217 research outputs found

    Relação energia|proteína em dietas práticas para juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen): digestibilidade e desempenho

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura, Florianópolis, 2015.Foram determinados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) dos aminoácidos essenciais, proteína, energia e matéria seca das farinhas de resíduo do processamento de salmão (FRS), de vísceras de aves (FVA), de carne e ossos e de penas hidrolisadas, além do concentrado proteico (CPS) e farelo de soja e glútens de milho e trigo para juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (peso médio: 160 g). A dieta referência e as dietas teste (compostas por 69,9% da dieta referência, 30% de um dos ingredientes teste e 0,1% de óxido de ítrio) foram ofertadas (10 e 16 h) aos peixes e as coletas das fezes foram realizadas a cada 5 h (23, 4 e 9 h), após sedimentação em tubos coletores. Os resultados dos CDA?s mostraram que o jundiá aproveitou melhor os ingredientes vegetais frente aos animais. Entre os ingredientes avaliados, destaca-se o CPS, a FVA e a FRS, que além de serem bem digeridos, atenderam adequadamente às exigências em aminoácidos essenciais do jundiá. A partir dos valores de nutrientes digestíveis desses ingredientes, foram formuladas cinco dietas contendo diferentes relações de energia digestível:proteína digestível (ED:PD = 12, 11, 10, 9 e 8 kcal/g), as quais foram empregadas na avaliação do desempenho de jundiás com peso médio de 31 g. Cada dieta foi fornecida até a saciedade aparente a três grupos de 25 peixes às 9 e 16 h por 75 dias, sendo os mesmos submetidos a biometrias quinzenais. A sobrevivência foi de 100% em todos os tratamentos e as análises de regressão mostraram que as diferentes ED:PD afetaram (PAbstract : Apparent digestibility coefficients (CDA) for essential amino acids, protein, energy and dry matter of salmon fishmeal (FRS), poultry byproduct meal (FVA), meat and bone meal, poultry feather meal hydrolyzed feathers, soybean protein concentrate (CPS), soybean meal, corn gluten meal and wheat gluten meal were evaluated for juvenile jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (185 g, average body weight). A reference diet and seven test diets (comprised of 69.9% reference diet, 30% test ingredient, and 0.1% yttrium oxide) were fed to fish at 10 and 16 h. Following tank cleaning, feces were collected by sedimentation, every 5 h (23, 4 and 9 h). Our CDA results showed that jundiá valued plant over animal ingredients. Among the assessed ingredients, CPS, FVA and FRS showed to be well digested and able to meet fish?s essential amino acid requirements. Subsequently, five diets were formulated, considering the digestible values of these ingredients, to have different energy to protein ratios (ED:PD = 12; 11; 10; 9 and 8 kcal/g), and were fed to jundiá (31 g average weight). Each diet, were fed twice daily (9 and 16 h) to three groups of 25 fish, during 75 days. Fish weight was evaluated every 15 days. Survival rates was 100% for all diet groups and regression analysis showed that the different dietary ED:PD ratios affected (p<0.05) all performance and economic variables, as well as the deposition of body fat. Diets containing 12 and 8 kcal/g yielded poorer performances, whereas diets containing ED:PD from 9 to 11 kcal/g favored weight gain (GPD), protein retention rates (TRP) and feed conversion (CA), also allowing for better feeding costs and less body fat buildup. Considering the variables GPD and CA, the best dietary ED:PD was estimated to be 9.08 kcal/g (38.28% and 3437.5 kcal/g) and 9.58 kcal/g (36,07% and 3125 kcal/g), respectively. However, when pondering on TRP and CMA, optimal dietary ED:PD was 10.34 kcal/g (32.29% and 3229 kcal/g) and 10.4 kcal/g (33.38% and 3200 kcal/g), respectively

    Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae) (Guilding, 1928) farming areas as artificial reefs for fish: A case study in the State of Ceará, Brazil

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    Um tipo de plataforma, conhecido como mesas, estão sendo utilizadas para o cultivo de ostras. Em Fortim, Ceará, este cultivo teve início em junho de 2000 e abrange uma área total de 50m² sobre um substrato argilo-arenoso. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e catalogar a ictiofauna colonizadora das mesas de cultivo de ostras do mangue (Crassostrea rhizophorae), avaliar aspectos ecológicos tais como as possíveis correlações de parâmetros físico-químicos da água com a ocorrência da ictiofauna, além de observar as diferenças na composição da mesma durante as variações de marés. Os exemplares foram identificados visualmente e quantificados empregando-se a técnica de censo visual por transecto de faixa. A ictiofauna avistada compreendeu 3.030 indivíduos pertencentes 28 espécies e 20 famílias. Das 28 espécies encontradas na área estudada, 14 são marinhas visitantes, 12 marinhas dependentes e apenas duas aparecem como residentes. Apenas 11 espécies apresentaram correlação com os parâmetros físico-químicos estudados. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se afirmar que as estruturas de cultivo da ostra do mangue funcionam como um recife artificial para a ictiofauna, sendo colonizadas por, no mínimo, 28 espécies de peixes, podendo fornecer abrigo, proteção contra predadores, alimento e área de reprodução.A type of platform, known as a table, is now being used for mangrove oyster farming. In Fortim, Ceará, Brazil, this activity was begun in June 2000 and covers an area of 50 m² overlying a sand-clay substrate. The present study has the following main objectives: to identify and catalogue the ichthyofauna colonizing the Crassostrea rhizophorae farming platforms; to evaluate ecological aspects, such as the possible correlation between the physical and chemical variables for water quality and the occurrence of the ichthyofauna; and to observe the differences in the fish species found during tidal variations. Specimens were identified and quantified using the linear-transect, visual census methodology. The ichthyofauna observed comprised 3,030 individuals belonging to 28 species and 20 families. Of the 28 species found in the area studied, 14 were marine transients, 12 marine dependent, and only 2 permanent residents. A significant association was observed between the abundance of 11 species and the physical and chemical variables studied. Based on these results, it may be concluded that the platforms act as artificial reefs for the ichthyofauna, being colonized by at least 28 species, and providing protection from predators as well as a source of food and a reproductive substrate

    Qualidade textural de tomates cultivados em substratos orgânicos submetidos à aplicação de substâncias húmicas

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of humic substances and of different organic substrates on the textural quality of tomato fruit of the Vênus hybrid, in a protected environment. Four types of substrates were used: coconut fiber; coconut fiber and carbonized coffee husk 1/3 (v/v); coconut fiber and carbonized coffee husk 2/3 (v/v); and carbonized coffee husk. The humic substances (humic acid, 10% + fulvic acid, 10,2%) dosages of 0, 20, 40 and 80 L ha-1 were applied onto the substrates fortnightly from the eighth day after transplanting. The experimental design was in randomized block in a 4x4 factorial arrangement. Evaluations were done for fruit firmness, percentage of pectin solubilization, and enzymatic activity (pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase). Different enzymatic activities of pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase were observed according to the doses of humic substances added to the different substrates. The humic substances dosage effects of the humic substances in fruit firmness, pectin solubility and enzymatic activity were dependent upon the substrate used. Fruit grown in coconut fiber had an increase in firmness and a reduction in the percentage of pectin solubilization with the application of increasing doses of humic substances.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de substâncias húmicas e de diferentes substratos orgânicos na qualidade textural dos frutos do tomateiro híbrido Vênus, em ambiente protegido. Utilizaram-se, quatro tipos de substratos: fibra de coco; fibra de coco e casca de café carbonizada 1/3 (v/v); fibra de coco e casca de café carbonizada 2/3 (v/v); e casca de café carbonizada. As doses de substâncias húmicas (ácido húmico, 10% + ácido fúlvico 10,2%) utilizadas foram 0, 20, 40 e 80 L ha-1, aplicadas ao substrato quinzenalmente, a partir do oitavo dia após o transplantio. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x4. Avaliaram-se firmeza dos frutos, percentagem de solubilização péctica e atividade enzimática (pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase). Observou-se variação na atividade das enzimas pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase, em consequência das doses de substâncias húmicas adicionadas, nos diferentes substratos. O efeito das doses de substâncias húmicas sobre a firmeza, solubilidade de pectinas e atividade enzimática, em frutos de tomate, depende do substrato utilizado. Frutos obtidos de plantas cultivadas em fibra de coco apresentaram aumento de firmeza e redução da percentagem de solubilização péctica com a aplicação de doses crescentes de substâncias húmicas

    Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in a Captive Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has already been identified in a great number of wild species. Captive animals may have a potential source for zoonoses, because is related to factors such as cohabitation, direct contact with the public, presence of biological vectors, nutritional deficiencies, absence of sanitary barriers, precautionary hygienic measures and sanitary vigilance. In Brazil, there is little information on tuberculosis in captivity animals, and little attention is given to the risks of disease transmission from humans. The aim of this study was to report the first diagnosed case of tuberculosis Tapirus terrestris in Brazilian Amazon region.Case: One Tapirus terrestris was kept by local zoobotanic foundation in city of Marabá, Southeast of Pará state, Brazilian Amazon, and became ill. Physical examination revealed cough, sneezing, nasal outflow, dyspnea, hyperthermia and lethargy, leading to death. Necropsy demonstrated severe pulmonary alterations: thickening of the inter-alveolar septa, alveolar emphysema, and miliary nodules with dimensions up to 5 mm, which were yellowish-white, caseous, and sometimes calcified. Additionally, large areas of caseous compaction of the parenchyma, characteristic of caseous tuberculosis. Histopathological analysis revealed a process characteristic of mycobacterial infection, with alveoli filled with caseous exudate and thickened septa and fibrocytes, in addition to recently formed tubercles, some with caseous necrosis, calcifications and Langhans cells. In the Ziehl-Neelsen staining, alcohol-acid resistant bacilli were observed in the mesenteric lymph nodes. No mycobacterial growth was observed in Lowenstein-Jensen culture medium. A nested PCR followed by a sequencing assay targeting the hsp65 gene and M. tuberculosis complex member was detected. Water and M. tuberculosis H37Rv were used as negative and positive controls, respectively.Discussion: This article reports the first case of tuberculosis in T. terrestris in Amazonia. The case of infection was caused by a complex of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as reports of other studies described in wild animals. This record presented clinical and pathological similarity with the cases of a tapir and coati at the zoo of Curitiba, and non-human primates in bioteries in Belém. The disease was reported, also, in a T. indicus female in Bangkok, Thailand. In another study with two tapirs there was positivity of tuberculin test result in a Swedish zoo. In necropsy findings of tuberculosis in a Malayan tapir showed multiple white, caseous nodules spread throughout the lungs. Studies have shown that lesions can be in various organs, among them the mediastinal and mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, serosa, diaphragm, intestines and uterus. For exemple in a case of disseminated tuberculosis caused by M. tuberculosis in a Malayan tapir were described multiple granulomes, some coalescent, characterized by necrotic caseous centers, with some Langhans giant cells and a discrete fibrotic zone. In the present work, the results of the anatomopathological and molecular assays confirmed the clinical suspicion of respiratory infection and established the conclusive diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis caused by M. tuberculosis complex member. It is worth noting that tuberculosis is an important zoonotic disease affecting survival of the species, posing an extinction threat and also a public health concern

    Agricultura orgânica: características básicas do seu produtor.

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    A agricultura orgânica é ainda pouco expressiva no Brasil. Sua relevância é, no entanto, crescente, seguindo tendência observada em outros países, em especial na Europa. Este estudo analisa as características básicas do produtor de produtos orgânicos, contribuindo para preencher uma lacuna existente na literatura de economia rural. Utilizando informações primárias sobre agricultores orgânicos da região próxima à cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, identificamos as suas características pessoais e econômicas, por meio de estatística descritiva, análise de correlação e regressão linear múltipla. Os produtores foram divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro com aqueles que ainda estão em conversão para a agricultura orgânica e o segundo grupo composto por produtores orgânicos que já obtiveram a certificação de seus produtos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que alta participação de capital próprio no financiamento da produção e elevado nível de escolaridade são duas das características mais marcantes dos produtores rurais orgânicos paranaenses. Outras características que influenciam o resultado líquido da atividade são a disponibilidade de mão de obra e a integração de atividades agrícolas, pecuárias e florestais

    Evaluation of 210Pb levels in the estuarine region of an industrial complex

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    Currently, the increase in the environmental radioactivity levels was due to anthropic activities, such as the oil industries that produce around 2.5x104 to 2.25x105 tons of contaminated materials per year. Thus, the study aimed to determine the 210Pb concentrations in the estuarine region of the SUAPE industrial complex in the state of Pernambuco. The 210Pb concentrations were determined in soil, sediment, fish, and leaf samples, using ion exchange and gamma spectrometry methods. 210Pb concentrations in soils, sediments, fish, and mangrove leaves ranged from less than LD (Detection Limit) to 992.35 Bq.kg-1. The results showed that the area related to the preoperational situation found values above those estimated for regions considered natural, presenting anthropogenic interference

    A high-density linkage map and sex-linked markers for the Amazon Tambaqui Colossoma macropomum

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    Tambaqui (\textit{Colossoma macropomum}, Cuvier, 1818) is the most economically important native freshwater fish species in Brazil. It can reach a total length of over 1~m and a weight of over 40~kg. The species displays a clear sex dimorphism in growth performance with females reaching larger sizes at harvest. In aquaculture, the production of monosex populations in selective breeding programmes has been therefore identified as a key priority. In the present study, a genetic linkage map was generated by double digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing from 248 individuals sampled from two F1 families. The map was constructed using 14,805 informative SNPs and spanned 27 linkage groups. From this, the tambaqui draft genome was improved, by ordering the scaffolds into chromosomes, and sex-linked markers were identified. A total of 235 markers on linkage group 26 showed a significant association with the phenotypic sex supporting an XX/XY sex determination system in the species. The four most informative sex-linked markers were validated on another 206 sexed individuals demonstrating an accuracy in predicting sex ranging from 90.0\% to 96.7\%. The genetic mapping and novel sex-linked DNA markers identified and validated offer new tools for rapid progeny sexing, thus supporting the development of monosex female production in the industry while also supporting breeding programs of the species