1,018 research outputs found

    Компонентний склад ефірної олії гірчака почечуйного

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    The composition of the essential oil obtained of Polygonum persicaria L. and was analyzed by GC-MS. The study established the qualitative and quantitative composition of the essential oil content. The total content of essential oil in the herb Polygonum persicaria L. amounted to 1,10±0,09%. The major components of the oils of Polygonum persicaria L. were 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, hexadecanoic acid, hexacosone, oleic acid, tricosane, docosane.Впервые было получено эфирное масло с травы горца почечуйного (Polygonum persicaria L.) и проведен его анализ методом хромато-масс-спектрометрии. В ходе исследования установили качественный состав и количественное содержание эфирного масла. Суммарное содержание эфирного масла в траве горца почечуйного составляло до 1,10±0,09%. Преобладали следующие компоненты: фталевая кислота, пальмитиновая кислота, гексакозан, олеиновая кислота, трикозан, декан.Вперше була отримана ефірна олія з трави гірчаку почечуйного (Polygonum persicaria L.) з подальшим її аналізом методом хромато-мас-спектрометрії. В ході дослідження встановлений якісний склад та кількісний вміст ефірної олії (до 1,10±0,09 %). В складі переважали компоненти: фталева кислота, пальмітинова кислота, гексакозан, олеїнова кислота, трикозан, декан

    Forms and teaching methods in the system of continuing professional education

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    The search for innovative forms and teaching methods is highly significant in the context of continuing education, since the competitiveness of modern teachers depends on the quality of the continuing education process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of using innovative forms and methods in the system of advanced training and professional retraining of students. The article presents the experience of organizing the work of students using modern forms and methods of advanced training. The implementation of video conferencing allows students to learn advanced professional experience, exchange relevant information, ask leading experts questions of interest and receive recommendations. Training activities contribute to the intensification of the learning process. It is aimed both at mastering the cognitive component of the information transmitted by the teacher, and the formation of new professional models of behavior that meet modern requirements for the implementation of pedagogical activity. Mental maps are a means of logical structuring of information and are aimed at its operational development. Project activities allow students to build professional competence, find new innovative ways to solve problems, assess the feasibility and effectiveness of project ideas

    Naked barley: taxonomy, breeding, and prospects of utilization

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    This review surveys the current state of taxonomy, origin, and utilization prospects for naked barley. The cultivated barley Hordeum vulgare L. incorporates the covered and naked barley groups. Naked barleys are divided into six-row naked barley (convar. сoeleste (L.) A. Trof.) and two-row naked barley (convar. nudum (L.) A. Trof.). The groups include botanical varieties differing in the structural features of spikes, awns, floret and spikelet glumes, and the color of kernels. The centers of morphogenesis for naked barley are scrutinized employing archeological and paleoethnobotanical data, and the diversity of its forms. Hypotheses on the centers of its origin are discussed using DNA marker data. The main areas of its cultivation are shown, along with possible reasons for such a predominating or exclusive distribution of naked barley in highland areas. Inheritance of nakedness and mechanisms of its manifestation are considered in the context of new data in genetics. The biochemical composition of barley grain in protein, some essential and nonessential amino acids, β-glucans, vitamins, and antioxidants is described. Naked barley is shown to be a valuable source of unique combinations of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers and polysaccharides. The parameters limiting wider distribution of naked barley over the world are emphasized, and breeding efforts that could mitigate them are proposed. Pathogen-resistant naked barley accessions are identified to serve as promising sources for increasing grain yield and quality. Main stages and trends of naked barley breeding are considered and the importance of the VIR global germplasm collection as the richest repository of genetic material for the development of breeding is shown


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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this article is to analyze the attitude of students to ethical consumption as a new environmental practice; to explore current research on ethical consumption. Methodology: The leading methods for the study of this problem are the methods of questioning and testing, allowing to make a qualitative analysis of the students' attitude to the new environmental practice – ethical consumption and contributing to a more detailed identification of such issues as: knowledge of students about ethical consumption; students' attitude to separate waste disposal; students' attitude to the use of environmental packaging products; identification of students' practices of secondary consumption. Results: The article deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of students' attitudes to ethical consumption as a new environmental practice. It is established that the level of students' awareness of ethical consumption is low. The proportion of informed students among social and humanities specialties is twice more than high as students of technical specialties. It is revealed that more than a third of respondents do not know about the production of environmentally friendly goods.  Almost all students are aware of the separate disposal of garbage and believe that it is necessary to install the appropriate bins. More than half of students are ready to sort garbage in the presence of such containers, and the readiness of humanitarians is 1.5 times higher than that of students of technical specialties. The main reasons why respondents would not buy goods in eco-friendly packaging are the lack of funds and the lack of sense for students. The majority of students believe the practice of secondary consumption to be popular one.  Applications of this study: The data obtained in the work can be used in environmental psychology, social psychology, pedagogy, the psychology of education, age psychology, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue. Novelty/Originality of this study: The originality of this article lies in the analysis of the social phenomenon of ethical consumption, which implies that only purchase and consumption of those goods, the production of which does not cause great harm to the environment, those goods in the production of which are not infringed the rights of the worker and moreover child labor is not used, and most importantly the recycling of waste after consumption of the product will not harm nature is ethical one


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    Aim. To study the effect of sacubitril/valsartan compared with valsartan on natriuresis, diuresis, blood pressure (BP) and the level of biomarkers in hypertensive patients.Material and methods. Hypertensive patients (n=16) received sacubitril/valsartan 400 mg QD or valsartan 320 mg QD for 7 days in a double-blind,-randomized, cross-over study. The change in 24-hour diuresis and natriuresis, fractional urinary sodium excretion, and BP level have been studied, as-well as soluble biomarkers: cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), mid-regional precursor of the atrial natriuretic-peptide (MR-proANP) and the N-terminal precursor of the brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP).Results. The trend toward higher levels of 24-hour natriuresis on Day 1 (21%, p=0.068) was found in the sacubitril/valsartan group compared to-valsartan one. Fractional sodium excretion was significantly higher in the sacubitril/valsartan group on Day 1 after 6 hours (50%, p=0.004) and subsequent-samples up to 12 hours; the maximum effect was achieved 2-4 hours after taking the medication (mean value 2.08, p=0.005). Sacubitril/valsartan-therapy compared with valsartan therapy was associated with a significant increase in 24-hour diuresis on Day 1 (41%, p<0.05), but not on Day 7-(15%, p=0.134). Sacubitril/valsartan therapy, in contrast to valsartan therapy demonstrated a significant increase in 24 h cGMP urinary excretion-on Day 1 (95%, p<0.001) and Day 7 (83%, p=0.001). Sacubitril/valsartan lowered BP more effectively than valsartan [on Day 7, 12 hours after-taking the drug, the differences were13.6 mm Hg (p=0.004) for systolic and6.7 mm Hg (p=0.03) for diastolic BP. The decrease in the level of-NT-proBNP and MR-proANP in plasma and the transient increase in the level of BNP were found in the sacubitril/valsartan group. Both sacubitril/valsartan and valsartan therapies were well tolerated and safe.Conclusion. Sacubitril/valsartan therapy in hypertensive patients compared with valsartan therapy was associated with transient increase in natriuresis and diuresis, more pronounced decrease in BP and changes in biomarker levels reflecting persistent inhibition of neprilysin and decrease in myocardial wall tension


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    Threat of SARS importation and dissemination at the territory of Magadanskaya Province is conditioned first of all by wide international relations with countries of SouthEast Asia carried out through airport and sea trade port. In this connection large organizing and practical activities on the basis of «A complex plan on sanitary protection of Magadanskaya Province territory from importation and dissemination of quarantine and other especially dangerous infections» are realized. All concerned Departments and Services took part in realization of the preventive measures. The developed and realized complex of anti-epidemic and preventive measures allowed to create obstacles to SARS importation on the territory of Magadanskaya Province


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    At the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, the determination of alkali metals and calcium in the range of 0.1–100 mg/l is carried out using atomic emission spectra excited in an air-acetylene flame and recorded in the range of 390–860 nm. When these elements are analyzed simultaneously in a wide range of concentrations, the accumulation time of the analytical signal (exposure) is determined by the minimum concentration of calcium. However, at this exposure, the highly sensitive lines of sodium and potassium do not provide the analysis in the entire concentration range, since at large values, the analytical signal goes into saturation. Other analytical lines of potassium and sodium in the above-mentioned operating spectral range have three to four orders of magnitude lower sensitivity. As a result, there may be a gap in the range of detectable concentrations. This paper provides a way to eliminate this gap. To evaluate the degree of correction of the recorded signal, the relative intensities of the spectral lines of potassium and sodium excited in an air-acetylene flame are calculated. Then, based on the calculation results, an optimal echelette diffraction grating with a blaze angle of 300 nm is selected, and a combination of filters is installed to equalize the recorded radiation. As a result, for sodium and potassium, for which the determination is carried out along two analytical lines, the calibration dependences have an overlap that includes at least two concentration values.Keywords: Alkali metals, calcium, flame photometry, diffraction grating, light filters, dynamic range of calibration curves DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.4.003 I.A. Zarubin1, 2, 3, A.N. Putmakov1, 3, E.A. Lukina4, D.O. Selunin1, 3, аnd I.D. Burumov1, 3 1Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. AkademikaKoptyuga 1, Novosibirsk, 630090,  Russian Federation2Novosibirsk State Technical University, pr. K. Marksa  20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation3VMK-Optoelektronika, pr. Koptyuga, 1, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation4Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, ul. B. Khmelnitskogo,  94, Novosibirsk, 630110, Russian FederationПо атомно-эмиссионным спектрам, возбуждаемым в воздушно-ацетиленовом пламени и регистрируемым в диапазоне 390-860 нм, на Новосибирском заводе химконцентратов проводят определение 0.1-100 мг/л щелочных металлов и кальция. При их одновременном измерении в широком интервале концентраций время накопления аналитического сигнала определяется минимальной концентрацией кальция в пробе. Однако, при увеличении длительности регистрации сигнала, интенсивность высокочувствительных линий  натрия и калия уходит в насыщение, что не позволяет обеспечить возможность их определения во всем необходимом диапазоне концентраций. Другие аналитические линии калия и натрия в указанной выше рабочей спектральной области обладают на 3-4 порядка меньшей чувствительностью. В результате этого возникает разрыв в диапазоне определяемых концентраций. В работе приводится способ устранения данного разрыва. Для оценки необходимой степени коррекции регистрируемого сигнала проведен расчет относительных интенсивностей спектральных линий калия и натрия, возбуждаемых в воздушно-ацетиленовом пламени. Далее, с учетом результатов расчета, была выбрана оптимальная дифракционная решетка-эшелетт, имеющая угол блеска для 300 нм, а также подобрана комбинация светофильтров для сближения интенсивностей регистрируемого излучения спектральных линий с резко различной чувствительностью. В результате для натрия и калия, у которых определение проводится по двум аналитическим линиям различной чувствительности, градуировочные зависимости имеют область перекрытия, включающую не менее двух значений концентрации.Ключевые слова. Щелочные металлы, кальций, пламенная фотометрия, дифракционная решетка, светофильтры, динамический диапазон градуировочных графиковDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.4.00

    Anthocyanin content in grains of barley and oat accessions from the VIR collection

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    Background. Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) are grain crops belonging to one of the main sources of food and forage in the Russian Federation. They contain proteins, various groups of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, β-glucans, minerals and different bioloactive compounds, including anthocyanins. Recently, much attention has been given to anthocyanins due to their various valuable properties. Therefore, the grain of barley and oat is a potentially promising economic product and a component of functional nutrition. The aim of this work was to estimate the content of anthocyanins in barley and oat accessions with different pigmentation of kernels and lemma. Materials and methods. 32 barley and 11 oat accessions were studied by spectrophotometry. Anthocyanins were extracted from barley and oat kernels with a 1% HCl solution in methanol. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, accessions and varieties with the highest content of anthocyanins were identified: for barley these are k-15904 (China), k-19906 (Mongolia), k-18709 (Japan), k-18723, k-18729 (Canada), k-17725 (Turkey) belonging to var. violaceum; k-29568 (Japan) – var. densoviolaceum; k-8690 (Ethiopia) – var. griseinigrum; k-28205 (Germany) – var. nudidubium; and for oat these are k-15527 (A. ayssinica Hochst. var. braunii Koern., Ethiopia) and k-15245 (A. strigosa Schreb. subsp. brevis var. tephera Mordv. ex Sold. et Rod., Poland). Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrated that the VIR collection includes accessions with potential value for the development of varieties with an increased anthocyanin content, which can be used as functional food products

    The Role of CYP1A1 Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Erysipelas

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. The research aims are to study the role of CYP1A1 gene polymorphism in predisposition to erysipelas and reveal connections with the clinical course of the disease. We used the standard techniques of molecular genetic analysis. The DNA samples used in genotyping were extracted from leukocytes of venous blood by deproteinization with a phenol-chloroform mixture. Genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Statistical data relating to the investigated polymorphic markers were estimated at a 95% confidence level (CL). Genotype frequencies were compared using either the standard Pearson’s chi-squared test or the two-sided Fisher’s exact test. This study presents a comparative analysis of the distribution of gene polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 CYP1A1 (Ile462Val, rs1048943) of phase I detoxification (microsomal oxidation) in the experimental group of 71 patients with erysipelas and a control group of 71 healthy individuals. We also analyzed these relationships of CYP1A1 (Ile462Val) gene polymorphisms with the sex of the patients, the severity and multiplicity of the disease, and the nature of the local process in patients with erysipelas. The results of the investigation indicate the presence of a relationship between cytochrome P450 CYP1A1 (Ile462Val, rs1048943) gene polymorphism and the development of erysipelas. Analysis of these relationships of CYP1A1 (Ile462Val) gene polymorphism with the sex of the patients, the severity and multiplicity of the disease, and the nature of the process in the examined group of patients with erysipelas did not reveal any statistically significant differences