29 research outputs found


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    Bahasa Korea merupakan salah satu bahasa asing yang diajarkan diprogram studi bahasa Korea  fakultas sastra dan bahasa Universitas Nasional. Penguasaan bahasa asing bagi para pemelajar bahasa asing sering kali terjadi kesulitan dalam melafalkan fonem fonem bahasa asing  karena adanya perbedaan sistem bunyi dari  bahasa asing yang sedang dipelajari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara mendeskripsikan kesalahan-kesalahan yang ditemukan dalam melafalkan fonem -fonem bahasa Korea. Objek penelitian ini adalah 11 mahasiswi yang sedang mempelajari bahasa Korea.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mencatat dan merekam bacaan dari kosa kata bahasa Korea kemudian  analisis data dilakukan dengan mencari tahu perbedaan  pitch dan intensity dari program software Praat. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelafalan konsonan aspirasi  타/tha /dengan nilai pitch yang tertinggi yang  dari pelafalan orang Korea  317,3 Hz, dan pelafalan dari  pemelajar Indonesia   265,4 Hz. Sedangkan untuk intensity, kata  ì¹´/kha/ pelafalan orang Korea tertinggi 83,81db,  dan kata ì°¨/cha/ pelafalan tertinggi dari pemelajar Indonesia 75,8 db.


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    Differences editorial in a hadith theme are possible, one of which is in the tradition licking fingers after eating. In the theme of the hadith there are 2 very prominent editors, namely in the form of a sentence kalimat يَلْعَقَهَا اَوْ يُلْعِقَهَاor only use the word يَلْعَقَهَا both of them are fi'il mud}a>ri’. But there is also the Hadith use the word mad لَعِقَ which is fi'il madi. The word يُلْعِقَهَا in the matan editor means 'licking fingers to others'. At first glance maybe the message of the Prophet Muhammad. in the hadith strongly recommends licking your fingers after eating, but whether to ask for help from others to do so. This paper aims to find out the analysis of ma’an al-hadith with an effort to trace the meaning of licking fingers after eating

    Analisis Pengaruh Perbankan Syariah Terhadap Pembiayaan Sektor Industri Pengolahan Di Indonesia Tahun 2016-2018

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    The decline in the Indonesian economy made it difficult for many parties in the economy, especially the industrial sector to get capital. The capital is obtained through financing. Financing usually comes from various sources of financing. Sharia Banking Financing is one of the best alternatives and solutions to obtain halal and interest-free financing for the industrial sector. In the financing process, there are many factors that influence Islamic banking financing to the industrial sector. The factors that influence the industrial sector's Islamic banking financing include Bank Indonesia Syariah Certificates (SBIS), TPF (Third Party Funds), Inflation (INF), and Non-Performing Finance (NPF). The research methodology used is multiple regression with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) approach using the Eviews 9 software. The research results show that the bonus of Bank Indonesia Syariah Certificates (SBIS), third party funds (DPK), inflation, and Non-Performing Financing (NPF) significantly affects industrial financing. This research recommends an increase in the proportion of financing in the manufacturing sector in line with an increase in the amount of third party funds, an increase in the competence of Islamic bank human resources who control the industrial sector, and the strengthening of sharia policy instruments. Keywords : Analysis, Factors, Islamic Banking, Industrial Sector, Ordinary Least Square (OLS)

    The Distinct Conformational Dynamics of K-Ras and H-Ras A59G

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    Ras proteins regulate signaling cascades crucial for cell proliferation and differentiation by switching between GTP- and GDP-bound conformations. Distinct Ras isoforms have unique physiological functions with individual isoforms associated with different cancers and developmental diseases. Given the small structural differences among isoforms and mutants, it is currently unclear how these functional differences and aberrant properties arise. Here we investigate whether the subtle differences among isoforms and mutants are associated with detectable dynamical differences. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations reveal that wild-type K-Ras and mutant H-Ras A59G are intrinsically more dynamic than wild-type H-Ras. The crucial switch 1 and switch 2 regions along with loop 3, helix 3, and loop 7 contribute to this enhanced flexibility. Removing the gamma-phosphate of the bound GTP from the structure of A59G led to a spontaneous GTP-to-GDP conformational transition in a 20-ns unbiased simulation. The switch 1 and 2 regions exhibit enhanced flexibility and correlated motion when compared to non-transitioning wild-type H-Ras over a similar timeframe. Correlated motions between loop 3 and helix 5 of wild-type H-Ras are absent in the mutant A59G reflecting the enhanced dynamics of the loop 3 region. Taken together with earlier findings, these results suggest the existence of a lower energetic barrier between GTP and GDP states of the mutant. Molecular dynamics simulations combined with principal component analysis of available Ras crystallographic structures can be used to discriminate ligand- and sequence-based dynamic perturbations with potential functional implications. Furthermore, the identification of specific conformations associated with distinct Ras isoforms and mutants provides useful information for efforts that attempt to selectively interfere with the aberrant functions of these species

    Novel Allosteric Sites on Ras for Lead Generation

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    Aberrant Ras activity is a hallmark of diverse cancers and developmental diseases. Unfortunately, conventional efforts to develop effective small molecule Ras inhibitors have met with limited success. We have developed a novel multi-level computational approach to discover potential inhibitors of previously uncharacterized allosteric sites. Our approach couples bioinformatics analysis, advanced molecular simulations, ensemble docking and initial experimental testing of potential inhibitors. Molecular dynamics simulation highlighted conserved allosteric coupling of the nucleotide-binding switch region with distal regions, including loop 7 and helix 5. Bioinformatics methods identified novel transient small molecule binding pockets close to these regions and in the vicinity of the conformationally responsive switch region. Candidate binders for these pockets were selected through ensemble docking of ZINC and NCI compound libraries. Finally, cell-based assays confirmed our hypothesis that the chosen binders can inhibit the downstream signaling activity of Ras. We thus propose that the predicted allosteric sites are viable targets for the development and optimization of new drugs

    Metodologi Pemikiran Muhammad Syahrur: Studi Atas al-Kitāb Wa Al-Qur' ān: Qirā‘ah Mu’āshirah

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    Pada akhir abad ke-20, yakni pada tahun 1990-an, dunia Arab-Islam dikejutkan oleh diterbitkannya buku Al-Kitab wa al-Qur’an Qird’ah Mu’dshirah karya Muhammad Syahrir. Sejak diterbitkan, buku itu telah mengundang kontroversi dan penulisnya menuai berbagai tuduhan. Muhammad Syahrir, penulis buku tersebut, adalah seorang doktor dalam bidang mekanika tanah yang mencoba memasuki wilayah hermeneutika Al-Kitab. Dengan keahliannya dalam bidang teknik dan dipadukan dengan teori-teori linguistik, Syahriir berhasil memberikan makna-makna baru,sekaligus mengkritik, atas konsep-konsep keagamaan klasik. Melalui eksplorasi atas konsep nubuwwah dan risalah ia memberikan sistematika lain bagi al-Kitab' serta menawarkan suatu cara mendamaikan yang sakral dengan yang propan. Dalam tulisan ini berusaha memaparkan bagaiamana metode Sahrur yang berkaitan dengan Nubuwwah-Risalah dan Implikasinya terhadap Sisitematika Al-Kitab dan al-Sunna


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    This paper examines the meaning of the word Maraja al-Baḥrayn according to the interpretation of Fakhruddin al-Razi and Ibn 'Arabi. These two commentators were chosen to find out more about the meaning of the word from a Sufistic and scientific point of view, because at first glance, the two perspectives seem to contradict each other. In addition, this study also aims to find out how the interpretation of Maraj al-Bahrayn word according to Al-Razi and Ibn 'Arabi and compare their interpretation of that word. The interpretations of the two figures were analyzed using the discussion hermeneutic method from Schleiermacher.Tulisan ini menggkaji tentang makna kata Maraja al-Baḥrayn menurut panafsiran Fakhruddin al-Razi­ dan Ibn ‘Arabi. Kedua mufassir ini dipilih untuk mengetahui lebih dalam lagi makna kata tersebut dari sudut pandang sufistik dan sains, karena jika dilihat sekilas, kedua perspektif tersebut seolah saling bertolak belakang satu sama lain. Selain itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penafsiran kata Maraj al-Bahrayn menurut Al-Razi dan Ibn ‘Arabi serta membandingkan penafsiran keduanya terhadap kata tersebut. Penafsiran kedua tokoh tersebut dianalisa dengan meggunakan metode hermeneutika pembahasan dari Schleiermacher