52 research outputs found

    Dimensi Metrik Graf Buckminsterfullerene-Subdivisi dan Buckminsterfullerene-Star

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    Misalkan terdapat graf Buckminsterfullerene  dengan 60 titik. Graf Buckminsterfullerene-subdivisi, dinotasikan , , dikonstruksi dengan cara melakukan operasi subdivisi terhadap satu sisi tertentu di , yaitu penyisipan sebanyak  titik di sisi tersebut. Selanjutnya, Graf Buckminsterfullerene-star, dinotasikan , dikonstruksi dengan cara mengidentifikasi masing-masing satu titik daun dari lima graf bintang  dengan titik yang bersesuaian di Pada artikel ini akan ditentukan dimensi metrik dari dan  untuk

    Bilangan Kromatik Lokasi Pada Graf Amalgamasi Kipas Berekor

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    Misalkan = (, ) graf terhubung dan suatu -pewarnaan dari . Misalkan = {1, 2, . . . , } merupakan partisi terurut dari () ke dalam kelas warna yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan pewarnaan titik, maka representasi titik terhadap disebut kode warna dari , dinotasikan dengan (). Kode warna () dari suatu titik ∈ () didefinisikan sebagai k-pasang terurut, yait

    On Ramsey Minimal Graphs For (P4,Pn), For n≥5

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    For given two graphs G and H, the notation F \righttarrow (G,H) means that any red-blue coloring of all the edges of F contains a red copy of G as a subgraph or a blue copy of H as a subgraph. A graph F is Ramsey (G,H)-minimal if F \righttarrow (G,H)  and for any edge e in F then  F-e  \nrighttarrow (G,H). The class of all (G,H)-minimal graph, is denoted by \mathcal{R}(G,H). In this paper, some graph in  \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_5) are obtained. Then, a graph in \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_n)  for even n,  n>=6 and a graph in \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_n) for odd n, n>=7 is also obtained

    On the Ramsey Minimal Graphs for Matching and Disjoint Union of Complete Bipartite Graphs

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    Let G and H be two arbitrary graphs. The notation F -> (G,H) means that any red-blue coloring of every edge of F always resulting a red subgraph containing G  or a blue subgraph containing H. Denote F*:= F \ {e} for any edge of F. The notation F*/-> means that there exists a coloring of F* such that F* does not contain red G and blue H. The class R(G,H) states a set of graphs satisfying: (1) F -> (G,H) (2) For every edge e in F, F*:= F \ {e} /-> (G,H). In this paper, some graphs in R(aK_2, bK_3,n) are obtained, where aK_2 is a matching and bK_3,n  is a disjoint union of complete bipartite graphs K_3,n  for positive integer n

    On the Rainbow Connection Number for Snowflake Graph

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    Let G be an arbitrary non-trivial connected graph. An edge-colored graph G is called a rainbow connected if any two vertices are connected by a path whose edges have distinct colors, such path is called a rainbow path. The smallest number of colors required to make G rainbow connected is called the rainbow connection number of G, denoted by rc(G). A snowflake graph is a graph obtained by resembling one of the snowflake shapes into vertices and edges so that it forms a simple graph. Let  be a generalized snowflake graph, i.e., a graph with  paths of the stem,  pair of outer leaves,  middle circles, and  pairs of inner leaves. In this paper we determine the rainbow connection number for generalized snowflake graph

    On the Locating Chromatic Number of Barbell Shadow Path Graph

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    The locating-chromatic number was introduced by Chartrand in 2002. The locating chromatic number of a graph is a combined concept between the coloring and partition dimension of a graph. The locating chromatic number of a graph is defined as the cardinality of the minimum color classes of the graph. In this paper, we discuss about the locating-chromatic number of shadow path graph and barbell graph containing shadow graph

    Dimensi Partisi Graf Thorn dari Graf Kincir 〖Wd〗_2^m untuk m=1,2,3

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    Misalkan G = (V, E)  adalah  suatu  graf terhubung.  Himpunan  titik  V(G) dipartisi  menjadi  beberapa  partisi,  dan  Π = {S1, S2, ..., Sk } sebagai  himpunan yang berisikan  k-partisi  tersebut.  Misalkan  v ∈ V (G),  representasi  v terhadap Π didefinisikan sebagai r(v|Π)  = (d(v, S1), .., d(v, Sk )).  Π disebut  partisi  penye- lesaian jika setiap  titik  di G mempunyai  representasi  yang berbeda  terhadap Π. Kardinalitas yang minimum dari partisi  penyelesaian disebut  dimensi partisi  dari G, ditulis pd(G). Thorn  dari graf G, dengan parameter l1, l2, . . . , ln diperoleh dengan menambahkan daun sebanyak li ke titik vi  dari graf G, untuk  i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, dengan  li  ≥ 1.  Graf  thorn  dari  graf G dinotasikan  dengan  T h(G, l1, l2 , . . . , ln ). Pada  jurnal ini ditentukan dimensi partisi  graf thorn  dari graf kincir W d2m   untuk m = 1, 2, 3, dinotasikan  dengan T h(W d2m , l0 , l1, . . . , l2m ), untuk  i = 0, 1, 2, .., 2m.Kata kunci: Dimensi partisi,  graf thorn, graf kinci