623 research outputs found

    Negocios inclusivos. Un modelo de metáfora biológica para el sector agropecuario

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    The agricultural sector was one of the sectors that was most compromised during the confinements in the COVID-19 pandemic, guaranteeing the value chain and the necessary inputs. But even so, the problems of the sector are still evident: poverty, inequity, lack of rural and non-rural employment, low profit rates, lack of distribution chains and market development, among others. An alternative that is presented to achieve successful productive chains is that of inclusive businesses, for its better application and understanding, the application of a biological metaphor of coevolution and mutualism is presented in this document, noting that inclusive businesses should not occur. only on occasions of vulnerable producers, but to recognize in them their skills, knowledge, and capacities that they can share and put in favour of the integration model to achieve joint developments with the other organizations in the chain.The proposal focuses on strengthening inclusive models from the recognition of diversity and difference, and the development of management alternatives for the entire chain in general.El sector agropecuario fue uno de los más comprometidos durante los confinamientos en la pandemia de COVID-19, garantizando la cadena de valor y los insumos necesarios. Pero, aun así, los problemas del sector siguen siendo evidentes, pobreza, inequidad, falta de empleo rural y no rural, bajas tasas de ganancia, falta de cadenas de distribución y desarrollode mercados, entre otros. Una alternativa para lograr encadenamientos productivos exitosos es la de los negocios inclusivos. Para una mejor aplicación y entendimiento, este documento presenta la aplicación de una metáfora biológica de la coevolución y el mutualismo, señalando que los negocios inclusivos no solo deben darse en productores vulnerables,sino que deben reconocer sus habilidades, conocimientos y capacidades que pueden compartir y utilizar a favor del modelo de integración, para lograr desarrollos conjuntos con otras organizaciones de la cadena. La propuesta se centra en fortalecer los modelos inclusivos desde el reconocimiento de la diversidad y la diferencia, y el desarrollo de alternativas de gestión para toda la cadena en general

    Aerosol assisted processing of hierarchically organized functional nanoparticles

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    Global warming, climate change and natural resources depletion forces tremendous technological and scientific research activities for the development of next generation of materials able to address both the energy and environmental problems. This implies an exciting progress in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, particularly regarding the control synthesis of nanoscaled materials that might have a great potential for use in solid-state functional materials and devices, like phosphors, sensors, photovoltaics, catalysts, drug delivery carriers etc. The feasibility of the dispersion phase-aerosol route for the generation of innovative nanomaterials having advanced optical properties for solving energy/environmental problems is here presented. Particularly, the opportunities of the hot wall aerosol processing, provided by high heating and cooling rates, short residence time and high surface reaction, is demonstrated for the synthesis of spherical three-dimensional (3D), hierarchically organized nanostructured particles with uniformly distributed components and phases. The particles composite inner structure, representing an assembly of nanosized primary particles, opens the possibility for particle surface modification and functionalization emphasizing their application in photovoltaics, energy transfer and bioimaging. The diverse levels of structural, morphological and timctional complexity are explored by means of appropriate selection of different precursor solutions, either true or colloid, surface modification and proper selection of rare-earth based dopants for the generation of either photocatalytic titanium (IV) oxide or Yb3+, Er3+, codoped yttrium(III) oxide-based phosphor particles. Their advanced optical properties as the consequence of the particle nanostructure uature are proved by using various characterization techniques like x-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FE-SEM), analytical and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEMIHR-TEM) in combination with energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDAX), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and nanotomography. The optical properties and surface structure were analyzed by UV-Vis diffusive reflectance (UV-Vis DRS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and by fluorescence measurements in the near infrared region. The obtained results offer ageneral route for the synthesis of nanomaterials with tunable structure, morphology and optical properties

    CONVERGENCIA JORNALÍSTICA: Una revisión de métodos de las Disertaciones y Tesis del banco de Capes (2012-2017)

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    O artigo revisa os métodos científicos utilizados em dissertações e teses disponíveis no banco de publicações da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), que possuam a ótica da convergência jornalística. O levantamento demonstra predominâncias de técnicas, perspectivas teóricas e temáticas em um resultado de pesquisas que corresponde aos anos de 2012 a 2017. A observação contribui como base para estudos similares que verificam as transformações do jornalismo no contexto convergente, que acarreta complexidades e desafios. Parte dos trabalhos mantém aproximações com fenômenos dos meios de referência e adaptações ao ecossistema midiático que abrange mídias digitais e os dispositivos móveis.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo; convergência; métodos.     ABSTRACT This article reviews the scientific methods used in dissertations and theses available in the publications bank of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), which have the perspective of journalistic convergence. The survey demonstrates the predominance of techniques, theoretical and thematic perspectives in a research result that corresponds to the years 2012 to 2017. The observation contributes as a basis for similar studies that verify the transformations of journalism in the convergent context, which entails complexities and challenges. Part of the work maintains approximations with media phenomena and adaptations to the media ecosystem that encompasses digital media and mobile devices.   KEYWORDS: Journalism; convergence; methods.     RESUMEN El artículo revisa los métodos científicos utilizados en disertaciones y tesis disponibles en el banco de publicaciones de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nivel Superior (Capes), que posean la óptica de la convergencia periodística. El análisis demuestra predominancias de técnicas, perspectivas teóricas y temáticas en un resultado de investigaciones que corresponde a los años de 2012 a 2017. La observación contribuye como base para estudios similares que comprueban las transformaciones del periodismo en el contexto convergente, que acarrea complejidades y desafíos. Parte de los trabajos mantiene aproximaciones con fenómenos de los medios de referencia y adaptaciones al ecosistema mediático que abarca medios digitales y los dispositivos móviles.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Periodismo; convergencia; métodos.This article reviews the scientific methods used in dissertations and theses available in the publications bank of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), which have the perspective of journalistic convergence. The survey demonstrates the predominance of techniques, theoretical and thematic perspectives in a research result that corresponds to the years 2012 to 2017. The observation contributes as a basis for similar studies that verify the transformations of journalism in the convergent context, which entails complexities and challenges. Part of the work maintains approximations with media phenomena and adaptations to the media ecosystem that encompasses digital media and mobile devices.  El artículo revisa los métodos científicos utilizados en disertaciones y tesis disponibles en el banco de publicaciones de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nivel Superior (Capes), que posean la óptica de la convergencia periodística. El análisis demuestra predominancias de técnicas, perspectivas teóricas y temáticas en un resultado de investigaciones que corresponde a los años de 2012 a 2017. La observación contribuye como base para estudios similares que comprueban las transformaciones del periodismo en el contexto convergente, que acarrea complejidades y desafíos. Parte de los trabajos mantiene aproximaciones con fenómenos de los medios de referencia y adaptaciones al ecosistema mediático que abarca medios digitales y los dispositivos móviles.Cet article passe en revue les méthodes scientifiques utilisées dans les mémoires et thèses disponibles dans la base de données des publications de la Coordination pour l'amélioration du personnel de l'enseignement supérieur (Capes), dans la perspective de la convergence journalistique. L'enquête démontre la prédominance des techniques, des perspectives théoriques et thématiques dans un résultat de recherche correspondant aux années 2012 à 2017. L'observation sert de base à des études similaires qui vérifient les transformations du journalisme dans le contexte convergent, ce qui implique des complexités et des défis. Une partie du travail consiste à maintenir des approximations du phénomène des médias et des adaptations à l’écosystème des médias qui englobe les médias numériques et les appareils mobiles

    Characterization of the Use and Occupation of Soil on Rural Properties Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems - RPAS

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    The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems allows for practicality in the collection and monitoring of study areas or in the development of rehabilitation projects for degraded areas. As such, this technology is gaining space as an alternative for applications in studies and surveys of several areas. This work is justified by the demand for projects and the search for practical alternatives that will enable the framing of rural properties according to the new Brazilian Forestry Code (Codígo Florestal Brasileiro) and its environmental recovery plans (Plano de Recuperação Ambiental). The objective of this study is therefore to evaluate the use of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System in the monitoring of a rural property, seeking to include it in the framework of the Brazilian Forestry Code. To accomplish this work, information samples were taken in an area of 30.19 ha of a rural property with the use of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System - RPAS. After the data collection, the images were treated using the QGis software and through the generation of an ortho-mosaic, which enabled the data to be analyzed and interpreted. With the interpretation of land use and occupation data and with the generation of maps of land use and occupation, a diagnosis of the current situation of the area can be obtained. In a second phase, maps were created to include the property in the current legislative framework, seeking its regularization. After the completion of this work, the conclusion can be drawn that the use of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System - RPAS is viable and enables the monitoring of rural areas with efficiency and speed

    Contact dermatitis due to personal protective equipment use and hygiene practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of case reports

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    Background: Prolonged use of personal protective equipment (PPE) may lead to contact dermatitis during the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic. This paper aims to identify the causative factors of contact dermatitis from PPE and hygiene practices.Methods: The search was conducted adhering to PRISMA 2020 guidelines. A Delphi process was employed to ensure that the aims of this study were met. PubMed and Web of Science databases were systematically searched through September 12, 2021, using search terms: Contact dermatitis, case report, covid-19. The findings were tabulated as author/year, gender, age, presentation, cause, dermatological diagnosis, testing modality, provided treatment, symptom resolution (time in days), prognosis, and follow-up.Results: The mean age of all individuals was 29.75 years, with 75% females. All cases presented with erythema, with 62.5% reporting pruritus and 37.5% reporting burning facial symptoms. Surgical masks and hand-hygiene products (37.5%) were the most commonly reported causative agent with 25% due to KN95/FFP type 2 use. Allergic contact dermatitis (50%) and irritant contact dermatitis (25%) were common diagnoses. Treatments included creams, emollients, and desloratadine, with restriction of irritant-causing factors. The prognosis was generally good among the cases, with 62.5% presenting complete resolution within a week and 12.5% showing moderate improvement at the fourth month after discontinuing use.Conclusion: This study finds pertinent links between PPE use and contact dermatitis during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many cases are bound to go underreported in literature, well-designed, large-scale studies in the future may help promote these associations in a more comprehensive manner

    Aerosol-assisted processing of hierarchically organised TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Hierarchically assembled TiO2 nanoparticles into larger spherical ones were obtained using aerosol-assisted processing method. Unagglomerated particles with the mean size of 440 nm were obtained from colloidal solution of TiO2 nanoparticles (~4.5 nm) using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis at 550°C. Their morphological complexity and structural polymorphism were investigated by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled with selected area electron diffraction (SAED) analysis. Pronounced evolution of nanocrystalline TiO2(B) phase assembled together with the anatase building units (sized ~15 nm) in uniform submicrometric particles implicate their feasibility to be used in dye-sensitised solar cells and lithium ion batteries

    Características físico espaciales y la enseñanza / aprendizaje del IEP Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe del distrito de San Juan de Miraflores, 2019. Estudio del caso: Las aulas de 1°- 4° grado del nivel secundario docentes / estudiantes causa efecto. Institución educativa particular y la inserción de una nueva tipología de diseño educacional, Carabayllo 2019

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    La presente investigación requiere determinar la influencia de las características físico espaciales de las aulas en la enseñanza / aprendizaje de los estudiantes y docentes de 1° a 4° grado del nivel secundario, del I.E.P Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, del distrito de San Juan de Miraflores. La investigación tuvo una duración de seis meses, desde febrero a agosto del año 2019. Se tomó como muestra a los estudiantes y docentes de 1° a 4° año de secundaria para el análisis de la percepción de sus aulas correspondientes, mediante entrevistas, así como también se empleó una ficha de observación y evaluación de las aulas de cada grado y el reglamento nacional de edificaciones (RNE). Se determinó que el 100% de los estudiantes, percibe a su aula como un ambiente que inhibe sus actividades y participación, debido a sus dimensiones y el limitado espacio, estableciendo una monotonía visual, dirigida siempre en una dirección. Esta descripción critica de los estudiantes sobre su espacio evidencia que el lugar no enriquece su desarrollo personal, su expresión, su identidad entre otros, afectando finalmente su enseñanza / aprendizaje

    Propuesta de un sistema de equilibrio general clásico de los precios con capital circulante susceptible de ofrecer diversas calidades

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    This paper seeks to suggest a contribution to propose a classical general equilibrium system of prices with circulating capital to be expected to offer different qualities, by including probabilities for the inputs can come effectively to the development of products. Its background contributions came from Sraffa´s contribution (1960), Cuevas (2001), Montoya and Montoya (2005), and Montoya and Montoya (2007). The paper resumes the main contributions leading to a system like the one proposed, then seeks to introduce in the analysis the problem of considering the qualities, inspired by Von Neumann- Morgenstern´s utility function used in information economics, and finally insinuates a proposal and sets out briefly the main implications of the same.El presente documento busca hacer una contribución para proponer un sistema de equilibrio general clásico de los precios con capital circulante susceptible de ofrecer diversas calidades, mediante la inclusión de probabilidades para que los insumos puedan entrar de manera efectiva para la elaboración de los productos. Tiene como antecedentes las aportaciones de Sraffa (1960), Cuevas (2001), Montoya y Montoya (2005), y Montoya y Montoya (2007). El documento retoma las principales aportaciones conducentes a un sistema como el propuesto, posteriormente busca introducir en el análisis el problema de la consideración de las calidades y finalmente presenta una propuesta y enuncia brevemente las principales implicaciones de la misma