89 research outputs found

    The Working in Health Access Programme (WHAP): impact on school leaving exam results and applications to Medicine

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    Introduction: Pupils from backgrounds wit socio-economic deprivation are less likely to apply to study medicine than those from more affluent backgrounds. It is unclear whether those who might have the potential to be doctors can be identified at a time when they can be exposedto awareness raising activities to enhance their likelihood of success. Methods: Sixty nine schools from all parts of Scotland with below average participation rates in Higher Education took part. More than 2000 pupils sat tests of cognitive ability (Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale and Raven’s Progressive Matrices) as well as non-cognitive tests assessing characteristics that could influence success as a doctor. Results: The results of the cognitive tests correlated closely with Standard Grade Examinations (sat in Year 11) and less so with Highers (sat in Year 12). The numbers applying to and being admitted to Medicine rose 80% and 300% respectively over the duration of the project. Those receiving an offer differed in personality from those who didn’t. Discussion: Widening Participation activities of the type used in our project successfully increased application and offers for Medicine. The value of psychometric tests in the context of Widening Participation requires further research

    ATLASGAL - towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps

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    By matching infrared-selected, massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and compact HII regions in the Red MSX Source survey to massive clumps found in the submillimetre ATLASGAL (APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy) survey, we have identified ~1000 embedded young massive stars between 280{ring operator} <lPeer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A search for ionized jets towards massive young stellar objects

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    Radio continuum observations using the Australia telescope compact array at 5.5, 9.0, 17.0 and 22.8 GHz have detected free-free emission associated with 45 of 49 massive young stellar objects and H II regions. Of these, 26 sources are classified as ionized jets (12 of which are candidates), 2 as ambiguous jets or disc winds, 1 as a disc-wind, 14 as H II regions and 2 were unable to be categorized. Classification as ionized jets is based upon morphology, radio flux and spectral index, in conjunction with previous observational results at other wavelengths. Radio luminosity and momentum are found to scale with bolometric luminosity in the same way as low-mass jets, indicating a common mechanism for jet production across all masses. In 13 of the jets, we see associated non-thermal/optically thin lobes resulting from shocks either internal to the jet and/or at working surfaces. 10 jets display non-thermal (synchrotron emission) spectra in their lobes, with an average spectral index of ? =-0.55 consistent with Fermi acceleration in shocks. This shows that magnetic fields are present, in agreement with models of jet formation incorporatingmagnetic fields. Since the production of collimated radio jets is associated with accretion processes, the results presented in this paper support the picture of disc-mediated accretion for the formation of massive stars with an upper limit on the jet phase lasting approximately 6.5×104 yr. Typical mass-loss rates in the jet are found to be 1.4× 10-5M? yr-1 with associated momentum rates of the order of (1-2) × 10-2M? km s-1 yr-1. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society

    Significant suppression of weak ferromagnetism in (La1.8{}_{1.8}Eu0.2{}_{0.2})CuO4{}_4

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    The magnetic structure of (La1.8{}_{1.8}Eu0.2{}_{0.2})CuO4{}_4 has been studied by magnetization measurements of single crystals, which show antiferromagnetic long-range order below TNT_N = 265 K and a structural phase transition at TsT_s = 130 K. At Ts<T<TNT_s < T < T_N, the Cu spin susceptibility exhibits almost the same behavior as that of La2{}_2CuO4{}_4 in the low-temperature orthorhombic phase, which indicates the existence of finite spin canting out of the CuO2{}_2 plane. At T<TsT < T_s, the magnitude of the weak-ferromagnetic moment induced by the spin canting is suppressed approximately by 70{%}. This significant suppression of the weak-ferromagnetic moment is carefully compared with the theoretical analysis of weak ferromagnetism by Stein {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. B {\bf 53}, 775 (1996)), in which the magnitude of weak-ferromagnetic moments strongly depend on the crystallographic symmetry. Based on such comparison, below TsT_s (La1.8{}_{1.8}Eu0.2{}_{0.2})CuO4{}_4 is in the low-temperature less-orthorhombic phase with a space group of PccnPccn. We also discuss the possible magnetic structure of the pure low-temperature tetragonal phase with space group P42/ncmP4_2/{ncm}, which is relevant for rare-earth and alkaline-earth ions co-doped La2{}_2CuO4{}_4.Comment: 16 pages including 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Fig. 4 is newly adde


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    The NICE guideline - menopause: diagnosis and management

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    Hormone replacement therapy: regimen and routes of administration

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    Hormone replacement therapy: regimen and routes of administration

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    The menopause

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