4,696 research outputs found

    Aplicacion del Proceso de Enfermería en caso de Alzheimer en Atención Primaria de Salud

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    La enfermedad de Alzheimer es una enfermedad crónica, discapacitante y progresiva y en la actualidad incurable. Lo que nos hace recapacitar acerca de la importancia de la intervención sanitaria temprana y eficiente con el objetivo de ejemplificar como mantener o mejorar la calidad de la vida del enfermo y disminuir la posibilidad de complicaciones futuras. Se confiere protagonismo a los problemas (reales y potenciales) del sujeto, así como al entorno del mismo (cuidador, vivienda y recursos incluidos) para establecer un cuidado integral de la persona bio-psico-sociocultural. El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado es describir un caso clínico real de enfermedad de Alzheimer y su abordaje en el área de Atención Primaria. Se realiza una valoración integral del sujeto A.M. residente en Albox, estructurada por patrones funcionales de salud de M. Gordon. Se incluye la valoración de la vivienda y del cuidador principal. Se identifican los problemas que posee la paciente: disfagia a los líquidos, episodios de caídas anteriores, úlceras por presión, incontinencia doble, problemas en el descanso y a su vez los de su cuidadora formal: estrés, intranquilidad por el cuidado de su madre y sedentarismo; en base a éstos se proponen objetivos e intervenciones y se realiza una evaluación y seguimiento

    Presentación de caso clínico para educación médica : sangrado uterino anormal en mujeres no gestantes

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    Abnormal uterine bleeding is defined as an uterine bleeding that varies from normal menses in regularity, volume, frequency or duration and is not related to pregnancy. This is a common problem that women can present mainly in between 39 and 50 years...El sangrado uterino anormal se define como sangrado uterino que varia de los parámetros normales en regularidad, volumen, frecuencia o duración y que no se encuentra relacionado con embarazo. Este es un problema común que se presenta principalmente en mujeres que se encuentran entre los 39 y 50 años..

    Rough surface scattering in many-mode conducting channels: Gradient versus amplitude scattering

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    We study the effect of surface scattering on transport properties in many-mode conducting channels (electron waveguides). Assuming a strong roughness of the surface profiles, we show that there are two independent control parameters that determine statistical properties of the scattering. The first parameter is the ratio of the amplitude of the roughness to the transverse width of the waveguide. The second one, which is typically omitted, is determined by the mean value of the derivative of the profile. This parameter may be large, thus leading to specific properties of scattering. Our results may be used in experimental realizations of the surface scattering of electron waves, as well as for other applications (e.g., for optical and microwave waveguides)Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Intercultural communication breakdowns that ELT students faced while being at a summer camp

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    "This project took part at a language department of a public university located in central Mexico. The participants were ELT students who had already finished their 5 target language courses and had the opportunity to participate in an American summer camp at least once. The instrument used to collect information was an interview. During the process two different interviews were created taking into account the research questions in order to get the specific information from participants; both of them were recorded to analyzed the data. The results showed that all students faced breakdowns the first time they were in another country. It was because of the nervousness and shyness they felt to speak the language with native people. They also felt afraid of not being understood by them. It is important to mention that at the beginning communication in English was difficult and frustrating for some participants because the pronunciation that a native speaker has is different from what they were accustomed to. More results are revealed within this thesis"

    Camino a la paz: repertorios simbólicos testimoniales de una nación en transición

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    En Colombia se han dado en los últimos años una variedad de repertorios simbólicos de memorias del trauma que ha vivido el país como resultado del conflicto armado. Estos repertorios se manifiestan en diversas expresiones culturales y estéticas con el fin de interpelar y transformar las experiencias sufridas por las víctimas de la violencia. Son prácticas de reparación y resistencia como antídoto contra la impunidad y el olvido. En este ensayo se propone que los repertorios simbólicos son las nuevas formas del testimonio del siglo veintiuno. Dichos repertorios se apropian de los métodos y estrategias del testimonio para expresar una urgencia y una solidaridad hacia un objetivo común, la del clamor por la paz y la reconciliación con justicia social. Palabras clave: Colombia, repertorios simbólicos, performance, testimonio.Colombia has seen in recent years the surge of a variety of symbolic repertoires from traumatic memory experienced by the country as a result of the armed conflict. These repertoires compose diverse aesthetic and cultural expressions that challenge and transform the experiences suffered by the victims of violence. These are practices of reparation and resistance as an antidote against impunity and oblivion. This essay proposes that the symbolic repertories are the new forms of testimony of the twenty-first century. The symbolic repertoires appropriate the methods and strategies of the testimony genre to express an urgent need and a solidarity toward a common goal, the clamor for peace and reconciliation with social justice. Key words: Colombia, symbolic repertoires, performance, testimon

    Applications of Cholangiopancreatoscopy in Pancreaticobiliary Diseases

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    Recent advances in imaging technology provide improved direct visualization of the common bile duct (CBD) and pancreatic duct (PD) using small caliber endoscopes and thus allow a wide array of therapeutic interventions. This chapter will review the technique of cholangiopancreatoscopy (CP), indications, effectiveness, and complications as well as the current commercially available options. We will discuss various methods of diagnostic and therapeutic cholangioscopy such as intraductal tissue sampling and biopsy in patients with indeterminate biliary strictures along with its role in the management of difficult bile duct stones. Finally, we will also analyze the role of pancreatoscopy in the evaluation of suspected neoplasms of the pancreas, assessment of pancreatic duct (PD) strictures, and in the treatment of pancreatic duct stones

    La promoción social: herramienta que contribuye al desarrollo sustentable.

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    La toma de conciencia del problema ambiental se ha manifestado a nivel nacional y mundial. A nivel internacional se han organizado reuniones de especialistas y autoridades de diversos países, con la finalidad de analizar la problemática ambiental y plantear posibles formas de regular y corregir la contaminación en el mundo entero pero desafortunadamente no se ha dado la importancia ni el apoyo suficiente a los acuerdos firmados para tomar medidas contundentes a este problema ya que cada país tiene sus propios intereses. Si bien es claro que la población se beneficia de los recursos naturales, también es cierto que la mayoría de las veces se utilizan sin medida, provocando el deterioro del medio ambiente y lo que hoy en día es uno de los problemas más graves en todo el mundo. Aunado a lo anterior, podemos identificar que las causas de los problemas ambientales van unidas a la forma de cómo percibimos a la misma naturaleza, el uso que hacemos de ella y la manera en cómo apoyamos a su recuperación

    Ballistic Localization in Quasi-1D Waveguides with Rough Surfaces

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    Structure of eigenstates in a periodic quasi-1D waveguide with a rough surface is studied both analytically and numerically. We have found a large number of "regular" eigenstates for any high energy. They result in a very slow convergence to the classical limit in which the eigenstates are expected to be completely ergodic. As a consequence, localization properties of eigenstates originated from unperturbed transverse channels with low indexes, are strongly localized (delocalized) in the momentum (coordinate) representation. These eigenstates were found to have a quite unexpeted form that manifests a kind of "repulsion" from the rough surface. Our results indicate that standard statistical approaches for ballistic localization in such waveguides seem to be unappropriate.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure