10 research outputs found

    Ekologinen siirtymä luonnon monimuotoisuuspolitiikassa : Biodiversiteettiareenan 2021 tulokset

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    Ekologinen siirtymä viittaa järjestelmätason muutoksiin kohti kestäviä toimintatapoja sosiaalisissa, taloudellisissa ja teknologisissa järjestelmissä. Kyse on yhteiskunnan rakenteellisesta muutoksesta, joka kohdistuu luonnon monimuotoisuuden kadon juurisyihin, kuten demografisiin ja sosiaalisiin, ekonomisiin ja teknologisiin, sekä institutionaalisiin ja hallinnollisiin tekijöihin. Ympäristöministeriön koollekutsuma ja yhdessä Aalto-yliopiston tutkijoiden kanssa järjestämä Biodiversiteettiareena kutsui keväällä 2021 joukon eri alojen asiantuntijoita osallistumaan neljän työpajan sarjaan, jossa käsiteltiin ekologisen siirtymän edellytyksiä, vaatimuksia ja vaikutuksia Suomen näkökulmasta. Samalla tuotettiin tukimateriaalia Luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelun ja kestävän käytön kansallisen strategian ja toimintaohjelman valmistelun pohjaksi. Työ toteutettiin murrosareenamenetelmällä, jossa muodostetaan visio kestävän tulevaisuuden tavoitetilasta ja rakennetaan tavoitetilaan johtavia muutospolkuja sekä tunnistetaan poluilta olennaisia toimenpiteitä ja vuorovaikutuksia

    Jäysteenpoistohihna jyrsinkoneelle

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä ideoidaan ja suunnitellaan jäysteenpoistohihna jyrsinkoneelle. Opinnäytetyön on toimeksiantanut Vierumäen Metalli Oy, jonka konepajalla kyseinen jyrsinkone on. Opinnäytetyö sisältää ideoinnin lisäksi 3d-mallinnuksen analyysin, kattavan selityksen rakenteesta mittoineen sekä laskuja koneen toiminnan kannalta kriittisistä komponenteista. Jäysteenpoistohihna on tarpeellinen jyrsinkoneen yhteyteen, sillä ilman sitä metallijätettä kertyy jyrsinkoneen ympäristöön haitaten työskentelyä. Suunnitelman ja laskujen perusteella koneen mekaaninen kesto tulee olemaan huomattavasti suurempi, kuin sitä tullaan arvion mukaan kuormittamaan.In this thesis a composition and a design for a conveyor of metal fin for a milling machine will be made. The thesis was commissioned by Vierumäen Metalli Oy, the owner of the workshop in which the milling machine is. In addition to the composition, this thesis contains an analysis of the 3d-modeling, a comprehensive description of the structure with the measurements and calculations of the critical components concerning the operation of the conveyor. The conveyor is necessary because without it the surroundings of the milling machine will be filled with metal fin which complicates the work on the milling machine. According to the design and calculations the conveyor will be significantly stronger than the estimated load requires

    Novel methods in soft matter simulations

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    Soft matter and biological systems pose many challenges for theoretical, experimental and computational research. From the computational point of view, these many-body systems cover variations in relevant time and length scales over many orders of magnitude. Indeed, the macroscopic properties of materials and complex fluids are ultimately to be deduced from the dynamics of the microscopic, molecular level. In these lectures, internationally renowned experts, offer a tutorial presentation of novel approaches for bridging these space and time scales in realistic simulations. This volume addresses graduate students and nonspecialist researchers from related areas seeking a high-level but accessible introduction to the state of the art in soft matter simulations

    NYU-EDA in modelling the effect of COVID-19 on patient volumes in a Finnish emergency department

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    Background: Emergency departments (EDs) worldwide have been in the epicentre of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, the impact of the pandemic and national emergency measures on the number of non-COVID-19 presentations and the assessed acuity of those presentations remain uncertain. Methods: We acquired a retrospective cohort containing all ED visits in a Finnish secondary care hospital during years 2018, 2019 and 2020. We compared the number of presentations in 2020 during the national state of emergency, i.e. from March 16 to June 11, with numbers from 2018 and 2019. Presentations were stratified using localized New York University Emergency Department Algorithm (NYU-EDA) to evaluate changes in presentations with different acuity levels. Results: A total of 27,526 presentations were observed. Compared to previous two years, total daily presentations were reduced by 23% (from 113 to 87, p <.001). In NYU-EDA classes, Non-Emergent visits were reduced the most by 42% (from 18 to 10, p <.001). Emergent presentations were reduced by 19 to 28% depending on the subgroup (p <.001). Number of injuries were reduced by 25% (from 27 to 20, p <.001). The NYU-EDA distribution changed statistically significantly with 4% point reduction in Non-Emergent visits (from 16 to 12%, p <.001) and 0.9% point increase in Alcohol-related visits (from 1.6 to 2.5%, p <.001). Conclusions: We observed a significant reduction in total ED visits in the course of national state of emergency. Presentations were reduced in most of the NYU-EDA groups irrespective of the assessed acuity. A compensatory increase in presentations was not observed in the course of the 3 month lockdown. This implies either reduction in overall morbidity caused by decreased societal activity or widespread unwillingness to seek required medical advice.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Ekologinen siirtymä luonnon monimuotoisuuspolitiikassa : Biodiversiteettiareenan 2021 tulokset

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    Ekologinen siirtymä viittaa järjestelmätason muutoksiin kohti kestäviä toimintatapoja sosiaalisissa, taloudellisissa ja teknologisissa järjestelmissä. Kyse on yhteiskunnan rakenteellisesta muutoksesta, joka kohdistuu luonnon monimuotoisuuden kadon juurisyihin, kuten demografisiin ja sosiaalisiin, ekonomisiin ja teknologisiin, sekä institutionaalisiin ja hallinnollisiin tekijöihin. Ympäristöministeriön koollekutsuma ja yhdessä Aalto-yliopiston tutkijoiden kanssa järjestämä Biodiversiteettiareena kutsui keväällä 2021 joukon eri alojen asiantuntijoita osallistumaan neljän työpajan sarjaan, jossa käsiteltiin ekologisen siirtymän edellytyksiä, vaatimuksia ja vaikutuksia Suomen näkökulmasta. Samalla tuotettiin tukimateriaalia Luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelun ja kestävän käytön kansallisen strategian ja toimintaohjelman valmistelun pohjaksi. Työ toteutettiin murrosareenamenetelmällä, jossa muodostetaan visio kestävän tulevaisuuden tavoitetilasta ja rakennetaan tavoitetilaan johtavia muutospolkuja sekä tunnistetaan poluilta olennaisia toimenpiteitä ja vuorovaikutuksia.The ecological transition refers to systemic changes towards sustainable practices in social, economic and technological systems. It is concerned with structural changes that address the root causes of biodiversity loss, including demographic and social, economic and technological, and institutional and governance factors. The Biodiversity Arena convened by the Ministry of the Environment and organised together with the Aalto University in spring 2021 brought together a large number of experts from different sectors in a series of workshops to discuss the conditions, requirements and impacts related to the ecological transition from Finland’s perspective. At the same time, support material was produced for the preparation of a national strategy and action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The work was carried out using the transition arena method, in which a vision of a sustainable future as the target is formed, paths of change that lead to the target state are built, and key measures and interactions along these paths are identified

    Sharing and reuse of individual participant data from clinical trials: principles and recommendations

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    Objectives: We examined major issues associated with sharing of individual clinical trial data and developed a consensus document on providing access to individual participant data from clinical trials, using a broad interdisciplinary approach. Design and methods This was a consensus-building process among the members of a multistakeholder task force, involving a wide range of experts (researchers, patient representatives, methodologists, information technology experts, and representatives from funders, infrastructures and standards development organisations). An independent facilitator supported the process using the nominal group technique. The consensus was reached in a series of three workshops held over 1 year, supported by exchange of documents and teleconferences within focused subgroups when needed. This work was set within the Horizon 2020-funded project CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services) and coordinated by the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network. Thus, the focus was on non-commercial trials and the perspective mainly European. Outcome We developed principles and practical recommendations on how to share data from clinical trials. Results: The task force reached consensus on 10 principles and 50 recommendations, representing the fundamental requirements of any framework used for the sharing of clinical trials data. The document covers the following main areas: making data sharing a reality (eg, cultural change, academic incentives, funding), consent for data sharing, protection of trial participants (eg, de-identification), data standards, rights, types and management of access (eg, data request and access models), data management and repositories, discoverability, and metadata. Conclusions: The adoption of the recommendations in this document would help to promote and support data sharing and reuse among researchers, adequately inform trial participants and protect their rights, and provide effective and efficient systems for preparing, storing and accessing data. The recommendations now need to be implemented and tested in practice. Further work needs to be done to integrate these proposals with those from other geographical areas and other academic domains