401 research outputs found

    Electronic and Structural Properties of Janus SMoSe/MoX2_2 (X=S,Se) In-plane Heterojunctions: A DFT Study

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    The electronic and structural properties of Janus MoSSe/MoX2_2 (X=S,Se) in-plane heterojunctions, endowed with single-atom vacancies, were studied using density functional theory calculations. The stability of these structures was verified from cohesion energy calculations. Results showed that single-atom vacancies induce the appearance of flat midgap states, and a substantial amount of charge is localized in the vicinity of these defects. As a consequence, these heterojunctions presented an intrinsic dipole moment. No bond reconstructions were noted by removing an atom from the lattice, regardless of its chemical species. Our calculations predicted indirect electronic bandgap values between 1.6-1.7 eV.Comment: 10 pages, 5 Figure

    On the Electronic Structure of a Recently Synthesized Graphene-like BCN Monolayer from bis-BN Cyclohexane: A DFT Study

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    Since the rising of graphene, boron nitride monolayers have been deeply studied due to their structural similarity with the former. A hexagonal graphene-like boron-carbon-nitrogen (h-BCN) monolayer was synthesized recently using bis-BN cyclohexane (B2N2C2H12) as a precursor molecule. Herein, we investigated the electronic and structural properties of this novel BCN material, in the presence of single-atom (boron, carbon, or nitrogen) vacancies, by employing density functional theory calculations. The stability of these vacancy-endowed structures is verified from cohesion energy calculations. Results showed that a carbon atom vacancy strongly distorts the lattice leading to breaking on its planarity and bond reconstructions. The single-atom vacancies induce the appearance of flat midgap states. A significant degree of charge localization takes place in the vicinity of these defects. It was observed a spontaneous magnetization only for the boron-vacancy case, with a magnetic dipole moment about 0.87 mu_B. Our calculations predicted a direct electronic bandgap value of about 1.14 eV, which is in good agreement with the experimental one. Importantly, this bandgap value is intermediate between gapless graphene and insulating h-BN.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure


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    This study analyzed the evolution and degree of the global concentration of pulp exports from 1961 to 2014. In order to measure and analyze the concentration, the following indicators were used: Concentration Ratio [CR(k)]; Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI); Theil Entropy Index (E); Hall and Tideman Index (HTI); Comprehensive Concentration Index (CCI); and Gini Coefficient (G). We concluded that there was a tendency of growth in the global pulp exports during the analyzed period due to an increase in demand driven by population growth and to per capita consumption, enhancing the increase in the number of exporting countries. The CR(k) of the global pulp exporting countries showed that the four [CR(4)] and eight [CR(8)] largest countries present a high concentration, with an oligopolistic market structure and competitive advantage. About 100% of exports are dominated by the 20 largest countries [CR(20)]. The HHI, E, HTI, and CCI indicators showed that there is a concentration in global pulp exportation and presented a deconcentrating tendency. Despite the increase in the number of exporting countries, there was no significant reduction in the inequality of global pulp exports. According to the Gini Coefficient, the inequality was strong to absolute.This study analyzed the evolution and degree of the global concentration of pulp exports from 1961 to 2014. In order to measure and analyze the concentration, the following indicators were used: Concentration Ratio [CR(k)]; Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI); Theil Entropy Index (E); Hall and Tideman Index (HTI); Comprehensive Concentration Index (CCI); and Gini Coefficient (G). We concluded that there was a tendency of growth in the global pulp exports during the analyzed period due to an increase in demand driven by population growth and to per capita consumption, enhancing the increase in the number of exporting countries. The CR(k) of the global pulp exporting countries showed that the four [CR(4)] and eight [CR(8)] largest countries present a high concentration, with an oligopolistic market structure and competitive advantage. About 100% of exports are dominated by the 20 largest countries [CR(20)]. The HHI, E, HTI, and CCI indicators showed that there is a concentration in global pulp exportation and presented a deconcentrating tendency. Despite the increase in the number of exporting countries, there was no significant reduction in the inequality of global pulp exports. According to the Gini Coefficient, the inequality was strong to absolute

    As prisioneiras da dor: argumentando sobre a subnotificação da violência doméstica em meio à pandemia / The pain prisoners: arguing about domestic violence underreporting during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Redigimos o artigo focados em dados oficiais básicos que contradizem os discursos prevalentes sobre as taxas de feminicídio, durante a pandemia humanitária. O recorte central da análise parte de janeiro de 2020. Trata-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental interessada em contextualizar o cenário controlado, pela quarentena, não provocado intencionalmente, que poderá permitir importantes avanços nas pesquisas e estudos com a temática. Abordamos as circunstâncias para a subnotificação da violência doméstica e os equívocos do consenso informacional, que indica aumento de casos de feminicídio durante o ano de 2020. A constatação da redução dos casos, não é uma boa notícia. Se confirmada por outros pesquisadores, teremos em mãos dados concretos que corroboram estudos anteriores que indicavam as principais causas deste crime. Concluímos pela pouca ação prática do Estado, uma vez que não destinamos verbas específicas para estes enfrentamentos, cujas entrâncias a pandemia vem iluminando cada vez mais

    Relações interpessoais e sua influência na satisfação dos acadêmicos

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    As relações interpessoais na universidade incidem no desempenho e satisfação dos acadêmicos na universidade, ocorrendo por conta da necessidade de ajustamento na dinâmica universitária. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar as relações estabelecidas entre os estudantes do curso de secretariado executivo e sua influencia na satisfação com o ensino superior. Foram analisados 116 alunos matriculados no curso de secretariado, verificando os aspectos sociodemográficos, a rede de relacionamentos estabelecida e seus níveis de satisfação social com o curso e com a instituição. A maior satisfação dos acadêmicos é com aspectos sociais, seguido da satisfação com o curso, este ultimo estando relacionada à empregabilidade

    O abandono afetivo paterno-filial como causa de reparação à luz da teoria do desamor/ Paternal-branch affective abandonment as cause of reparation in the light of the theory of lovelessness

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    A partir da repersonalização do direito privado, o presente artigo trata dos deveres extrapatrimoniais inerentes ao poder familiar, dentre os quais o dever de formação da criança ou adolescente, a englobar a esfera da assistência afetiva e psicológica, analisando, ainda, as consequências da ausência de referida assistência, máxime o dano experimentado pelo descendente, o qual, em certas situações, mostra-se como indenizável.

    Informação empresarial para o processo gerencial Aplicado às micro e pequenas empresas de São Luís: casa do empreendedor - SEBRAE / Business information for management process Applied to micro and small businesses of São Luís: home of the entrepreneur - SEBRAE

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    Atualmente, dentro do cenário econômico brasileiro, as micro e pequenas empresas correspondem a um dos principais pilares de sustentação da sua economia, tendo em vista sua função geradora crescente de empregos e pelo expressivo número de estabelecimentos desse porte no país. O presente estudo objetivou analisar a importância da informação empresarial para as Micro e Pequenas Empresas, em especial a assessoria gerencial através das consultorias prestadas pela Casa do Empreendedor do SEBRAE (Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas), como fator contribuinte aos empreendedores no processo gerencial de seus negócios. A pesquisa de campo na Casa do Empreendedor de São Luís buscou saber a importância que tem a informação empresarial para os micros e pequenos empresários que ora buscam informações, seja ela na forma de palestras, cursos, consultorias ou qualquer outro meio. Os serviços de informação empresarial destinados às micro e pequenas empresas possibilitam vantagem competitiva na atualidade, pois contribuem para que o gestor tenha mais conhecimento na sua área de atuação. Tais serviços ainda são pouco procurados pelos gestores maranhenses, não pela falta de divulgação, mas, sim, pela falta de interesse e comodidade

    Disposal of Medicines for Home Use: an analysis from the circular economy and design

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    O estudo de projeto é um campo de conhecimento que vem conquistando cada vez mais destaque devido a sua transversalidade e sua capacidade de propor soluções inovadoras, sustentáveis e que resolvam problemas da sociedade. Diante do exposto, este artigo propõe estabelecer um enquadramento da problemática do descarte de medicamentos de uso domiciliar sob a ótica das premissas e elementos-chave da economia circular e do design circular, considerando a realidade brasileira. Para tanto, é feita uma análise de dados secundários e uma revisão da bibliografia existente, fazendo uso de dados publicados na base CAPES, relatórios de órgãos de classe e outros, legislações e normas técnicas aderentes a problemática do descarte de medicamentos de uso domiciliar. A partir do estudo foi possível constatar os desafios para a gestão de resíduos de medicamentos de uso domiciliar a partir das premissas e elementos-chave propostos pela noção de circularidade na economia e no design.The project study is a field of knowledge that is gaining more and more prominence due to its transversality and its ability to propose innovative, sustainable solutions that solve society's problems. In view of the above, this article proposes to establish a framework for the problem of disposing of medicines for home use from the perspective of the premises and key elements of the circular economy and circular design, considering the Brazilian reality. To this end, an analysis of secondary data and a review of the existing bibliography is made, using data published in the CAPES database, reports from professional bodies and others, legislation, and technical standards adhering to the problem of disposing of medicines for home use. From the study, it was possible to see the challenges for the management of residues of medicines for home use from the premises and key elements proposed by the notion of circularity in the economy and in design

    Plasma cell cheilitis: the diagnosis of a disorder mimicking lip cancer

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    Plasma cell cheilitis (PCC) is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology that affects the lip. It is characterized histologically by a dense infiltrate of plasma cells with a variety of clinical features. The response to different therapeutic modalities is controversial, especially regarding the effectiveness of corticosteroids. We present a case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with a painful ulcerated and crusted area in the lower lip, resembling a squamous cell carcinoma or actinic cheilitis. Topical corticosteroid was used for one week, which resulted in partial regression and motivated a biopsy. The histological examination provided the diagnosis of PCC. The patient has been disease-free for six months. We also provide a discussion on the criteria of differential diagnosis and management of this rare condition. See ERRATUM&nbsp
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