62 research outputs found
Második generációs vietnámi tanulók akkulturációja és iskolai szocializációja Magyarországon = Acculturation and school socialization of second-generation Vietnamese pupils in Hungary
A vietnámi fiatalok akkulturációja vegyes mintázatú. Birman akkulturációs modellje (nyelv, identitás, viselkedés) alapján egyedül az identitás terén látható a származási csoport dominanciája. Nyelvismeret és nyelvhasználat tekintetében kétnyelvűség tapasztalható. Téma- és partner függően váltanak a magyar és a vietnámi nyelv között a családon belül. Viselkedés vetületében kifejezetten integratív a mintázat: mind magyar, mind vietnámi barátaik vannak és mindkétféle viselkedéses elemeket tesznek magukévá . A saját etnikai identitás iránti érdeklődés, exploráció, valamint az etnikai nyelvhasználat gyakorisága pozitívan, míg a vietnámi viselkedéses elemek inkább negatívan korrelálnak az iskolai teljesítménnyel. Egységesen fontos szerepet tulajdonítanak a tanulásnak mind a szülők, mind a fiatalok. Az iskolai teljesítmény attribúciójában rendkívül nagy az erőfeszítésnek, sőt a „tanulás iránti szenvedély”-nek tulajdonított szerep (Li, 2002). Abban van inkább nagyobb tanulási nehézségük, amit otthonról, az iskolán kívülről kell hozni. Ez szókincsben, nyelvi kifejezésekben, háttértudásokban mutatkozik meg. Közösség-alapú akkulturáció mentén vizsgálódva azonosítottuk a vietnámi nyelvtanfolyamok mögött húzódó motivációkat, valamint egy vietnámi kulturális nap kapcsán rámutattunk arra, hogy a sikeresebb iskolai és társadalmi integráció érdekében a migránsok egyik legfontosabb nyilvános szférájában, az iskolában fontos lenne láthatóvá és legitimmé tenni a kisebbségi identitást. | Acculturation of the Vietnamese young follows a mixed pattern. Among the three elements of the LIB (language, identity, behavior) model of Birman, only identity shows the dominance of the group of origin. Bilingualism is to be found in language knowledge and language use. Within family, language-switching between Hungarian and Vietnamese depends on conversation partner and topic. Behaviors are strongly integrated: respondents have friends and adopt elements from both cultures. Exploration of ethnic identity as well as frequency of ethnic language positively, while Vietnamese behavioral elements negatively correlate with school achievement. Both parents and children show a high consensus concerning the importance of schooling and learning. Effort and „passion toward learning” (Li, 2002) is given an extremely significant role in attribution of school achievement. Due to different language and cultural background, difficulties can be found however in vocabulary and background knowledge. This is what students bring with themselves from outside school, from home. In line with community-based acculturation approach, motivations underlying Vietnamese language schools were identified. Concerning a Vietnamese Culture Day in a school, it is pointed out that making minority identity legitimate and visible in school, one of the most important public spheres of migrant groups can help to foster their more successful integration in school and in host society in general
Intercultural competence is currently an area of research in which new approaches and perspectives appear in large numbers every year. Given the importance of intercultural competence there is a need for a consensus within this multidisciplinary approach.This comparative analysis focuses on two developmental models of intercultural competence, the Reflective Intercultural Competence Assessment model, and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. The purpose of this paper is to discover guidelines and future direction for current and potential use of these developmental models. This study focuses on a general comparison line which can be applicable in further intercultural competence model studies
Coagulation and flocculation are preliminary used in water treatment processes for turbidity removal, using popularily synthetic chemicals with health and environmental concerns. The use of natural flocculants has known to be a promising alteratives for chemical ones due to their environmental friendly behavior. This research investigated turbidity removal efficiency of mucilage extracted from Basella alba - an indigenous species in Vietnam - in the role of a flocculant. The removal efficiency of mucilage was investigated in combination with PAC or Alum on To Lich river water by mean of Jar tests. PAC or Alum alone can remove maximum 97% and 90% turbidity of To Lich river water at its original pH for the sedimentation time of 30 minutes. The combination of mucilage and PAC or Alum increased the efficiencies of turbidity removal and reduced the amount of chemicals needed. The corresponding increases were maximum 7% and 18%, respectively; while the reduction of PAC/Alum used was 75-80%
Development of an instrument to assess the mental health of university students: validation of the Outcome Questionnaire-45 in a Hungarian sample
The Outcome Questionnaire is a self-report questionnaire developed mainly for treatment impact assessment and monitoring of status change because it can measure the cross-sectional condition very accurately by being sensitive to small changes. The present study aimed to psychometrically evaluate and validate the instrument on a sample of Hungarian university students. 7,695 higher education students (28.6% male, 68.8% female, 1% other, M = 23.7, SD = 6.78) participated in the study and completed a questionnaire package (OQ-45, Beck Depression Inventory, WHO Well-being Questionnaire-5, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, MOS-Social Support Survey, Maslach Burnout Inventory-SS) online, developed to measure general and more specific mental health conditions. The Hungarian version of the questionnaire has a high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.951). Based on the confirmatory factor analysis, the original three-factor version of the instrument (due to inadequate fit indicators) did not gain support in our sample. Five subscales were identified and subjected to content analysis in the exploratory factor analysis. Our final questionnaire consists of 39 items. The full scale and the subscales show a high correlation with other questionnaires measuring similar constructs. The psychometric indicators of the questionnaire are adequate and, therefore, considered reliable. The separation of the five factors was confirmed by construct and convergent validation. The questionnaire’s psychometric properties may be worth testing in the future on a clinical sample and a sample of adults from a wider age range. The use of the measurement tool has important implications in research areas beyond therapeutic impact assessment, as it may offer a bridging solution to the methodological problems encountered in the construction of complex questionnaire packages consisting of several instruments. International findings suggest that some items in the questionnaire are particularly sensitive to cultural context, so it is crucial to use a measure adapted to the region of the study sample. Other strengths of the questionnaire include its ability to address subclinical and clinical symptoms in one dimension and provide a comprehensive cross-sectional picture of the bio-psycho-social status of individuals, which allows systematic monitoring of a large and heterogeneous population (higher education students)
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