237 research outputs found

    Marknadsföring av livsmedel med hÀlsoargument

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    Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka vad som Ă€r tillĂ„tet enligt svensk rĂ€tt att pĂ„stĂ„ i marknadsföring av livsmedel med anknytning till hĂ€lsa. Detta pĂ„ grund av att jag upplever att det existerar en mĂ€ngd hĂ€lsobudskap pĂ„ marknaden samt att jag tror att dessa har en potentiell pĂ„verkanskraft pĂ„ konsumenten pĂ„ grund av den idag existerande hĂ€lsotrenden. I uppsatsen vĂ€vs Ă€ven in en vĂ€rdering huruvida denna ordning Ă€r tillfredsstĂ€llande ur konsumentsynpunkt genom att belysa eventuella svĂ„righeter den ger upphov till. FramstĂ€llningen fokuserar pĂ„ att behandla de regler och den praxis som existerar angĂ„ende framförallt hĂ€lsopĂ„stĂ„enden men Ă€ven till viss del nĂ€ringspĂ„stĂ„enden. DĂ„ uppsatsen skrevs under en tid av förĂ€ndring innebĂ€r detta att dels den förordning som trĂ€dde ikraft den 19 januari 2007 kommer att behandlas, dels den ordning som efter hand kommer att upphöra att gĂ€lla pĂ„ grund av förordningen. Vad som framkom av detta arbete var att det existerar ett starkt krav pĂ„ aktsamhet, icke vilseledande och vederhĂ€ftighet och att det finns bĂ„de riktlinjer frĂ„n ICC samt ett egenĂ„tgĂ€rdsprogram med en inrĂ€ttat nĂ€mnd som skapats av Livsmedelsbranschen, vilka ger god vĂ€gledning för tolkningen av god marknadsföringssed. Sammanfattningsvis synes det Ă„tminstone i teorin finnas relativt detaljerade regler om hĂ€lsopĂ„stĂ„enden som ger goda möjligheter för ett vĂ€l fungerande konsumentskydd. Emellertid Ă€r det svĂ„rt att visa pĂ„ nĂ„gra klara principer pĂ„ vad som anses utgöra god marknadsföringssed dĂ„ endast ett mindre antal Ă€renden har behandlats i praxis, samt att det handlar om hur konsumenten uppfattar marknadsföringen i specifika fall. Vidare har det visat sig att vissa svĂ„righeter existerar vad gĂ€ller den hĂ€r typen av marknadsföring, vilket medför risker för konsumentens rĂ€tt till ett medvetet val. Systemet synes ha uppfattats som komplext med svĂ„ra grĂ€nsdragningar, det har förekommit missbruk av regelverket och det förefaller ha brustit i tillsynen. HĂ€rjĂ€mte förefaller det finnas en mĂ€ngd olika typer av hĂ€lsopĂ„stĂ„enden, mĂ„nga med en oklar innebörd och svĂ„ra att bevisa. En grundlĂ€ggande risk med hĂ€lsopĂ„stĂ„enden Ă€r att budskapet lĂ€tt blir ensidigt och förenklat, varför förenklade och obalanserade framstĂ€llningar ej har accepterats. En annan svĂ„righet Ă€r grĂ€nsen mot lĂ€kemedel, varför alltför lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende pĂ„stĂ„enden inte har tillĂ„tits. Ett tredje att konsumentens förstĂ„else för nĂ€ringsinformation och pĂ„stĂ„enden förefaller brista. Följaktligen synes det existera en hel del kĂ€llor till förvirring för konsumenten. Den nya förordningen, vilken nĂ€rmare anger under vilka förutsĂ€ttningar nĂ€rings- och hĂ€lsopĂ„stĂ„enden fĂ„r anvĂ€ndas för med sig att det egenĂ„tgĂ€rdsprogram som hitintills gĂ€llt i Sverige kommer att omarbetas. De erfarenheter man genom detta har gjort i Sverige kan dĂ„ komma att ha betydelse för anpassningen till det nya systemet. Intressant att konstatera Ă€r att mĂ„nga av de svĂ„righeter som identifierats Ă€r grundlĂ€ggande och har Ă€ven uppmĂ€rksammats i förordningen och dess förarbeten. Genom detta initiativ har nu visats att man anser att det finns risker med dessa pĂ„stĂ„enden bĂ„de för innovationsincitamentet, den fria rörligheten av varor samt för konsumentskyddet och dĂ€rför tagit ett stort gemensamt steg mot att förbĂ€ttra denna marknad. Vilka förĂ€ndringar förordningen kommer att leda till kan i nulĂ€get dock endast spekuleras i. Den största förĂ€ndringen för svenskt vidkommande torde vara harmoniseringen i sig, att en annorlunda indelning av pĂ„stĂ„enden valts samt att en omfattande godkĂ€nnandeprocedur nu kommer att ske pĂ„ gemenskapsnivĂ„. Än Ă€r dock inte allt faststĂ€llt i förordningen och man kan i nulĂ€get endast avvakta vad regleringen kommer att leda till i praktiken

    Antiretroviral Drug-Related Liver Mortality Among HIV-Positive Persons in the Absence of Hepatitis B or C Virus Coinfection: The Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study

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    In a large prospective multicohort study 22 910 human immunodeficiency virus-positive participants without hepatitis B or C virus coinfection were followed for 114 478 patient-years. The incidence of liver-related death was low at 0.10 per 1000 patient-years. Liverrelated mortality due to antiretroviral drug-related toxicity was rar

    Proposing a Conceptual Framework to Address Social Norms That Influence Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health.

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    With 1.8 billion young people aged 10–24 years in the world today, the cohort of adolescents and youth is the largest in history. Concurrently, millions of adolescents are confronting sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges, including high rates of unmet need for contraception, unintended pregnancy, and clandestine and unsafe abortion. Social norms—or shared understandings of how oneself and others should behave—can alleviate or exacerbate these challenges. Rapid global changes over the past 25 years have increased the spotlight on the interrelationships between social norms, health, and development

    Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with HIV Infection Exposed to Specific Individual Antiretroviral Drugs from the 3 Major Drug Classes: The Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study

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    Background. The risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has been assessed in 13 anti-HIV drugs in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) study. Methods. Poisson regression models were adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors, cohort, calendar year, and use of other antiretroviral drugs and assessed the association between MI risk and cumulative (per year) or recent (current or in the past 6 months) use of antiretroviral drugs, with 130,000 person-years of exposure. Results. Over 178,835 person-years, 580 patients developed MI. There were no associations between use of tenofovir, zalcitabine, zidovudine, stavudine, or lamivudine and MI risk. Recent exposure to abacavir or didanosine was associated with an increased risk of MI. No association was found between MI risk and cumulative exposure to nevirapine, efavirenz, nelfinavir, or saquinavir. Cumulative exposure to indinavir and lopinavir-ritonavir was associated with an increased risk of MI (relative rate [RR] per year, 1.12 and 1.13, respectively). These increased risks were attenuated slightly (RR per year, 1.08 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.02-1.14] and 1.09 [95% CI, 1.01-1.17], respectively) after adjustment for lipids but were not altered further after adjustment for other metabolic parameters. Conclusions. Of the drugs considered, only indinavir, lopinavir-ritonavir, didanosine, and abacavir were associated with a significantly increased risk of MI. As with any observational study, our findings must be interpreted with caution (given the potential for confounding) and in the context of the benefits that these drugs provid

    Development of a definition for Rapid Progression (RP) of renal function in HIV-positive persons: the D:A:D study

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    Background No consensus exists on how to define abnormally rapid deterioration in renal function (Rapid Progression, RP). We developed an operational definition of RP in HIV-positive persons with baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) >90 ml/min/1.73 m2 (using Cockcroft Gault) in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) study from 2004 to 2011. Methods Two definitions were evaluated; RP definition A: An average eGFR decline (slope) ≄5 ml/min/1.73 m2/year over four years of follow-up with ≄3 eGFR measurements/year, last eGFR <90 ml/min/1.73 m2 and an absolute decline ≄5 ml/min/1.73 m2/year in two consecutive years. RP definition B: An absolute annual decline ≄5 ml/min/1.73 m2/year in each year and last eGFR <90 ml/min/1.73 m2. Sensitivity analyses were performed considering two and three years' follow-up. The percentage with and without RP who went on to subsequently develop incident chronic kidney disease (CKD; 2 consecutive eGFRs <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and 3 months apart) was calculated. Results 22,603 individuals had baseline eGFR ≄90 ml/min/1.73 m2. 108/3655 (3.0%) individuals with ≄4 years' follow-up and ≄3 measurements/year experienced RP under definition A; similar proportions were observed when considering follow-up periods of three (n=195/6375; 3.1%) and two years (n=355/10756; 3.3%). In contrast under RP definition B, greater proportions experienced RP when considering two years (n=476/10756; 4.4%) instead of three (n=48/6375; 0.8%) or four (n=15/3655; 0.4%) years' follow-up. For RP definition A, 13 (12%) individuals who experienced RP progressed to CKD, and only (21) 0.6% of those without RP progressed to CKD (sensitivity 38.2% and specificity 97.4%); whereas for RP definition B, fewer RP individuals progressed to CKD. Conclusions Our results suggest using three years' follow-up and at least two eGFR measurements per year is most appropriate for a RP definition, as it allows inclusion of a reasonable number of individuals and is associated with the known risk factors. The definition does not necessarily identify all those that progress to incident CKD, however, it can be used alongside other renal measurements to early identify and assess those at risk of developing CKD. Future analyses will use this definition to identify other risk factors for RP, including the role of antiretrovirals

    Gender differences in the use of cardiovascular interventions in HIV-positive persons; the D:A:D Study

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    INTRODUCTION: There is paucity of data related to potential gender differences in the use of interventions to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease (CVD) among HIV-positive individuals. We investigated whether such differences exist in the observational D:A:D cohort study.METHODS:Participants were followed from study enrolment until the earliest of death, six months after last visit or February 1, 2015. Initiation of CVD interventions [lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), anti-hypertensives, invasive cardiovascular procedures (ICPs) were investigated and Poisson regression models calculated whether rates were lower among women than men, adjusting for potential confounders.RESULTS:Women (n = 12,955) were generally at lower CVD risk than men (n = 36,094). Overall, initiation rates of CVD interventions were lower in women than men; LLDs: incidence rate 1.28 [1.21, 1.35] vs. 2.40 [2.34, 2.46]; ACEIs: 0.88 [0.82, 0.93] vs. 1.43 [1.39, 1.48]; anti-hypertensives: 1.40 [1.33, 1.47] vs. 1.72 [1.68, 1.77] and ICPs: 0.08 [0.06, 0.10] vs. 0.30 [0.28, 0.32], and this was also true for most CVD interventions when exclusively considering periods of follow-up for which individuals were at high CVD risk. In fully adjusted models, women were less likely to receive CVD interventions than men (LLDs: relative rate 0.83 [0.78, 0.88]; ACEIs: 0.93 [0.86, 1.01]; ICPs: 0.54 [0.43, 0.68]), except for the receipt of anti-hypertensives (1.17 [1.10, 1.25]).CONCLUSION:The use of most CVD interventions was lower among women than men. Interventions are needed to ensure that all HIV-positive persons, particularly women, are appropriately monitored for CVD and, if required, receive appropriate CVD interventions.</p

    Geothermal district heating in Gunsta

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    Gunsta is situated about 10 km east of Uppsala. Today there are plans to establish 1000 new households in Gunsta before year 2030. The required energy for heating houses and water would be distributed via a district heating system, which also includes 200 existing residences. The annual required energy, according to this study, would be 16.2 GWh with a maximal peak effect of 6.9 MW. To meet this need, the study suggests a system with heat pumps to upgrade the 31˚C water from a 1.8 kilometre deep borehole. In order to achieve the desired water flow, hydraulic fracturing will be necessary since it is assumed that the rock would be relatively solid at that depth. Water at 10˚C will be pump down between an injection hole and a production one. During circulation water absorbs heat from the surrounding ground and increases temperature. The main source of energy is the difference between the initial and after circulation temperatures. The proposed system consists of a primary and a secondary circuit connected via a heating exchanger. The primary circuit includes the boreholes and necessary equipment for filtering and pumping the thermal water. The secondary circuit involves two paralleled series of heat pumps, a pellet boiler for peak production and a storage tank to even out the daily consumption variations. The system is then connected to the Gunsta ’s local heating system. Uncertainties regarding the extent of the drilling make it difficult to estimate total costs of the geothermal district heating plant in Gunsta. The investment costs for the plant were roughly estimated to 88 million SEK, with a production cost of 0.19 SEK/kWh and a payback time of 12 years.Gunsta Ă€r ett omrĂ„de som ligger cirka 1 mil öster om Uppsala. Det finns idag planer pĂ„ att uppföra 1000 nya bostĂ€der i Gunsta fram till Ă„r 2030. Energi för uppvĂ€rmning och varmvatten till dessa bostĂ€der kommer att distribueras via ett nĂ€rvĂ€rmenĂ€t, som Ă€ven kommer att vara sammankopplat med 200 av de redan befintliga fastigheterna. Energibehov för omrĂ„det berĂ€knades i denna studie att uppgĂ„ till 16,2 GWh per Ă„r, med krav pĂ„ en maxeffekt pĂ„ 6,9 MW. För att möta detta behov föreslĂ„r denna studie ett system med vĂ€rmepumpar, som uppgraderar vĂ€rmen i vatten som hĂ„ller 31 ÂșC frĂ„n ett 1,8 kilometer djupt borrhĂ„l. DĂ„ berggrunden antas vara relativt solid pĂ„ det önskade djupet mĂ„ste hydraulisk sprĂ€ckning anvĂ€ndas för att göra det möjligt för ett vattenflöde att ske. Vatten som hĂ„ller 10 ÂșC kan sedan pumpas mellan injektionshĂ„l och brunnshĂ„l, under vilket vattnet kommer att anta bergets temperatur. Energin i temperaturdifferensen utgör den huvudsakliga energikĂ€llan för systemet. Den systemlösning som denna studie föreslĂ„r, kommer att bestĂ„ av en primĂ€r- och en sekundĂ€r krets, sammankopplade med en vĂ€rmevĂ€xlare. PrimĂ€rkretsen utgörs av utrustning för att filtrera och pumpa upp brunnsvattnet. Den sekundĂ€ra kretsen utgörs av tvĂ„ parallella serier med vardera tre vĂ€rmepumpar, samt en pelletspanna för topplaster och en ackumulatortank för att utjĂ€mna dygnsvariationer i energibehovet. Systemet kopplas dĂ€refter samman med Gunstas nĂ€rvĂ€rmenĂ€t. PĂ„ grund av osĂ€kerheten kring hur omfattande borrningen blir Ă€r det mycket svĂ„rt att uppskatta ett pris till en nyckelfĂ€rdig geotermisk fjĂ€rrvĂ€rmeanlĂ€ggning i Gunsta. En grov uppskattning pĂ„ cirka 88 miljoner SEK gjordes. Med en produktionskostnad pĂ„ 0,19 SEK/kWh fĂ„s en Ă„terbetalningstid för anlĂ€ggningen pĂ„ 12 Ă„r

    Recommendations for defining preventable HIV-related mortality for public health monitoring in the era of Getting to Zero: an expert consensus

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    Getting to Zero is a commonly cited strategic aim to reduce mortality due to both HIV and avoidable deaths among people with HIV. However, no clear definitions are attached to these aims with regard to what constitutes HIV-related or preventable mortality, and their ambition is limited. This Position Paper presents consensus recommendations to define preventable HIV-related mortality for a pragmatic approach to public health monitoring by use of national HIV surveillance data. These recommendations were informed by a comprehensive literature review and agreed by 42 international experts, including clinicians, public health professionals, researchers, commissioners, and community representatives. By applying the recommendations to 2019 national HIV surveillance data from the UK, we show that 30% of deaths among people with HIV were HIV-related or possibly HIV-related, and at least 63% of these deaths were preventable or potentially preventable. The application of these recommendations by health authorities will ensure consistent monitoring of HIV elimination targets and allow for the identification of inequalities and areas for intervention
