56 research outputs found

    Proceed with caution: The need to raise the publication bar for microplastics research

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript. Embargo until December 12 2022.Plastic is a ubiquitous contaminant of the Anthropocene. The highly diverse nature of microplastic pollution means it is not a single contaminant, but a suite of chemicals that include a range of polymers, particle sizes, colors, morphologies, and associated contaminants. Microplastics research has rapidly expanded in recent years and has led to an overwhelming consideration in the peer-reviewed literature. While there have been multiple calls for standardization and harmonization of the research methods used to study microplastics in the environment, the complexities of this emerging field have led to an exploration of many methods and tools. While different research questions require different methods, making standardization often impractical, it remains import to harmonize the outputs of these various methodologies. We argue here that in addition to harmonized methods and quality assurance practices, journals, editors and reviewers must also be more proactive in ensuring that scientific papers have clear, repeatable methods, and contribute to a constructive and factual discourse on plastic pollution. This includes carefully considering the quality of the manuscript submissions and how they fit into the larger field of research. While comparability and reproducibility is critical in all fields, we argue that this is of utmost importance in microplastics research as policy around plastic pollution is being developed in real time alongside this evolving scientific field, necessitating the need for rigorous examination of the science being published.acceptedVersio

    Floating microplastics in Svalbard fjords: High spatial variability requires methodological consistency in estuarine systems

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    Microplastic pollution was studied in surface waters of Isfjorden, Svalbard in July 2021 as a part of an international regional harmonisation exercise. Surface microplastics (0.5–5 mm) were sampled with a neuston net in triplicate per study site in several branches of Isfjorden, covering populated and unpopulated fjords. High spatial variability of microplastic abundance (0–32,700 items/km 2) was observed within a single fjord resulting from the hydrodynamic pattern formed through the interaction of surface currents, freshwater runoff, and wind conditions. Maximum microplastic abundance was not correlated with the distance from the local source and was instead defined by local small-scale hydrodynamics. Future recommendations for correct assessment of surface microplastics concentration in estuarine environments are presented.</p

    Are We Speaking the Same Language? Recommendations for a Definition and Categorization Framework for Plastic Debris

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    Embargo until 04 Jan 2020The accumulation of plastic litter in natural environments is a global issue. Concerns over potential negative impacts on the economy, wildlife, and human health provide strong incentives for improving the sustainable use of plastics. Despite the many voices raised on the issue, we lack a consensus on how to define and categorize plastic debris. This is evident for microplastics, where inconsistent size classes are used and where the materials to be included are under debate. While this is inherent in an emerging research field, an ambiguous terminology results in confusion and miscommunication that may compromise progress in research and mitigation measures. Therefore, we need to be explicit on what exactly we consider plastic debris. Thus, we critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a unified terminology, propose a definition and categorization framework, and highlight areas of uncertainty. Going beyond size classes, our framework includes physicochemical properties (polymer composition, solid state, solubility) as defining criteria and size, shape, color, and origin as classifiers for categorization. Acknowledging the rapid evolution of our knowledge on plastic pollution, our framework will promote consensus building within the scientific and regulatory community based on a solid scientific foundation.acceptedVersio

    A multilevel dataset of microplastic abundance in the world’s upper ocean and the Laurentian Great Lakes

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    A total of 8218 pelagic microplastic samples from the world’s oceans were synthesized to create a dataset composed of raw, calibrated, processed, and gridded data which are made available to the public. The raw microplastic abundance data were obtained by different research projects using surface net tows or continuous seawater intake. Fibrous microplastics were removed from the calibrated dataset. Microplastic abundance which fluctuates due to vertical mixing under different oceanic conditions was standardized. An optimum interpolation method was used to create the gridded data; in total, there were 24.4 trillion pieces (8.2 × 104 ~ 57.8 × 104 tons) of microplastics in the world’s upper oceans

    A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives

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    Buried microplastics (plastics, <5 mm) have been documented within the sediment column of both marine and lacustrine environments. However, the number of peer-review studies published on the subject remains limited and confidence in data reliability varies considerably. Here we critically review the state of the literature on microplastic loading inventories in dated sedimentary and soil profiles. We conclude that microplastics are being sequestered across a variety of sedimentary environments globally, at a seemingly increasing rate. However, microplastics are also readily mobilised both within depositional settings and the workplace. Microplastics are commonly reported from sediments dated to before the onset of plastic production and researcher-derived microplastics frequently contaminate samples. Additionally, the diversity of microplastic types and issues of constraining source points has so far hindered interpretation of depositional settings. Therefore, further research utilizing high quality data sets, greater levels of reporting transparency, and well-established methodologies from the geosciences will be required for any validation of microplastics as a sediment dating method or in quantifying temporally resolved microplastic loading inventories in sedimentary sinks with confidence.publishedVersio

    Accumulation and distribution of microplastics in coastal sediments from the inner Oslofjord, Norway

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    Embargo until November 4 2023Microplastic presence in benthic marine systems is a widely discussed topic. The influence of the natural matrix on microplastic distribution within the sedimentary matrix is often overlooked. Marine sediments from the western inner Oslofjord, Norway, were investigated for temporal trends, with a particular focus on the relationship between sediment grain-sizes and microplastic distribution. Density separation, optical microscopy and chemical validation were used to categorize microplastics. Microplastic concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 1.71 MPs g −1 dry weight (dw). Fibres were the most common (76%), followed by fragments and films (18%, 6%). Common polymers were polyesters (50%), polypropylene (18%), polymethylmethacrylate (9%), rayon and viscose (5%) and elastane (4%). Microplastics appear to accumulate preferentially according to their morphology and polymer type in certain sediment grain-sizes. Microplastics inputs to the Oslofjord appear to derive from a wastewater treatment plant in the vicinity. Although, the redistribution of microplastics within the fjord needs further investigation.acceptedVersio

    Mapping microplastics in sludge

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    Project manager Marianne OlsenThe main objective of this project was to characterize microplastics in sewage sludge from Norwegian domestic wastewater treatment plants applying different wastewater and sludge treatment technologies. WWTPs were selected to cover the threemain domestic WWTP categories in Norway and the main applied sludge treatment processes. Fenton’s reagent was used to remove organic matter and density separations were employed to extract microplastics from sludge samples. Plastics were found in all ten sludge samples investigated from eight WWTPs. The overall average plastic abundance was 6 077 particles kg-1 (d.w.) (1701 – 19 837) or 1 176 889 particles m-3 (470 270 – 3 394 274). Based on the average microplastic abundance and the present application of sewage sludge in Norway, it was estimated that over 500 billion microplastics are released into the environment via sewage sludge application each year, to agricultural soils, green areas and soil producers. This likely represents a significant source of microplastics to terrestrial and marine systems.MiljødirektoratetpublishedVersio

    A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives

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    Buried microplastics (plastics, <5 mm) have been documented within the sediment column of both marine and lacustrine environments. However, the number of peer-review studies published on the subject remains limited and confidence in data reliability varies considerably. Here we critically review the state of the literature on microplastic loading inventories in dated sedimentary and soil profiles. We conclude that microplastics are being sequestered across a variety of sedimentary environments globally, at a seemingly increasing rate. However, microplastics are also readily mobilised both within depositional settings and the workplace. Microplastics are commonly reported from sediments dated to before the onset of plastic production and researcher-derived microplastics frequently contaminate samples. Additionally, the diversity of microplastic types and issues of constraining source points has so far hindered interpretation of depositional settings. Therefore, further research utilizing high quality data sets, greater levels of reporting transparency, and well-established methodologies from the geosciences will be required for any validation of microplastics as a sediment dating method or in quantifying temporally resolved microplastic loading inventories in sedimentary sinks with confidence

    A review of the use of microplastics in reconstructing dated sedimentary archives

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    Buried microplastics (plastics, <5 mm) have been documented within the sediment column of both marine and lacustrine environments. However, the number of peer-review studies published on the subject remains limited and confidence in data reliability varies considerably. Here we critically review the state of the literature on microplastic loading inventories in dated sedimentary and soil profiles. We conclude that microplastics are being sequestered across a variety of sedimentary environments globally, at a seemingly increasing rate. However, microplastics are also readily mobilised both within depositional settings and the workplace. Microplastics are commonly reported from sediments dated to before the onset of plastic production and researcher-derived microplastics frequently contaminate samples. Additionally, the diversity of microplastic types and issues of constraining source points has so far hindered interpretation of depositional settings. Therefore, further research utilizing high quality data sets, greater levels of reporting transparency, and well-established methodologies from the geosciences will be required for any validation of microplastics as a sediment dating method or in quantifying temporally resolved microplastic loading inventories in sedimentary sinks with confidence

    Understanding the occurrence and fate of microplastics in coastal Arctic ecosystems: The case of surface waters, sediments and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)

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    The Arctic ecosystem receives contaminants transported through complex environmental pathways – such as atmospheric, riverine and oceanographic transport, as well as local infrastructure. A holistic approach is required to assess the impact that plastic pollution may have on the Arctic, especially with regard to the unseen microplastics. This study presents data on microplastics in the Arctic fjords of western Svalbard, by addressing the ecological consequences of their presence in coastal surface waters and sediment, and through non-invasive approaches by sampling faeces from an apex predator, the benthic feeder walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Sample locations were chosen to represent coastal areas with different degrees of anthropogenic pollution and geographical features (e.g., varying glacial coverage of catchment area, winter ice cover, traffic, visitors), while also relevant feeding grounds for walrus. Microplastics in surface water and sediments ranged between <LOD (limit of detection)-3.5 particles/m3 and <LOD-26 particles/kg dry weight, respectively. This study shows that microplastics may also enter the Arctic food web as the microplastic concentration in walrus faeces were estimated at an average of 34 particles/kg. Polyester was identified by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) as the most common plastic polymer (58% in water, 31% in walrus), while fibres were the most common shape (65% water, 71% in sediment, 70% walrus). There was no significant difference in microplastic occurrence between water samples from populated or remote fjords, suggesting that microplastics are a ubiquitous contaminant which is available for interaction with Arctic marine animals even at distances from settlements. The present study contributes to our understanding of microplastics in the remote Arctic ecosystem. It also identifies the potential of non-invasive sampling methods for investigating Arctic pinnipeds. This approach will need further development and standardisation before utilisation to monitor plastic pollution in other marine mammals
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