33 research outputs found

    Stimulasi Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) pada Osteogenesis Pergerakan Gigi Ortodonti

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    The prevalence of malocclusion and the need for orthodontic treatment in Indonesia is relatively very high. Orthodontic treatment that transmits mechanical forces to the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone cells can stimulate the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone remodeling. While this time, orthodontic treatment requires a long time, resulting in several adverse effects and discomfort. For this reason, a method that can accelerate orthodontic treatment is needed which aims to increase stability after active orthodontic treatment, to reduce the potential for relapse, and to accelerate retention time. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) stimulation is one of the methods that have this goal. This aim to study the stimulation mechanism of PEMF on the osteogenesis process of orthodontic tooth movement. Alveolar bone remodeling played an essential role in orthodontic tooth movement, is an active and dynamic process. The dynamic process depends on a balance between resorption and bone formation (osteogenesis). PEMF stimulation is a nonsurgical method that can promote osteogenesis through activation of Wnt signaling. Several studies showed that this method could accelerate retention time and orthodontic treatment. PEMF stimulated osteogenesis through activation of Wnt signaling in orthodontic tooth movement


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    Excessive glutamate may give neurotoxic effects and contribute to Autism spectrum disorder(ASD). In this study, we investigated prolonged exposure effects of 10 µg/mL Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on intracellular calcium level, bax, bcl-2, ratio of bax/bcl-2 genes expression, caspase-3, apoptosis of brain cells and stereotypic behavior of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae at early developmental stages. Genes expression were determined by real time PCR, caspase-3 using ELISA, intracellular Ca2+ and apoptotic cells of brain using confocal microscopy, locomotor activity by using crossing lines assay whereas stereotypic behavior by circle swimming. The results indicated that MSG exposure increased brain bax and bcl-2; and caspase-3; intracellular Ca2+; and apoptosis; stereotypic behavior; and decreased locomotor activity. Termination of MSG treatments resulted in recovery of bax, bcl-2, caspase-3 basal levels and stereotypic behavior. In conclusion, MSG exposure at early embryonic stage increased brain cell damage and risk of behavior changes

    Soy milk and ginger (Sulehe) increase PPAR-γ expression in a rat model of insulin resistance

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia due to a defect in insulin secretion resulting in insulin resistance. This disease leads to dysfunction of various organs including eyes, kidneys, and heart. One of the alternative diets which can be consumed is a mixture of soy milk and ginger (Indonesian: Susu kedelai dan jahe (Sulehe)). Sulehe contains isoflavones, PUFAs, and gingerols that are affected by insulin resistance. Aim: This study was aimed to discover the effect of Sulehe on peroxisome expression proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-) in a rat model of insulin resistance. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided into six study groups: (1) negative control, (2) positive control, (3) soy milk 5 g/kg BB diet, (4) ginger 500 mg/kg BB diet, (5) Sulehe (soy milk 2500 mg/kg BB + ginger 250 mg/kg BB) diet, (6) Sulehe (soy milk 5000 mg/kg BB + ginger 500 mg/kg BB) diet. This research belonged to experimental in vivo laboratory study with all replications of each treatment across all subjects is completely randomized, and data retrieval with a post-test only control group design. Results: The mean PPAR- activity in normal (control) rats was 578 82.02. Sulehe (soy milk 5000 g + ginger 500 mg) diet can increase rat PPAR- activity up to 1158 53.74. The significant different result achieved when p-value on ANOVA analysis is less than 0.05 (p0.05). According to the ANOVA analysis, there was a significant difference in PPAR- in the combination of soy milk + ginger 500 mg, with a difference of 345.5, compared with control. Conclusion: In summary, Sulehe may be a potential agent to influence PPAR- expression

    Agarose Coated Culture Plate in Tumorsphere Culture of Cervical Cancer Cell Line HeLa: an Alternative to Non Adhesive Culture Plate

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    Cervical cancer recurs in 90% cases and linked to cancer stem cells that able to self-renew and responsible for recurrence, metastasis, and mortality of cancer. Isolation and identification of cancer stem cells using serum-free medium needs expensive growth factors and consume time. This study try to grow tumor sphere using culture plate coated with 1% agarose as an efficient and economical alternative to non-adhesive culture plate. HeLa cell line was grew in culture plate coated with 1% agarose and non-adhesive culture plate using similar medium and culture condition. Tumor spheres morphology was observed and the colonies were counted in 7 days followed by single cell assay. Tumor spheres then counted for CD133+, CD34+, and Sox2 expression using flowcytometry. Culture plate coated with 1% agarose can be used as an economic and efficient alternative to culture tumor sphere. Using culture plate coated with 1% agarose, the tumor spheres formed in 7 days with similar morphology to non-adhesive culture plate. Tumorsphere had three dimensional – sphere shape that tightly attached, colonized, and overlapped. The tumor sphere colony counts of two plates were statistically have no significant difference (p=0,667). Single cell assay of a tumor sphere shows that it can grow new tumor spheres with similar morphology. The tumor sphere from culture plate coated with 1% agarose express CD133+ and CD34+ as much as 8.78% ± 2.14 and Sox2 as much as 35.30% ± 23.82 whereas tumor sphere from non-adhesive culture plate express CD133+ and CD34+ as much as 62.36% ± 1.06 and Sox2 as much as 98.86% ± 0.56 (p = 0000)

    Dual function of decaffeinated coffee-green tea leaves extract in foam cell atherosclerosis inhibition by lowering inflammation and improving cholesterol influx/efflux balance which is mediated by upregulation of PPAR-γ and miR-155

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    Background: Foam cell is the marker of initial phase of atherosclerosis and determine the development of advance atherosclerotic plaque which is stimulated by the presence of inflammation due to high lipid burden in macrophage. The combination of coffee and tea was suggested to have a role in foam cell inhibition. Objective: this study investigated the role of decaffeinated coffee and green tea extract on foam cell formation through modulation of inflammation process and normalisation of lipid influx/efflux in M-CSF and ox-LDL-stimulated macrophages. Material and method: Light roasted coffee and green tea leaves were extracted using infusa method and also underwent decaffeination process with active carbon and infusa method, respectively. The cell was administered with the decaffeinated coffee and green tea extract at different concentration (160/160 and 320/320μg/ml). Foam cell formation was examined with ORO staining and lipid absorbance after eluted with isopropanol. Observation of lipid influx/efflux mechanism was represented by semiquantitative CD36/ABCA1 expression using immunofluorescence technique. The inflammation process was observed by quantify the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory marker such as TNFα and IL10 using ELISA. The expression and activity of PPARγ was assessed with PCR and ELISA, respectively. The expression of miR-155 was examined using qPCR. Results: Decaffeinated coffee and green tea extract significantly inhibited foam cell number (p=0,000); reduced CD36 expression (p=0,000) and TNFα secretion (p=0,000). This combination also increased PPARγ expression (p=0,00) and activity (p=0,001), miR-155 expression (p=0,000), and IL10 production (p=0,000)

    A study of the quality of cardiovascular and diabetes medicines in Malang District, Indonesia, using exposure-based sampling

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    BACKGROUND: The WHO has warned that substandard and falsified medicines threaten health, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, the magnitude of that threat for many medicines in different regions is not well described, and high-quality studies remain rare. Recent reviews of studies of cardiovascular and diabetes medicine quality recorded that 15.4% of cardiovascular and 6.8% of diabetes samples failed at least one quality test. Review authors warn that study quality was mixed. Because they did not record medicine volume, no study reflected the risk posed to patients. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We investigated the quality of five medicines for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Malang district, East Java, Indonesia. Our sample frame, based on dispensing volumes by outlet and price category, included sampling from public and private providers and pharmacies and reflected the potential risk posed to patients. The content of active ingredient was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and compared with the labelled content. Dissolution testing was also performed. We collected a total of 204 samples: amlodipine (88); captopril (22); furosemide (21); glibenclamide (21) and simvastatin (52), comprising 83 different brands/products. All were manufactured in Indonesia, and all samples met specifications for both assay and dissolution. None was suspected of being falsified. CONCLUSIONS: While we cannot conclude that the prevalence of poor-quality medicines in Malang district is zero, our sampling method, which reflects likely exposure to specific brands and outlets, suggests that the risk to patients is very low; certainly nothing like the rates found in recent reviews of surveys in LMICs. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of sampling medicines based on likely exposure to specific products and underlines the dangers of extrapolating results across countries

    Piperantha:inovasi Terapi Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia Polyantha) dan Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fas/fas-l pada Regresi Pertumbuhan Kanker Serviks secara In Vitro

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    In this study, we evaluated Eugenia polyantha and Piper crocatum leaves alone and in combination for their anti-cancer properties on HeLa cells. The extraction method by using soxhlet and maceration. The phytochemical constituents of extract were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The anti-cancer property and mechanism of the extract were evaluated by its effect on cell viability and apoptosis. Total flavonoids content was higher in maceration than soxhlet extracts. Single extracts of Eugenia polyantha alone or Piper crocatum showed better anti-cancer activity than their combination. However, Eugenia polyantha extracts showed better anti-cancer activity than Piper crocatum extracts

    Kloning dan Ekspresi Gen Penyandi Antigen 78 dari Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Secara Sistim Heterolog

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    Antigen 78, protein dari Mycobacterium tuberculosis merupakan antigen yang dengan berat molekul 38kDa yang memiliki spesifisitas tinggi (95%). Untuk memproduksinya dalam jumlah yang besar secara konvensional, beberapa kendala yang harus dihadapi: fasilitas laboratorium dengan kriteria BSL3 yang sangat mahal, menurunnya aktivitas setelah purifikasi. Untuk itulah tim kami melakukan studi kemungkinan menghasilkan antigen secara rekombinan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kloning gen pab yang mengkode antigen 38 dari M. tuberculosis dan diekspresikan secara sistem heterolog di Escherhia coli. Segmen DNA antigen 38 diperoleh dengan cara mengamplifikasi DNA genom M. tuberculosis menggunakan polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Bakteri yang dipergunakan merupakan isolat liar, hasil biakan pasien TBC di Batu-Malang. Sebuah pita dengan besar 900bp dipurifikasi dan diligasikan ke vektor pGmT. pGemT kemudian ditransformasikan ke E. coli DH5α untuk mengecek sequensenya. Seleksi koloni-koloni yang berwarna putih dilakukan dimedia selektiv dengan X-gal. Sequensing segmen pab dilakukan dengan 3130x1 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystem). Analisa rangkaian DNA klon memperlihatkan homologi sebesar 95% dengan sequens M. tuberculosis H37Rv yang telah dipublikasikan. Klon ini kemudian digunakan untuk membuat konstruk ekspresi pab dengan system ekspresi pRoExHT dan selanjutnya ditransformasikan ke into E. coli DH5 α. Klon-klon yang dihasilkan dicek dengan PCR dan sequensing

    Interactions between Bacteriophages and Eukaryotic Cells

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    As the name implies, bacteriophage is a bacterium-specific virus. It infects and kills the bacterial host. Bacteriophages have gained attention as alternative antimicrobial entities in the science community in the western world since the alarming rise of antibiotic resistance among microbes. Although generally considered as prokaryote-specific viruses, recent studies indicate that bacteriophages can interact with eukaryotic organisms, including humans. In the current review, these interactions are divided into two categories, i.e., indirect and direct interactions, with the involvement of bacteriophages, bacteria, and eukaryotes. We discuss bacteriophage-related diseases, transcytosis of bacteriophages, bacteriophage interactions with cancer cells, collaboration of bacteriophages and eukaryotes against bacterial infections, and horizontal gene transfer between bacteriophages and eukaryotes. Such interactions are crucial for understanding and developing bacteriophages as the therapeutic agents and pharmaceutical delivery systems. With the advancement and combination of in silico, in vitro, and in vivo approaches and clinical trials, bacteriophages definitely serve as useful repertoire for biologic target-based drug development to manage many complex diseases in the future