1,198 research outputs found

    Housing Policy and Housing Finance in the Czech Republic during Transition:

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    This book contains the description and evaluation of a profound housing system reform constituting part of the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy in the Czech Republic. It addresses two goals: to evaluate housing subsidies (reforms) by application of improved methods of welfare economics and, secondly, to list the main factors explaining the particular outcomes of selected reforms. The author applied methods of welfare economics for an evaluation of housing subsidies in a scale unique in housing studies. The analysis of underlying factors influencing formation of housing reforms brought new findings about the essence of transition in post-socialist countries

    Changes in Consumption of Households during 1990-1997

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    The article provides social statistics concerning the main changes in the consumption behavior of Czech households between 1990 & 1997. The description is based on a comparison with the situation & trends in countries of the European Union. The author uses the Family Budget Surveys data files that were weighted to assure higher representativeness of the research results. Different statistical procedures are employed to describe main shifts in the composition of household budgets on the whole & for different consumption items in the first stage, & according to different factors characterizing the household in the second stage. In the last part of the article, multiple regression & ANOVA analysis were applied to answer the question of the changes in the influence of different social indicators of households on the relative household expenditures. The author cannot confirm the hypothesis that 'meritocratic' factors (income, education) have strengthened & 'demographic' factors (family size, age or residence size) have weakened in influence for explaining the variability of four basic relative consumer items. The changes in consumption behavior have a transitional character rather than the character of long-term historical changes apparent in the countries of the European Union

    Equilibrium Rent and Housing Policy Implications

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    Housing-policy research in European Union countries distinguishes between two kinds of rent control: non-targeted ""first-generation"" rent control and targeted ""second-generation"" rent control, the later which better reflects housing market relations. The article demonstrates the drastic consequences of first-generation rent control in the Czech Republic, using criteria of social effectiveness and economic efficiency. The authors present the results of an econometric simulation model on the determination of equilibrium market rents after rent deregulation. Due to a sharp decrease in housing affordability in the Czech Republic, the authors simulate the application of two housing-policy instruments: social housing and housing allowance. A cost-benefit analysis shows that rent deregulation and the application of effective policy instruments would substantially increase the income of landlords, decrease the level of currently biased market rents, and maintain the relative affordability of housing.housing policy; rent control; social housing; housing allowance

    Mobile grinding modulusve

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je konstrukční návrh přenosného brusného modulu fasety pro daný řezný úhel u nestandardního ostří.The basic aim of this bachelor’s thesis is design mobile grinding modulus facet for the cutting angle of non-standard edge.

    O spokojenosti českých občanů s užívaným bydlením

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    Around the end of the 1970s, studies began to emerge that focused on people's satisfaction with their housing, especially among tenants in social housing (tenant surveys). Gradually, research on people's housing satisfaction acquired a much broader context & it began to be conducted on national samples of respondents. In the 1980s the theoretical foundations of this field of study were established, & thanks to the spread of multi-dimensional statistical methods the analysis of housing satisfaction became the subject of numerous research projects around the world. The aim of this article is to describe, as precisely as possible, & using multi-dimensional statistical methods & structure modelling, the process that produces housing satisfaction in the Czech Republic & to trace the main factors behind its variability. The article draws on data from the National Housing Attitudes survey conducted in 2001

    Experimental biomechanical hand prosthesis

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením konstrukčního návrhu experimentální biomechanické protézy ruky, a jeho následnou realizací v podobě funkčního prototypu. Velikost protézy odpovídá velikosti ruky dospělého muže. Na základě analýzy rešerše je volena její funkčnost tak, aby protéza poskytovala dostatečné možnosti při úchopu různých druhů předmětů. Konstrukční návrh, včetně výkresové dokumentace je kompletně zpracován v programu Autodesk Inventor 2012. Stavba prototypu je z většinové části realizována pomocí technologie rapid prototyping. Materiály, ze kterých jsou tyto díly postavené, jsou plast ABS a sádrový prášek. Jako pohon elektricky ovládaných prstů slouží lineární aktuátory Firgelli řady L. Řízení prototypu je realizováno pomocí PCI karty a programu vytvořeného v prostředí LabView.This masters thesis deals with experimental biomechanical hand prosthesis designing and its realization in shape of prototype. Hand prosthesis sizing corresponds with adult man hand. Prosthesis functionality is selected with respect to search analysis results, to provide sufficient options to grip different objects. Hand design, including technical documentation, is completely made in Autodesk Inventor 2012. Main parts of prototype are made with using rapid - prototyping technologies. Used materials for parts made by this way are ABS plastics and plaster powder. Firgelli linear actuators (product line L) are used as drive for electrical controlled fingers. Prototype control is realized by PCI card and program, which has been written in LabView.

    Segmentace českých domácností a orientační prognóza počtu domácností ve vybraných právních formách bydlení a typech zástavby do roku 2020

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    In many advanced countries housing consumption plays a significant role in the social stratification of households. First, the article sets out to determine whether during the transformation period significant differentiation of housing consumption occurred and social stratification became linked to stratification by housing consumption. In other words, whether alongside the ‘standard’ criteria (age, education, income, and other socio-economic variables) influencing the stratification of Czech households it is also necessary to take into account the type and quality of housing. Second, in relation to these findings on stratification, Czech households are segmented into 12 segments. The article then makes some general prognoses for each household segment regarding the number of households in selected forms of housing and types of housing development for 2020. These prognoses showed that if ‘optimistic’ outlooks for economic development are met and Czech citizens’ housing preferences remain constant, there could be a substantial increase compared to today in the share of Czech households living in family homes and even to a certain excess of supply of rental flats over demand

    Modelling Widely Scattered States in `Synchronized' Traffic Flow and Possible Relevance for Stock Market Dynamics

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    Traffic flow at low densities (free traffic) is characterized by a quasi-one-dimensional relation between traffic flow and vehicle density, while no such fundamental diagram exists for `synchronized' congested traffic flow. Instead, a two-dimensional area of widely scattered flow-density data is observed as a consequence of a complex traffic dynamics. For an explanation of this phenomenon and transitions between the different traffic phases, we propose a new class of molecular-dynamics-like, microscopic traffic models based on times to collisions and discuss the properties by means of analytical arguments. Similar models may help to understand the laminar and turbulent phases in the dynamics of stock markets as well as the transitions among them.Comment: Comments are welcome. For related work see http://www.helbing.or