410 research outputs found

    A novel characterization of the complexity class based on counting and comparison

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    This is the author's accepted versionFinal version available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe complexity class Θ2P, which is the class of languages recognizable by deterministic Turing machines in polynomial time with at most logarithmic many calls to an NP oracle, received extensive attention in the literature. Its complete problems can be characterized by different specific tasks, such as deciding whether the optimum solution of an NP problem is unique, or whether it is in some sense “odd” (e.g., whether its size is an odd number). In this paper, we introduce a new characterization of this class and its generalization ΘkP to the k-th level of the polynomial hierarchy. We show that problems in ΘkP are also those whose solution involves deciding, for two given sets A and B of instances of two Σk−1P-complete (or Πk−1P-complete) problems, whether the number of “yes”-instances in A is greater than those in B. Moreover, based on this new characterization, we provide a novel sufficient condition for ΘkP-hardness. We also define the general problem Comp-Validk, which is proven here Θk+1P-complete. Comp-Validk is the problem of deciding, given two sets A and B of quantified Boolean formulas with at most k alternating quantifiers, whether the number of valid formulas in A is greater than those in B. Notably, the problem Comp-Sat of deciding whether a set contains more satisfiable Boolean formulas than another set, which is a particular case of Comp-Valid1, demonstrates itself as a very intuitive Θ2P-complete problem. Nonetheless, to our knowledge, it eluded its formal definition to date. In fact, given its strict adherence to the count-and-compare semantics here introduced, Comp-Validk is among the most suitable tools to prove ΘkP-hardness of problems involving the counting and comparison of the number of “yes”-instances in two sets. We support this by showing that the Θ2P-hardness of the Max voting scheme over mCP-nets is easily obtained via the new characterization of ΘkP introduced in this paper.This work was supported by the UK EPSRC grants EP/J008346/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1, and by The Alan Turing Institute under the EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1. We thank Dominik Peters and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a preliminary version of the paper

    On the complexity of mCP-nets

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AAAI Publications via the link in this recordmCP-nets are an expressive and intuitive formalism based on CP-nets to reason about preferences of groups of agents. The dominance semantics of mCP-nets is based on the concept of voting, and different voting schemes give rise to different dominance semantics for the group. Unlike CP-nets, which received an extensive complexity analysis, mCP-nets, as reported multiple times in the literature, lack a precise study of the voting tasks' complexity. Prior to this work, only a complexity analysis of brute-force algorithms for these tasks was available, and this analysis only gave EXPTIME upper bounds for most of those problems. In this paper, we start to fill this gap by carrying out a precise computational complexity analysis of voting tasks on acyclic binary polynomially connected mCP-nets whose constituents are standard CP-nets. Interestingly, all these problems actually belong to various levels of the polynomial hierarchy, and some of them even belong to PTIME or LOGSPACE. Furthermore, for most of these problems, we provide completeness results, which show tight lower bounds for problems that (up to date) did not have any explicit non-obvious lower bound.This work has received funding from the EPSRC grants EP/J008346/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Complexity of Approximate Query Answering under Inconsistency in Datalog+/-

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is freely available from IJCAI via the link in this recordSeveral semantics have been proposed to query inconsistent ontological knowledge bases, including the intersection of repairs and the intersection of closed repairs as two approximate inconsistencytolerant semantics. In this paper, we analyze the complexity of conjunctive query answering under these two semantics for a wide range of Datalog± languages. We consider both the standard setting, where errors may only be in the database, and the generalized setting, where also the rules of a Datalog± knowledge base may be erroneous.This work was supported by The Alan Turing Institute under the UK EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1, and by the EPSRC grants EP/R013667/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Cardinality-Based Repairs

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) via the link in this recordQuerying inconsistent ontological knowledge bases is an important problem in practice, for which several inconsistencytolerant query answering semantics have been proposed, including query answering relative to all repairs, relative to the intersection of repairs, and relative to the intersection of closed repairs. In these semantics, one assumes that the input database is erroneous, and the notion of repair describes a maximally consistent subset of the input database, where different notions of maximality (such as subset and cardinality maximality) are considered. In this paper, we give a precise picture of the computational complexity of inconsistencytolerant (Boolean conjunctive) query answering in a wide range of Datalog± languages under the cardinality-based versions of the above three repair semantics.This work was supported by the Alan Turing Institute under the UK EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1, and by the EPSRC grants EP/R013667/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Complexity of Approximate Query Answering under Inconsistency in Datalog+/-

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the link in this recordSeveral semantics have been proposed to query inconsistent ontological knowledge bases, including the intersection of repairs and the intersection of closed repairs as two approximate inconsistency-tolerant semantics. In this paper, we analyze the complexity of conjunctive query answering under these two semantics for a wide range of Datalog± languages. We consider both the standard setting, where errors may only be in the database, and the generalized setting, where also the rules of a Datalog± knowledge base may be erroneous.This work was supported by The Alan Turing Institute under the UK EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1, and by the EPSRC grants EP/R013667/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Query Answer Explanations under Existential Rules

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    Ontology-mediated query answering is an extensively studied paradigm, which aims at improving query answers with the use of a logical theory. In this paper, we focus on ontology languages based on existential rules, and we carry out a thorough complexity analysis of the problem of explaining query answers in terms of minimal subsets of database facts and related task

    Production of a novel medium chain length Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) using unprocessed biodiesel waste and its evaluation as a tissue engineering scaffold

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    This study demonstrated the utilisation of unprocessed biodiesel waste as a carbon feedstock for Pseudomonas mendocina CH50, for the production of PHAs. A PHA yield of 39.5% CDM was obtained using 5% (v/v) biodiesel waste substrate. Chemical analysis confirmed that the polymer produced was poly(3-hydroxyhexanoate-co-3-hydroxyoctanoate-co-3- hydroxydecanoate-co-3-hydroxydodecanoate) or P(3HHx-3HO-3HD-3HDD). P(3HHx-3HO- 3HD-3HDD) was further characterised and evaluated for its use as a tissue engineering scaffold (TES). This study demonstrated that P(3HHx-3HO-3HD-3HDD) was biocompatible with the C2C12 (myoblast) cell line. In fact, the % cell proliferation of C2C12 on the P(3HHx-3HO-3HD-3HDD) scaffold was 72% higher than the standard tissue culture plastic confirming that this novel PHA was indeed a promising new material for soft tissue engineering