363 research outputs found
Inhomogeneous Reionization Models in Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations
In this work we present a new hybrid method to simulate the thermal effects
of the reionization in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The method
improves upon the standard approach used in simulations of the intergalactic
medium (IGM) and galaxy formation without a significant increase of the
computational cost allowing for efficient exploration of the parameter space.
The method uses a small set of phenomenological input parameters and combines a
semi-numerical reionization model to solve for the topology of reionization and
an approximate model of how reionization heats the IGM, with the massively
parallel \texttt{Nyx} hydrodynamics code, specifically designed to solve for
the structure of diffuse IGM gas. We have produced several large-scale high
resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (, Mpc/h) with different instantaneous and inhomogeneous HI reionization
models that use this new methodology. We study the IGM thermal properties of
these models and find that large scale temperature fluctuations extend well
beyond the end of reionization. Analyzing the 1D flux power spectrum of these
models, we find up to differences in the large scale properties
(low modes, s/km) of the post-reionization power spectrum due
to the thermal fluctuations. We show that these differences could allow one to
distinguish between different reionization scenarios already with existing
Ly forest measurements. Finally, we explore the differences in the
small-scale cutoff of the power spectrum and we find that, for the same heat
input, models show very good agreement provided that the reionization redshift
of the instantaneous reionization model happens at the midpoint of the
inhomogeneous model.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Minor changes to match
published versio
Upotreba alternativnih stimulatora porasta u tovu brojlerskih pilića
Subsequent to banning of use of antibiotics as growth promoter sin poultry nutrition, numerous studies turned to finding of alternative solutions, i.e. other, natural substances, which would have positive effect on chicken growth and feed conversion. Today, several groups of these additives are in use, and most often probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, acidifiers, antioxidants and phytogene additives. Considering that each of the stated groups has its own specificities, objective of this work was to present main mechanism of their action and to present their effect on production results in fattening of broiler chickens through review of research published in this field.Nakon zabrane upotrebe antibiotika kao promotera porasta u ishrani živine, veliki broj istraživanja okrenut je upravo iznalaženju alternativnih rešenja, odnosno nekih drugih, prirodnih supstanci koje će imati pozitivan efekat na prirast pilića i konverziju hrane. Danas je u upotrebi više grupa ovih aditiva, a najčešće se koriste probiotici, prebiotici, enzimi, zakišeljivači, antioksidanti i fitogeni aditivi. S obzirom na to da svaka od navedenih grupa ima svoje specifičnosti, cilj ovoga rada je da prikaže osnovni mehanizam njihovog delovanja i da kroz pregled novijih istraživanja iz ove oblasti prikaže njihov efekat na proizvodne rezultate u tovu brojlerskih pilića
Indicators of tourism development of the Serbian danube region
Protected natural area in the Danube region covers 107,200 hectares and includes two national parks, two nature parks, one place of outstanding natural beauty, five special natural reserves, twenty-five nature monuments, and two sites of international significance included in the Ramsar list. However, only 140 immovable and 374 movable cultural objects are officially registered. There are 31 cultural objects of exceptional importance and national significance and 89 objects of great importance and regional significance. The objects with this status are protected by the state. Two sites are on the preliminary UNESCO World Heritage list. This paper discusses the potential of tourism industry in the Serbian Danube Region and the prospects of its further development. We outline the current state of tourism industry and describe the geographical location of the region, its natural and anthropogenic resources, and accommodation capacities. We analyse such data as the number of tourists and the number of overnight stays by municipalities in 2016, and the average length of stay. The indicators used are the functionality coefficient, the capacity utilization and the intensity of functionality. The conclusion is drawn that the tourism potential of the Serbian Danube Region is not fully realized and that its development should be at a much higher level, given the increasingly important role of the region as a major tourist destination in Serbia
The study analyses the role and impact of the event "Danube Fair" (Eastern Serbia) in the tourism progress of the less-advantaged border area. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the significance of the role of events in the tourism development of rural settings and the attraction of domestic and foreign visitors with the specific offer of this part of Serbia. The tourism valorization of the event “Danube Fair” was done according to the geographical and economic criteria, and it was determined that it belongs to the category of regional events. In the paper, special attention was paid to the analysis of tourists’ satisfaction with this event as a geographical criterion, especially in dependence with the visitors’ origin, since it is what the positioning of an event on the tourism market depends on, both on the local and on the international level. “Danube Fair” presents the example of a relatively small-scale event, which can become a basis of tourism growth, with proper valorization and affirmation of local products and services, and their introduction to the international tourism market. © 2020 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All rights reserved.17-22-07001-ОГНAuthors would like to thank Russian Foundation for basic research for the financial support provided within the project No. 17-22-07001-ОГН (Complex algorithm for cultural regeneration of minor industrial cities within the context of agglomeration processes in Russia and Europe)
Revolutionary Civilization of the Rural Community
Yugoslavia’s rural areas are undergoing changes which are so deep that they
may be described as revolutionary. However, these changes do not refer to agricultural
production but rather to the spread of urban civilization to rural areas.
The basic feature of this civilization process is the fact that the peasant begins
to despise his own rural community and former way of life and tries to escape to
town at any cost. The country’s general social culture, with its mass communication
media and elementary education, helps to promote these tendencies. This
has led to serious consequences for the rural community itself, because only those
of its inhabitants continue to live there who have no prospects elsewhere, and
they cannot ensure prosperity for the community or any major or modern agricultural
Corporate crime
У последњих неколико деценија приметно је све учесталије илегално
пословање компанија. Последице таквог поступања су бројне и несагледиве, а по
озбиљности превазилазе оне које су резултат конвенционалног криминалитета. У
домаћој литератури овој проблематици није приступано систематски, а у малобројним
радовима обрађена су само поједина питања.
Предмет дисертације је истраживање криминалитета компанија из три угла:
феноменолошког, етиолошког и социјалног реаговања, превасходно кроз изрицање
кривичних санкција. Поред тога, анализирали смо и адекватност кривичноправног
реаговања на криминалитет компанија.
Резултати истраживања показују да су знатно заступљенија дела у сфери
привредног пословања у односу на она која погађају живот људи или животну средину,
док студије о тамној бројци показују да се велики број ових дела не пријављује.
Анализа етиолошке димензије показала је да се може успоставити разлика између две
категорије учинилаца – прву чине лица која су по правилу раније неосуђивана и
остварују боље резултате на плану личности и социјалних односа у поређењу са
другом групом коју превасходно чине хронични преступници. На плану кажњавања
условна осуда је заступљенија у односу на целокупни криминалитет, али је у
последњим годинама приметна репресивнија казнена политика. Друштвени положај
окривљених нема утицаја на плану кажњавања.
Теоријском анализом као и разматрањем примера из праксе указано је на
недостатке у примени кривичног права што може допринети разумевању непримене
Закона о одговорности правних лица за кривична дела.In recent decades it is notable that illegal behavior of companies is more
frequent. The consequences of this behavior are numerous and far-reaching and in severity
outweigh those which are the result of conventional crime. Domestic literature has not
accessed this problem systematically and few published articles dealt with only certain issues.
The subject of dissertation is corporate crime from three different aspects: phenomenology,
etiology and social reaction primarily through the imposition of criminal sanctions.
Additionally, we have examined the adequacy of criminal law reaction to corporate crime.
The research results first and foremost show that economic criminal offences (economic
corporate crime) are more often prosecuted than crimes affecting human life and health or
nature (violent corporate crime). Moreover, conducted studies on dark figure show that a
large number of these criminal offences are not reported. With regard to etiological aspect,
analysis has shown that it is possible to establish the difference between two categories of
perpetrators – the first consists of persons without criminal histories and who achieve better
results in respect to personal traits and social relations as compared to the second group
consisted primarily of chronic offenders. Finally, when it comes to the punishment of these
offenders, probation is more prevalent in comparison to the overall crime, but in recent years
more repressive penal policy is observable. The research results also show that social status
of perpetrators has no influence on the punishment.
As for the adequacy of criminal law reaction, the theoretical analysis as well as the
examination of the cases in practice has shown that there are some deficiencies in criminal
law application which can contribute to understanding of non-application of Code on liability
of legal persons for criminal offences
History and fiction in Kazuo Ishiguro's novels
Kako se navodi u njenom naslovu, predmet ove disertacije biće romani Kazua
Išigura, obrađeni po hronološkom redosledu objavljivanja, i to: Bledi obrisi brda
(1982), Slikar prolaznog sveta (1986), Ostaci dana (1989), Bez utehe (1995), Kad smo
bili siročad (2000) i Ne daj mi nikada da odem (2005). Cilj istraživanja pri tom će biti
osvetljivanje aspekta istorije u pomenutim romanima, odnosno ispitivanje odnosa
istorije i fikcije, kao i uticaja značajnih istorijskih događaja, prvenstveno ratova, na
živote običnih ljudi, zatim prevrednovanje prošlosti u sadašnjem trenutku, ali i sukob
javne i lične istorije. Svi ovi elementi, naime, u izraženoj meri karakterišu celokupan
opus ovog savremenog pisca, čija su dela s razlogom odlično prihvaćena, kako kod
čitalačke publike, tako i kod najstrožih književnih kritičara.
Uloga istorije i značajnih istorijskih događaja u romanima Kazua Išigura ne
može se poreći. Iako u različitom stepenu prisutna u pojedinačnim romanima, istorija je,
na ovaj ili onaj način, uvek u pozadini radnje, koju dopunjuje, gradeći sa njom
neraskidivu celinu. U tom kontekstu, posebno ćemo se osvrnuti na odnos između javne i
privatne, odnosno lične istorije pojedinca. Osim toga, teme kojima ćemo se baviti u
zasebnim poglavljima, analizirajući svaki roman ponaosob, obuhvataju dijalog prošlosti
i sadašnjosti, nepouzdanost sećanja, perspektivu i pluralizam istina u postmodernizmu.
Poseban naglasak prilikom analiziranja romana Kazua Išigura sa aspekta istorije
stavićemo na besmisao i strahote rata, budući da Drugi svetski rat, kao istorijski događaj
koji je na tragičan način obeležio čitav 20. vek, figurira u svim romanima ovog pisca.
Zahvaljujući specifičnosti Išigurovog stila, međutim, prvenstveno njegovoj suptilnosti i
eliptičnosti, samo se u nekim romanima mogu naći jezivi detalji ratnih razaranja,
ruševina i krvavih borbi, dok se u drugim romanima prećutno podrazumeva koliku
tragediju rat zapravo predstavlja i koliko je običnim ljudima teško da se nose sa
njegovim posledicama. Upravo se u ovakvom njegovom stilu ogleda topla, ljudska
poruka koju Išiguro prenosi svojim, istorijom obojenim, romanima...As is stated in its title, the subject of this dissertation will be the novels of Kazuo
Ishiguro, analyzed chronologically, as follows: A Pale View of Hills (1982), An Artist of
the Floating World (1986), The Remains of the Day (1989), The Unconsoled (1995),
When We Were Orphans (2000), and Never Let Me Go (2005). The objective of the
analysis will be to highlight the aspect of history in these novels, i.e. to examine the
relationship between history and fiction; the impact of significant historical events,
mainly wars, on the lives of ordinary people; revaluation of the past in the present
moment; but also the conflict of public and private history. All these elements, namely,
to a considerable extent characterize the entire oeuvre of this contemporary writer,
whose works have been well accepted, both by the readers and the most demanding
literary critics.
The role of history and momentous historical events in the novels of Kazuo
Ishiguro is indisputable. Though present in variable degrees depending on the novel,
history is, this way or another, always in the background, complementing the plot, with
which it intertwines to build an unbreakable whole. Within this context, we will
particularly refer to the relationship between public and private, i.e. personal history of
an individual. Moreover, the topics to be dealt with in separate chapters, devoted to the
analysis of each novel, include the dialogue between the past and the present,
unreliability of memory, revaluation of the past, perspective and pluralism of truths in
Special focus during the analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels from the
perspective of history will be placed on the pointlessness and horrors of war, given that
the World War II, as a historical event that tragically marked the entire 20th century,
occurs in every single novel authored by Ishiguro. Thanks to the specificity of
Ishiguro’s style, however, mostly its qualities of being subtle and elliptical, it is only in
some novels that we find the gruesome details of war destruction, rubble, and
bloodshed, whereas in his other novels it is tacitly understood what kind of tragedy the
war actually brings, and how hard it is for ordinary people to bear the burden of its..
Design and economic justification of group blanks application
Within the manufacturing process planning, blanks are either selected or designed, respectively forms of input material for the manufacture of products. Reviewed in this paper are three types of group blanks: group castings, group forgings manufactured by closed die forging and free forging, and group blanks manufactured by pressing melted metal in casts. The paper also presents requisites for design and evaluation of economic justification of group blanks application
Techno-economic method for evaluation and selection of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
To find best FMS solutions, experts use numerous multicriteria methods for evaluation and ranking, methods based on artificial intelligence, and multicriteria optimization methods. Presented in this paper is a developed technoeconomic method for evaluation and selection of FMS based on productivity. The method is based on group technology (GT) process planning
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