20 research outputs found

    Faktor demografis untuk meningkatkan informasi, edukasi, dan komunikasi kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi

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    Memahami siapa yang kurang berpengetahuan sangat penting dalam menentukan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi Remaja Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menegaskan kembali mengenai faktor-faktor demografis yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi remaja Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2017, yang secara khusus melakukan survei kepada perempuan dan laki-laki belum menikah usia 15-24 tahun. Sampel survei diambil dari wawancara terhadap 48.963 rumah tangga, dengan rata-rata usia responden adalah 18,59 tahun. Dengan menggunakan analisis bivariat dan regresi, penelitian ini dapat menunjukkan bukti bahwa faktor usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan tempat tinggal memiliki asosiasi dengan pengetahuan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi remaja Indonesia. Remaja perempuan yang belum menikah berusia 15-24 tahun, memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih baik dibandingkan laki-laki. Remaja dengan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih tinggi memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang tingkat pendidikannya lebih rendah. Dengan bertambahnya usia responden, cenderung memiliki pengetahuan kesehatan dan seksual yang lebih baik. Terakhir, remaja yang tinggal di perkotaan cenderung lebih berpengetahuan dibandingkan dengan responden yang tinggal di pedesaan. Dengan demikian, sangat penting untuk menyempurnakan kebijakan dengan memberikan penekanan praktik komunikasi-informasi-edukasi kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual terhadap remaja laki-laki usia muda yang tinggal di pedesaan, dengan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih rendah, karena merekalah yang kurang memiliki pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi seksual

    Communication competence of Indonesian workers in intercultural interaction in Munich and Canberra

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    The discourse of intercultural communication competence is increasingly important in the globalized world. However, there need to be more studies reported on the communication competence of Indonesian workers in intercultural interaction, particularly in the host country Germany and Australia. This study investigates communication competence in the intercultural interaction of Indonesian workers in two cities, Munich and Canberra. It focuses on intercultural challenges encountered by Indonesian workers working at different corporations and organizations in Munich and Canberra. Using qualitative methods, we examine Indonesian workers' intercultural awareness, sensitivity, and language competence in the host cities. This ethnographic study is based on interviews and informal conversations with Indonesian workers in Munich and Canberra and observations through the engagement of the researchers in the various Indonesian Diaspora community in the two cities. Based on thematic analysis, two empirical findings are essential to everyday intercultural interaction. First, intercultural awareness and sensitivity explain the knowledge and experiences of Indonesian workers on local rules and regulations, culture, and history of the host cities. Second, language competence describes the ability of Indonesian workers to understand the accents and dialects (German Bavaria and English Australian) and to overcome language barriers in everyday work and community life. The study concludes that participants have different experiences implementing communication competence in everyday interaction. It depends on the intercultural interaction intensity of Indonesian workers with their colleagues and the local community

    Brand equity of team sports towards sponsorship in Indonesian football club

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    This is a study concerning the result of sports sponsorship where the research focuses on how would a specific construct of Brand Equity would correlate with the sponsorship outcome. The study takes one of the forerunners of professional football (soccer) club as the object. Persib (Persatuan Sepakbola Indonesia Bandung), a football club which resides in Bandung. Persib has proven to be one of the most prominent football clubs in terms of business, fans, and professionalism. Each home game are watched by a minimum number of 40,000 spectators, and the company itself, PT. PBB (Persib Bandung Bermartabat, Inc.) has managed to generate a yearly income of approx. 12 Billion Rupiahs, income which is considered as the largest from a professional football club in Indonesia.The study is aimed to discover how the construct of BETS (Brand Equity of Team Sports) would influence the Sponsorship Outcome. Questionnaires were distributed to 403 fans of Persib Bandung, whom are ssociated with Viking community. The study modifies the concept of Bauer, et al. (2005) that applies the concept of Consumer Based Brand Equity from Keller (1993), and also the concept of Sponsorship Outcome (SO) from Gwinner and Swanson (2003). BETS is divided into four dimension; Awareness, Product-Related Attributes, Non Product-Related Attributes, and Brand Benefits. For the football context, each dimension is measured according to the characteristics of a football club. Product-related attributes consists of Athletic success, star player(s), coach, and management. Sponsorship Outcome is measured by; Sponsor recognition, attitude toward sponsor, sponsor patronage, and satisfaction with sponsor. The research would focus on observing SO on the context of general sponsorship of Persib, Honda, and PT. Daya Adira Mustika. The concepts are modified by researcher to fit research context. This study introduces a simpler construct to measure BETS from earlier model of Bauer, et al. And empirical test prove research hypothesis that BETS significantly affect SO using SEM, and dimensions of BETS correlates with SO. Simpler dimensions of BETS proposed by this study can accurately measure BETS, and the research also concluded Honda as the top of mind sponsor of Persib.Keywords: Sponsorship, Sports Marketing, Brand Equity, Structural Equation Modeling, Brand Equity of Team Sports, Sponsorship Outcome, Sport Sponsorship Marketing


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    Penelitian ini bermaksud mengungkap tentang tata langkah dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan X dalam upaya mempublikasikan kegiatan pesantren kilat, sebagai kegiatan unggulan yang ditawarkan lembaga pada bulan ramadhan. Hal khusus yang menarik untuk diamati adalah, adanya penggunaan grup whatsApp sebagai media promosi satu-satunya yang digunakan oleh penyelenggara kegiatan. Namun demikian, upaya promosi yang dilakukan lembaga dengan dana minimalis ini mampu  berjalan secara efektif, hal ini disebabkan target peserta yang ditetapkan penyelenggara dapat dicapai dalam waktu relatif singkat. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari kejelian dan ketepatan strategi promosi dari pihak penyelenggara serta kesesuaian dalam pengemasan informasi sehingga  pasar bidikan yang  relatif sempit dapat diraih sesuai harapan. Oleh karena itu peneliti bermaksud mengkaji aspek-aspek yang berada di balik kegiatan promosi dengan cara menyebarkan informasi melalui pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi informasi berbasis internet yang digunakan yaitu grup whatsapp. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep promosi dan dan penggunaan media sosial dalam kegiatan PR, yang diteliti dengan metode deskriptif dengan cara wawancara dan observasi dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam kegiatan ini

    Differentials in Reproductive Health Knowledge among Adolescents in Indonesia

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    Due to societal taboos, traditional and religious norms, Indonesia’s Z-generation, who account for a large population, is frequently underinformed about reproductive health. The objectives of this study are to determine whether there are any differences in the knowledge of Indonesian young adults on reproductive health issues, modern contraceptive methods, and sources of information for reproductive health by selected sociodemographic characteristics. From the 2019 Performance and Accountability Survey, 41.582 never-married adolescents between the ages of 10 to 24 years were selected for the analysis. In this study, descriptive and bivariate analyses were performed. The means of the two groups were compared using t-tests. The results show that adolescents still lack information about reproductive health. The overall means for knowledge of reproductive health, modern methods of contraception, and sources of information about reproductive health were 1.97, 2.54, and 3.07, respectively. Adolescents were highly exposed to message about reproductive health on television and the internet. Adolescents that are older, reside in urban areas, are more educated, and are wealthier are reported to have significantly higher knowledge than their counterparts. With enough concern and increased attention being provided to younger adolescents, who reside in rural areas, who have lesser education, and are from the lowest wealth index, emphasis should be placed on increasing information to promote reproductive health literacy among adolescents. Television and digital media are crucial communication channels for educating with young people about reproductive health. Policies and programs should be designed to involve peers, relatives, and teachers in providing information about reproductive health

    Bibliometric analysis of research trends on disability in Indonesia

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    Indonesian people have a unique perception of understanding the concept of disability. Researchers use various terminologies to address topics of disabilities in their published studies. There is no national roadmap for disability research that may integrate and guide studies on the subject. This study investigated scientific outputs made by academics researching disabilities topics in Indonesia. Publications on topics of disabilities it found 3,220 publications, indexed in the national indexing service “Garuda” (abbreviation for Garba Rujukan Digital, meaning: Digital Reference Portal), published from 2010 to 2019. This study employed a bibliometric approach, browsing and analyzing numerical trends of several publications, quantitative distribution of publication years, authors’ characteristics, publishers, subject names, and keywords used. Findings research were compared with relevant references to provide a holistic picture of trends in disability studies over the last decade. Research result showed that the number of publications increased significantly from 2010 to 2019, and discussions on relevant and current disabilities conditions progressed according to the development of national and global works on the subject. Most studies focus on educational topics, dictating publication trends, with some published works, authors, subjects, and keywords being dominated by disability papers on education, with authors and publishers from western Indonesia dominantly publishing a significantly higher number of publications than their counterparts in the central and eastern parts. This study concludes that research trends on disability in Indonesia show significant development from year to year regarding the number of publications, the distribution of authors, and subject specifics

    Accessibility to E-Commerce Websites for People with Disability in Indonesia

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    Using a website has become a primary method for delivering information, doing promotion, and marketing activities. E-commerce business people acknowledged the importance of developing a reliable website to reach the market through the internet, as part of e-service, especially in a country with a large market share like Indonesia. Unfortunately, not every e-commerce web designer is aware of the website accessibility criteria, the lack of awareness creates barriers for persons with disabilities to access e-commerce websites, as buyers and sellers. The accessibility gap of those website limits the ability of persons with disabilities to optimize the presence of e-commerce as an economic opportunity. We need to overcome the barriers to create an inclusive society in Indonesia. This paper aims to provide an overview of the accessibility of e-commerce websites in Indonesia, to find the common web accessibility issues, classified them comparatively into several tiers, type of issues, and then calculates the correlation of total issues with the number of visitors. This study analyzes 39 e-commerce websites. We evaluate based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, using an automated tool called "aXe". The study shows evidence of various accessibility issues of e-commerce websites in Indonesia, emphasizing the necessity of web designers to pay more attention to accessibility for users with disabilities. This study also provides several recommendations to website accessibility as part of e-service quality.

    Strategi Marketing Public Relations Checo Café Resto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latar belakang strategi marketing public relations yang dilakukan oleh Checo CafĂ© Resto pasca rebranding. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, mendeskripsikan tentang strategi push, pull dan pass. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan wawancara semi-terstruktur, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang dilakukannya strategi marketing public relations oleh Checo CafĂ© Resto pasca rebranding adalah karena terjadinya perubahan citra Checo CafĂ© Resto menjadi ‘CafĂ© Mahal’ dan penurunan penjualan yang drastis. Checo Cafe Resto menggunakan sales force dalam melaksanakan strategi push yaitu employee training dan sales program. Pada strategi pull, Checo Cafe Resto menggunakan komunikasi inovasi produk baru, aktivasi media sosial, promo, special event, dan media coverage. Sedangkan strategi pass yang dilakukan yaitu sponsorship, community, goverment relationship dan corporate social responsibility. Dilakukan evaluasi pada setiap strategi yang dilakukan, namun tidak ada survei khusus sehingga tidak diketahui persepsi dan tanggapan publik mengenai Checo Cafe Resto. Meskipun begitu, dari semua strategi push, pull dan pass yang dilakukan, tidak semua tools yang ada didalam konsep Thomas L. Harris digunakan oleh Checo CafĂ© Resto

    Gender, education, and digital generations as determinants of attitudes toward health information for health workers in West Java, Indonesia

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    Health information is a commodity heavily sought by Indonesians because of the increasing consciousness of a healthy lifestyle. However, the circulation of health information is consistently disrupted by misinformation and disinformation, particularly on social media and chatting platforms such as WhatsApp. Identified misinformation and disinformation can be found on the official web page run by the Ministry of Communication and Information (https://trustpositif.kominfo.go.id/). Digital information exchange often involves health care workers; they are considered a credible source of health information. The purpose of this study was to delineate the attitudes of health care workers toward health information, determined by gender, educational attainment, and age differences. Health information in this study was information circulated on WhatsApp. We divided the age differences into four digital generations: baby boomers and Generations X, Y, and Z. We used the t-test and analysis of education and age differences when using the analysis of variance to demonstrate the differences among determinants factors of respondents—617 health care workers in West Java—in using WhatsApp when receiving and sharing health information. The results support that attitudes toward health information are determined by education attainment and differences in generation and that gender differences have no effect