17 research outputs found

    Dichotomous Responses to Chronic Fetal Hypoxia Lead to a Predetermined Aging Phenotype

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    Hypoxia-induced intrauterine growth restriction increases the risk for cardiovascular, renal, and other chronic diseases in adults, representing thus a major public health problem. Still, not much is known about the fetal mechanisms that predispose these individuals to disease. Using a previously validated mouse model of fetal hypoxia and bottom-up proteomics, we characterize the response of the fetal kidney to chronic hypoxic stress. Fetal kidneys exhibit a dichotomous response to chronic hypoxia, comprising on the one hand cellular adaptations that promote survival (glycolysis, autophagy, and reduced DNA and protein synthesis), but on the other processes that induce a senescence-like phenotype (infiltration of inflammatory cells, DNA damage, and reduced proliferation). Importantly, chronic hypoxia also reduces the expression of the antiaging proteins klotho and Sirt6, a mechanism that is evolutionary conserved between mice and humans. Taken together, we uncover that predetermined aging during fetal development is a key event in chronic hypoxia, establishing a solid foundation for Barker’s hypothesis of fetal programming of adult diseases. This phenotype is associated with a characteristic biomarker profile in tissue and serum samples, exploitable for detecting and targeting accelerated aging in chronic hypoxic human diseases

    Deoxynivalenol induces structural alterations in epidermoid carcinoma cells A431 and impairs the response to biomechanical stimulation

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    Morphology together with the capability to respond to surrounding stimuli are key elements governing the spatial interaction of living cells with the environment. In this respect, biomechanical stimulation can trigger significant physiological cascades that can potentially modulate toxicity. Deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) is one of the most prevalent mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. and it was used to explore the delicate interaction between biomechanical stimulation and cytotoxicity in A431 cells. In fact, in addition of being a food contaminant, DON is a relevant toxin for several organ systems. The combination between biomechanical stimulation and the mycotoxin revealed how DON can impair crucial functions affecting cellular morphology, tubulin and lysosomes at concentrations even below those known to be cytotoxic in routine toxicity studies. Sub-toxic concentrations of DON (0.1\u20131 \u3bcM) impaired the capability of A431 cells to respond to a biomechanical stimulation that normally sustains trophic effects in these cells. Moreover, the effects of DON (0.1\u201310 \u3bcM) were partially modulated by the application of uniaxial stretching (0.5 Hz, 24 h, 15% deformation). Ultimately, proteomic analysis revealed the potential of DON to alter several proteins necessary for cell adhesion and cytoskeletal modulation suggesting a molecular link between biomechanics and the cytotoxic potential of the mycotoxin

    Fetal Immunomodulatory Environment Following Cartilage Injury—The Key to CARTILAGE Regeneration?

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    Fetal cartilage fully regenerates following injury, while in adult mammals cartilage injury leads to osteoarthritis (OA). Thus, in this study, we compared the in vivo injury response of fetal and adult ovine articular cartilage histologically and proteomically to identify key factors of fetal regeneration. In addition, we compared the secretome of fetal ovine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro with injured fetal cartilage to identify potential MSC-derived therapeutic factors. Cartilage injury caused massive cellular changes in the synovial membrane, with macrophages dominating the fetal, and neutrophils the adult, synovial cellular infiltrate. Correspondingly, proteomics revealed differential regulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators and growth-factors between adult and fetal joints. Neutrophil-related proteins and acute phase proteins were the two major upregulated protein groups in adult compared to fetal cartilage following injury. In contrast, several immunomodulating proteins and growth factors were expressed significantly higher in the fetus than the adult. Comparison of the in vitro MSCs proteome with the in vivo fetal regenerative signature revealed shared upregulation of 17 proteins, suggesting their therapeutic potential. Biomimicry of the fetal paracrine signature to reprogram macrophages and modulate inflammation could be an important future research direction for developing novel therapeutics

    Structural Similarity with Cholesterol Reveals Crucial Insights into Mechanisms Sustaining the Immunomodulatory Activity of the Mycotoxin Alternariol

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    The proliferation of molds in domestic environments can lead to uncontrolled continuous exposure to mycotoxins. Even if not immediately symptomatic, this may result in chronic effects, such as, for instance, immunosuppression or allergenic promotion. Alternariol (AOH) is one of the most abundant mycotoxins produced by Alternaria alternata fungi, proliferating among others in fridges, as well as in humid walls. AOH was previously reported to have immunomodulatory potential. However, molecular mechanisms sustaining this effect remained elusive. In differentiated THP-1 macrophages, AOH hardly altered the secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators when co-incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), opening up the possibility that the immunosuppressive potential of the toxin could be related to an alteration of a downstream pro-inflammatory signaling cascade. Intriguingly, the mycotoxin affected the membrane fluidity in macrophages and it synergistically reacted with the cholesterol binding agent MβCD. In silico modelling revealed the potential of the mycotoxin to intercalate in cholesterol-rich membrane domains, like caveolae, and immunofluorescence showed the modified interplay of caveolin-1 with Toll-like Receptor (TLR) 4. In conclusion, we identified the structural similarity with cholesterol as one of the key determinants of the immunomodulatory potential of AOH

    A Proteomic Platform Enables to Test for AML Normalization In Vitro

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    Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) can be cured by the co-administration of arsenic trioxide (ATO) and all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). These small molecules relieve the differentiation blockade of the transformed promyelocytes and trigger their maturation into functional neutrophils, which are physiologically primed for apoptosis. This normalization therapy represents a compelling alternative to cytotoxic anticancer chemotherapy, but lacks an in vitro model system for testing the efficiency of novel combination treatments consisting of inducers of differentiation and metallopharmaceuticals. Here, using proteome profiling we present an experimental framework that enables characterising the differentiation- and metal-specific effects of the combination treatment in a panel of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cell lines (HL-60 and U937), including APL (NB4). Differentiation had a substantial impact on the proteome on the order of 10% of the identified proteins and featured classical markers and transcription factors of myeloid differentiation. Additionally, ATO provoked specific cytoprotective effects in the AML cell lines HL-60 and U937. In HL-60, these effects included an integrated stress response (ISR) in conjunction with redox defence, while proteasomal responses and a metabolic rewiring were observed in U937 cells. In contrast, the APL cell line NB4 did not display such adaptions indicating a lack of plasticity to cope with the metal-induced stress, which may explain the clinical success of this combination treatment. Based on the induction of these cytoprotective effects, we proposed a novel metal-based compound to be used for the combination treatment instead of ATO. The organoruthenium drug candidate plecstatin-1 was previously shown to induce reactive oxygen species and an ISR. Indeed, the plecstatin-1 combination was found to affect similar pathways compared to the ATO combination in HL-60 cells and did not lead to cytoprotective response signatures in NB4. Moreover, the monocytic cell line U937 showed a low plasticity to cope with the plecstatin-1 combination, which suggests that this combination might achieve therapeutic benefit beyond APL. We propose that the cytoprotective plasticity of cancer cells might serve as a general proxy to discover novel combination treatments in vitro

    Metabolic, Anti-apoptotic and Immune Evasion Strategies of Primary Human Myeloma Cells Indicate Adaptations to Hypoxia*

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    Multiple Myeloma (MM) is an incurable plasma cell malignancy primarily localized within the bone marrow (BM). It develops from a premalignant stage, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), often via an intermediate stage, smoldering MM (SMM). The mechanisms of MM progression have not yet been fully understood, all the more because patients with MGUS and SMM already carry similar initial mutations as found in MM cells. Over the last years, increased importance has been attributed to the tumor microenvironment and its role in the pathophysiology of the disease. Adaptations of MM cells to hypoxic conditions in the BM have been shown to contribute significantly to MM progression, independently from the genetic predispositions of the tumor cells. Searching for consequences of hypoxia-induced adaptations in primary human MM cells, CD138-positive plasma cells freshly isolated from BM of patients with different disease stages, comprising MGUS, SMM, and MM, were analyzed by proteome profiling, which resulted in the identification of 6218 proteins. Results have been made fully accessible via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD010600. Data previously obtained from normal primary B cells were included for comparative purposes. A principle component analysis revealed three clusters, differentiating B cells as well as MM cells corresponding to less and more advanced disease stages. Comparing these three clusters pointed to the alteration of pathways indicating adaptations to hypoxic stress in MM cells on disease progression. Protein regulations indicating immune evasion strategies ofMMcells were determined, supported by immunohistochemical staining, as well as transcription factors involved in MM development and progression. Protein regulatory networks related to metabolic adaptations of the cells became apparent. Results were strengthened by targeted analyses of a selected panel of metabolites in MM cells and MM-associated fibroblasts. Based on our data, new opportunities may arise for developing therapeutic strategies targeting myeloma disease progression. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 18: 936-953, 2019. DOI:10.1074/mcp.RA119.001390

    Corne d’abondance

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    La société Hi-bred International du Zimbabwe a mis au point deux nouvelles variétés de maïs capables de résister à la redoutable maladie des taches grises. Des tests conduits dans de petites et grandes exploitations ont confirmé le rendement élevé de ces variétés (9 à 11t/ha), qui peuvent être transformées localement et ne nécessitent pas plus d’engrais que les autres variétés. Elles sont distribuées au Malawi par Chemicals and Marketing Malawi Limited qui organise des démonstrations.La société Hi-bred International du Zimbabwe a mis au point deux nouvelles variétés de maïs capables de résister à la redoutable maladie des taches grises. Des tests conduits dans de petites et grandes exploitations ont confirmé le rendement..

    MOESM3 of Proteomics-based insights into mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor resistance of cerebral melanoma metastases

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    Additional file 3: Figure S2. Complement and coagulation cascades (A) are enriched in good responder. Cell adhesion molecules (B), calcium signaling pathway (C) and MAPK signaling pathway (D) are highly enriched and up-regulated in poor responder, as visualized by GSEA

    MOESM2 of Proteomics-based insights into mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor resistance of cerebral melanoma metastases

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    Additional file 2: Table S1. Clinical table with age, gender, treatment, response distribution, PFS, mutational status, all number of samples, IC50 of the cell systems and the applied methods