29 research outputs found

    Acute coronary syndrome-associated depression: Getting to the heart of the data

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    Objectives: We sought to identify and consider methodological issues that may have limited or confounded investigations into links between depression and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) events. Methods: We reviewed salient research studies to identify such issues. Results: Against previous conclusions, we found that lifetime depression is unlikely to have any primary ACS impact, while we clarify that ‘incident depression’ (depression commencing at variable periods around the time of the ACS event) appears to confer a greater risk than non-incident depression. As the time periods of incident depressions are likely to have quite differing causes, evaluating any consolidated risk period appears unwise. It remains unclear whether it is ‘depression’ that provides the risk for ACS events or a higher order factor. Variable use of depression measures and failure to evaluate depressive sub-types have further limited clarification. The response by ACS patients to antidepressant medication appears limited, and it remains to be determined whether exposure to an antidepressant might be a contributing factor. Finally, studies may have focused on an excessively refined association, and neglected to recognise that depression is associated with a wide range of vascular events, suggesting that a broader conceptual model may be required. Limitations: The authors have considered only a limited set of studies in preparing this review, with the critique relying at times on subjective interpretation. Conclusions: After decades of research pursuing links between depression and ACS events explanatory links remain obscure, presumably reflecting a range of methodological issues that we have discussed in this paper

    Characterization of white mold disease avoidance in common bean

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    White mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a devastating fungal disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) worldwide. Physiological resistance and disease avoidance conferred by plant architecture-related traits contribute to white mold field resistance. Our objective was to further examine white mold disease avoidance in common bean. A comparative map composed of 79 quantitative trait loci (QTL) for white mold resistance (27), disease avoidance traits (36) and root traits (16) was generated. Thirteen white mold resistance QTL, six with strong and seven with weak associations with disease avoidance traits, were observed. Root length and lodging QTL co-located in three regions. Canopy porosity and height, and lodging were highly correlated with disease severity score in field screening trials conducted from 2000 to 2011. Resistance to lodging was extremely important for reducing disease severity in both dry and snap bean (r= 0.61 across 11 trials). Avoidance traits were less effective in reducing disease severity in trials with heavy disease pressure. Dry bean lines with physiological resistance in combination with disease avoidance traits did not require fungicide application to protect yield potential under moderate and heavy disease pressure. Given the complexity of disease resistance as evidenced by the comparative QTL map, marker-assisted breeding for disease avoidance is not recommended at this time. Instead, selecting for resistance to white mold in the field, in combination with high yield potential and acceptable maturity, is the recommended strategy for improving both disease avoidance and physiological resistance to white mold in cultivars with commercially acceptable agronomic traits

    Data from: Inferring outcrossing in the homothallic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using linkage disequilibrium decay

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    The occurrence and frequency of outcrossing in homothallic fungal species in nature is an unresolved question. Here we report detection of frequent outcrossing in the homothallic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In using multilocus linkage disequilibrium (LD) to infer recombination among microsatellite alleles, high mutation rates confound the estimates of recombination. To distinguish high mutation rates from recombination to infer outcrossing, 8 population samples comprising 268 S. sclerotiorum isolates from widely distributed agricultural fields were genotyped for 12 microsatellite markers, resulting in multiple polymorphic markers on three chromosomes. Each isolate was homokaryotic for the 12 loci. Pairwise LD was estimated using three methods: Fisher’s exact test, index of association (IA) and Hedrick’s D′. For most of the populations, pairwise LD decayed with increasing physical distance between loci in two of the three chromosomes. Therefore, the observed recombination of alleles cannot be simply attributed to mutation alone. Different recombination rates in various DNA regions (recombination hot/cold spots) and different evolutionary histories of the populations could explain the observed differences in rates of LD decay among the chromosomes and among populations. The majority of the isolates exhibited mycelial incompatibility, minimizing the possibility of heterokaryon formation and mitotic recombination. Thus, the observed high intrachromosomal recombination is due to meiotic recombination, suggesting frequent outcrossing in these populations, supporting the view that homothallism favors universal compatibility of gametes instead of traditionally believed haploid selfing in S. sclerotiorum. Frequent outcrossing facilitates emergence and spread of new traits such as fungicide resistance, increasing difficulties in managing Sclerotinia diseases

    Confirmation of Fusarium root rot resistance QTL Fsp-Ps 2.1 of pea under controlled conditions

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    Abstract Background Dry pea production has increased substantially in North America over the last few decades. With this expansion, significant yield losses have been attributed to an escalation in Fusarium root rots in pea fields. Among the most significant rot rotting pathogenic fungal species, Fusarium solani fsp. pisi (Fsp) is one of the main causal agents of root rot of pea. High levels of partial resistance to Fsp has been identified in plant genetic resources. Genetic resistance offers one of the best solutions to control this root rotting fungus. A recombinant inbred population segregating for high levels of partial resistance, previously single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing, was phenotyped for disease reaction in replicated and repeated greenhouse trials. Composite interval mapping was deployed to identify resistance-associated quantitative trait loci (QTL). Results Three QTL were identified using three disease reaction criteria: root disease severity, ratios of diseased vs. healthy shoot heights and dry plant weights under controlled conditions using pure cultures of Fusarium solani fsp. pisi. One QTL Fsp-Ps 2.1 explains 44.4–53.4% of the variance with a narrow confidence interval of 1.2 cM. The second and third QTL Fsp-Ps3.2 and Fsp-Ps3.3 are closely linked and explain only 3.6–4.6% of the variance. All of the alleles are contributed by the resistant parent PI 180693. Conclusion With the confirmation of Fsp-Ps 2.1 now in two RIL populations, SNPs associated with this region make a good target for marker-assisted selection in pea breeding programs to obtain high levels of partial resistance to Fusarium root rot caused by Fusarium solani fsp. pisi

    The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders

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    Objectives: To provide advice and guidance regarding the management of mood disorders, derived from scientific evidence and supplemented by expert clinical consensus to formulate s that maximise clinical utility. Methods: Articles and information sourced from search engines including PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Google Scholar were supplemented by literature known to the mood disorders committee (e.g. books, book chapters and government reports) and from published depression and bipolar disorder guidelines. Relevant information was appraised and discussed in detail by members of the mood disorders committee, with a view to formulating and developing consensus-based recommendations and clinical guidance. The guidelines were subjected to rigorous consultation and external review involving: expert and clinical advisors, key stakeholders, professional bodies and specialist groups with interest in mood disorders. Results: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists mood disorders clinical practice guidelines 2020 (MDcpg2020) provide up-to-date guidance regarding the management of mood disorders that is informed by evidence and clinical experience. The guideline is intended for clinical use by psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians and others with an interest in mental health care. Conclusion: The MDcpg2020 builds on the previous 2015 guidelines and maintains its joint focus on both depressive and bipolar disorders. It provides up-to-date recommendations and guidance within an evidence-based framework, supplemented by expert clinical consensus. Mood disorders committee: Gin S Malhi (Chair), Erica Bell, Darryl Bassett, Philip Boyce, Richard Bryant, Philip Hazell, Malcolm Hopwood, Bill Lyndon, Roger Mulder, Richard Porter, Ajeet B Singh and Greg Murray. </jats:sec

    List of Microsatellite alleles

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    The microsatellite allele sizes (in baseapirs, ?=missing data) are listed under respective loci for all isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

    Dissecting the Genetic Architecture of Aphanomyces Root Rot Resistance in Lentil by QTL Mapping and Genome-Wide Association Study

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    Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) is an important source of protein for people in developing countries. Aphanomyces root rot (ARR) has emerged as one of the most devastating diseases affecting lentil production. In this study, we applied two complementary quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis approaches to unravel the genetic architecture underlying this complex trait. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population and an association mapping population were genotyped using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to discover novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). QTL mapping identified 19 QTL associated with ARR resistance, while association mapping detected 38 QTL and highlighted accumulation of favorable haplotypes in most of the resistant accessions. Seven QTL clusters were discovered on six chromosomes, and 15 putative genes were identified within the QTL clusters. To validate QTL mapping and genome-wide association study (GWAS) results, expression analysis of five selected genes was conducted on partially resistant and susceptible accessions. Three of the genes were differentially expressed at early stages of infection, two of which may be associated with ARR resistance. Our findings provide valuable insight into the genetic control of ARR, and genetic and genomic resources developed here can be used to accelerate development of lentil cultivars with high levels of partial resistance to ARR