14 research outputs found

    Exploring the Social Conditionality of the Contemporary Mode of Technological Development: Beyond the Edge of the (Research on) the Digital Divide.

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    In his dissertation thesis, the author elaborates on a new position from which both information society theory and digital divide research could be analyzed as active participants in a large-scale societal reconstruction. The text begins with the reconstruction of the argumentation core of information society theories, which is then utilized when choosing their latest, most respected, and most elaborated version. In the following chapter, the author presents the composition of Manuel Castells' information society theory and its tight relationship with the digital divide issue. In the final parts of this chapter, the author reveals the key position of the digital divide issue in solving the contradictions and negative aspects of informatization. The chapter is concluded by finding out the absence of the link between digital divide and information society theory in the preceding criticism of Castells' work. In the fourth part, the development, arguments, and empirical evidence of the digital divide research are presented, followed by identification of the limits of contemporary academic digital divide discourse. In the sixth chapter, the author tries to overcome these limits by proposing a new empirical evidence better fitting model of the digital divide. The thesis is concluded by thinking over the...Autor v textu promýšlí novou pozici, z níž lze nahlížet teorii informační společnosti a výzkum digitální propasti jako činné součásti jedné velké rekonstrukce podmínek sociální existence. Práce začíná rekonstrukcí argumentačního jádra teorií informační společnosti, které pak slouží jako opora výběru posledního a současně nejrespektovanějšího představitele této teoretické tradice. V následující kapitole je představena výstavba teorie informační společnosti Manuela Castellse a dále její těsný vztah s problémem digitální propasti. Tato část vrcholí rozborem klíčové pozice problému digitální propasti v řešení rozporů a sociálních negativ informatizace a je uzavřena poukázáním na absenci tohoto momentu v předchozích kritikách Castellsova díla. Ve čtvrté kapitole je představen vývoj argumentů a empirické evidence výzkumu digitální propasti, v části páté jsou pak identifikovány limity současné akademické diskuse o digitální propasti. V šesté kapitole se autor pokouší překročit tyto limity prostřednictvím navržení nového, dostupné empirické evidenci lépe odpovídajícího modelu digitální propasti. Práce je uzavřena promýšlením důsledků tohoto modelu nejen pro teorii i politiku informační společnosti, ale i pro případné budoucí syntetické zkoumání role teorie informační společnosti v procesu informatizace.Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Building Up Critical Theory of the Information Society: Incomplete Mission

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    Fuchs, Ch. 2008, Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age, Routledge, New York and Abingdon, x and 398 pp

    The Hypothesis of the End of the Internet Revolution

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    The Hypothesis of the End of the Internet Revolutio

    Predicting Online and Offline Civic Participation among Young Czech Roma: The Roles of Resources, Community Perceptions and Social Norms

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    Roma in the Czech Republic represent a large ethnic minority that faces intolerance and social exclusion. This study aims to describe factors that boost civic participation among Roma adolescents and emerging adults. Specifically, it asks whether different factors apply to Roma and members of the majority, and whether different factors boost offline and online participation. Survey data were analysed from Roma (n = 157) and majority (n = 573) participants between the ages of 15 and 28. Hierarchical regression models suggested that certain factors (a sense of collective influence and peer participatory norm) predict all forms of civic participation, regardless of ethnicity. For Roma youth, in contrast with the majority, offline participation was associated with a perceived lack of opportunities and unmet needs in their communities, which suggests that their offline civic participation might be a reaction to perceived communal problems. Finally, a lack of education was identified as a major explanation for lower rates of online participation among Roma

    Mapa audiovizuálního pole v České republice z hlediska digitalizace a strategie pro jednotný digitální trh

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    Výzkumná zpráva popisuje stav audiovizuálního pole v ČR, tj. základní struktury, klíčové aktéry a praxe v produkci, distribuci a spotřebě audiovizuálních děl. Mezi struktury audiovizuálního pole řadíme technickou infrastrukturu, právní normy, obchodní (tj. produkční a distribuční) modely, základní socioekonomické parametry pracovního trhu v audiovizuálním průmyslu, státní kulturní politiku a širší sociokulturní kontext. Mezi aktéry audiovizuálního pole zahrnujeme jednak aktéry hodnotového řetězce, kteří se podílejí na vývoji, výrobě a šíření audiovizuálního díla, a jednak samotné spotřebitele.The research report describes the state of the audiovisual field in the Czech Republic, i.e. the basic structures, key actors and practices in the production, distribution and consumption of audiovisual works. Among the structures of the audiovisual field we include technical infrastructure, legal standards, business (i.e. production and distribution) models, basic socio-economic parameters of the labour market in the audiovisual industry, state cultural policy and wider socio-cultural context. Among the actors of the audiovisual field we include, on the one hand, actors of the value chain who participate in the development, production and distribution of audiovisual works and, on the other hand, consumers themselves

    Superficiary right of building and other possibilities of building on land of another

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    The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building on the land belonging to a third party, though the focus is primarily on the institution of the superficiary right of building). The principle "superficies solo cedit" was reintroduced in Czech legislation when the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012, Coll.) came into force. Along with this principle, the institution known as superficiary right of building has also returned to Czech law after a hiatus of more than 50 years. This thesis seeks to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the superficiary right of building, to explain the individual rights and obligations arising from the superficiary right of building, and to compare the institution of superficiary right of building to other possibilities of erecting a building on land which belongs to someone else. The first chapter defines some of the basic concepts which facilitate the explanation of individual issues and the understanding of certain connections in the following chapters. The second chapter describes the history of the superficiary right of building, which has its roots in the times of ancient Rome. This chapter also undertakes a characterization of legal regimes which were previously in force on the territory of todayʼs Czech Republic. Over the..

    Exploring the Social Conditionality of the Contemporary Mode of Technological Development: Beyond the Edge of the (Research on) the Digital Divide.

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    In his dissertation thesis, the author elaborates on a new position from which both information society theory and digital divide research could be analyzed as active participants in a large-scale societal reconstruction. The text begins with the reconstruction of the argumentation core of information society theories, which is then utilized when choosing their latest, most respected, and most elaborated version. In the following chapter, the author presents the composition of Manuel Castells' information society theory and its tight relationship with the digital divide issue. In the final parts of this chapter, the author reveals the key position of the digital divide issue in solving the contradictions and negative aspects of informatization. The chapter is concluded by finding out the absence of the link between digital divide and information society theory in the preceding criticism of Castells' work. In the fourth part, the development, arguments, and empirical evidence of the digital divide research are presented, followed by identification of the limits of contemporary academic digital divide discourse. In the sixth chapter, the author tries to overcome these limits by proposing a new empirical evidence better fitting model of the digital divide. The thesis is concluded by thinking over the..

    Property of the Moon \u2013 Provision of International Public Law vs. Private Initiatives

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    Cílem této práce je přispět k porozumění právní úpravy režimu kosmického prostoru a Měsíce a zodpovědět otázku, zda je prodej pozemků na Měsíci v souladu s mezinárodněprávní úpravou. V této práci bude nejdříve vymezen pojem mezinárodní prostor. Poté bude charakterizován prostor kosmický, jehož úpravu obsahuje především základní instrument kosmického práva -- Kosmická smlouva z roku 1967. Tuto úpravu rozšiřuje Dohoda o Měsíci z toku 1979. Pozornost bude zaměřena také na soukromé iniciativy v souvislosti s nárokováním vlastnických práv k pozemkům na Měsíci. Dojde ke zhodnocení jak argumentů vyplývajících z mezinárodněprávní úpravy tak argumentů ze strany soukromých iniciativ. Do poslední kapitoly bude zařazena úprava těžby přírodních zdrojů Měsíce a nárokům na tyto zdroje.The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the legal regulations of Outer Space and the Moon and to answer the question of whether the sale of land on the Moon is in accordance with international law. At first, the author will define the term of international space. Secondly, Outer Space which is predominantly exulted by the fundamental instrument of space law - the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies - will be characterised. This legal regulation is further expanded on by the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Attention will also be given to private initiatives relating to purported claims to proprietary rights to plots of land on the Moon. The thesis will evaluate the arguments arising from international law as well as the arguments from the sphere of private initiatives. The last chapter will include an analysis of the legal regulation of mining of the Moon's natural resources and the proprietary claims thereto

    Property of the Moon – Provision of International Public Law vs. Private Initiatives

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    The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the legal regulations of Outer Space and the Moon and to answer the question of whether the sale of land on the Moon is in accordance with international law. At first, the author will define the term of international space. Secondly, Outer Space which is predominantly exulted by the fundamental instrument of space law - the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies - will be characterised. This legal regulation is further expanded on by the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Attention will also be given to private initiatives relating to purported claims to proprietary rights to plots of land on the Moon. The thesis will evaluate the arguments arising from international law as well as the arguments from the sphere of private initiatives. The last chapter will include an analysis of the legal regulation of mining of the Moon's natural resources and the proprietary claims thereto