13 research outputs found

    Comparison of Torpedograss and Pickerelweed Susceptibility to Glyphosate

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    Torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) is one of the most invasive exotic plants in aquatic systems. Repeat applications of (N-phosphonomethyl) glycine (glyphosate) herbicides provide limited control of torpedograss; unfortunately, glyphosate often negatively impacts most non-target native species that grow alongside the weed. This experiment studied the effect of glyphosate on pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata L.), a native plant that shares habitats with torpedograss. Actively growing plants of torpedograss and pickerelweed were cultured in 8-liter containers and sprayed to wet with one of four rates of glyphosate: 0%, 0.75%, 1.0%, or 1.5%. Each treatment included a surfactant to aid in herbicide uptake and a surface dye to verify uniform application of the treatments. All herbicide treatments were applied with a backpack sprayer to intact plants and to cut stubble of both species. Four replicates were treated for each species-rategrowth combination during each of two experiment periods. Plant dry weights 8 weeks after herbicide application suggest that torpedograss was effectively controlled by the highest rate of glyphosate applied to cut stubble. Pickerelweed was unaffected when the highest rate of glyphosate was applied as a cut-and-spray treatment. These data suggest that a cut-and-spray application of a 1.5% solution of glyphosate may be an effective strategy to control torpedograss without deleteriously affecting pickerelweed. (PDF contains 4 pages.

    A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose... Or Is It? Ecotypes versus Locally Sourced Plants for Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Projects

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    Horticulturists and agronomists have a long history of using selective breeding to take advantage of intraspecific (within-species) variation with the goal of developing novel varieties of plant species. These efforts are responsible for the availability of countless improved food, forage, and ornamental varieties that are valued by farmers, landscapers, and home gardeners. In contrast, little attention has been paid to the idea of evaluating intraspecific variation to identify plants derived from a specific ecosystem (ecotypes) of native species that could improve the success rate of habitat restoration and enhancement projects, especially in aquatic systems. These projects often specify that plant material used for restoration be collected from local donor sites to preserve the area’s gene pool, but nearby source populations may be nonexistent or may not be well-adapted to conditions at the recipient (transplant) site. This paper, which summarizes information presented at the American Society for Horticultural Science Invasive Plants Research Professional Interest Group workshop in 2022, provides evidence that unimproved, wild-type species can be useful in aquatic habitat restoration and enhancement projects, particularly when conditions at sites targeted for restoration differ from those in nearby systems, or when sites are expected to undergo shifts in conditions because of factors such as climate change

    Herbicides in Aquatic Systems

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    Novel tools and best practices for education about invasive alien species

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    Increasing public awareness is a prerequisite for successful management of invasive alien species (IAS). Environmental education can play an important role in this process by providing relevant learning outcomes and experiences for youth and students, as well as professionals in different sectors associated with introduction pathways or who are involved in mitigation and eradication of IAS. This paper responds to the urgent call for the inclusion of the IAS topic in education through the development, implementation and evaluation of novel and user-friendly educational materials. The aim of this paper is to describe best practices in IAS education and to share the lessons learned from eight educational projects from seven different countries. We discuss four challenges for IAS education, related to (1) inconsistent and ambiguous terminology, (2) communicating risk, (3) implementation of education materials, and (4) evaluation of learning effects. Examples of best practices are the use of smartphone applications and gaming elements, place-based education and exhibitions. We also note the importance of open access publishing of education materials to make them easily available. We intend this discussion to serve as a source of inspiration to researchers, science communicators and teachers and to spur the development of new teaching materials worldwide.Peer reviewe

    Identifying invasive species threats, pathways, and impacts to improve biosecurity

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    Managing invasive species with prevention and early-detection strategies can avert severe ecological and economic impacts. Horizon scanning, an evidence-based process combining risk screening and consensus building to identify threats, has become a valuable tool for prioritizing invasive species management and prevention. We assembled a working group of experts from academic, government, and nonprofit agencies and organizations, and conducted a multi-taxa horizon scan for Florida, USA, the first of its kind in North America. Our primary objectives were to identify high-risk species and their introduction pathways, to detail the magnitude and mechanism of potential impacts, and, more broadly, to demonstrate the utility of horizon scanning. As a means to facilitate future horizon scans, we document the process used to generate the list of taxa for screening. We evaluated 460 taxa for their potential to arrive, establish, and cause negative ecological and socioeconomic impacts, and identified 40 potential invaders, including alewife, zebra mussel, crab-eating macaque, and red swamp crayfish. Vertebrates and aquatic invertebrates posed the greatest invasion threat, over half of the high-risk taxa were omnivores, and there was high confidence in the scoring of high-risk taxa. Common arrival pathways were ballast water, biofouling of vessels, and escape from the pet/aquarium/horticulture trade. Competition, predation, and damage to agriculture/forestry/aquaculture were common impact mechanisms. We recommend full risk analysis for the high-risk taxa; increased surveillance at Florida's ports, state borders, and high-risk pathways; and periodic review and revision of the list. Few horizon scans detail the comprehensive methodology (including list-building), certainty estimates for all scoring categories and the final score, detailed pathways, and the magnitude and mechanism of impact. Providing this information can further inform prevention efforts and can be efficiently replicated in other regions. Moreover, harmonizing methodology can facilitate data sharing and enhance interpretation of results for stakeholders and the general public.</p

    The University of Florida IFAS (UF/IFAS) Aquatic Weed Control Short Course: A Statewide Training Program for Pesticide Applicators

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    The University of Florida IFAS Aquatic Weed Control Short Course is an Extension program that has been in existence since the 1980’s. A primary goal of the program is to provide training to Florida’s licensed pesticide applicators and individuals seeking initial licensing. Historically, surveys reveal that the vast majority gained useful knowledge and insights applicable to their situations, their expectations for learning were met, and they were overwhelmingly satisfied with their experience. Stakeholders include individuals from a diversity of employment sectors with varying levels of experience. Results show that the needs of these stakeholders are being met by the annual event

    Know thy enemy: Investigating genetic contributions from putative parents of invasive Nymphaea mexicana hybrids in South Africa as part of efforts to develop biological control

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    Hybridisation of alien invasive plants complicates efforts to develop biological control, because variations in the genetic makeup of the target plant can impact the survival of host specific agents that have evolved adaptations specific to the original host. To maximise the likelihood of success in a biological control program, potential agents should therefore be collected from populations in the region of origin that are genetically similar to plants in the invaded range. Molecular markers are useful tools to understand genetic contributions in hybrid populations, especially where morphological differentiation is difficult. Nymphaea mexicana Zuccarini (Nymphaeaceae) is an invasive alien plant in South Africa that is being targeted for biological control, but hybrids with intermediate morphological traits are also present at several sites. In this study, ISSR (inter simple sequence repeats) and ITS (internal transcribed spacer) markers were used to determine which Nymphaea species are likely to be putative parents of these hybrids, and morphological characters were also investigated to determine if genetic and morphological traits matched. Two major hybrid groups were identified, with one group clustering with Nymphaea odorata Aiton and the other clustering with Nymphaea alba L. A third, smaller group clustered with Nymphaea tetragona Georgi, whereas the remaining samples clustered with pure N. mexicana from the native range. Morphological features agreed with deductions drawn from molecular data. These results allow us to focus efforts to find compatible biological control agents and better understand the complicated genetic structure of N. mexicana and Nymphaea hybrids in South Africa

    Monitoring the Efficacy of Crested Floatingheart (Nymphoides cristata) Management with Object-Based Image Analysis of UAS Imagery

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    This study investigates the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) mapping for monitoring the efficacy of invasive aquatic vegetation (AV) management on a floating-leaved AV species, Nymphoides cristata (CFH). The study site consists of 48 treatment plots (TPs). Based on six unique flights over two days at three different flight altitudes while using both a multispectral and RGB sensor, accuracy assessment of the final object-based image analysis (OBIA)-derived classified images yielded overall accuracies ranging from 89.6% to 95.4%. The multispectral sensor was significantly more accurate than the RGB sensor at measuring CFH areal coverage within each TP only with the highest multispectral, spatial resolution (2.7 cm/pix at 40 m altitude). When measuring response in the AV community area between the day of treatment and two weeks after treatment, there was no significant difference between the temporal area change from the reference datasets and the area changes derived from either the RGB or multispectral sensor. Thus, water resource managers need to weigh small gains in accuracy from using multispectral sensors against other operational considerations such as the additional processing time due to increased file sizes, higher financial costs for equipment procurements, and longer flight durations in the field when operating multispectral sensors