol 1% and 2% were compared in children undergoing ENT surgery, in a prospective, randomized, double‐blind study. Methods. One hundred and eight children received propofol 1% (n=55) or 2% (n=53) for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. For induction, propofol 4mgkg-1 was injected at a constant rate (1200mlh-1), supplemented with alfentanil. Intubating conditions without the use of a neuromuscular blocking agent were scored. Results. Pain on injection occurred in 9% and 21% of patients after propofol 1% and 2%, respectively (P=0.09). Loss of consciousness was more rapid with propofol 2% compared with propofol 1% (47s vs 54s; P=0.02). Spontaneous movements during induction occurred in 22% and 34% (P=0.18), and intubating conditions were satisfactory in 87% and 96% (P=0.19) of children receiving propofol 1% or 2%, respectively. There were no differences between the two groups in respect of haemodynamic changes or adverse events. Conclusions. For the end‐points tested, propofol 1% and propofol 2% are similar for induction of anaesthesia in children undergoing minor ENT surgery. Br J Anaesth 2003: 90: 375-

    Ventilation strategies in obese patients undergoing surgery: a quantitative systematic review and meta-analysis†

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    Background Pathophysiological changes due to obesity may complicate mechanical ventilation during general anaesthesia. The ideal ventilation strategy is expected to optimize gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics and to reduce the risk of respiratory complications. Methods Systematic search (databases, bibliographies, to March 2012, all languages) was performed for randomized trials testing intraoperative ventilation strategies in obese patients (BMI ≥30 kg m−2), and reporting on gas exchange, pulmonary mechanics, or pulmonary complications. Meta-analyses were performed when data from at least three studies or 100 patients could be combined. Results Thirteen studies (505 obese surgical patients) reported on a variety of ventilation strategies: pressure- or volume-controlled ventilation (PCV, VCV), various tidal volumes, and different PEEP or recruitment manoeuvres (RM), and combinations thereof. Definitions and reporting of endpoints were inconsistent. In five trials (182 patients), RM added to PEEP compared with PEEP alone improved intraoperative ratio [weighted mean difference (WMD), 16.2 kPa; 95% confidence interval (CI), 8.0-24.4] and increased respiratory system compliance (WMD, 14 ml cm H2O−1; 95% CI, 8-20). Arterial pressure remained unchanged. In four trials (100 patients) comparing PCV with VCV, there was no difference in ratio, tidal volume, or arterial pressure. Comparison of further ventilation strategies or combination of other outcomes was not feasible. Data on postoperative complications were seldom reported. Conclusions The ideal intraoperative ventilation strategy in obese patients remains obscure. There is some evidence that RM added to PEEP compared with PEEP alone improves intraoperative oxygenation and compliance without adverse effects. There is no evidence of any difference between PCV and VC

    Imagens da cidade: representação e modernização na cidade do Rio Grande na década de 1950.

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    This work covers the decade of 1950s, more specifically, Juscelino Kubistchek presidential administration period, from 1956 to 1961. This period is marked by many changes: modernization was in effect, perpetuated by urban transformations and its recurrent issues such as development and industrial transformations. The Plano de Metas, released shortly after the president inauguration, consisted of 31 targets, and tended to give development bases to Brazil. Among them were the expansion of energy, food, basic industry and transportation within all the country, inland included. Also encompassed the main goal, the construction of a new capital, Brasília. Based on this, the following question can be made: Whether and how the modernization reached Rio Grande from Rio Grande newspaper’s images, considered the largest in circulation, and from the Studio Casa Foto Rio Grande. Also the representation of the new urban view will be studied within the stipulated period. The sources for this research were the Photo Reports journal and photos from Rio Grande Home Photo Studio. The goals that guided this work were to understand how the urban view expressed thus modernization and urbanization in the city of Rio Grande, to identify urban changes in the city of Rio Grande in the 1950s, its infrastructure, beautification and the problems stemming from its possible modernization. Thus, it was found that - while the sources primarily aimed to show the beautiful, arising reforms, the old and outdated where also spotted by the photography studio. It was noted, then, that in Rio Grande the old and new were part of the modern city’s constitution. Also it was noted that modernization discourses were not simply virtues, but power arrangements whether of governments or its population. Since the people, through the newspaper and/or photos from the Studio, felt integrating this ideal and active participants within, whereas in industrialization, citizens/residents, governments and urbanization are interrelated and dependent on the process.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESEste trabalho tem como recorte temporal a década de 1950, mais especificamente, o período de governo do presidente Juscelino Kubistchek, 1956-1961. Momento marcado por inúmeras transformações: a modernização estava em vigor, perpetuada através das transformações urbanísticas e questões como o desenvolvimentismo e as modificações industriais. O Plano de Metas, lançado logo após a posse do novo presidente, consistia em 31 metas, e tendeu a dar bases desenvolvimentistas para o Brasil, dentre os objetivos estava à expansão das áreas de energia, alimentação, indústria de base e transporte para todo o Brasil, inclusive, para o interior. Também abarcava a meta síntese, a construção da nova capital federal, Brasília. A partir disso, faz-se a seguinte questão: a partir de imagens do jornal Rio Grande, considerado o de maior circulação da cidade, e do estúdio Casa Foto Rio Grande, será estudado a representação da nova visualidade urbana e se e como a modernização brasileira chegou a Rio Grande, no período estipulado. Os objetivos que norteiam este trabalho são: compreender como se expressou a visualidade urbana, consequentemente a modernização e urbanização na cidade do Rio Grande; identificar as modificações urbanas na cidade durante a década de 1950 e identificar as obras de infraestrutura, embelezamento e os problemas oriundos da possível modernização riograndina. Dessa forma, foi possível constatar enquanto que as fontes, primordialmente, objetivavam mostrar o belo, oriundo das reformas, o antigo e defasado também foi evidenciado pelas fotografias do estúdio e fotorreportagens do jornal. Nota-se, então, que na cidade do Rio Grande, o antigo e novo faziam parte da constituição moderna da cidade. Também foi possível perceber que os discursos da modernização não eram simplesmente virtudes, mas sim organização das forças, seja dos governos ou da população, pois esta, através do jornal ou fotografias do estúdio, poderia sentir-se parte integrante desse ideal e participar, visto que a industrialização, cidadãos/habitantes, governos e urbanização estão interligados e são dependentes no processo

    Trajetórias e possibilidades: caminhos percorridos por fotógrafas imigrantes na cidade de São Paulo

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    This work aims to analyze the relationship between being an immigrant and the influence of this situation in the photographic repertoire of photographers Madalena Schwartz and Claudia Andujar, both immigrants, came to Brazil in the 1960s and 1955, respectively. To carry out the work, four photographs were selected, two from each professional, and the methodology used was the one by Augusto Pieroni (2003), who understands that the photographic analysis should be divided into: internal contexts (film, negative files, published works  ) and external (assemblages), forms (frames, focal plans, colors, lines) and content (themes, intentional references, meanings).  Through image analysis, it was possible to establish that the strangeness, present in immigrants in general, was portrayed in the selected images.  In this way, it is understood that the photographers saw themselves; their immigration, gender issues and the tensions these issues may appear in their photographs.Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre ser imigrante e a influência dessa situação no reportório fotográfico das fotografas Madalena Schwartz e Claudia Andujar, ambas imigrantes, vieram para o Brasil nas décadas de 1960 e 1955, respetivamente. Para a realização do trabalho, foram selecionadas quatro fotografias, duas de cada profissional. A metodologia utilizada é baseada em Augusto Pieroni (2003), que conceitua a divisão da análise fotográfica em: contextos internos (película, arquivos de negativo, trabalhos publicados) e externos (agenciamentos), formas (enquadramentos, planos focais, cores, linhas) e conteúdos (temas, referencias intencionais, sentidos). Por meio da análise imagética, foi possível perceber certo estranhamento ao diferente e desconhecido, fruto da vivência associada aos imigrantes e retratada nas imagens selecionadas. Dessa forma, podemos entender que as fotógrafas viam a si mesmas; o ato de imigrar, os desafios da mudança de seus países de origem, as questões de gênero presentes e as tensões decorrentes disso são questões que se refletem nas fotografias obtidas