42 research outputs found

    Synergism of Antioxidant Activity Combination of Buas-Buas (Premnaserratifolia Linn.), Meniran (Phyllanthusniruri L.), Secang (Caesalpiniasappan) and Roselle (Hibiscus sabdarifa) Extracts

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    Buas-buas, meniran, secang, and rosella have biological and pharmacological activities as antioxidants. The combination of the four plants is expected to provide a more potent synergistic effect on antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the total phenol content, total flavonoids, and antioxidant effects before and after combination. The combination of extracts, buas-buas, meniran, secang, and rosella which are used in sequence is (1: 1: 1/2: 1/2), (1: 2: 1/2: 1/2), and (2: 1 : 1/2: 1/2). Plants used in the form of simplicia was extracted by maceration method. Radical capture activity uses DPPH and IC50 values are determined. Determination of total phenol is expressed equivalent to gallic acid. Total flavonoids are expressed as quercetin equivalents. The phenol and flavonoid content obtained are then correlated with antiradical activity. The results showed that the best IC50 values were in the combination of ratios (1: 1: 1/2: 1/2) that is (11.0 µg / mL), then (1: 2: 1/2: 1/2) which was 13.3 µg / mL, and (2: 1: 1/2: 1/2) which is 19.4 µg / mL. The highest total phenolic and flavonoid content in the ratio (1: 2: 1/2: 1/2) is 33.57% w/w EAG and 74.00% w/w EQ. Correlation analysis between IC50 values with total phenolic and flavonoid contents showed a positive correlation with R2 values of 0.8236 and 0.0102 with positive slope. Thus, it can be concluded that the total phenol content influences free radical scavenging activity by 82.36%, while the effect of total flavonoid content was only 1.02%


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    Tanaman senggani (Melastoma malabathricum L.) atau yang dikenal dengan cengkodok merupakan tanaman yang secara empiris telah banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat dalam membantu mengatasi masalah kesehatan. Diketahui tanaman tersebut mengandung senyawa fenol dan flavonoid yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa fenol dan flavonoid secara kualitatif pada ekstrak etanol daun, bunga, buah, dan batang senggani. Sampel diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96%, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dengan fase gerak kloroform: metanol: etil asetat: air (80: 12: 6: 2) dan fase diam Silika Gel GF254. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya senyawa fenol pada ekstrak etanol daun, bunga, buah dan batang senggani dengan berubahnya warna bercak menjadi kehitaman setelah disemprot pereaksi FeCl3, warna bercak menjadi kekuningan setelah disemprot AlCl3 dan hasil pengamatan di bawah sinar UV 366 nm ditemukan beberapa bercak dengan nilai Rf 0,26 pada semua bagian, Rf 0,12 pada bunga dan daun, dan Rf 0,22 ; 0,38 ; 0,72 dan 0,8 pada bunga. Kata Kunci : Fenol, Flavonoid, Senggani, KL

    Improving the in vitro penetration of niacinamide using span 60-based niosomal system in gel formulation

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    Niacinamide is one of the components of cosmeceutical products that reported to have skin benefits for the treatment of skin pigmentation, acne and wrinkles. However, the dermal penetration of niacinamide is poor. The carrier system which can be selected to carry the compound through the stratum corneum layer is the niosome system using span 60. This study was aimed to determine the concentration of span 60 that can trap niacinamide optimally and the ability of niosome system span 60 to increase in vitro penetration of niacinamide in gel formulation. The different formulations of nicotinamide niosome were formulated with variance concentrations of Span 60, that is, formula A 100 μmol, formula B 150 μmol, and formula C 200 μmol. The entrapment efficiency testing was conducted using dialysis membrane. The gel formulation was prepared in two formulas, niacinamide niosome gel and niacinamide gel (without niosomes) and tested diffusion using Franz diffusion cell flow-through type. The result show that Formula A provides the most optimum entrapment efficiency of 99.03±0.026%. The results of the in vitro skin penetration studies for 8 hours indicate that the niosomal formulation using Span 60 could increase skin penetration with the percent cumulative amount of niacinamide niosomes was 82.87±1.6932% compared to niacinamide in gel without noisome system about 70.27±5,3212%

    The Influence of Menthol in Ethanol Extract of Meniran Gel (Phyllanthus niruri L.) as a Hair Growth Promoter in Male Wistar Rats

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    Phyllanthus niruri L. is known to promote hair growth. Menthol is one of the enhancers which promotes drug penetration into the skin. The aim of this research is to determine the potential of menthol in P. niruri Ethanol Extracts gel preparation as a hair growth promoter. The test animals were randomized into 4 groups: normal group, negative control (gel without extract and menthol), E1 group (Ethanol Extracts of P. niruri 5% gel without menthol) and E2 group (Ethanol Extracts of P. niruri 5% gel with menthol). Hair growth activity test was conducted by applying the gel on the rats’ back, and hair length was measured on the 7th, 14th and 21st days, while the hair was weighed on the 21st day. The results showed that the E2 group had an average hair length and hair weight of 12.45±3.457 mm and hair weight of 28.53±7.681 mg, greater than the E1 group of 10.67±2.455 mm and 19.87±9.552 mg respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that adding menthol in P. niruri Ethanol Extract gel preparation can influence hair growth and thickness


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    Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) merupakan tumbuhan yang mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder salah satunya senyawa flavonoid yang dapat memberikan aktivitas antidiabetes. Pengembangan sediaan dari ekstrak meniran dalam bentuk serbuk dipilih karena lebih stabil jika disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama serta lebih praktis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi kombinasi Avicel PH 101 dan aerosil terhadap kandungan kadar air serbuk dari ekstrak etanol meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.). Metode: Serbuk ekstrak meniran dibuat dengan perbandingan konsentrasi bahan pengisi avicel PH 101 dan aerosil yaitu FI (20%:0%), F2 (20%:20%), F3 (90%:0%), (90%:20%), avicel pH 101 dan aerosil dicampurkan terlebih dahulu kemudian dihomogenkan dengan ekstrak kental. Evaluasi sediaan yang dilakukan yaitu uji kadar air serbuk. Hasil: Hasil uji didapatkan serbuk ekstrak etanol meniran pada penggunaan variasi kombinasi Avicel pH 101 dan Aerosil yang memenuhi syarat kadar air yang baik adalah perbandingan 20% : 20% (F2) dan 90% : 20% (F4), serta perbandingan paling optimal yaitu 90% : 0% (F3) menghasilkan serbuk paling halus secara visual dan kadar air paling kecil. Kesimpulan: penelitian menunjukan variasi kombinasi avicel PH 101 dan aerosil dapat menghasilkan serbuk dengan kadar air yang memenuhi persyaratan. Kata kunci: Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.), Serbukl, Avicel PH 101, Aerosil


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    Physalis angulata L. is a plant whose extract or infusion has been used by many countries as a popular medicine for the treatment of diseases such as malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism. The ethanol extract of ciplukan herb has been studied to show non-toxic activity with an LC50 value of more than 1000 ?g / mL so that it is potential to be developed into a dosage form. This study aims to determine the correctness of a sample by identifying its distinctive fragments through microscopic testing. The research method begins with determining the sample to ensure that the plants to be used are appropriate. Then performed microscopic tests and extraction. The results showed that the typical fragments found in the ciplukan herbal simplicia were the transport files, while the yield value of 96% ethanol extract of ciplukan herbs obtained in this study was 2.04%. Keywords: Physalis angulata L., microscopic testing, extractio


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    Buas-buas (Premna serratifolia L.) dan secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) merupakan tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai obat tradisonal. Buas-buas memiliki khasiat sebagai obat namun belum banyak masyarakat yang mengenal tanaman ini. tumbuhan ini dapat bermanfaat sebagai antioksidan, antikanker, antivirus, antijamur dan antibakteri. Kulit kayu secang secara tradisional dapat digunakan untuk meredakan kejang ataupun sebagai antinflamasi/pembengkakan. Pembuatan ektrak etanol daun buas-buas dan kayu secang menggunakan metode maserasi bertingkat. Ekstrak yang didapat akan dihitung hasil rendemen dan uji skrining fitokimia. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh % rendemen ekstrak etanol daun buas-buas (Premna serratifolia L) adalah 4,104% dan kayu secang (Caesalpinia sappan L) sebesar 1,751%. Kombinasi Ekstrak etanol daun buas-buas (Premna serratifolia L) dan kayu secang (Caesalpinia sappan L) mengandung senyawa tanin, flavonoid, fenol, saponin, terpenoid

    Antibacterial Activity Of Combination Of n-Hexane Extract Of Buas-Buas Leaves (Premna serratifolia L.) And Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.)

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    Background: The plants used in this study were buas-buas leaves (Premna serratifolia L.) and sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.). The people of West Kalimantan use the buas-buas leaves and sappan wood as traditional medicine, and, based on research, they have antibacterial activity. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli are bacteria that cause nosocomial infections and have developed resistance to many antibiotics. This research was conducted to determine the antibacterial activity of the combination of n-hexane extract of buas-buas leaves and sappan wood.   Methods: The antibacterial activity test was carried out by the agar diffusion method using a paper disc with a diameter of 6 mm. The antibacterial activity of a combination of n-hexane extract of buas-buas leaves and sappan wood in a ratio of 1:1, 2:1, and 1:2 at concentrations of 125, 250, and 500 ppm. Results: In this study, the combination of n-hexane extract of buas-buas leaves and sappan wood with various concentrations, even with increasing concentrations, did not show any inhibition zones. The factors that are thought to affect the absence of the inhibition zone are the concentration of the extract, the content of secondary metabolites, the solubility of the extract, and the length of contact time Conclusion: The combination of n-hexane extract of buas-buas leaves and sappan wood did not have antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in all comparisons and concentrations. It is recommended to test the antibacterial activity with a higher concentratio