460 research outputs found


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    Os fertilizantes são os insumos que mais oneram custos na produção agrícola mundial, seu uso correto e as tecnologias que possibilitam uma maior eficiência da adução do solo é objeto de muitos estudos. O P é um dos macronutrientes mais utilizados na agricultura na atualidade devido a sua baixa mobilidade e a sua baixa eficiência em solos argilosos devido a grande atração das argilas por esse elemento. A calagem é umas das práticas que auxiliam a melhorar a disponibilidade do P-disponível para a solução do solo, e melhorando a absorção das plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a disponibilidade de P de um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, influenciado pela calagem do solo e comparados com o pH CaCl2, os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de correlação. A disponibilidade de P nos solos aumentou com a elevação do pH até a faixa de pH de 6,5 e as faixas de pH acima deste tiveram os resultados de P-disponível reduzido. &nbsp

    Comparative economic analysis of mineral water companies in relation to size

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    Esse trabalho faz uma análise econômica comparativa de três empresas de água mineral de pequeno, médio e grande porte, que estão localizadas no Estado de São Paulo. Todas as três empresas possuem as mesmas linhas de produção tais como copos, garrafas e garrafões. A análise será feita através da comparação entre os fluxos de caixa das três empresas.This work makes a comparative economic analysis of a small-, medium- and large-sized mineral water company, the three of which are localized in the State of São Paulo. All have the same lines of production such as glasses, bottles and big bottles. The analysis involves the cash flow comparison of the three companies

    Pericardial Effusion as an Initial Presentation of Panhypopituitarism

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    Pericardial effusion has a broad spectrum of clinical presentation, ranging from an incidental finding on imaging to a potentially fatal emergency such as pericardial tamponade, the most severe presentation. The authors present a case of a middle-aged male hospitalized due to shortness of breath. Initial work-up was positive for massive pericardial effusion with haemodynamic compromise. Additional study revealed panhypopituitarism. The acromegalic phenotype was suggestive of acromegaly secondary to pituitary adenoma, which had probably evolved to apoplexy. Hormone replacement was started with clinical improvement. At the 3-year follow-up, there was no evidence of recurrence of pericardial effusion. Panhypopituitarism is a relatively rare entity, but can lead to life-threatening complications such as adrenal crisis, coma and myxoedema-associated cardiac failure. Pericardial effusion is an extremely rare manifestation of secondary hypothyroidism

    Sulfate reduction and alterability of sulfur species in sediments of an estuary with irregular hydrological regime

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    The irregular hydrological regime in Patos Lagoon estuary has been suggested as having a distinctive influence on sulfur speciation in sediments. We performed an investigation for different prolonged hydrological conditions focusing on the distribution of sulfides (acid volatile sulfide (AVS), chromium reducible sulfide (CRS), and Free-S2-) in sediment cores from salt marsh and non-vegetated shallow zone. Significant differences in sulfides content and distribution between the different hydrological periods were found. The predominance of more reducing conditions was observed during the freshwater period. It reflects a higher total reducible inorganic sulfur (TRIS) content in this period, with a great accumulation of AVS in sediments (> 100 mg kg-1). In the maximum salinity period, more oxidizing conditions prevailed, which significantly decreased the concentrations of metastable sulfides. The intense bioirrigation process exerts control over sulfide formation and distribution, which is as important as that exerted by the variations of the hydrological regime

    Análise Bayesiana do modelo auto-regressivo para dados em painel: aplicação na avaliação genética de bovinos de corte

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    A previsão dos valores genéticos de animais em tempos futuros constitui importante inovação tecnológica para a área de Zootecnia, uma vez que possibilita planejar com antecedência o descarte ou a manutenção de animais no rebanho. No presente estudo considerou-se uma análise Bayesiana de modelos auto-regressivos de ordem p, AR(p), para dados em painel, de forma a utilizar a função de verossimilhança exata, a análise de comparação de distribuições a priori e a obtenção de distribuições preditivas de dados futuros. A metodologia utilizada foi testada mediante um estudo de simulação usando a priori hierárquica Normal multivariada-Gama inversa (modelo 1), a priori independente t-Student Gama inversa (modelo 2) e a priori de Jeffreys (modelo 3). As comparações entre os modelos, realizadas por meio do Pseudo-Fator de Bayes, indicaram uma superioridade do modelo 2 em relação aos demais. Realizou-se uma aplicação em resultados reais referentes as DEP de touros da raça Nelore, sendo que, em média, a eficiência de previsão dos valores de DEP para um ano futuro foi próxima de 80%. Constatou-se considerável vantagem da metodologia proposta em relação a metodologia frequentista usual, uma vez que a implitude dos intervalos de credibilidade de 95% foram muito menores que aquelas apresentadas pelos intervalos de confiança assintóticos.The animal breeding values forecasting at futures times is a relevant technological innovation in the field of Animal Science, since its enables a previous indication of animals that will be either kept by the producer for breeding purposes or discarded. This study discusses an MCMC Bayesian methodology applied to panel data in a time series context. We consider Bayesian analysis of an autoregressive, AR(p), panel data model of order p, using an exact likelihood function, comparative analysis of prior distributions and predictive distributions of future observations. The methodology was tested by a simulation study using three priors: hierarchical Multivariate Normal-Inverse Gamma (model 1), independent Multivariate Student's t Inverse Gamma (model 2) and Jeffrey's (model 3). Comparisons by Pseudo-Bayes Factor favored model 2. The proposed methodology was applied to longitudinal data relative to Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) of beef cattle sires. The forecast efficiency was around 80%. Regarding the mean width of the EPD interval estimation (95%) in a future time, a great advantage was observed for the proposed Bayesian methodology over usual asymptotic frequentist method

    A visão dos alunos no impacto das ações extensionistas na formação do graduando da área da saúde

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    The Law of Education Guidelines and Bases (LDB) incorporated into the statutes and bylaws of higher education institutions the principle of inseparability between teaching, research and extension, legislated by the 1988 Constitution. Considered one of the pillars of higher education, extension plays a relevant role in the training of professionals. However, there is little work quantifying the impact of extension activities on the development process in training. To quantify and identify the impact of extension actions on the vocational training of undergraduate health courses. Method: exploratory, retrospective and quantitative field research. Students from the last semester of several health courses that performed extension activities answered questionnaires regarding achievement as well as academic performance (including domains of skill, knowledge, attitudes, values and ethical aspects). In addition, the contributions of extension in the training process as a person and professional were also evaluated. The group was mainly composed of young people, who had a job, and women. It was verified that most of the students reported improvement in academic achievement. It was found that in all domains, the average scores given by the group that reported improvement were significantly higher than the group that reported improvement in academic performance. Extension students mentioned that the actions contributed to the development of the relationship with the team and the public; as well as training to identify individual and collective needs; and awareness and reflection on the individual role in social transformation. It was found that the extension program positively impacted the academic achievement of extension students, as evidenced by the affirmation of the improvement in academic performance, the high average grades awarded by students in the quantitative questioning of the various domains and the description of students' positive perception of the effective contributions in their process and formative journey as a person and professional.La Ley de Pautas y Bases de la Educación (LDB) incorporó a los estatutos y reglamentos de las instituciones de educación superior el principio de inseparabilidad entre la enseñanza, la investigación y la extensión, legislado por la Constitución de 1988. Considerado uno de los pilares de la educación superior, la extensión juega un papel relevante en la formación de profesionales. Sin embargo, hay poco trabajo para cuantificar el impacto de las actividades de extensión en el proceso de desarrollo de la capacitación. Cuantificar e identificar el impacto de las acciones de extensión en la formación profesional de los cursos de pregrado en salud. Método: investigación de campo exploratoria, retrospectiva y cuantitativa. Los estudiantes de los últimos semestres de varios cursos de salud que realizaron actividades de extensión respondieron cuestionarios sobre logros y rendimiento académico (con dominios de habilidades, conocimientos, actitudes, valores y aspectos éticos). Además, también se evaluaron las contribuciones de extensión en el proceso de capacitación como persona y profesional. El grupo estaba compuesto principalmente por jóvenes, que tenían una actividad remunerada, y mujeres. Se verificó que la mayoría de los estudiantes informaron una mejora en el rendimiento académico. Se encontró que en todos los dominios, los puntajes promedio dados por el grupo que informó mejoría fueron significativamente más altos que el grupo que informó mejoría en el rendimiento académico. Los estudiantes de extensión mencionaron que las acciones contribuyeron al desarrollo de la relación con el equipo y el público; así como capacitación para identificar necesidades individuales y colectivas; y conciencia y reflexión sobre el papel individual en la transformación social. Se encontró que el programa de extensión tuvo un impacto positivo en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de extensión, como lo demuestra la afirmación de la mejora en el rendimiento académico, las altas calificaciones promedio otorgadas por los estudiantes en el cuestionamiento cuantitativo de los diversos dominios y la descripción de la percepción positiva de los estudiantes de Las aportaciones efectivas en su proceso y trayectoria formativa como persona y profesional.A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da educação (LDB) incorporou aos estatutos e regimentos das Instituições de ensino superior o princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão, legislada pela Constituição de 1988. Considerada um dos pilares do ensino superior, a extensão desempenha um papel relevante na formação de profissionais. Contudo, são escassos os trabalhos que quantifiquem o impacto das atividades de extensão no processo de desenvolvimento na formação. Objetivou-se quantificar e identificar o impacto das ações extensionistas na formação profissional dos graduandos dos cursos da área de saúde. Método: pesquisa de campo exploratória, retrospectiva e quantitativa. Alunos dos últimos semestres de diversos cursos da área da saúde que realizaram atividades extensionistas responderam questionários referentes ao aproveitamento bem como desempenho acadêmico (com domínios de habilidade, conhecimento, atitudes, valores e aspectos éticos). Além disso, também foram avaliadas as contribuições da extensão no processo de formação como pessoa e profissional. O grupo foi composto principalmente por jovens, que exerciam atividade remunerada, e do gênero feminino. Certificou-se que grande parte dos alunos reportou melhora no aproveitamento acadêmico. Constatou-se que em todos os domínios, as notas médias atribuídas pelo grupo que reportou melhora foram significantemente maiores em relação ao grupo que relatou melhora do rendimento acadêmico. Alunos extensionistas mencionaram que as ações contribuíram no desenvolvimento do relacionamento com a equipe e com o público; bem como na capacitação para identificação das necessidades individuais e coletivas; e conscientização e reflexão sobre o papel individual na transformação social. Constatou-se que o programa de extensão impactou positivamente no aproveitamento acadêmico dos estudantes extensionistas, evidenciadas pela afirmação na melhora do rendimento acadêmico, nas notas médias altas atribuídas pelos alunos nos questionamentos quantitativos dos diversos domínios e na descrição da percepção positiva dos alunos sobre as contribuições efetivas no seu processo e percurso formativo como pessoa e profissional

    Preparation of the orgamomodified cellulose acetate membranes for adsorption of the ions Cu(II), Cd(II), Mn(II) AND Ni(II)

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    Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed

    DNA metabarcoding of fungal diversity in air and snow of Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.

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    We assessed fungal diversity present in air and freshly deposited snow samples obtained from Livingston Island, Antarctica, using DNA metabarcoding through high throughput sequencing (HTS). A total of 740 m3 of air were pumped through a 0.22 µm membrane. Snow obtained shortly after deposition was kept at room temperature and yielded 3.760 L of water, which was filtered using Sterivex membranes of 0.22 µm mesh size. The total DNA present was extracted and sequenced. We detected 171 fungal amplicon sequence variants (ASVs), 70 from the air and 142 from the snow. They were dominated by the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota and Mucoromycota. Pseudogymnoascus, Cladosporium, Mortierella and Penicillium sp. were the most dominant ASVs detected in the air in rank order. In snow, Cladosporium, Pseudogymnoascus, Penicillium, Meyerozyma, Lecidea, Malassezia, Hanseniaspora, Austroplaca, Mortierella, Rhodotorula, Penicillium, Thelebolus, Aspergillus, Poaceicola, Glarea and Lecanora were the dominant ASVs present. In general, the two fungal assemblages displayed high diversity, richness, and dominance indices, with the assemblage found in snow having the highest diversity indices. Of the total fungal ASVs detected, 29 were only present in the air sample and 101 in the snow sample, with only 41 present in both samples; however, when only the dominant taxa from both samples were compared none occurred only in the air and, among the rare portion, 26 taxa occurred in both air and snow. Application of HTS revealed the presence of a more diverse fungal community in the air and snow of Livingston Island in comparison with studies using traditional isolation methods. The assemblages were dominated by cold-adapted and cosmopolitan fungal taxa, including members of the genera Pseudogymnoascus, Malassezia and Rhodotorula, which include some taxa reported as opportunistic. Our results support the hypothesis that the presence of microbiota in the airspora indicates the possibility of dispersal around Antarctica in the air column. However, further aeromycology studies are required to understand the dynamics of fungal dispersal within and beyond Antarctica
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