62 research outputs found

    The dynamics of spread and extent of criminality in Kosova 2011-2014

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    Criminality as a complex social phenomenon can be characterized by different perspectives, among which the most important are, the volume, structure, trends and its dynamic. The criminal behaviour as individual phenomenon or crime as a mass phenomenon today is studied by a series of disciplines of social, natural and humanitarian sciences. Debates which are developed regarding to criminal behaviour and criminality, begin from a different starting point of scientific arguments, thing which results in a whole range of definitions, which analyze this phenomenon from the sociological, psychological, biological, anthropological, legal, economical aspects and many other aspects. Branch of Criminology, which is inseparable from aetiology, is phenomenology, namely the group of scientific studies on the phenomenology of criminality. So this special sphere of criminology study and analyzes forms of phenomena, structure, structural and dynamic appearance of criminality in general. Criminal phenomenology is part of criminology and deals with study forms of criminality appearances, with structure and its dynamic. Also with the treatment and study of criminality is necessary to study the dynamics of movement and enlighten the criminality in time periods and in different places

    An Evaluation of Chapter 14 of EU Acquis Communautaire Energy Acquis, Albanian Law Approximation and Challenges

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    As it is known, the pre-accession period should be maximally used to provide concreteevidence of the country's ability to respond to the EU membership requirements.The current paper aims at analyzing the approximation of Albanian Legislation with Energy acquis, which represents the body of all energy related EU law,regulations and policies and the challenge Albania faces to its implementation.We really hope to raise the awareness of governmental institutions and thepublic regarding the tendencies and trends of EU policies in the field of energy

    Značaj kvantiteta i kvaliteta prikupljenih činjenica koje mogu poslužiti kao dokaz u toku kriminalističke obrade ubistva / The importance of quantity and quality of collected facts which can be used as evidence during the criminal investigation of killin

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    Ubistva predstavljaju negativnu pojavu koja guÅ”i napore građana Republike Kosovo da osiguraju bezbjedniji i bolji život. Polazeći od razvitka događaja i cjelokupne situacije u vezi sa bezbjednosnim pojava na Kosovu, ovaj rad na temu ā€œZnačaj kvantiteta i kvaliteta prikupljenih činjenica koje mogu poslužiti kao dokaz u toku kriminalističke obrade ubistvaā€, može se smatrati pokuÅ”ajem doprinosa u pronalaženja odgovarajućih mjera organa gonjenja i njihovih napora i poteÅ”koća s kojima se susreću tokom suočavanja sa kriminalom uopÅ”te, a posebno s osvrtom na krivična djela ubistva.Pristupa problemu organa gonjenja sa kriminalističkog i krivičnog aspekta, a također i prema razvoju druÅ”tvene svjesti u borbi protiv ovih negativnih pojava, Imajući u vidu i poslijeratni pristup organa gonjenja u borbi protiv ovih krivičnih djela, njihovu spremnost, profesionalizam, nedovoljan broj kriminalista koji bi na stručan način pristupili borbi protiv ovog zla, itd., ovim radom sam pokuÅ”ao da sa stručnog aspekta i iskustva koje sam stekao tokom godina, pružim svoju pomoć kako bi organi gonjenja imali bolji pristup u pronalaženju odgovarajućih mjera i radnji u borbi protiv ovih negativnih pojava i postizali bolje rezultate protiv ovog zla.Polazeći od realnog stanja na terenu i prikupljenih činjenica tokom izrade rada na ovu veoma senzitivnu temu, doÅ”ao sam do zaključka da organi gonjenja na Kosovu i dalje imaju jedan klasičan pristup tokom kriminalističke obrade ovih krivičnih djela. Ono Å”to treba spomenuti jeste činjenica da oni viÅ”e imaju pristup sa krivičnopravnog, a mnogo manje sa kriminalističkog aspekta tokom prikupljanja činjenica i preduzetih drugih radnji u borbi protiv ovih krivičnih djela.Slobodno možemo reći da se, hipotetički gledano, tokom obrada ovih krivičnih djela rijetko može naići na jedan kvantitetan pristup prikupljanju činjenica, te ovo upućuje na zaključak da naučni okvir pristupa protiv ovog zla postoji u veoma uskoj mjeri ili uopÅ”te ne postoji kod onih subjekata koji su odgovorni da se bore protiv ovih negativnih pojava u druÅ”tvu.Na osnovu gore navedenog možemo zaključiti da je nužan jedan naučni pristup zasnovani na kriminalistici kao nauci, posebno zbog neosporive činjenica da kriminalistika ima svoju metodologiju uz pomoć koje kritički posmatra postojeće norme ā€œde lege lataā€, sistematizuje i analizira ih. Ona identifikuje, definiÅ”e i razlikuje principe i institucije, kao i predložene izmjene "de lege ferenda" u skladu sa očekivanim razvojem modernog kriminala.------------------------Killings represent a negative phenomenon which suffocates efforts of the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo to provide safer and better life. Starting from the development of events and the entire situation regarding security phenomenon in Kosovo, this study on ā€œImportance of the quantity and quality of collected facts which can be used as an evidence during the criminal investigation of killingsā€, can be considered an attempt to contribute to finding the appropriate measures for the prosecution bodies and to their efforts and difficulties which they face during their confrontation with the criminality in general, and particularly with reference to homicide offences.Approaching the problem by the prosecution bodies from the criminalistics and criminal aspects, but also approach towards the social awareness in combating this negative phenomenon, having in regard the post-war approach of prosecution bodies in combating these criminal offences, their readiness, professionalism, insufficient number of criminalists which would in a professional manner approach the combating of evil, etc., are part of this study though which I have made efforts that from the professional aspect and experience which I have obtained during these years, provide my help to the prosecution bodies, so they could have better approach in finding the appropriate measures and actions in combating the negative phenomenon and score better results in combating the evil.Starting from the real situation on the field and collected facts during the preparation of the study on this very sensitive topic, I have reached the conclusion that the prosecution bodies in Kosovo still have a classic approach during the criminal investigation of these criminal offences. It is worth to mention the fact that their approach is based more on the criminal and legal aspect, but much lesser on the criminal aspect of collecting the evidence and other actions in combating the criminal offences.Ā We can freely say, that hypothetically, during the criminal investigation of these criminal offences, rarely meet a qualitative approach in collecting the facts, therefore, this leads to a conclusion that a scientific framework of approaching combating of this evil exist only on a small scale or it does not exist at all within these subjects which are responsible to combat this negative phenomenon in the society.Based on the aforementioned, we can conclude that there is a need to have a scientifically based approach which is based on the criminalistics as a science, especially due to undisputed facts that the criminalistics have its methodology through which can observe, systematize and analyse the current norms from the critical point of view ā€œde lege lataā€. It also identifies, defines and differs the principles and institutions, as well as the proposed changes "de lege ferenda" in compliance with the expected development of modern criminality

    Possible earthquake trigger for 6th century mass wasting deposit at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania)

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    Lake Ohrid shared by the Republics of Albania and Macedonia is formed by a tectonically active graben within the south Balkans and suggested to be the oldest lake in Europe. Several studies have shown that the lake provides a valuable record of climatic and environmental changes and a distal tephrostratigraphic record of volcanic eruptions from Italy. Fault structures identified in seismic data demonstrate that sediments have also the potential to record tectonic activity in the region. Here, we provide an example of linking seismic and sedimentological information with tectonic activity and historical documents. Historical documents indicate that a major earthquake destroyed the city of Lychnidus (today: city of Ohrid) in the early 6th century AD. Multichannel seismic profiles, parametric sediment echosounder profiles, and a 10.08m long sediment record from the western part of the lake indicate a 2m thick mass wasting deposit, which is tentatively correlated with this earthquake. The mass wasting deposit is chronologically well constrained, as it directly overlays the AD472/AD 512 tephra. Moreover, radiocarbon dates and cross correlation with other sediment sequences with similar geochemical characteristics of the Holocene indicate that the mass wasting event took place prior to the onset of the Medieval Warm Period, and is attributed it to one of the known earthquakes in the region in the early 6th century AD

    Body mass Index does not impact long-term survival of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis undergoing lung transplantation

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    ObjectiveWe investigated the impact of body mass index (BMI) on post-operative outcomes and survival of patients with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) undergoing lung transplantation.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed 222 patients with IPF that underwent lung transplant (LT) at our institution from 2005 to 2019. Recipients were divided in 4 groups: group-1 consisted of underweight patients (BMI ā‰¤18.5ā€…kg/m2), group-2 of normal weight patients (BMI 18.5ā€“25ā€…kg/m2), group-3 of over-weight patients (BMI 25ā€“29.9ā€…kg/m2) and group-4 of obese patients (BMI ā‰„30ā€…kg/m2).ResultsGroup-1 consisted of 13 (6%) patients, group-2 of 67 (30%) patients, group-3 of 79 (36%) patients, group-4 consisted of 63 (28%) patients. Median BMI for group-1 was 17 [interquartile range (IQR): 17, 18], for group-2 was 23 (22, 24), for group-3 was 29 (28, 29.5) and group-4 was 32 (31, 33). Patients in group-1 were significantly younger (pā€‰<ā€‰0.01). Single LT comprised the majority of operation type in group-2 to group-4 and it was significantly higher than group 1 (pā€‰<ā€‰0.01). Median follow-up time was 39 months (13ā€“76). A total of 79 (35.5%) patients died by the end of study. Overall, five deaths occurred in group-1, 17 in group-2, 33 in group-3, and 24 in group-4. Kaplanā€“Meier analysis showed that mortality was not statistically significant between the groups (pā€‰=ā€‰0.24). Cox-regression analysis was used to assess other possible risk factors that could influence the effect of BMI on mortality, including transplant type (single, double), lung allocation score, and age, diabetes and creatinine levels at surgery. None of these factors were shown to affect patient mortality (pā€‰>ā€‰0.05). Overall reasons for death included graft failure (24%), infection (23%), respiratory failure (14%), and malignancy (13%).ConclusionsBody mass index does not impact long-term survival of patients with IPF undergoing lung transplantation

    The gradience of Old Albanian vowel length contrasts

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    The Gradience of Old Albanian Vowel Length

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    Politički marketing ima značajnu ulogu za političke stranke i političke kandidate te obuhvaća niz alata i tehnika koje služe za bolje poznavanje političkog tržiÅ”ta, efikasnije i kvalitetnije komunikacije te stvaranju boljeg imidža. Istraživanje tržiÅ”ta predstavlja početnu točku političkog marketinga jer su informacije i podaci dobiveni analiziranjem tržiÅ”ta esencijalni za donoÅ”enje daljnjih političkih odluka. Masovni mediji kao odrednica političkog marketinga imaju važnu ulogu u prenoÅ”enju informacija i povezivanju birača i političkih subjekata. Postoje i alternativne vrste masovnih medija koje obuhvaćaju web sadržaje Å”to omogućuje sverastuću političku participaciju birača u politici te promjenu u načinu komunikacije. Političko istraživanje tržiÅ”ta se izvrÅ”ava pomoću kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih metoda koje se međusobno upotpunjuju u svojim prednostima i nedostatcima. Političko istraživanje tržiÅ”ta u Republici Hrvatskoj je uvjetovano i određeno karakteristikama političkog i gospodarskog uređenja same države. DruÅ”tvene mreže su utjecale na povećanje političke participacije mladih u Republici Hrvatskoj Å”to ukazuje na moć i utjecaj druÅ”tvenih medija kao izvora političkog sadržaja. Cilj ovog rada je opisati važnost prikupljanja i analiziranja informacija i podataka političkim istraživanjem tržiÅ”ta. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi karakteristike političkog istraživanja tržiÅ”ta u Republici Hrvatskoj.Political marketing has a significant role for political parties and political candidates and includes a number of tools and techniques that serve to understand the political market, more efficient and quality communication, creating a better image and more. Market research is the starting point of political marketing because the information and data obtained by analyzing the market are essential for further political decisions. The mass media, as a determinant of political marketing, has an important role in transmitting information and connecting voters and political entities. There are also alternative types of mass media that include web content, which enables the growing political participation of voters in politics and a change in the way of communication. Market policy research is performed using qualitative and quantitative methods that complement each other in their advantages and disadvantages. Political market research in the Republic of Croatia is conditioned and determined by the characteristics of the political and economic organization of the state itself. Social networks have influenced the increase of political participation of young people in the Republic of Croatia, which indicates the power and influence of social media as a source of political content. The aim of this paper is to describe the importance of collecting and analyzing information and data through political market research. The goal of this research is to determine the characteristics of political market research in the Republic of Croatia
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