89 research outputs found

    Fully Automated Myocardial Strain Estimation from Cardiovascular MRI–tagged Images Using a Deep Learning Framework in the UK Biobank

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    Purpose: To demonstrate the feasibility and performance of a fully automated deep learning framework to estimate myocardial strain from short-axis cardiac magnetic resonance tagged images. Methods and Materials: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 4508 cases from the UK Biobank were split randomly into 3244 training and 812 validation cases, and 452 test cases. Ground truth myocardial landmarks were defined and tracked by manual initialization and correction of deformable image registration using previously validated software with five readers. The fully automatic framework consisted of 1) a convolutional neural network (CNN) for localization, and 2) a combination of a recurrent neural network (RNN) and a CNN to detect and track the myocardial landmarks through the image sequence for each slice. Radial and circumferential strain were then calculated from the motion of the landmarks and averaged on a slice basis. Results: Within the test set, myocardial end-systolic circumferential Green strain errors were -0.001 +/- 0.025, -0.001 +/- 0.021, and 0.004 +/- 0.035 in basal, mid, and apical slices respectively (mean +/- std. dev. of differences between predicted and manual strain). The framework reproduced significant reductions in circumferential strain in diabetics, hypertensives, and participants with previous heart attack. Typical processing time was ~260 frames (~13 slices) per second on an NVIDIA Tesla K40 with 12GB RAM, compared with 6-8 minutes per slice for the manual analysis. Conclusions: The fully automated RNNCNN framework for analysis of myocardial strain enabled unbiased strain evaluation in a high-throughput workflow, with similar ability to distinguish impairment due to diabetes, hypertension, and previous heart attack.Comment: accepted in Radiology Cardiothoracic Imagin

    Prevalence of scarred and dysfunctional myocardium in patients with heart failure of ischaemic origin: a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) can provide unique data on the transmural extent of scar/viability. We assessed the prevalence of dysfunctional myocardium, including partial thickness scar, which could contribute to left ventricular contractile dysfunction in patients with heart failure and ischaemic heart disease who denied angina symptoms. METHODS: We invited patients with ischaemic heart disease and a left ventricular ejection fraction < 50% by echocardiography to have LGE CMR. Myocardial contractility and transmural extent of scar were assessed using a 17-segment model. RESULTS: The median age of the 193 patients enrolled was 70 (interquartile range: 63-76) years and 167 (87%) were men. Of 3281 myocardial segments assessed, 1759 (54%) were dysfunctional, of which 581 (33%) showed no scar, 623 (35%) had scar affecting ≤50% of wall thickness and 555 (32%) had scar affecting > 50% of wall thickness. Of 1522 segments with normal contractile function, only 98 (6%) had evidence of scar on CMR. Overall, 182 (94%) patients had ≥1 and 107 (55%) patients had ≥5 segments with contractile dysfunction that had no scar or ≤50% transmural scar suggesting viability. CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort of patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and ischaemic heart disease, about half of all segments had contractile dysfunction but only one third of these had > 50% of the wall thickness affected by scar, suggesting that most dysfunctional segments could improve in response to an appropriate intervention

    Визначення мінімальної тривалості такту аналого-цифрового врівноваження у надлишкових порозрядних АЦП

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    Проведено дослідження залежності мінімальної тривалості такту аналого-цифрового врівноваження від параметрів аналого-цифрового перетворювача. Отримано узагальнений вираз, який дозволяє обчислю вати мінімальне значення тривалості такту аналого-цифрового врівноваження як функцію кількості розрядів АЦП, основи системи числення та статичних похибок ваг розрядів АЦП.Проведено исследование зависимости минимальной длительности тракта аналого-цифрового уравновешивания от параметров аналого-цифрового преобразователя. Получено обобщенное выражение, которое позволяет вычислять минимальное значение длительности такта аналого-цифрового уравновешивания как функцию количества разрядов АЦП, основания системы счисления и статических погрешностей весов разрядов АЦП

    Prospective association between handgrip strength and cardiac structure and function in UK adults.

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    BACKGROUND: Handgrip strength, a measure of muscular fitness, is associated with cardiovascular (CV) events and CV mortality but its association with cardiac structure and function is unknown. The goal of this study was to determine if handgrip strength is associated with changes in cardiac structure and function in UK adults. METHODS AND RESULTS: Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF), end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV), mass (M), and mass-to-volume ratio (MVR) were measured in a sample of 4,654 participants of the UK Biobank Study 6.3 ± 1 years after baseline using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Handgrip strength was measured at baseline and at the imaging follow-up examination. We determined the association between handgrip strength at baseline as well as its change over time and each of the cardiac outcome parameters. After adjustment, higher level of handgrip strength at baseline was associated with higher LVEDV (difference per SD increase in handgrip strength: 1.3ml, 95% CI 0.1-2.4; p = 0.034), higher LVSV (1.0ml, 0.3-1.8; p = 0.006), lower LVM (-1.0g, -1.8 --0.3; p = 0.007), and lower LVMVR (-0.013g/ml, -0.018 --0.007; p<0.001). The association between handgrip strength and LVEDV and LVSV was strongest among younger individuals, while the association with LVM and LVMVR was strongest among older individuals. CONCLUSIONS: Better handgrip strength was associated with cardiac structure and function in a pattern indicative of less cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling. These characteristics are known to be associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular events

    Kolmogorov turbulence, Anderson localization and KAM integrability

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    The conditions for emergence of Kolmogorov turbulence, and related weak wave turbulence, in finite size systems are analyzed by analytical methods and numerical simulations of simple models. The analogy between Kolmogorov energy flow from large to small spacial scales and conductivity in disordered solid state systems is proposed. It is argued that the Anderson localization can stop such an energy flow. The effects of nonlinear wave interactions on such a localization are analyzed. The results obtained for finite size system models show the existence of an effective chaos border between the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) integrability at weak nonlinearity, when energy does not flow to small scales, and developed chaos regime emerging above this border with the Kolmogorov turbulent energy flow from large to small scales.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figs, EPJB style

    Quantitative CMR population imaging on 20,000 subjects of the UK Biobank imaging study: LV/RV quantification pipeline and its evaluation

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    Population imaging studies generate data for developing and implementing personalised health strategies to prevent, or more effectively treat disease. Large prospective epidemiological studies acquire imaging for pre-symptomatic populations. These studies enable the early discovery of alterations due to impending disease, and enable early identification of individuals at risk. Such studies pose new challenges requiring automatic image analysis. To date, few large-scale population-level cardiac imaging studies have been conducted. One such study stands out for its sheer size, careful implementation, and availability of top quality expert annotation; the UK Biobank (UKB). The resulting massive imaging datasets (targeting ca. 100,000 subjects) has put published approaches for cardiac image quantification to the test. In this paper, we present and evaluate a cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) image analysis pipeline that properly scales up and can provide a fully automatic analysis of the UKB CMR study. Without manual user interactions, our pipeline performs end-to-end image analytics from multi-view cine CMR images all the way to anatomical and functional bi-ventricular quantification. All this, while maintaining relevant quality controls of the CMR input images, and resulting image segmentations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first published attempt to fully automate the extraction of global and regional reference ranges of all key functional cardiovascular indexes, from both left and right cardiac ventricles, for a population of 20,000 subjects imaged at 50 time frames per subject, for a total of one million CMR volumes. In addition, our pipeline provides 3D anatomical bi-ventricular models of the heart. These models enable the extraction of detailed information of the morphodynamics of the two ventricles for subsequent association to genetic, omics, lifestyle habits, exposure information, and other information provided in population imaging studies. We validated our proposed CMR analytics pipeline against manual expert readings on a reference cohort of 4620 subjects with contour delineations and corresponding clinical indexes. Our results show broad significant agreement between the manually obtained reference indexes, and those automatically computed via our framework. 80.67% of subjects were processed with mean contour distance of less than 1 pixel, and 17.50% with mean contour distance between 1 and 2 pixels. Finally, we compare our pipeline with a recently published approach reporting on UKB data, and based on deep learning. Our comparison shows similar performance in terms of segmentation accuracy with respect to human experts

    Improving the Generalizability of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Segmentation on CMR Images

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    Background: Convolutional neural network (CNN) based segmentation methods provide an efficient and automated way for clinicians to assess the structure and function of the heart in cardiac MR images. While CNNs can generally perform the segmentation tasks with high accuracy when training and test images come from the same domain (e.g., same scanner or site), their performance often degrades dramatically on images from different scanners or clinical sites. / Methods: We propose a simple yet effective way for improving the network generalization ability by carefully designing data normalization and augmentation strategies to accommodate common scenarios in multi-site, multi-scanner clinical imaging data sets. We demonstrate that a neural network trained on a single-site single-scanner dataset from the UK Biobank can be successfully applied to segmenting cardiac MR images across different sites and different scanners without substantial loss of accuracy. Specifically, the method was trained on a large set of 3,975 subjects from the UK Biobank. It was then directly tested on 600 different subjects from the UK Biobank for intra-domain testing and two other sets for cross-domain testing: the ACDC dataset (100 subjects, 1 site, 2 scanners) and the BSCMR-AS dataset (599 subjects, 6 sites, 9 scanners). / Results: The proposed method produces promising segmentation results on the UK Biobank test set which are comparable to previously reported values in the literature, while also performing well on cross-domain test sets, achieving a mean Dice metric of 0.90 for the left ventricle, 0.81 for the myocardium, and 0.82 for the right ventricle on the ACDC dataset; and 0.89 for the left ventricle, 0.83 for the myocardium on the BSCMR-AS dataset. / Conclusions: The proposed method offers a potential solution to improve CNN-based model generalizability for the cross-scanner and cross-site cardiac MR image segmentation task