30 research outputs found

    Историческая антропонимия сербско-хорватского языка как источник реконструкции праславянской лексики

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено словотвірно-етимологічному аналізу групи слов'янських особових імен, засвідчених у пам'ятках писемності сербсько-хорватської мови. Результатом аналізу виступає реконструкція архаїчних лексем, які зникли зі слов'янського апелятивного словника.(ru) Статья посвящена словообразовательно-этимологическому анализу группы славянских личных имен, засвидетельствованных в памятниках письменности сербско­хорватского языка. Результатом анализа стача реконструкция ряда архаичных лексем, утраченных в славянском апеллативном словаре.(en) The article is devoted to the word-formative etymological analysis o f a number o f Slavonic personal names, verified in the historical papers o f serbo-croatian language. The result o f the analysis is the reconstruction o f a series o f archaic lexemes lost in the Slavonic appellative vocabulary

    Manual till LINUS 2.0 : LINköpingsUnderSökningen 2.0: Ett fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för barn från 3 år

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    När ett barn med misstänkta tal- och språkavvikelser kommer till logoped för bedömning är det viktigt att samtliga aspekter av tal och språk beaktas. Under de år som svensk logopedi har vuxit fram, har ett flertal instrument för bedömning av barns tal- och språk tagits fram. Ett av dessa, Stora fonemtestet, som skapades i mitten av 1980-talet, har länge varit det enda vitt spridda testet av barns fonologi i landet. Testet fanns under flera år inte att beställa på förlag, vilket var ett av motiven till arbetet med att ta fram ett nytt fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial. Ett annat var att Enheten för logopedi vid Linköpings universitet sedan 2010 ingår i en större multicenterstudie med syftet att jämföra fonologiska avvikelser hos barn i olika länder. Inom ramen för detta projekt och genom några magisterarbeten i logopedi färdigställdes LINUS 2014. Som en direkt följd av det fortsatta internationella forskningssamarbetet och av feed-back från kollegor som använt materialet i sin kliniska vardag, kommer nu en ny version av materialet, LINUS 2.0. och finns för gratis nedladdning på http://phonodevelopment.sites.olt.ubc.ca/practice-units/swedish/. Vi hoppas att det även fortsatt skall komma till användning vid utredning av tal- och språkförmåga hos barn. Linköpings universitet, 2019 Inger Lundeborg Hammarströ

    Word-initial /r/-clusters in Swedish speaking children with typical versus protracted phonological development

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    The present study investigated word-initial (WI) /r/-clusters in Central Swedish-speaking children with and without protracted phonological development (PPD). Data for WI singleton /r/ and singleton and cluster /l/ served as comparisons. Participants were twelve 4-year-olds with PPD and twelve age- and gender-matched typically developing (TD) controls. Native speakers audio-recorded and transcribed 109 target single words using a Swedish phonology test with 12 WI C+/r/-clusters and three WI CC+/r/-clusters. The results showed significantly higher match scores for the TD children, a lower match proportion for the /r/ targets and for singletons compared with clusters, and differences in mismatch patterns between the groups. There were no matches for /r/-cluster targets in the PPD group, with all children except two in that group showing deletions for both /r/-cluster types. The differences in mismatch proportions and types between the PPD group and controls suggests new directions for future clinical practice

    Manual till LINUS 2.0 : LINköpingsUnderSökningen 2.0: Ett fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial för barn från 3 år

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    När ett barn med misstänkta tal- och språkavvikelser kommer till logoped för bedömning är det viktigt att samtliga aspekter av tal och språk beaktas. Under de år som svensk logopedi har vuxit fram, har ett flertal instrument för bedömning av barns tal- och språk tagits fram. Ett av dessa, Stora fonemtestet, som skapades i mitten av 1980-talet, har länge varit det enda vitt spridda testet av barns fonologi i landet. Testet fanns under flera år inte att beställa på förlag, vilket var ett av motiven till arbetet med att ta fram ett nytt fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial. Ett annat var att Enheten för logopedi vid Linköpings universitet sedan 2010 ingår i en större multicenterstudie med syftet att jämföra fonologiska avvikelser hos barn i olika länder. Inom ramen för detta projekt och genom några magisterarbeten i logopedi färdigställdes LINUS 2014. Som en direkt följd av det fortsatta internationella forskningssamarbetet och av feed-back från kollegor som använt materialet i sin kliniska vardag, kommer nu en ny version av materialet, LINUS 2.0. och finns för gratis nedladdning på http://phonodevelopment.sites.olt.ubc.ca/practice-units/swedish/. Vi hoppas att det även fortsatt skall komma till användning vid utredning av tal- och språkförmåga hos barn. Linköpings universitet, 2019 Inger Lundeborg Hammarströ

    Oral Motor Function, Voice, Speech and Language in Children with Tonsillar Hypertrophy in Relation to Surgical Outcome

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    The aim of this thesis was two-fold: first, to evaluate four different functional aspects of the speech and language spectrum; oral-motor function, voice, /s/-articulation and phonology in preschool children with tonsillar hypertrophy before and after surgical treatment. The second aim was to investigate weather the outcome of surgery was equal for two surgical techniques; tonsillectomy or tonsillotomy combined with adenoidectomy when necessary. In all included publications (I-IV), 67 children on waiting list for tonsil surgery and randomized to either tonsillectomy (33) or tonsillotomy (34) participated. The children were assessed and audio-recorded within a month before surgery and six months postoperatively. Results were compared to age-matched control groups. In the first study, oral motor function was assessed using the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening, NOT-S, consisting of a structured interview and a clinical examination. Before surgery, the children in the study group differed in all domains of the structured interview in comparison to age-matched controls and in the clinical examination regarding the parameters deviant lip position and trouble nose-breathing. Postoperatively oral motor functions were normalized in both surgical groups and no differences to age matched controls were observed. In study two, recordings of three sustained vowels (/α , u, i/) and 14 words elicited by picture naming were analysed both perceptually and acoustically. Compared to the controls, significant differences were found in the study group preoperatively with higher ratings on Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) for the voice quality parameters “hyponasality” and “compressed/throaty” and also lower for pitch. Significantly higher values on all studied perturbation measures (jitter, shimmer and Noise to Harmonics Ratio) were found. Regarding center frequencies of formants, the study groups had lower F3 values for /u / and also lower F2 and F3 for / i / compared to age-matched controls. After surgery there were no significant differences between the perceptual ratings of voice quality of the two surgical groups and there were no significant differences between the children in the surgical groups and the corresponding controls. The acoustic analyses showed a decrease in all the measures of perturbation for the study group after surgery with a slight difference between the two surgical groups. The children in the tonsillotomy group had higher shimmer value for /u/ and higher NHR for /α/. In comparison to the older controls significantly higher values were found an all perturbation measures and the difference seen regarding formant frequencies for the /i/-sound in comparison to controls still remained. The significantly lower third formant (F3) of the /u/-sound also remained. When comparing pre- versus postoperative results for the surgical group as a whole, a decrease was found on all perturbation measures postoperatively, however the differences were not statistically significant. A significant increase was found in formant 3 for /α/ and /u/ was found. The material used in the third study were speech samples containing the /s/-sound and elicited by picture naming and sentence repetition. Before surgery the study group was rated to have more indistinct /s/-sounds than agematched controls. The acoustic analyses showed that the study group had lower spectral peak values for the /s/-sound than controls. After surgery the operated children’s /s/-production did not differ perceptually from the older controls, neither as a whole group nor when divided according to surgical methods. Regarding the acoustic analyses however, the study groups differed from the age-matched control group showing that noise duration was longer and the peak location higher in the study groups. In study four, a Swedish phonology test was performed and transcribed phonetically. The transcription of each child was analyzed in terms of phonological processes and categorized into one of six developmental stages according to the model developed by Nettelbladt (1983) and adapted by Sahlén, Reuterskiold-Wagner, Nettelbladt & Radeborg (1999). A majority of the children in the study group (62.7 %) showed a slowed phonological development preoperatively (developmental stages 0-4), compared to the age-matched control group. Postoperatively the children in both surgical groups had improved their phonological skills. However, they were still behind in comparison to age-matched controls and the difference was even larger than before surgery. The results of this thesis project have clinical relevance for both speech and language pathologists (SLP’s) and ear-nose and throat-surgeons (ENT-surgeons). SLP’s must be aware of the potential impact of tonsillar hypertrophy on oral-motor function and the speech and language spectrum to be able to help affected children adequately and ENT- surgeons should include oral motor and speech and language problems as additional indications for tonsillar surgery

    Oral Motor Function, Voice, Speech and Language in Children with Tonsillar Hypertrophy in Relation to Surgical Outcome

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    The aim of this thesis was two-fold: first, to evaluate four different functional aspects of the speech and language spectrum; oral-motor function, voice, /s/-articulation and phonology in preschool children with tonsillar hypertrophy before and after surgical treatment. The second aim was to investigate weather the outcome of surgery was equal for two surgical techniques; tonsillectomy or tonsillotomy combined with adenoidectomy when necessary. In all included publications (I-IV), 67 children on waiting list for tonsil surgery and randomized to either tonsillectomy (33) or tonsillotomy (34) participated. The children were assessed and audio-recorded within a month before surgery and six months postoperatively. Results were compared to age-matched control groups. In the first study, oral motor function was assessed using the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screening, NOT-S, consisting of a structured interview and a clinical examination. Before surgery, the children in the study group differed in all domains of the structured interview in comparison to age-matched controls and in the clinical examination regarding the parameters deviant lip position and trouble nose-breathing. Postoperatively oral motor functions were normalized in both surgical groups and no differences to age matched controls were observed. In study two, recordings of three sustained vowels (/α , u, i/) and 14 words elicited by picture naming were analysed both perceptually and acoustically. Compared to the controls, significant differences were found in the study group preoperatively with higher ratings on Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) for the voice quality parameters “hyponasality” and “compressed/throaty” and also lower for pitch. Significantly higher values on all studied perturbation measures (jitter, shimmer and Noise to Harmonics Ratio) were found. Regarding center frequencies of formants, the study groups had lower F3 values for /u / and also lower F2 and F3 for / i / compared to age-matched controls. After surgery there were no significant differences between the perceptual ratings of voice quality of the two surgical groups and there were no significant differences between the children in the surgical groups and the corresponding controls. The acoustic analyses showed a decrease in all the measures of perturbation for the study group after surgery with a slight difference between the two surgical groups. The children in the tonsillotomy group had higher shimmer value for /u/ and higher NHR for /α/. In comparison to the older controls significantly higher values were found an all perturbation measures and the difference seen regarding formant frequencies for the /i/-sound in comparison to controls still remained. The significantly lower third formant (F3) of the /u/-sound also remained. When comparing pre- versus postoperative results for the surgical group as a whole, a decrease was found on all perturbation measures postoperatively, however the differences were not statistically significant. A significant increase was found in formant 3 for /α/ and /u/ was found. The material used in the third study were speech samples containing the /s/-sound and elicited by picture naming and sentence repetition. Before surgery the study group was rated to have more indistinct /s/-sounds than agematched controls. The acoustic analyses showed that the study group had lower spectral peak values for the /s/-sound than controls. After surgery the operated children’s /s/-production did not differ perceptually from the older controls, neither as a whole group nor when divided according to surgical methods. Regarding the acoustic analyses however, the study groups differed from the age-matched control group showing that noise duration was longer and the peak location higher in the study groups. In study four, a Swedish phonology test was performed and transcribed phonetically. The transcription of each child was analyzed in terms of phonological processes and categorized into one of six developmental stages according to the model developed by Nettelbladt (1983) and adapted by Sahlén, Reuterskiold-Wagner, Nettelbladt & Radeborg (1999). A majority of the children in the study group (62.7 %) showed a slowed phonological development preoperatively (developmental stages 0-4), compared to the age-matched control group. Postoperatively the children in both surgical groups had improved their phonological skills. However, they were still behind in comparison to age-matched controls and the difference was even larger than before surgery. The results of this thesis project have clinical relevance for both speech and language pathologists (SLP’s) and ear-nose and throat-surgeons (ENT-surgeons). SLP’s must be aware of the potential impact of tonsillar hypertrophy on oral-motor function and the speech and language spectrum to be able to help affected children adequately and ENT- surgeons should include oral motor and speech and language problems as additional indications for tonsillar surgery

    in Relation to Surgical Outcome

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    List of original publications....................................................................................................... 5 Abstract...................................................................................................................................... 6 Abbrevations..............................................................................................................................

    LINUS. LINköpingsUnderSökningen : Ett fonologiskt testmaterial från 3 år

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    När ett barn med misstänkta tal‐ och språkavvikelser kommer till logoped för bedömning är det viktigt att samtliga aspekter av tal och språk beaktas. Under de år som svensk logopedi har vuxit fram, har ett flertal instrument för bedömning av barn tal‐ och språk tagits fram. Ett av dessa, Stora fonemtestet, som skapades i mitten av 1980‐talet, har länge varit det enda vitt spridda testet av barns fonologi i landet. Testet fanns under flera år inte att beställa på förlag, vilket var ett av motiven till arbetet med att ta fram ett nytt fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial. Ett annat var att Enheten för logopedi vid Linköpings universitet sedan 2010 ingår i en större multicenterstudie av avvikande fonologi i olika språk. Inom ramen för detta projekt och genom några magisterarbeten i logopedi har ett nytt fonologiskt bedömningsmaterial, LINUS, skapats. Vår förhoppning är att materialet skall vara ett användbart verktyg för att samla in data vid utredning av tal‐ och språkförmåga hos barn

    An evaluation of a prescribed joint book reading intervention for preschool children with speech, language and communication needs

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    Purpose: The aims of the present study were twofold: first, to investigate reading and screen time habits in a large clinical sample of caregivers of children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) before and after an 8 week intervention focussed on daily joint book reading and, second, to capture the caregivers experiences of the activity. Method: Preschool aged children with SLCN and their caregivers were consecutively recruited during their first visit to the department of Speech and Language Pathology, Gavle County Hospital, Sweden. They participated in a survey-based interview before and after receiving an intervention with recommendations of at least 10 minutes of daily book reading with an interactional focus, as an add-on to ordinary speech-language pathology services. The results were analysed using descriptive statistics of the answers to the questions in the interview, as well as a thematic analysis of free-text comments. Result: The 135 families who participated in the pre-intervention interview survey reported variable reading frequency and screen time. The post-intervention interview survey was completed by 107 families. The results demonstrated significant increases in reading frequency and reading time, and a significant decrease in screen time per day. Caregivers also reported positive experiences of the daily interactive book reading. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that a speech-language pathologist-(SLP) managed, caregiver-led book reading intervention is feasible and might have a positive impact on reading, other factors related to reading, and screen time in families of children with SLCN.Funding Agencies|department of sustainability, County Council of Gavleborg, Gavle, Sweden</p

    Consonants lost : a Swedish girl with protracted phonological development

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    This paper addresses the phonology of a Swedish girl, aged 3 years 10 months, with extensive phonological difficulties that include an unusual phonological pattern. She had relatively well-developed phonological building blocks in terms of features, stress pattern and word length (number of syllables), but had extensive difficulties regarding syllable and word shapes, with frequent deletions of both segments and whole syllables. Word-initial position was dominated by non-continuant consonants, both voiced and voiceless, with extensive deletion. Word-medial position was dominated by voiceless obstruents, with extensive use of [j] in place of voiced consonants. Word-final position was similar to word-medial, but with more deletion than [j]. Non-initial stressed syllables resemble word-initial syllables. Consonant clusters mirrored singletons, i.e. with similar substitution patterns or deletions. We present a non-linear analysis of her speech production, and a plan for intervention targeting her special difficulties