70 research outputs found
Breeding Biology of Red-throated Loons in the Canadian Beaufort Sea Region
The breeding biology of the red-throated loon in the Canadian Beaufort Sea region was investigated 1985 to 1989. Five study plots were established with a total area of 276 sq. km and over 200 pairs of loons on territory each breeding season. Loon densities ranged from 0.6 pairs/sq. km on the Yukon coast to 1.8 pairs/sq. km at Toker Point on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. An average of 73% of the pairs on territory nested each year. Productivity averaged 0.63 young/nesting pair. The median date of egg laying ranged from 19 to 24 June in four years, but was 3 July in a year when spring thaw was late. The chicks fledged a mean of 47 d after hatch (n=10), the first clutch chicks leaving the nesting pond in late August to mid-September. In all but one year, the mortality rate was higher for eggs than chicks, with egg losses peaking in the second half of incubation. Most (82%) chick losses occurred within three weeks of hatch (n=61). Just 13% of the ponds were occupied in all five years of the study, while 39% were used in only one year. At two of the study plots, ponds with pairs that successfully reared at least one chick had a greater tendency to be occupied the following year than did ponds with unsuccessful pairs. At the other three plots, reuse of ponds was independent of breeding success the previous year.Key words: red-throated loon (Gavia stellata), breeding biology, Beaufort SeaOn a étudié la reproduction du huart à gorge rousse dans la partie canadienne de la mer de Beaufort de 1985 à 1989. À chacune des périodes de reproduction, on a observé plus de 200 couples de huarts territoriaux répartis dans cinq zones expérimentales couvrant une superficie totale de 276 km². La densité des huarts a varié de 0.6 couple par km² sur la côte du Yukon à 1.8 couple par km² à Toker Point sur la péninsule de Tuktoyaktuk. Le nombre moyen annuel de couples nicheurs territoriaux s'est élevé à 73%. La productivité moyenne a été de 0.63 oisillon par couple nicheur. La date médiane de ponte s'est située du 19 au 24 juin pour quatre des cinq années; l'autre année la date médiane de ponte a été le 3 juillet à cause d'un dégel printanier tardif. Le premier vol des oisillons a eu lieu en moyenne 47 jours après l'éclosion (n = 10), la première couvée quittant l'étang de nidification entre la fin août et la mi-septembre. À l'exception d'une année, le taux de mortalité a toujours été plus élevé dans le cas des oeufs que dans celui des oisillons et a été maximal pendant la deuxième moitié de l'incubation. La mortalité des oisillons a particulièrement été forte (82%) au cours des trois premières semaines suivant l'éclosion (n = 61). Seuls 13% des étangs ont été utilisés pendant les cinq années de l'étude alors que 39% l'ont été pendant seulement une année. Le succès de la reproduction n'a eu un effet sur la réutilisation d'un étang l'année suivante que dans deux des cinq zones expérimentales.Mots clés: huart à gorge rousse (Gavia stellata), reproduction, mer de Beaufor
Surfacing in the Ecofeminist Classroom
After an overview of current debates in ecofeminist theory, this essay demonstrates how Atwood's Surfacing is a central text in the ecofeminist classroom. Published in 1972, Atwood's novel anticipates many contemporary debates in ecofeminism. Surfacing underscores the damaging impact of patriarchal structures, while also assigning responsibility for environmental degradation to men and women both.AprÚs un survol des débats courants sur la théorie écoféministe, cet article démontre comment Surfacing d'Atwood est un texte central dans la classe d'éco-féminisme. Surfacing souligne l'impact des structures patriarcales, tout en assignant la responsabilité pour la dégradation environnementale des hommes et des femmes
Spring Migration and Subsistence Hunting of King and Common Eiders at Holman, Northwest Territories, 1996-98
A subsistence hunt for eiders by Innuvialuit of Holman, Northwest Territories, was observed over three spring harvest seasons from 1966 to 1998 to determine rates of crippling loss and to assess the sustainability of the harvest. King eiders (Somateria spectabilis) are the dominant waterfowl species harvested. The number of king eiders estimated to migrate past Holman in spring varied from 40 696 ± 4461 (95% confidence interval) in 1996 to 70 018 ± 14 356 in 1998, averaging 53 000 per year. Common eiders (Somateria mollissima v-nigra) were much less abundant, varying from 2728 ± 631 to 6017 ± 770 birds, averaging 4400 annually. Peak numbers of king eiders moved through the study area in 1-8 days during the second to third week of June in all years, and common eiders peaked in 1-8 days during the first to second week of June. Strong winds may have hindered migration for a few days. Crippling loss rates during the hunt were low (3-9%) in the first two years of the study, but increased to 13-20% in the early open-water spring of 1998, when hunters were forced to shoot over open water rather than shorefast ice. On the basis of these estimates and harvest data from the Inuvialuit Harvest Study, we determined that Holman hunters removed 3.7-6.9% of the king eider subpopulation and less than 1% of the common eiders over the three-year study period. The present level of harvest of eiders available to Holman hunters is likely sustainable. However, more information on natural mortality and recruitment rates, particularly for king eiders, is needed to confirm this.La chasse de subsistance Ă l'eider menĂ©e par les Inuvialuit de Holman (Territoires du Nord-Ouest) a fait l'objet d'un Ă©tude sur les trois saisons de rĂ©coltes printaniĂšres allant de 1996 Ă 1998, afin de dĂ©terminer les taux de pertes dues aux blessures et d'Ă©valuer la viabilitĂ© de la rĂ©colte. L'eider Ă tĂȘte grise (Somateria spectabilis) reprĂ©sente la plus importante espĂšce de sauvagine rĂ©coltĂ©e. L'estimation du nombre d'eiders Ă tĂȘte grise passant prĂšs d'Holman durant la migration printaniĂšre variait de 40 696 ± 4461 (intervalle de confiance de 95 p.cent) en 1996 Ă 70 018 ± 14356 en 1998, soit une moyenne annuelle de 53 000. L'eider Ă duvet (Somateria mollissima v-nigra) Ă©tait beaucoup moins abondant, variant de 2728 ± 631 Ă 6017 ± 770 individus, soit une moyenne annuelle de 4400. Le nombre d'eiders Ă tĂȘte grise passant dans la zone d'Ă©tude atteignait chaque annĂ©e son apogĂ©e durant 1 Ă 8 jours pendant la deuxiĂšme et la troisiĂšme semaine de juin, et celui des eiders Ă duvet durant 1 Ă 8 jours pendant la premiĂšre quinzaine de juin. Il se peut que des vents forts aient entravĂ© la migration pendant quelques jours. Le taux de pertes dues aux blessures survenues au cours de la chasse Ă©tait faible (de 3 Ă 9 p.cent) durant les deux premiĂšres annĂ©es de l'Ă©tude, mais a augmentĂ© jusqu'ĂĄ 13 Ă 20 p.cent au dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode d'eau libre printaniĂšre de 1998, quand les chasseurs devaient tirer au-dessus de l'eau libre plutĂŽt qu'au-dessus de la glace de rive. En s'appuyant sur ces estimations et sur les donnĂ©es de prĂ©lĂšvements renfermĂ©es dans l'Ă©tude sur la rĂ©colte des Inuvialuit, on a Ă©tabli que les chasseurs d'Holman avaient prĂ©levĂ© de 3,7 Ă 6,9 p.cent de la sous-population, de l'eider Ă tĂȘte grise et moins de 1 p.cent de l'eider Ă duvet au cours des trois annĂ©es constituant la pĂ©riode d'Ă©tude. Il semble que le niveau de rĂ©colte actuel de l'eider s'offrant aux chasseurs d'Holman soit viable, mais pour le confirmer, on a besoin d'un supplĂ©ment d'information sur la mortalitĂ© naturelle et les taux de recrutement, en particulier dans le cas de l'eider Ă tĂȘte grise.eider Ă tĂȘte grise; Somateria spectabilis; eider Ă duvet; Somateria mollissima v-nigra; rĂ©colte; pertes dues aux blessures; migratio
Status of Marine Birds of the Southeastern Beaufort Sea
This summary and update of information on the marine birds of the southeastern Beaufort Sea is intended to support discussions on how to improve management of marine resources in the Canadian Beaufort Sea region. Perhaps the most outstanding use of the Beaufort Sea by marine birds is the staging during spring migration by hundreds of thousands of eiders and long-tailed ducks in the early open water off Cape Bathurst and Banks Island. During midsummer, tens of thousands of long-tailed ducks, scoters, scaup, and mergansers moult in the sheltered bays and behind barrier beaches and spits. Although several species of geese, ducks, loons, gulls, and terns nest on islands and in wetlands along the Beaufort Sea coast, this region has relatively few nesting seabirds compared to eastern Arctic Canada and the Bering Sea. Two possible reasons for this are a shortage of cliffs suitable for nesting and a lack of pelagic fish. The five most common sea duck species that occur in the region, long-tailed duck, king eider, common eider, surf scoter, and white-winged scoter, have all declined in numbers since the mid-1970s. Western Arctic brant populations have also declined, although their status within the Beaufort Sea region is unclear. Brant and king eider are the only marine bird species harvested there in substantial numbers. Other threats to Beaufort Sea marine bird populations include oil spills, global warming, coastal development, and contaminants. Certain threats can be managed at a local level since they are a result of local economic development, but others, such as global warming or loss of critical wintering areas, stem from environmental problems outside the region. Solving these issues will require mutual understanding and commitment on the part of numerous countries.Cette rĂ©capitulation et mise Ă jour de l'information sur les oiseaux marins du sud-est de la mer de Beaufort ont Ă©tĂ© faites dans le but de fournir des arguments sur la façon d'amĂ©liorer la gestion des ressources marines dans la zone canadienne de la mer de Beaufort. L'utilisation la plus notable que font les oiseaux marins de la mer de Beaufort est peut-ĂȘtre en tant que halte durant la migration printaniĂšre de centaines de milliers d'eiders et de canards Ă longue queue dans les premiĂšres eaux libres au large du cap Bathurst et de l'Ăźle Banks. Au milieu de l'Ă©tĂ©, des dizaines de milliers de canards Ă longue queue, de macreuses, de fuligules milouinans et de harles muent dans les baies abritĂ©es et en arriĂšre des flĂšches et cordons littoraux. MĂȘme si plusieurs espĂšces d'oies, de canards, de huarts, de mouettes et de sternes nichent sur les Ăźles et dans les zones humides longeant le rivage de la mer de Beaufort, cette rĂ©gion voit relativement peu d'oiseaux marins qui viennent y nicher en comparaison de l'est du Canada arctique et de la mer de BĂ©ring. Il y a deux raisons possibles Ă cet Ă©tat de choses: trop peu de falaises propices Ă l'Ă©tablissement de nids et un manque de poissons pĂ©lagiques. Les cinq espĂšces de canards de mer les plus courantes dans la rĂ©gion, Ă savoir, le canard Ă longue queue, l'eider Ă tĂȘte grise, l'eider Ă duvet, la macreuse Ă front blanc et la macreuse brune, ont toutes vu leurs nombres dĂ©cliner depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 1970. La population de bernaches cravants de l'ouest de l'Arctique est Ă©galement en dĂ©clin, bien que le statut de cet oiseau au sein de la rĂ©gion de la mer de Beaufort ne soit pas Ă©vident. La bernache cravant et l'eider Ă tĂȘte grise sont les seules espĂšces d'oiseaux marins prĂ©levĂ©es en nombre important Ă cet endroit. Parmi les autres facteurs qui menacent les populations d'oiseaux marins de la mer de Beaufort, on compte les dĂ©versements d'hydrocarbures, le rĂ©chauffement climatique, l'amĂ©nagement du littoral et les contaminants. Certaines menaces peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ©es au niveau local vu qu'elles rĂ©sultent du dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique local, mais d'autres comme le rĂ©chauffement climatique ou la perte d'aires d'hivernage critiques sont issues d'enjeux environnementaux extĂ©rieurs Ă la rĂ©gion. La rĂ©solution de ces problĂšmes passe obligatoirement par une comprĂ©hension et un engagement mutuels de la part de nombreux pays
A Common Eider Ă King Eider Hybrid Captured on the Kent Peninsula, Nunavut
On 25 June 2002, we captured and recorded measurements of a male common eider (Somateria mollissima) Ă king eider (S. spectabilis) hybrid at Nauyak Lake, on the Kent Peninsula, Nunavut. This is the first documented capture of a hybrid eider, rarely observed in North America. Structural body measurements and mass of the hybrid were intermediate compared to those of Pacific common eiders (S. m. v-nigrum) at the same study site and king eiders at a nearby study site during the same time of year. The plumage of the captured hybrid had characteristics of both parent species. Mate pairing on overlapping spring staging or wintering areas of common and king eiders may occasionally result in hybrid offspring.Le 25 juin 2002, nous avons capturĂ© un hybride composĂ© dâun eider Ă duvet (Somateria mollissima) Ă un eider Ă tĂȘte grise (S. spectabilis) au lac Nauyak, dans la pĂ©ninsule de Kent, au Nunavut, puis nous avons pris note de ses mesures. Il sâagit de la premiĂšre capture rĂ©pertoriĂ©e dâun eider hybride, ce qui est rarement observĂ© en AmĂ©rique du Nord. Les mesures et la masse de la structure corporelle de lâhybride Ă©taient intermĂ©diaires comparativement Ă celles des eiders Ă duvet du Pacifique (S. m. v-nigrum) du mĂȘme lieu dâĂ©tude et Ă celles des eiders Ă tĂȘte grise dâun lieu dâĂ©tude avoisinant pendant la mĂȘme pĂ©riode de lâannĂ©e. Le plumage de lâhybride que nous avons capturĂ© prĂ©sentait des caractĂ©ristiques des deux espĂšces. Il arrive parfois que les accouplements aux haltes migratoires du printemps ou aux aires dâhivernage partagĂ©es par les eiders Ă duvet et les eiders Ă tĂȘte grise donnent lieu Ă une progĂ©niture hybride
The use of cannabis seeds as a natural contraceptive: a case of Zambia
The link between population growth or fertility rates and socio-economic development is unquestionable, hence, the increasing call for more investment in family planning programs and research. Zambia is a country in Sub-Sahara Africa with one of the highest fertility rates in the world, high unmet need for modern contraceptives, high rate of teenage pregnancy, high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate, high occurrence of early marriages and a predominantly young population. In response to this harsh reality, the Zambian government is determined to transform the economy by taking advantage of the opportunity that this demographic dividend presents
Collateral damage to marine and terrestrial ecosystems from Yankee whaling in the 19th century
Yankee whalers of the 19th century had major impacts on populations of large whales, but these leviathans were not the only taxa targeted. Here, we describe the âcollateral damage,â the opportunistic or targeted taking of nongreat whale species by the American whaling industry. Using data from 5,064 records from 79 whaling logs occurring between 1840 and 1901, we show that Yankee whalers captured 5,255 animals across three large ocean basins from 32 different taxonomic categories, including a wide range of marine and terrestrial species. The taxa with the greatest number of individuals captured were walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), ducks (family Anatidae), and cod (Gadus sp.). By biomass, the most captured species were walruses, grampus (a poorly defined group within Odontoceti), and seals (family Otariidae). The whalers captured over 2.4 million kg of nongreat whale meat equaling approximately 34 kg of meat per ship per day at sea. The species and areas targeted shifted over time in response to overexploitation of whale populations, with likely intensive local impacts on terrestrial species associated with multiyear whaling camps. Our results show that the ecosystem impacts of whaling reverberated on both marine and coastal environments
Stillbirths: ending preventable deaths by 2030
Efforts to achieve the new worldwide goals for maternal and child survival will also prevent stillbirth and improve health and developmental outcomes. However, the number of annual stillbirths remains unchanged since 2011 and is unacceptably high: an estimated 2·6 million in 2015. Failure to consistently include global targets or indicators for stillbirth in post-2015 initiatives shows that stillbirths are hidden in the worldwide agenda. This Series paper summarises findings from previous papers in this Series, presents new analyses, and proposes specific criteria for successful integration of stillbirths into post-2015 initiatives for womenâs and childrenâs health. Five priority areas to change the stillbirth trend include intentional leadership; increased voice, especially of women; implementation of integrated interventions with commensurate investment; indicators to measure effect of interventions and especially to monitor progress; and investigation into crucial knowledge gaps. The post-2015 agenda represents opportunities for all stakeholders to act together to end all preventable deaths, including stillbirths
Consistent Association of Type 2 Diabetes Risk Variants Found in Europeans in Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups
It has been recently hypothesized that many of the signals detected in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to T2D and other diseases, despite being observed to common variants, might in fact result from causal mutations that are rare. One prediction of this hypothesis is that the allelic associations should be population-specific, as the causal mutations arose after the migrations that established different populations around the world. We selected 19 common variants found to be reproducibly associated to T2D risk in European populations and studied them in a large multiethnic case-control study (6,142 cases and 7,403 controls) among men and women from 5 racial/ethnic groups (European Americans, African Americans, Latinos, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians). In analysis pooled across ethnic groups, the allelic associations were in the same direction as the original report for all 19 variants, and 14 of the 19 were significantly associated with risk. In summing the number of risk alleles for each individual, the per-allele associations were highly statistically significant (P<10â4) and similar in all populations (odds ratios 1.09â1.12) except in Japanese Americans the estimated effect per allele was larger than in the other populations (1.20; Phetâ=â3.8Ă10â4). We did not observe ethnic differences in the distribution of risk that would explain the increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes in these groups as compared to European Americans. The consistency of allelic associations in diverse racial/ethnic groups is not predicted under the hypothesis of Goldstein regarding âsynthetic associationsâ of rare mutations in T2D
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