116 research outputs found

    From national monitoring to transnational indicators: reporting and processing of aquatic biology data under the European Environment Agency’s State of the Environment data flow

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    Biological monitoring data from aquatic ecosystems are collected from European countries on a yearly basis by the European Environment Agency (EEA) through the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). The WISE-SoE (State of Environment) data flows provide indicators of pressures, states and impacts of surface waters and groundwaters on a pan-European scale. The WISE-2 Biology was established to obtain a harmonised flow of biology data reported annually as Ecological Quality Ratios (EQRs) from European surface waters, as a supplement to the mandatory 6-yearly reporting of ecological status of water bodies for the Water Framework Directive. The purposes of this paper are 1) to describe the compilation of national aquatic biology monitoring data indicators and to inform about the public availability of these data, 2) to give an overview of the reported data and indicate the potential for assessments based on these data, and 3) to illustrate the potential for further use of the underlying species abundance data in biodiversity research and assessment. WISE-2 data are reported for the following biological quality elements: phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates and fish in rivers, lakes, transitional and/or coastal waters. The EQR values represent the deviation from reference conditions. The final processed and quality-checked data are published in EEA’s database Waterbase - Biology, which currently holds data from more than 13,000 waterbodies in 26 countries from the reporting years 2011–2021. Examples of time series aggregated by geographic regions give an indication of the type of trends that can be obtained from the reported data at the nEQR scale. However, the current results are representative only for certain geographic regions with high coverage of water bodies. Within the European research project EuropaBON (Europa Biodiversity Observation Network), the use of WISE-2 data can be leveraged to support biodiversity policy and conservation planning. EuropaBON’s online database provides an overview of how biodiversity monitoring schemes across Europe flows through different integration nodes, to produce Essential Biodiversity Variables and other policy-relevant indicators. Here, we use the EuropaBON visualisation tool to illustrate the WISE-2 as a European integration node for 157 biology datasets via the national integration nodes.publishedVersio

    Comparing nutrient reference concentrations in Nordic countries with focus on lowland rivers

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    Reference conditions of water bodies are defined as the natural or minimal anthropogenically disturbed state. We compared the methods for determining total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in rivers in Finland, Norway and Sweden as well as the established reference conditions and evaluated the possibility for transfer and harmonisation of methods. We found that both methods and values differed, especially for lowland rivers with a high proportion of agriculture in the catchment. Since Denmark has not yet set reference conditions for rivers, two of the Nordic methods were tested for Danish conditions. We conclude that some of the established methods are promising but that further development is required. We moreover argue that harmonisation of reference conditions is needed to obtain common benchmarks for assessing the impacts of current and future land use changes on water quality

    Simulating water quality and ecological status of Lake Vansjø, Norway, under land-use and climate change by linking process-oriented models with a Bayesian network

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    Excess nutrient inputs and climate change are two of multiple stressors affecting many lakes worldwide. Lake Vansjø in southern Norway is one such eutrophic lake impacted by blooms of toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), and classified as moderate ecological status under the EU Water Framework Directive. Future climate change may exacerbate the situation. Here we use a set of chained models (global climate model, hydrological model, catchment phosphorus (P) model, lake model, Bayesian Network) to assess the possible future ecological status of the lake, given the set of climate scenarios and storylines common to the EU project MARS (Managing Aquatic Ecosystems and Water Resources under Multiple Stress). The model simulations indicate that climate change alone will increase precipitation and runoff, and give higher P fluxes to the lake, but cause little increase in phytoplankton biomass or changes in ecological status. For the storylines of future management and land-use, however, the model results indicate that both the phytoplankton biomass and the lake ecological status can be positively or negatively affected. Our results also show the value in predicting a biological indicator of lake ecological status, in this case, cyanobacteria biomass with a BN model. For all scenarios, cyanobacteria contribute to worsening the status assessed by phytoplankton, compared to using chlorophyll-a alone.publishedVersio

    Projecting the impacts of the bioeconomy on Nordic land use and freshwater quality and quantity-An overview

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    This paper synthesizes a five-year project (BIOWATER) that assessed the effects of a developing bioeconomy on Nordic freshwaters. We used a catchment perspective and combined several approaches: comparative analyses of long-term data sets from well-monitored catchments (agricultural, with forestry, and near pristine) across Fennoscandia, catchment biogeochemical modelling and ecosystem services assessment for integration. Various mitigation measures were also studied. Benchmark Shared Socio-economic Pathways were downscaled and articulated in dialogue with national stakeholder representatives leading to five Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways (NBPs) describing plausible but different trajectories of societal development towards 2050.These were then used for catchment modelling and ecosystem service assessment. Key findings from the work synthesized here are: (a) The monitoring results from 69 catchments demonstrate that agricultural lands exported an order of magnitude more nutrients than natural catchments (medians 44 vs 4 kg P km-2 y-1 and 1450 vs 139 kg N km-2 y-1) whilst forests were intermediate (7 kg P km-2 y-1 and 200 kg N km-2 y-1). (b) Our contrasting scenarios led to substantial differences in land use patterns, which affected river flow as well as nutrient loads in two of the four modelled catchments (Danish Odense angstrom and Norwegian Skuterud), but not in two others (Swedish catchment C6 and Finnish Simojoki). (c) Strongly contrasting scenarios (NBP1 maximizing resource circularity versus NBP5 maximizing short-term profit) were found to lead to similar monetary estimates of total societal benefits, though for different underlying reasons - a pattern similar across the six studied Nordic catchments. (d) The ecological status of small to medium sized rivers in agricultural landscapes benefitted greatly from an increase in riparian forest cover from 10 % to 60 %. Riparian buffer strips, constructed wetlands, rewetting of ditched peatlands, and similar nature-based solutions optimize natural biogeochemical processes and thus can help in mitigating negative impacts of intensified biomass removal on water quality

    European Freshwater Ecosystem Assessment: Cross-walk between the Water Framework Directive and Habitats Directive types, status and pressures

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    The EU policies on the freshwater environment and nature and biodiversity are closely linked. The aims of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Habitat Directive (HD) are to achieve good status for water bodies (WFD) and for habitats and species (HD) respectively. The types of rivers and lakes and their ecological status and pressures under the WFD are not directly comparable to the conservation status and threats for freshwater habitats and species under the HD (EC 2011a). The objective of this study has been to explore the possibilities of linking WFD and HD information on types of water bodies and habitats, and their status, pressures and measures, using WISE WFD information on types, ecological status, pressures and measures (EEA 2012, ETC-ICM 2012) and HD information on habitat types, conservation status and threats (EC 2007). The results may be used as input to the EEA Freshwater Ecosystem Assessment in 2015, and also for future European assessments of specific objectives, status and trends for various types of rivers and lakes after the reporting of the WFD 2nd RBMPs and the next HD article 17 reporting. The outcome may also be used as a basis for discussions of the potential and limitations for WFD and HD synergies in terms of monitoring programmes, assessment systems and measures to improve status. The general methodology used in this report is to analyse data and information reported by Member States on WFD types, ecological status and pressures in river and lake water bodies and on Habitats Directive freshwater habitats and their conservation status and threats. The major data sources used are the WISE-WFD database and the HD Article 17 databaseJRC.H.1-Water Resource

    WISER deliverable D3.1-4: guidance document on sampling, analysis and counting standards for phytoplankton in lakes

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    Sampling, analysis and counting of phytoplankton has been undertaken in European lakes for more than 100 years (Apstein 1892, Lauterborn 1896, Lemmermann 1903, Woloszynska 1912, Nygaard 1949). Since this early period of pioneers, there has been progress in the methods used to sample, fix, store and analyse phytoplankton. The aim of the deliverable D3.1-4 is to select, harmonize and recommend the most optimal method as a basis for lake assessment. We do not report and review the huge number of European national methods or other published manuals for phytoplankton sampling and analysis that are available. An agreement on a proper sampling procedure is not trivial for lake phytoplankton. In the early 20th century, sampling was carried out using plankton nets. An unconcentrated sample without any pre-screening is required for quantitative phytoplankton analysis, for which various water samplers were developed. Sampling of distinct water depths or an integral sample of the euphotic zone affects the choice of the sampler and sampling procedure. The widely accepted method to quantify algal numbers together with species determination was developed by Utermöhl (1958), who proposed the counting technique using sediment chambers and inverse microscopy. This is the basis for the recently agreed CEN standard “Water quality - Guidance standard on the enumeration of phytoplankton using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique)” (CEN 15204, 2006). This CEN standard does not cover the sampling procedure or the calculation of biovolumes for phytoplankton species, although Rott (1981), Hillebrand et al (1999) and Pohlmann & Friedrich (2001) have contributed advice on how to calculate taxa biovolumes effectively. Willén (1976) suggested a simplified counting method, when counting 60 individuals of each species. For the Scandinavian region an agreed phytoplankton sampling and counting manual was compiled, which has been in use for about 20 years (Olrik et al. 1998, Blomqvist & Herlitz 1998). It is very unfortunate that no European guidance on sampling of phytoplankton in lakes was agreed before the phytoplankton assessment methods for the EU-WFD were developed and intercalibrated by Member States. In 2008 an initiative by the European Commission (Mandate M424) for two draft CEN standards on sampling in freshwaters and on calculation of phytoplankton biovolume was unfortunately delayed by administrative difficulties. Recently a grant agreement was signed between the Commission and DIN (German Institute for Standardization) in January 2012 to develop these standards. We believe this WISER guidance document can usefully contribute to these up-coming standards

    Eutrofiering av norske innsjøer. Tilstand og trender.

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    Prosjektleder/Hovedforfatter Anne Lyche SolheimDatasett for eutrofieringsrelevante parametere er tilgjengelig i Vannmiljø for 366 innsjøer, som har total fosfor i god eller dårligere tilstand og minst én biologisk parameter for minst ett år i perioden 2009-2020. Den økologiske tilstanden er moderat, dårlig eller svært dårlig i ca. halvparten av disse. Oppblomstringer av giftige cyanobakterier eller andre problemalger er vanlige i flere av disse innsjøene. Utviklingstrender er analysert for klorofyll og total fosfor i 125 innsjøer som har minst fire års data etter 2008. De fleste av disse innsjøene viser ingen trender. 24 innsjøer har stigende trend for én eller begge parameterne, det vil si forverring, mens 36 har avtagende trend, det vil si forbedring for én eller begge parameterne. De fleste av innsjøene med forbedring for klorofyll er i Vannområdene Morsa, Haldenvassdraget og Jæren, der avløps- og jordbrukstiltak har vært gjennomført over lang tid. Klimaendringer kan forverre situasjonen og kreve mer omfattende tiltak for å nå miljømålet.publishedVersio

    Vannforekomsters sårbarhet for avrenningsvann fra vei under anleggog driftsfasen

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    -Bygging og drift av vei kan påføre vannmiljøet en rekke ulike belastninger. Her har vi tatt for oss forurenset veivann fra anleggs- og driftsfasen som vil kunne forringe vannmiljøet. Ofte benyttes begrepet sårbar resipient (vannforekomst) når man vurderer en belastning som vannmiljøet utsettes for. Begrepet er sjeldent definert, og kriteriene som ligger til grunn for å vurdere sårbarheten mangler. I denne rapporten har vi definert sårbarhet som: «En vannforekomst sin evne til å tåle og eventuelt restitueres etter aktiviteter eller endringer i miljøforholdene». Med bakgrunn i vannforskriften, naturmangfoldloven og vannfaglig kompetanse har vi samlet kriterier som vi mener er viktige for å vurdere en vannforekomst sin sårbarhet for avrenningsvann fra vei. Kriteriene som bygger på vannforskriften og naturmangfoldloven har blitt sammenstilt i to Excel-baserte regneark, utformet som to matriser. Etter angitte føringer gis hvert kriterium poengscore 1, 2 eller 3, og avhengig av gjennomsnittlig poengscore, klassifiseres vannforekomsten videre i en av tre sårbarhetskategorier: «Lav», «Middels» eller «Høy». Informasjon for vurdering av sårbarhetskriteriene for den aktuelle vannforekomst hentes i hovedsak fra www.Vann- Nett.no, www.Vannportalen.no, www.Naturbase.no og www.artskart.artsdatabanken.no. Matrisene kan benyttes i ulike planleggingsfaser for vurdering av behov for avbøtende tiltak for vannmiljøet under anleggs- og driftsfasen av veiprosjekter. Sårbarhetskriteriene i matrisene er utviklet for bekker, elver og innsjøer, ikke kystvann og grunnvann. Verktøyet (matrisene og rapporten) er beregnet for personer som jobber med vannfaglige problemstillinger i veiplanlegging knyttet til anleggs- og driftsfase

    A new broad typology for rivers and lakes in Europe: Development and application for large-scale environmental assessments

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    European countries have defined >1000 national river types and >400 national lake types to implement the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). In addition, common river and lake types have been defined within regions of Europe for intercalibrating the national classification systems for ecological status of water bodies. However, only a low proportion of national types correspond to these common intercalibration types. This causes uncertainty concerning whether the classification of ecological status is consistent across countries. Therefore, through an extensive dialogue with and data provision from all EU countries, we have developed a generic typology for European rivers and lakes. This new broad typology reflects the natural variability in the most commonly used environmental type descriptors: altitude, size and geology, as well as mean depth for lakes. These broad types capture 60–70% of all national WFD types including almost 80% of all European river and lake water bodies in almost all EU countries and can also be linked to all the common intercalibration types. The typology provides a new framework for large-scale assessments across country borders, as demonstrated with an assessment of ecological status and pressures based on European data from the 2nd set of river basin management plans. The typology can also be used for a variety of other large-scale assessments, such as reviewing and linking the water body types to habitat types under the Habitats Directive and the European Nature Information System (EUNIS), as well as comparing type-specific limit values for nutrients and other supporting quality elements across countries. Thus, the broad typology can build the basis for all scientific outputs of managerial relevance related to water body types

    Vannforekomsters sårbarhet for avrenningsvann fra vei under anleggog driftsfasen

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    -Bygging og drift av vei kan påføre vannmiljøet en rekke ulike belastninger. Her har vi tatt for oss forurenset veivann fra anleggs- og driftsfasen som vil kunne forringe vannmiljøet. Ofte benyttes begrepet sårbar resipient (vannforekomst) når man vurderer en belastning som vannmiljøet utsettes for. Begrepet er sjeldent definert, og kriteriene som ligger til grunn for å vurdere sårbarheten mangler. I denne rapporten har vi definert sårbarhet som: «En vannforekomst sin evne til å tåle og eventuelt restitueres etter aktiviteter eller endringer i miljøforholdene». Med bakgrunn i vannforskriften, naturmangfoldloven og vannfaglig kompetanse har vi samlet kriterier som vi mener er viktige for å vurdere en vannforekomst sin sårbarhet for avrenningsvann fra vei. Kriteriene som bygger på vannforskriften og naturmangfoldloven har blitt sammenstilt i to Excel-baserte regneark, utformet som to matriser. Etter angitte føringer gis hvert kriterium poengscore 1, 2 eller 3, og avhengig av gjennomsnittlig poengscore, klassifiseres vannforekomsten videre i en av tre sårbarhetskategorier: «Lav», «Middels» eller «Høy». Informasjon for vurdering av sårbarhetskriteriene for den aktuelle vannforekomst hentes i hovedsak fra www.Vann- Nett.no, www.Vannportalen.no, www.Naturbase.no og www.artskart.artsdatabanken.no. Matrisene kan benyttes i ulike planleggingsfaser for vurdering av behov for avbøtende tiltak for vannmiljøet under anleggs- og driftsfasen av veiprosjekter. Sårbarhetskriteriene i matrisene er utviklet for bekker, elver og innsjøer, ikke kystvann og grunnvann. Verktøyet (matrisene og rapporten) er beregnet for personer som jobber med vannfaglige problemstillinger i veiplanlegging knyttet til anleggs- og driftsfase