23 research outputs found
Poisson-Boltzmann analysis of the lambda repressor-operator interaction
A theoretical study of the ion atmosphere contribution to the binding free energy of the lambda repressor-operator complex is presented. The finite-difference form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation was solved to calculate the electrostatic interaction energy of the amino-terminal domain of the lambda repressor with a 9 or 45 base pair oligonucleotide. Calculations were performed at various distances between repressor and operator as well as at different salt concentrations to determine ion atmosphere contributions to the total electrostatic interaction. Details in the distribution of charges on DNA and protein atoms had a strong influence on the calculated total interaction energies. In contrast, the calculated salt contributions are relatively insensitive to changes in the details of the charge distribution. The results indicate that the ion atmosphere contribution favors association at all protein-DNA distances studied. The theoretical number of ions released upon repressor-operator binding appears to be in reasonable agreement with experimental data
Baryogenesis via lepton number violating scalar interactions
We study baryogenesis through lepton number violation in left-right symmetric
models. In these models the lepton number and CP violating interactions of the
triplet higgs scalars can give rise to lepton number asymmetry through
non-equilibrium decays of the triplet higgs and the right handed
neutrinos. This in turn generates baryon asymmetry during the electroweak
anomalous processes.Comment: 14 pages, UTPT-93-1
Small, Dense Quark Stars from Perturbative QCD
As a model for nonideal behavior in the equation of state of QCD at high
density, we consider cold quark matter in perturbation theory. To second order
in the strong coupling constant, , the results depend sensitively on
the choice of the renormalization mass scale. Certain choices of this scale
correspond to a strongly first order chiral transition, and generate quark
stars with maximum masses and radii approximately half that of ordinary neutron
stars. At the center of these stars, quarks are essentially massless.Comment: ReVTeX, 5 pages, 3 figure
Extra Dimensions at the Weak Scale and Deviations from Newtonian Gravity
We consider theories in which the Standard Model gauge fields propagate in
extra dimensions whose size is around the electroweak scale. The Standard Model
quarks and leptons may either be localized to a brane or propagate in the bulk.
This class of theories includes models of Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry
breaking and universal extra dimensions. We consider the problem of stabilizing
the volume of the extra dimensions. We find that for a large class of
stabilization mechanisms the field which corresponds to fluctuations of the
volume remains light even after stabilization, and has a mass in the
eV range. In particular this is the case if stabilization does not involve
dynamics at scales larger than the cutoff of the higher dimensional Standard
Model, and if the effective theory below the compactification scale is four
dimensional. The mass of this field is protected against large radiative
corrections by the general covariance of the higher dimensional theory and by
the weakness of its couplings, which are Planck suppressed. Its couplings to
matter mediate forces whose strength is comparable to that of gravity and which
can give rise to potentially observable deviations from Newton's Law at
sub-millimeter distances. Current experiments investigating short distance
gravity can probe extra dimensions too small to be accessible to current
collider experiments. In particular for a single extra dimension stabilized by
the Casimir energy of the Standard Model fields compactification radii as small
as 5 inverse TeV are accessible to current sub-millimeter gravity experiments.Comment: Minor corrections, conclusions unchanged. References adde
We propose that the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe can naturally
arise from a net asymmetry generated in the sleptonic sector at fairly low
reheat temperatures. The best candidate is indeed the right-handed sneutrino.
The initial asymmetry in the sneutrino sector can be produced from the decay of
the inflaton, and is subsequently transferred into the Standard Model (s)lepton
doublet via the decay of the sneutrino. The active sphalerons then reprocess
the leptonic asymmetry into the baryonic asymmetry. The marked feature of this
scenario is that the lepton asymmetry is decoupled from the neutrino Yukawa
sector. We exhibit that our scenario can be embedded within models which seek
the origin of a tiny mass for neutrinos.Comment: 7 revtex pages, 2 figures (uses axodraw). Minor changes for better
clarification and updated references. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
Quantum Effects on Higgs-Boson Production and Decay due to Majorana Neutrinos
We analyze the phenomenological implications for new electroweak physics in
the Higgs sector in the framework of SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y theories that naturally
predict heavy Majorana neutrinos. We calculate the one-loop Majorana-neutrino
contributions to the decay rates of the Higgs boson into pairs of quarks and
intermediate bosons and to its production cross section via bremsstrahlung in
e^+e^- collisions. It turns out that these are extremely small in three-
generation models. On the other hand, the sizeable quantum corrections
generated by a conventional fourth generation with a Dirac neutrino may be
screened considerably in the presence of a Majorana degree of freedom.Comment: 27 p. (10 figs. available upon request), LaTeX, ISSN 0418-9833, DESY
94-020, RAL/94-02
Softening the Supersymmetric Flavor Problem in Orbifold GUTs
The infra-red attractive force of the bulk gauge interactions is applied to
soften the supersymmetric flavor problem in the orbifold SU(5) GUT of Kawamura.
Then this force aligns in the infra-red regime the soft supersymmetry breaking
terms out of their anarchical disorder at a fundamental scale, in such a way
that flavor-changing neutral currents as well as dangerous CP-violating phases
are suppressed at low energies. It is found that this dynamical alignment is
sufficiently good compared with the current experimental bounds, as long as the
diagonalization matrices of the Yukawa couplings are CKM-like.Comment: 15 pages,4 figure
Precision Electroweak Data and Unification of Couplings in Warped Extra Dimensions
Warped extra dimensions allow a novel way of solving the hierarchy problem,
with all fundamental mass parameters of the theory naturally of the order of
the Planck scale. The observable value of the Higgs vacuum expectation value is
red-shifted, due to the localization of the Higgs field in the extra dimension.
It has been recently observed that, when the gauge fields propagate in the
bulk, unification of the gauge couplings may be achieved. Moreover, the
propagation of fermions in the bulk allows for a simple solution to potentially
dangerous proton decay problems. However, bulk gauge fields and fermions pose a
phenomenological challenge, since they tend to induce large corrections to the
precision electroweak observables. In this article, we study in detail the
effect of gauge and fermion fields propagating in the bulk in the presence of
gauge brane kinetic terms compatible with gauge coupling unification, and we
present ways of obtaining a consistent description of experimental data, while
allowing values of the first Kaluza Klein mode masses of the order of a few
TeV.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures. References adde
Leptogenesis from a sneutrino condensate revisited
We re--examine leptogenesis from a right--handed sneutrino condensate, paying
special attention to the term associated with the see--saw Majorana mass.
This term generates a lepton asymmetry in the condensate whose time average
vanishes. However, a net asymmetry will result if the sneutrino lifetime is not
much longer than the period of oscillations. Supersymmetry breaking by thermal
effects then yields a lepton asymmetry in the standard model sector after the
condensate decays. We explore different possibilities by taking account of both
the low--energy and Hubble terms. It will be shown that the desired baryon
asymmetry of the Universe can be obtained for a wide range of Majorana mass.Comment: 17 revtex pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Slightly modified and references
added. Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Leptogenesis and Neutrino Oscillations Within A Predictive G(224)/SO(10)-Framework
A framework based on an effective symmetry that is either G(224)= SU(2)_L x
SU(2)_R xSU(4)^c or SO(10) has been proposed (a few years ago) that
successfully describes the masses and mixings of all fermions including
neutrinos, with seven predictions, in good accord with the data. Baryogenesis
via leptogenesis is considered within this framework by allowing for natural
phases (~ 1/20-1/2) in the entries of the Dirac and Majorana mass-matrices. It
is shown that the framework leads quite naturally, for both thermal as well as
non-thermal leptogenesis, to the desired magnitude for the baryon asymmetry.
This result is obtained in full accord with the observed features of the
atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillations, as well as with those of the quark
and charged lepton masses and mixings, and the gravitino-constraint. Hereby one
obtains a unified description of fermion masses, neutrino oscillations and
baryogenesis (via leptogenesis) within a single predictive framework.Comment: Efficiency factor updated, some clarifications and new references
added. 19 page