24 research outputs found

    Basic Mechanics of Lagrange and Hamilton as Reference for STEM Students

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    This paper discusses the use of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics as alternative approaches for understanding the motion of objects in classical mechanics. These approaches, which are based on different mathematical techniques, can provide a deeper understanding of the principles of classical mechanics and the motion of objects, but may not be covered in high school physics curricula or undergraduate STEM courses. The review paper approach is used to combine information from a variety of sources, and the material is conceptualized to aid reader understanding. These advanced topics may be of interest to advanced high school students who are interested in exploring topics beyond the high school physics curriculum, and can be studied independently by those with a strong foundation in classical mechanics and familiarity with advanced mathematical concepts

    Study Review of the Speed of Light in Space-Time for STEM Student

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    The author of this article aims to review the theory of relativity and its implications for physics education by using visual aids and a programming approach. The article will cover the concept of the speed of light in space-time in the context of relativity, and provide illustrations that explain the relationships in the context of general relativity. The focus of the article will be to introduce students to complex concepts and encourage their interest in the topic. The author reports success in teaching the basic concept of the speed of light in space-time to both elementary STEM students and high school students. While the theory of relativity has been taught at the secondary school level in some education systems, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of using visual aids and a programming approach to enhance students' understanding of the concept. This article aims to fill the gap by evaluating the impact of this approach on students' understanding of the theory of relativit

    Rancang Bangun Alat Destilasi Air Laut yang Dilengkapi Pemanas Air Sederhana

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    Penduduk Indonesia yang tinggal di kawasan pesisir belum seluruhnya mendapatkan akses air tawar yang bersih dan layak konsumsi. Bantuan Pemerintah berupa alat desalinasi air laut berteknologi tinggi seperti sea water reverse osmosis, seringkali terkendala dalam pengoperasiannya. Salah satu alat desalinasi air laut paling sederhana dan mudah diterapkan oleh masyarakat pesisir adalah solar water distiller. Project ini mengaplikasikan konsep passive solar still konvensional yang ditambahkan alat pemanas air sederhana untuk meningkatkan laju evaporasi. Makalah ini menyajikan proses pembuatan alat tersebut mulai dari desain, pemilihan bahan, fabrikasi hingga pengujiannya. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa alat destilasi air laut dengan penambahan pemanas air sederhana efektif meningkatkan suhu air laut/brine secara signifikan. Kondisi tersebut memicu efisiensi peningkatan laju evaporasi (>300% pada kondisi optimum) sehingga dapat meningkatkan kecepatan produksi air suling. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa air suling yang dihasilkan memiliki nilai rata rata TDS=11 mg/L, pH=7,3, tidak berbau dan tidak berasa. Dengan demikian berdasarkan standar baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, air hasil destilasi tersebut layak untuk keperluan higiene sanitasi dan dapat dikonsumsi setelah melalui proses pemanasan untuk mematikan bakteri. Alat penyulingan air laut ini berbiaya murah dan dapat diaplikasikan dengan mudah oleh masyarakat di kawasan pesisir, baik dalam pengoperasian maupun penggantian suku cadan

    Analysis of Solar Flux and Sunspot Correlation Case Study: A Statistical Perspective

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    This analysis examines the relationship between the number of solar flares and the number of sunspots in 2005 using 11 observations in months 2 to 12. The number of solar currents measures the intensity of the radiation emitted by the Sun, while the number of sunspots measures the number of sunspots on the surface of the Sun. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between Solar Current Rate and Number of Sunspots. The results of the analysis show that the coefficient of the Amount of Solar Current is 1.1239 with a significant t value of 2.510 (probability that there is no effect on the Number of Sunspots is 3.33%). The linear regression model has good results with an F-statistic value of 6.301 and a p-value of 0.0333, with an R-squared value of 0.4118 which indicates that 41.18% of the variation in the number of sunspots is influenced by variations in the amount of solar currents. The corrected R-squared value is 0.3464 indicating that there are still variations in the number of sunspots that cannot be explained by variations in the number of solar currents. ARIMA analysis results show an MA coefficient of 0.7351 with an average value of 45.9542 and a s.e value of 0.2590 and 6.1550 respectively. The AIC, AICc, and BIC values are 92.97, 96.4, and 94.16. The error results in the training set show that the ME value is 0.2615561, the RMSE value is 12.16969, the MAE value is 9.03306, the MPE value is -15.14689, the MAPE value is 30.42013, and the MASE value is 0.674109. The ACF1 value in the exercise set is 0.0808969


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    ABSTRAK   Artikel ini membahas konsep termodinamika yang berlaku pada Lubang Hitam, yaitu hukum termodinamika pertama dan kedua. Hukum pertama termodinamika menghubungkan perubahan massa dengan perubahan entropi dan kerja, memungkinkan Lubang Hitam diperlakukan sebagai sistem termodinamika dengan suhu dan entropi. Hukum kedua termodinamika menyatakan bahwa entropi suatu sistem terisolasi dalam kesetimbangan termodinamika selalu meningkat atau tetap konstan, termasuk untuk Lubang Hitam. Metode penulisan yang digunakan dalam artikel ini melibatkan derivasi matematis untuk entropi Lubang Hitam, dengan menggabungkan hukum kedua termodinamika dan konsep termodinamika Lubang Hitam, di mana entropi dapat dinyatakan sebagai fungsi luas cakrawala peristiwa. Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya konsep entropi dan termodinamika Lubang Hitam dalam memahami alam semesta, serta penerapannya di berbagai bidang sains.   Kata kunci—Lubang Hitam, Termodinamika, Entropi, Hukum pertama termodinamika, Hukum kedua termodinamika   ABSTRACT   This article delves into the concepts of thermodynamics that apply to Lubang Hitams, namely the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics connects changes in mass with changes in entropy and work, allowing Lubang Hitams to be treated as thermodynamic systems with temperature and entropy. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system in thermodynamic equilibrium always increases or remains constant, including for Lubang Hitams. The writing approach employed in this article involves mathematical derivations for Lubang Hitam entropy, combining the second law of thermodynamics with the concept of Lubang Hitam thermodynamics, where entropy can be expressed as a function of the event horizon's surface area. This article highlights the significance of entropy and Lubang Hitam thermodynamics in understanding the universe, as well as their applications in various scientific fields.   Keywords—Lubang Hitam, Thermodynamics, Entropy, First law of thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamic


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    Lempeng Eurasia adalah lempeng tektonik terbesar ketiga yang berada di daerah Eurasia, daratan yang terdiri dari benua Eropa dan Asia. Lempeng Sunda merupakan bagian dari Lempeng Eurasia yang rumit secara tektonik dan aktif secara seismik.Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan karakterisik pola patahan akibat gempabumi tanggal 17 Juli 2006 di Laut Selatan Jawa dengan sumber data dari katalog gempa bumi USGS. Analisis bola fokus bahwa gempa tanggal 17 Juli 2006 dengan koordinat 9.3° S dan 107.4° E adalah kombinasi sesar mendatar dan sesar naik atau jenis sesar ini disebut juga oblique. Hasil analisis 3D Focal Mechanism dan perhitungan rumus empiris menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya penjalaran gelombang tsunami (Tsunami Travel Time) kedaerah pantai dipesisir Jawa selatan mempunyai waktu sekitar 30 menit, sehingga diperlukan kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi bencana. The Eurasian Plate is the third largest tectonic plate in the Eurasia region, a land consisting of Europe and Asia. The Sunda Plate is part of the Eurasian Plate which is complicated by tectonics and seismically active. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of the fault patterns due to the earthquake on 17 July 2006 in the South Sea of Java with data sources from the USGS earthquake catalog. Focus ball analysis that the earthquake on July 17, 2006 with coordinates 9.3° S and 107.4° E is a combination of horizontal faults and rising faults or this type of fault is also called oblique. The results of the 3D Focal Me chanism analysis and the calculation of empirical formulas indicate that the occurrence of tsunami wave propagation in the coastal areas of South Java approximately 30 minutes, so that preparedness is needed in the face of disasters

    Heat Conduction in Cylindrical Coordinates with Time-Varying Conduction Coefficients: A Practical Engineering Approach

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    This research aims to develop a mathematical method for expressing the Laplace operator in cylindrical coordinates and applying it to solve heat conduction equations in various scenarios. The method commences by transforming Cartesian coordinates into cylindrical coordinates and identifying the necessary substitutions. The result is the expression of the Laplace operator in cylindrical coordinates, which is subsequently employed to address heat conduction equations within cylindrical coordinates. Various cases encompassing different initial and boundary conditions, as well as variations in the conduction coefficient over time, are meticulously considered. In each instance, precise mathematical solutions are determined and subjected to thorough analysis. This study carries substantial implications for comprehending heat transfer within cylindrical coordinate systems and finds relevance in a wide array of scientific and engineering contexts. The research's findings can be harnessed for technology development, heating system design, and heat transfer modeling across diverse applications, including mechanical engineering and materials science. Therefore, the research's contribution holds paramount significance in advancing our understanding of heat transfer within cylindrical coordinates and in devising more efficient and accurate solutions for an array of heat-related issues within the realms of science and engineering

    Solution And Visualization 3D Plane Inverse Kinematics Method

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    The hyper-redundant type of robot is a type of robot that in carrying out its duties in the field of kinematics its degrees of freedom exceed the required minimum degrees. The advantage will be increased capability in operation and performance, if the degrees of freedom are excessive, even in unorganized and complex systems and environments. Algebraic approach method in inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; analytic algebra, jacobian basis, analytic KI, exponential multiplication, grobner, and conformal geometry. Iterative approach method in inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, ANFIS, and evolutionary algorithm. The geometric approach method in the inverse kinematics algorithm analysis can use; capital method. The purpose of this study is to analyze a virtual 2 arm robot, which will use axis manipulation in three dimensions using an inverse kinematics solution, using a geometric approach. How to step along on the z axis by rotating and using the reverse kinematics solution to the desired location. The visualization results will be repeated so as to ensure the effectiveness of the algorithm. As for this algorithm will provide a single solution, and this algorithm will prevent and reduce singularities if the link is lower

    Inverse Kinematic Algorithm with Newton-Raphson Method iteration to Control Robot Position and Orientation based on R programming language

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    The homogeneous transform program is a function used to calculate the homogeneous transformation matrix at a specific position and orientation of a three-link manipulator. The homogeneous transformation matrix is a 4x4 matrix used to represent the position and orientation of an object in three-dimensional space. In the program, the rotation matrix R is calculated using the Euler formula and stored in a 4x4 matrix along with the position coordinates. The Jacobian matrix function calculates the Jacobian matrix at a specific position and orientation of a three-link manipulator using the homogeneous transformation matrix. The Euler formula used in the program is based on the rotation matrices for rotations around the x, y, and z-axes. The output of these functions can be useful for future research in developing advanced manipulators with improved accuracy and flexibility. Research gaps in exploring the limitations of these functions in real-world applications, particularly in scenarios involving complex manipulator configurations and environmental factors