509 research outputs found

    Exploring origin of food as a source of meanings for Finnish consumers: A qualitative comparison of meanings in Swedish, German and French food

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    The findings show that Finnish consumers attach partly overlapping partly distinct cognitive, affective, and normative meanings to Swedish, German, and French food. Swedish and French foods are perceived healthier than German food. Finnish consumers also think that Swedish and French food is of high quality, safe and pure while in the case of German food consumers were more doubtful

    The Woman and the Well

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    A collection of 16 poems inspired by personal life experiences, containing themes of the natural world, relationships, and faith

    Mumpreneurs? : everyday complexities in the realm of time, money, business and motherhood

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    This study analyses the complexity of everyday life choices and constraints of women who are mothers and work as entrepreneurs. The research illustrates how women construct their motherhood and entrepreneurship as a part of their everyday lives and examines the constructions that shape their life choices. Multiple interpretations of work, an aim towards work-life balance and the increasingly entrepreneurial nature of work all come together in the concept of mumpreneur, a portmanteau of mother and entrepreneur, which has been created as a distinction from the traditional masculine label. In traditional entrepreneurship literature, parenthood is mainly ignored, and even in research of women’s entrepreneurship family is easily constructed as problematic. This study, for its part, aims to bring the fields of entrepreneurship and motherhood closer together by further conceptualizing mumpreneurship through empirical research and by opening up new discussions in the fairly narrow research field of self-employed mothers. In the empirical part of the study, the analysed data comprises a focus group discussion between three self-employed mothers and individual interviews with four self-employed mothers. The study adopts moderate constructionism and applies an abductive approach in the analysis in order to develop the concepts of time, money, business and motherhood within the field of mumpreneurship research. This study contributes to research on mumpreneurship and the work-family interface by revealing the diversity of the life choices and constraints of women in a similar life phase and by questioning the use of the stabilising label of mumpreneur, which only reinforces the traditional gendered division of work within families. This study also contributes to the field of mumpreneurship by expanding the concept itself. Mumpreneurship started with the traditional male entrepreneur’s model as its foundation and was further developed through the introduction of spatial dimensions and the question of combining childcare and paid work. This study further conceptualises mumpreneurship as a way to do paid work where the ambivalence of motherhood and professional ambitions are tied into one’s everyday life within the realm of needing to make a living out of one’s business. Self-employed mothers, in the Finnish context, do not experience entrepreneurship as analogous with the choice between being a stay-at-home mother and a working mother, instead, entrepreneurship is constructed as the choice of an active working citizen. However, this active choice does not guarantee a better standard of living, as the income derived from it is often insecure and modest. The shortcomings in income are compensated with the spouse’s income, whereas the shortcomings in time-use are compensated with a more complex combination of intergenerational help, outsourcing domestic chores, balancing time-use with the spouse and one’s own flexibility in organising everyday life.TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus analysoi arkielĂ€mĂ€n valintoja ja rajoitteita sellaisten naisten elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€, jotka ovat Ă€itejĂ€ ja työskentelevĂ€t yrittĂ€jĂ€nĂ€. TyössĂ€ tarkastellaan sitĂ€, kuinka naiset rakentavat Ă€itiyttÀÀn ja yrittĂ€jyyttÀÀn osana arkielĂ€mÀÀnsĂ€ ja millaiset tulkinnat muovaavat heidĂ€n valintojaan. Työn monet merkitykset, pyrkimys työn ja muun elĂ€mĂ€n tasapainoon sekĂ€ työn muuttuminen entistĂ€ yrittĂ€jĂ€mĂ€isemmĂ€ksi kohtaavat kĂ€sitteessĂ€ mumpreneur, joka on yhdistelmĂ€ sanoista mother ja entrepreneur, Ă€iti ja yrittĂ€jĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ Ă€iti-yrittĂ€jĂ€n kĂ€site on kehitetty erotuksena perinteisestĂ€, maskuliinisesta yrittĂ€jĂ€stĂ€. Vanhemmuutta ei ole kĂ€sitelty perinteisessĂ€ yrittĂ€jyyskirjallisuudessa, ja jopa naisyrittĂ€jyystutkimuksessa perhe konstruoidaan helposti ongelmaksi. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan tuomaan yhteen yrittĂ€jyyden ja Ă€itiyden tutkimuskenttiĂ€ kĂ€sitteellistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ Ă€iti-yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ empiiristĂ€ tutkimusta hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ ja tuomalla esiin uusia keskustelunaiheita yrittĂ€jĂ€nĂ€ toimivien Ă€itien arkielĂ€mĂ€stĂ€. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu kolmen yrittĂ€jĂ€nĂ€ toimivan Ă€idin fokusryhmĂ€keskustelusta ja neljĂ€n Ă€iti-yrittĂ€jĂ€n yksilöhaastatteluista. Tutkimus on otteeltaan maltillisen konstruktionistinen ja hyödyntÀÀ analyysissa abduktiivista lĂ€hestymistapaa tehdĂ€kseen uusia avauksia Ă€iti-yrittĂ€jyyskeskusteluun koskien aikaa, rahaa, liiketoimintaa ja Ă€itiyttĂ€. Tutkimus tekee nĂ€kyvĂ€ksi nĂ€ennĂ€isesti samankaltaisessa elĂ€mĂ€nvaiheessa olevien naisten valintojen ja rajoitteiden moninaisuutta ja kyseenalaistaa stabilisoivan ja perinteistĂ€ sukupuolittunutta työnjakoa vahvistavan mumpreneur-kĂ€sitteen kĂ€yttöÀ. Samalla tutkimus laajentaa mumpreneur-kĂ€sitettĂ€. Äiti-yrittĂ€jyys on lĂ€htenyt perinteisestĂ€ miehisen yrittĂ€jyyden mallista, laajentunut kĂ€sittelemÀÀn tilallisia ulottuvuuksia ja kytkeytynyt lastenhoidon ja ansiotyön yhdistĂ€misen keskusteluun. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus osaltaan kĂ€sitteellistÀÀ Ă€iti-yrittĂ€jyyttĂ€ ansiotyön muotona, jossa Ă€itiyden ja ammatillisen kunnianhimon vĂ€liset ristiriitaisuudet kytkeytyvĂ€t arkielĂ€mĂ€n tarpeeseen ansaita elantonsa liiketoiminnalla. ÄideillĂ€ yrittĂ€jĂ€nĂ€ toimiminen ei suomalaisessa kontekstissa vertaudu valintaan kotiĂ€idin ja työssĂ€kĂ€yvĂ€n Ă€idin roolien vĂ€lillĂ€, vaan rakentuu pikemminkin aktiivisen työssĂ€kĂ€yvĂ€n kansalaisen valinnaksi. TĂ€mĂ€ aktiivinen valinta ei kuitenkaan takaa parempaa elintasoa, koska ansiot ovat epĂ€varmoja ja monesti melko vaatimattomia. Ansiotason riittĂ€mĂ€ttömyyttĂ€ pystytÀÀn kompensoimaan puolison tuloilla, kun taas ajan riittĂ€mĂ€ttömyyttĂ€ kompensoidaan monimutkaisemmalla yhdistelmĂ€llĂ€ sukupolvien vĂ€listĂ€ apua, teettĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ kotityötĂ€ ostopalveluina, tasapainottamalla ajankĂ€yttöÀ puolison kanssa ja kykenemĂ€llĂ€ itse joustavuuteen arjessaan

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Cybersecurity

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    Uurimistöö eesmĂ€rgiks on uurida, kuidas tĂ”hus kĂŒberjulgeolek on olnud edukas. Uurimistöö kasutab parima vĂ”imaliku tulemuse saamiseks mitmesuguseid uurimismeetodeid ja kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade on sĂŒstemaatiline. Kuid uurimistöö jĂ€reldus on see, et uuring ei suuda kinnitada vĂ”i tagasi lĂŒkata peamist töö hĂŒpoteesi. Uuring ei Ă”nnestunud, sest puuduvad korralikud teooriad, mis nĂ€itavad ohutuse ja kĂŒberjulgeoleku nĂ€htusi ning puuduvad head nĂ€itajad, mis annaksid kĂŒberohutuse tĂ”hususe kohta kehtivaid ja ratsionaalseid tulemusi, kui hĂ€sti on kĂŒberkuritegevuse abil Ă”nnestunud kĂŒberkuritegevuse tĂ”husaks vĂ”itmiseks ja kĂŒberkuritegude tĂ”husaks vĂ€hendamiseks. SeepĂ€rast on kĂŒberjulgeoleku teadusteooria ja julgeoleku teadusteooria vĂ€hearenenud 2018. aastal. Uuringud on teinud kĂŒberjulgeoleku ja turvalisuse arendamise pĂ”hilisi avastusi. Edasiste pĂ”hiuuringute suund on luua ĂŒldine turbeteooria, mis kirjeldab ohtlike muutujate ohtlike muutujate kavatsust, ressursse, pĂ€devust ja edusamme ohtlike muutujate ja aksioomide puhul, kus ohtlike muutujate mÔÔtmisel saab teha selle sisse loodetavas ja teooria kirjeldab, millised on tĂ”husad meetmed, et vĂ€ltida ja leevendada ning millised ei ole ja lĂ”puks kehtestada nĂ”uetekohased mÔÔdikud, et mÔÔta turvalisuse ja kĂŒberjulgeoleku tĂ”husust loodetavus ja kehtivusega.The purpose of the thesis is to research how effectively cybersecurity has succeeded on its mission. The thesis used multiple research methods to get best possible answer and the literature review has been systematic. However, the conclusion of the research was that the study is unable to either confirm or reject the main working hypothesis. The study is unable to do it because of the lack of proper theories to describe what are the phenomena in secu-rity and cybersecurity and the lack of proper metrics to give valid and sound conclusion about the effective of cybersecurity and how well have cybersecurity succeed on its mis-sion to effectively prevent and mitigate cybercrime. Therefore, the science of security and science of cybersecurity are underdeveloped in 2018. The research has made basic discov-eries of development of cybersecurity and security. A direction of further basic research is to establish a general theory of security which describes threat variables, threat variables intention, resources, competence and progress of the threat variables and axioms where measurement of threat variables can be made with reliability and the theory would describe which are effective measures to prevent and mitigate and which are not and finally, estab-lish proper metrics to measure efficiency of security and cybersecurity with reliability and validity

    Impact of Stock Recommendations on Finnish Stock Market

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    Stock recommendations have gain interest, and became more important over the past years. Thus, brokerage houses are spending more and more money to examine companies and then, investors are following those recommendations. Hence, the purpose of the thesis is to examine whether stock recommendations may generate positive abnormal returns. Earnings generated by stock analysts’ recommendations can be considered to be an anomaly, that is, a deviation from the efficient market hypothesis. According to Fama’s (1970) efficient market hypothesis, all information should be available and new information should reflect to prices immediately when the new announcement is given. Stock recommendations can be divided into five groups based on stock analysts’ recommendations; strong buy, buy, hold, sell and strong sell recommendations. Based on analysts’ consensus recommendations, five portfolios are formed, whose performance is under investigation. When a company is given a recommendation, it is added to a specific portfolio and the company’s return is calculated. When the consensus recommendation changes, the company will be moved to another portfolio and the return will be recalculated. The thesis studies stock prices and returns of 62 companies from the Finnish stock market between 2010 and 2018. The hypothesis of the thesis is tested by several statistical methods, such as an ordinary least square and panel data methods. The results of both statistical methods are corresponding, thus strong buy, buy and unexpectedly, also strong sell recommendations, generate positive abnormal returns while sell recommendations produce negative abnormal returns during the observation period. Neither panel data methods nor OLS regression could find any statistically significant results for hold recommendations

    Features of Arabic-French code-switching in Morocco : a sociolinguistic case study on intra-sentential code-switching in Morocco

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    This Master’s thesis is a sociolinguistic case study about intra-sentential code-switching, also known as code-mixing, between colloquial Moroccan Arabic and French. The data is collected by arranged interviews with focus groups consisting of university students in Rabat, Morocco, in order to investigate the trends and the extent of the occurrence of French in speech situations where intra- sentential code-switching between colloquial Moroccan Arabic and French is present. The hypothe- ses are based on findings of previous research conducted on code-switching in North Africa by Ben- tahila (1983a/b), Bentahila & Davies (1983, 1995), and Sayahi (2011a/b, 2014). The most important independent variables in the study are gender and field of education through five different focus groups consisting of participants from five different fields of study, including both the fields of humanities and sciences. This study investigates French verbs, whether adapted into colloquial Moroccan Arabic verb morphology patterns or not, the occurrence of numerals, whether used in Arabic or in French, the realisation of the phoneme /r/ in French words, whether French, guttural [ʁ] or alveolar trill [r], the role of code-switching in repetition and rhetorical emp- hasis, as well as examining whether there is a difference in the frequency and amount of intra-sen- tential code-switching performed by male and female speakers and the different focus groups. The analysis provides examples of the examined phenomena, offering an insight to what intra-sen- tential code-switching in the Moroccan context may look like. The results show that all the features of intra-sentential code-switching mentioned above occur in the data: the usage of French verbs be- ing adapted into colloquial Moroccan Arabic exceeds the amount of cases of code-switching with French verbs; the usage of numerals in Arabic exceeds the usage of numerals in French; the pro- nunciation of the phoneme /r/ in French words differs between male and female speakers, as the female speakers use more French, guttural [ʁ] while the male speakers use more alveolar trill [r], yet the language of instruction being French for certain participants significantly had an impact on the realisation of the phoneme. Furthermore, the data presents in total 16 cases of repetition reached by code-switching, and the analysis of the independent background variables shows differences be- tween groups regarding both gender and field of education: the male participants used more French verbs than the female participants, whereas female participants provided more cases of French nu- merals and the French, guttural [ʁ] when pronouncing French words with /r/ in comparison to the male participants. Finally, the field of education certainly is proven to have an impact on the partic- ipants' likelihood to use French.This Master’s thesis is a sociolinguistic case study about intra-sentential code-switching, also known as code-mixing, between colloquial Moroccan Arabic and French. The data is collected by arranged interviews with focus groups consisting of university students in Rabat, Morocco, in order to investigate the trends and the extent of the occurrence of French in speech situations where intra- sentential code-switching between colloquial Moroccan Arabic and French is present. The hypothe- ses are based on findings of previous research conducted on code-switching in North Africa by Ben- tahila (1983a/b), Bentahila & Davies (1983, 1995), and Sayahi (2011a/b, 2014). The most important independent variables in the study are gender and field of education through five different focus groups consisting of participants from five different fields of study, including both the fields of humanities and sciences. This study investigates French verbs, whether adapted into colloquial Moroccan Arabic verb morphology patterns or not, the occurrence of numerals, whether used in Arabic or in French, the realisation of the phoneme /r/ in French words, whether French, guttural [ʁ] or alveolar trill [r], the role of code-switching in repetition and rhetorical emp- hasis, as well as examining whether there is a difference in the frequency and amount of intra-sen- tential code-switching performed by male and female speakers and the different focus groups. The analysis provides examples of the examined phenomena, offering an insight to what intra-sen- tential code-switching in the Moroccan context may look like. The results show that all the features of intra-sentential code-switching mentioned above occur in the data: the usage of French verbs be- ing adapted into colloquial Moroccan Arabic exceeds the amount of cases of code-switching with French verbs; the usage of numerals in Arabic exceeds the usage of numerals in French; the pro- nunciation of the phoneme /r/ in French words differs between male and female speakers, as the female speakers use more French, guttural [ʁ] while the male speakers use more alveolar trill [r], yet the language of instruction being French for certain participants significantly had an impact on the realisation of the phoneme. Furthermore, the data presents in total 16 cases of repetition reached by code-switching, and the analysis of the independent background variables shows differences be- tween groups regarding both gender and field of education: the male participants used more French verbs than the female participants, whereas female participants provided more cases of French nu- merals and the French, guttural [ʁ] when pronouncing French words with /r/ in comparison to the male participants. Finally, the field of education certainly is proven to have an impact on the partic- ipants' likelihood to use French

    The role of internet search engine service providers in the light of the European data protection legislation : a study on the judgment of the court of justice of the European Union on google spain and inc. v. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) and Mario Costeja Gonzålez, C-131/12

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia Internetin hakukoneen roolia EU:n tietosuojalainsÀÀdĂ€nnön valossa. Vertailukohtana kĂ€ytĂ€n EU-tuomioistuimen tuomiota asiassa C-131/12. Tutkielmassani pÀÀdyn lopputulokseen, ettĂ€ Internetin hakukoneet kĂ€sittelevĂ€t henkilötietoja EU:n tietosuojadirektiivin tarkoittamassa merkityksessĂ€. Hakukoneen voidaan myös katsoa olevan rekisterinpitĂ€jĂ€ suhteessa sen kĂ€sittelemiin kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€tietoihin, kuten henkilön hakuhistoriaan sekĂ€ hakukoneen hakutuloksissa ilmeneviin henkilötietoihin, sillĂ€ se pÀÀttÀÀ henkilötietojen kĂ€sittelyn tarkoituksen ja keinot. Tutkielmassani ehdotan kuitenkin, ettĂ€ lĂ€hdesivustolla tulisi olla vastuu henkilötiedoista, jotka nĂ€kyvĂ€t hakukoneen hakutuloksissa, kun tietyt edellytykset tĂ€yttyvĂ€t. AvaintekijĂ€t tĂ€ssĂ€ suhteessa ovat rekisteröidyn suostumus sekĂ€ poistokoodien kĂ€yttĂ€minen lĂ€hdesivustolla. Hakukonetta voitaisiin kĂ€yttÀÀ ennemminkin apuna virheellisten tai vanhentuneiden tietojen paikantamiseen ja tĂ€ten vastuun kohdentamiseen. Tutkielmassani pohdin myös lyhyesti yksilön ”oikeutta tulla unohdetuksi” sekĂ€ vaihtoehtoja sen tehokkaaseen tĂ€ytĂ€ntöönpanoon kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€

    Hear what I appreciate : activation of consumption motives for healthier food choices across different value segments

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    This study represents ‘nudging’ interventions aiming to promote healthier food choices by altering the environment where choices are made, without price incentives. The study focuses on the activation of a consumer’s different consumption motives immediately prior to making food choices, thereby drawing a direct goal-priming approach that is postulated to stimulate congruent behaviours. The twofold purpose of this experimental research is to (1) evaluate the usefulness of direct goal priming when aiming at healthier food choices and (2) to identify the boundary conditions that either favour or inhibit the emergence of motivational priming effects. This purpose contributes to the literature on consumer health behaviour in two ways. First, it reveals new motivational origins for health-goal priming effects. Second, it gleans unprecedented empirical evidence for the moderating capacity of consumers’ values. Direct priming of a health goal proved to be effective in steering consumers towards healthier food options. Surprisingly, however, responsibility and status primes also led to an increase in choices of healthy food products. Moreover, a moderation analysis showed that the consumer’s values (achievement, conservation, and universalism) play an important role in how goal priming works. Thus, the success of priming greatly depends on the underlying values of the consumers.©2017 the author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    Luonto on ollut osana hoitotyötÀ jo vuosikymmenien ajan. Luonnonantimia on kÀytetty ihmisten lÀÀkitsemiseen ja sairauksien parantamiseen sekÀ hoitamiseen jo ajanlaskun alkuaikoina. Viime vuosikymmeninÀ luonnon merkitystÀ ihmisen terveyden edistÀ-miseksi on alettu tutkia ja kÀsittÀÀ kokonaisvaltaisemmin. Luonto ymmÀrretÀÀn myös henkisenÀ voimavarana ja voimaannuttavana elementtinÀ. TÀmÀn toiminnallisen opinnÀytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuoda esille Green Care -ideologian merkitystÀ ja mahdollisuuksia hoitotyön kentÀllÀ. Hoitokodilla toteutettiin toiminnallinen viikko luontohoivan teemoihin liittyen, ja toiminnallisesta viikosta koottiin vihkonen. Toimintaviikon teemoja olivat toiminnallisuus, yhteisöllisyys ja luonto. Tavoit-teena oli vihkosen avulla lisÀtÀ Green Care -ideologian kÀyttöÀ arjessa, etenkin muisti-sairaiden ja mielenterveyskuntoutujien kanssa työskennellessÀ. Vihkosen on tarkoitus jÀÀdÀ hoitokodin työntekijöiden, asukkaiden ja asukkaiden omaisten kÀyttöön. Vihkoseen koottiin pieni osa teoriaa Green Caresta ja lisÀksi toimintaviikon toteutuk-seen liittyen kuvia ja pienet tekstiosiot, joista kÀy ilmi, mitÀ toimintaviikon aikana tehtiin asukkaiden kanssa. Jatkokehitysideana voitaisiin tehdÀ tutkimusta Green Caren vai-kuttavuudesta koeryhmÀn avulla.Nature has been a part of nursing for decades. Natural plant products have been used to medicate and cure diseases from the early stages of humankind. Over the last dec-ades, an understanding has emerged that nature can be an empowering element and a mental asset for humans. The significance of nature in health promotion is also more and more current. The purpose of this thesis was to introduce the possibilities of Green Care in the field of nursing. An activity week was implemented in a nursing home related to the themes of Green Care and as a result, a booklet was created. The themes were functionality, communality and nature. The aim was, with the help of the booklet, to enhance the use of the Green Care ideology in practice especially when working with older people with dementia or people with mental disorders. The booklet will be at the disposal of the nursing home so that the employees, residents and the relatives of the residents have access to it. In the booklet, there is a short theoretical section on Green Care. There are also pic-tures of the activity week with captions describing the activities performed with the resi-dents. As a further development idea, a study could be conducted in an experimental group to explore the efficacy of Green Care

    NÀin tehdÀÀn leirinjohtajia! : kokemukselliseen ja sosiaaliseen oppimiseen pohjautuva perehdytyssuunnitelma LeirikesÀ ry:lle

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli luoda LeirikesĂ€ ry:lle uusi perehdytyssuunnitelma kesĂ€leirinjohtajien perehdyttĂ€misen tueksi. TĂ€mĂ€ monimuotoinen opinnĂ€ytetyö koostuu tietoperustasta, raporttiosasta ja itse perehdytyssuunnitelmasta. Tietoperusta kĂ€sittelee perehdytystĂ€ ilmiönĂ€ sekĂ€ perehdytystĂ€ kokemuksellisen ja sosiaalisen oppimisen nĂ€kökulmasta. Raporttiosa koostuu työn toteutuksesta ja arvioinnista. OpinnĂ€ytetyön työelĂ€mĂ€kumppani oli ehkĂ€isevĂ€n lastensuojelutyön jĂ€rjestö LeirikesĂ€ ry, joka jĂ€rjestÀÀ lasten ja nuorten lomatoimintaa koulujen loma-aikoina vuosittain noin 1600 lapselle. Uuden perehdytyssuunnitelman toteuttaminen aloitettiin kartoittamalla aiemmin tehtĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ toimineiden kesĂ€leirinjohtajien kokemuksia saamastaan perehdytyksestĂ€. Kartoitus tehtiin sĂ€hköisellĂ€ taustakyselyllĂ€. Vanhaa perehdytyssuunnitelmaa kĂ€ytettiin hyvĂ€ksi jakamalla vanhan suunnitelman sisĂ€ltĂ€mĂ€t aihealueet uudelleen ja luomalla kyselyn vastausten ja omien kokemustemme perusteella muutamia uusia aihealueita. KerĂ€tty tietoperusta linkitettiin osaksi uutta perehdytyssuunnitelmaa. Taustakysely ei tuottanut työlle merkittĂ€vÀÀ lisĂ€arvoa, joskin vastauksissa toistuivat tietyt teemat kehitysehdotuksia kysyttĂ€essĂ€. Vanhaa perehdytyssuunnitelmaa arvioitaessa suunnitelmasta löytyi kehitettĂ€vÀÀ muun muassa suunnitelman laajuudessa ja ajankohtaisuudessa. Uusi suunnitelma toteutettiin uudella tavalla sitomalla suunnitelma tiiviisti osaksi noin vuoden kestĂ€vÀÀ kesĂ€leirinjohtajan projektia. Suunnitelmaa kirjoittaessa perustelimme uuteen suunnitelmaan valitut aihealueet yhdessĂ€ tietoperustan kanssa leirinjohtajan työn kannalta merkityksellisillĂ€ seikoilla. Toteutetun perehdytyssuunnitelman avulla kesĂ€leirinjohtajien perehdytys on laadukkaampaa ja johdonmukaisempaa. Luotu suunnitelma auttaa leirinjohtajaa kĂ€sittĂ€mÀÀn työnsĂ€ aikataulun, laajuuden ja odotukset puolin ja toisin. Suunnitelma on rakennettu helposti pĂ€ivitettĂ€vĂ€ksi ja ulkoasultaan helposti luettavaksi. Vaikka suunnitelma on rakennettu vastaamaan erityisesti LeirikesĂ€n tarpeita, palvelee se muutakin jĂ€rjestökenttÀÀ. Kokemuksellisen ja sosiaalisen oppimisen teorioihin pohjautuvan perehdytyssuunnitelman peruselementit ovat hyödynnettĂ€vissĂ€ erityisesti palveluntuottajajĂ€rjestöjen perehdytyksissĂ€.The purpose of this thesis was to create a new orientation plan for the work orientation of LeirikesÀ’s summer camp leaders. This practice-based thesis consisted of a theoretical part, a report and the plan itself. The theoretical part discussed orientation as a phenomenon, from the experiential and social learning perspective. The report consisted of describing and evaluating work implementation. The thesis was ordered by LeirikesĂ€ ry. LeirikesĂ€ is a preventive child welfare organization, which organizes children’s and young people’s leisure activities for approximately 1600 children during holiday seasons each year. As for methods, we started constructing our orientation plan by mapping previous summer camp leaders’ experiences of work orientation. The survey was carried out by electronic background inquiry. The previous plan was utilized by dividing the themes of the old plan. After that we re-created the structure and added more themes on the basis of our own experiences and answers of the survey. The theoretical part was linked as a part to the new work orientation plan. The survey did not produce any significant added value to the study, although certain themes were repeated in responses regarding development proposals. When we evaluated the previous work orientation plan, we found improvements to be made in the scope of the plan and getting the plan up-to-date. The new orientation plan was carried out in a new way by tying it tightly into a-year-lasting project. When we were writing the plan, we selected the topics and themes on the basis of our knowledge of relevant factors of summer camp leader’s work and our theoretical basis. The new working orientation plan makes the orientation of summer camp leaders not only better quality but also more consistent. The plan helps the camp leaders to understand their work schedule, scope and expectations mutually. The plan is designed to be easily upgraded and its appearance and readability were kept in mind. Although the plan is built specifically to meet the needs of LeirikesĂ€, it also serves many other organizations. The basic elements of the work orientation plan based on experiential and social learning theo-ries can be applied especially to service providing organizations
