35 research outputs found

    Aquaculture vis-a-vis agriculture

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    The effect of aquaculture, especially shrimp farming, on agriculture has caused heated debate among aquaculturists, agriculturists, and non-governmental organizations. As data on the negative impact of shrimp farming on adjacent rice fields are not available, a study was undertaken in rice fields skirting three shrimp farms: a semi-intensive farm; an extensive farm; and a semi-intensive farm with a buffer zone. The buffer zone was found to be helpful in preventing salinization of the adjacent agricultural fields and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) values (less than 1) reported were found to be harmless to the rice crop. Thus, aquaculture and agriculture can coexist in coastal areas if there are buffer zones in between

    Krusadai Island: the Biologist's Paradise

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    The name Krusadai may symbolically mean Lord Shiva with matted locks - as a manifestation of Lord Dakshinamurti. The exact meaning of the word Krusadai is difficult to fathom . 'Kru' (as a corrupt form of 'Kuru' may also mean short or abridged) is perhaps wrongly spelt for Guru meaning Teacher or Mentor. (in Tamil,in both ways 'Kru' or 'Guru', it could be written). Assuming its Tamil version of the word 'Kru' to mean Guru = i.e ., 'Mentor' or Nestor - and 'Sadai' meaning matted locks, we can visualise the picture of Lord Dakshinamurti. In its serene atmosphere, the place is veritably ' an eternal abode for silent meditation. Lord Dakshinamurti is known to teach and dispel all doubts of 'sishayas' or disciples by transmitting the lessons of discourses and answers and replies to doubts raised ''through thought waves" in eloquent silence and in eternal bliss, when and where speech becomes superfluous

    Coral : "The excellent bone graft material"

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    Man's first use of corals can be traced back almost to 25,000 years as evidenced through small beads of perforated red corals recovered from the burial sites in Europe. These were perhaps used as ornaments and possibility traded by early man

    Present status of coral reefs in Gulf of Mannar Islands

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    Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world. Typically they contain number of specialised species representing almost all groups of marine animals. One of the reasons for the great diversity of life in coral reef is the diversified habitats they offer. The great number of holes and crevices in the reef provides abundant shelter for fishes and invertebrates. Coral reefs are also important nurseries and are thus a peculiar store house and repository of various animals

    Efficiency of universal barcode gene (Cox1) on morphologically cryptic Mugilidae fishes delineation.

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    An effort was made to assess the utility of 650 bp partial Cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (DNA barcode) gene in delineating the members of taxonomically ambiguous marine fin fishes (Family: Mugilidae). To address the issue we used all the 95 barcode sequences of Mugilidae family available at NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnological Information) along with the barcode data generated from Mugilidae fishes of Parangipettai coastal waters. The average GC content of Mugilidae was found to be 46.46%. Crenimugil crenilabis showed less GC content (44.55%) whereas Liza macrolepis showed high GC content (48.53%) among the mullet species studied. The phylogenetic and genetic distance data showed that Mugil platanus and M. liza represent the continuum of same species. Among the members of family Mugilidae, the genus Mugil might possibly contains more haplotype diversity as revealed by intra-species genetic distance data. Species within genera of Mugilidae family invariably clustered in single clade with high bootstrap value. We conclude that partial COI sequencing (barcoding) in identifying the members of the family and that way has resolved the taxonomic ambiguity among the members of the family Mugilidae

    Pattern of accumulation of heavy metals (Copper and Zinc) in the estuarine hermit crab <i>Clibanarius longitarsus </i>(De Hann)

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    117-120The 96 h LC50 value of copper and zinc was 8ppm and 12ppm respectively for Clibanarius longitarsus. Based on the LC50 value, three sublethal concentrations were chosen for individual exposure in each metal. Pattern of accumulation of heavy metals in the tissues of C. longitarsus noticed in the laboratory was similar to what was observed in the environment: hepatopancreas > ovary > muscle (exposed to both the metals–copper and zinc). Further, increased uptake of metals by tissues was recorded with increase in the test concentrations

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    Not AvailableThe name Krusadai may symbolically mean Lord Shiva with matted locks - as a manifestation of Lord Dakshinamurti. The exact meaning of the word Krusadai is difficult to fathom . 'Kru' (as a corrupt form of 'Kuru' may also mean short or abridged) is perhaps wrongly spelt for Guru meaning Teacher or Mentor. (in Tamil,in both ways 'Kru' or 'Guru', it could be written). Assuming its Tamil version of the word 'Kru' to mean Guru = i.e ., 'Mentor' or Nestor - and 'Sadai' meaning matted locks, we can visualise the picture of Lord Dakshinamurti. In its serene atmosphere, the place is veritably ' an eternal abode for silent meditation. Lord Dakshinamurti is known to teach and dispel all doubts of 'sishayas' or disciples by transmitting the lessons of discourses and answers and replies to doubts raised ''through thought waves" in eloquent silence and in eternal bliss, when and where speech becomes superfluous!Not Availabl

    Assessment of ecological quality of Vellar and Uppanar estuaries, southeast coast of India, using Benthos

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    1989-1995<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family: " times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";mso-bidi-font-family:="" mangal;mso-ansi-language:en-gb;mso-fareast-language:en-us;mso-bidi-language:="" hi"="" lang="EN-GB">Number of polychaete species identified from Vellar and Uppanar estuaries were 52 and 14 species respectively. Diversity indices were high in Vellar estuary (<span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">H<span style="font-size:9.0pt;font-family: " times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:cmsy7;mso-bidi-font-family:mangal;="" mso-ansi-language:en-gb;mso-fareast-language:en-us;mso-bidi-language:hi"="" lang="EN-GB">’log2-4.264±0.21, d-5.782±0.65<span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">, J-0.964±0.008, <span style="color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight: bold">Lambda'–0.02±0.004 and sPhi+-1906±264.99) and low in Uppanar estuary (H’<span style="font-size:9.0pt; font-family:" times="" new="" roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"times="" roman";="" mso-bidi-font-family:mangal;mso-ansi-language:en-gb;mso-fareast-language:en-us;="" mso-bidi-language:hi"="" lang="EN-GB">log2-0.941±0.27, d-1.130±0.42, J-0.418±0.05<span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">, Lambda'– 0.70±0.07 <span style="mso-bidi-font-style: italic">and sPhi+ 433±102.74). While the BI (AMBI–1.03±0.19) and M-AMBI (M-AMBI-0.90±0.06) values of Vellar estuary corresponded to the undisturbed nature and high/good estuarine ecological quality respectively, the above values in Uppanar showed the polluted (AMBI–4.47±0.14) and poor/bad status (M-AMBI-0.22±0.04) of estuarine ecological quality. Recently introduced tools such as AMBI & M-AMBI have clearly brought out the impaired health of Uppanar estuary and healthy nature of Vellar estuary.</span

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    Not AvailableCoral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world. Typically they contain number of specialised species representing almost all groups of marine animals. One of the reasons for the great diversity of life in coral reef is the diversified habitats they offer. The great number of holes and crevices in the reef provides abundant shelter for fishes and invertebrates. Coral reefs are also important nurseries and are thus a peculiar store house and repository of various animals.Not Availabl