3 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Assessment of fire hazard in Southwestern Amazon.docx

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    Fires are among the main drivers of forest degradation in Amazonia, causing multiple socioeconomic and environmental damages. Although human-ignited sources account for most of the fire events in Amazonia, extended droughts may magnify their occurrence and propagation. The southwestern Amazonia, a transnational region shared by Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia and known as the MAP region, has been articulating coordinated actions to prevent disasters, including fire, to reduce their negative impacts. Therefore, to understand the fire patterns in the MAP region, we investigated their main drivers and the changes in the suitability of fire occurrence for the years 2005, 2010, 2016, and 2020. We used a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model approach based on active fire data from satellites, climatic data, and land use and land cover mapping to spatially quantify the suitability of fire occurrence and its drivers. We used the year 2015 to calibrate the models. For climatic data and active fire count, we only considered grid cells with active fire count over the third quartile. All our models had a satisfactory performance, with values of the area under the curve (AUC) above 0.75 and p < 0.05. Additionally, all models showed sensitivity rates higher than 0.8 and false positive rates below 0.25. We estimated that, on average, 38.5% of the study region had suitable conditions for fire occurrence during the study period. Most of the fire-prone areas belong to Acre, representing approximately 74% of the entire MAP region. The percentage of deforested areas, productive lands, forest edges, and high temperatures were the main drivers of fire occurrence in southwestern Amazonia, indicating the high vulnerability of fragmented landscapes extreme climatic conditions to fire occurrence. We observed that the modeling approach based on Maxint is useful for useful for evaluating the implications of climatic and anthropogenic variables on fire distribution. Furthermore, because the model can be easily employed to predict suitable and non-suitable locations for fire occurrence, it can to prevent potential impacts associated with large-scale wildfire in the future at regional levels.</p

    Drivers of metacommunity structure diverge for common and rare Amazonian tree species.

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    We analysed the flora of 46 forest inventory plots (25 m x 100 m) in old growth forests from the Amazonian region to identify the role of environmental (topographic) and spatial variables (obtained using PCNM, Principal Coordinates of Neighbourhood Matrix analysis) for common and rare species. For the analyses, we used multiple partial regression to partition the specific effects of the topographic and spatial variables on the univariate data (standardised richness, total abundance and total biomass) and partial RDA (Redundancy Analysis) to partition these effects on composition (multivariate data) based on incidence, abundance and biomass. The different attributes (richness, abundance, biomass and composition based on incidence, abundance and biomass) used to study this metacommunity responded differently to environmental and spatial processes. Considering standardised richness, total abundance (univariate) and composition based on biomass, the results for common species differed from those obtained for all species. On the other hand, for total biomass (univariate) and for compositions based on incidence and abundance, there was a correspondence between the data obtained for the total community and for common species. Our data also show that in general, environmental and/or spatial components are important to explain the variability in tree communities for total and common species. However, with the exception of the total abundance, the environmental and spatial variables measured were insufficient to explain the attributes of the communities of rare species. These results indicate that predicting the attributes of rare tree species communities based on environmental and spatial variables is a substantial challenge. As the spatial component was relevant for several community attributes, our results demonstrate the importance of using a metacommunities approach when attempting to understand the main ecological processes underlying the diversity of tropical forest communities

    South American mountain ecosystems and global change – a case study for integrating theory and field observations for land surface modelling and ecosystem management

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    Plot-based monitoring has yielded much information on the taxonomic diversity and carbon (C) storage in tropical lowland forests of the Amazon basin. This has resulted in an improved understanding of the relationship between lowland forest biomass dynamics and global change drivers, such as climate change and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Much less attention has been paid to the mountain ecosystems of South America that comprise montane forests and alpine vegetation (páramo, puna, high Andean grasslands, wetlands, and alpine heath). This vegetation complex provides a variety of ecosystem services and forms a natural laboratory along various physiographic, geological and evolutionary history/biogeography, and land use history gradients. Here we review existing empirical understanding and model-based approaches to quantify the contribution of mountain ecosystems to ecosystem service provision in the rapidly changing socioecological setting of the South American mountains. The objective of this paper is to outline a broad road map for the implementation of mountain vegetation into dynamic global vegetation models (DGVM) for use in Earth System Models (ESM), based on our current understanding of their structure and function and of their responsiveness to global change drivers. We also identify treeline processes, critical in mountain ecosystems, as key missing elements in DGVMs/ESMs, and thus explore in addition a treeline model. A stocktaking of availability of empirical data was undertaken from eight research sites along the Andes and in south-eastern Brazil. Out of eight sites, two (one each in Venezuela and Brazil) had some climate, ecological and ecophysiological data potentially suitable to parametrise a DGVM. Tree biomass data were available for six sites. A preliminary assessment of the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) DGVM was made to identify gaps in available data and their impacts on model parametrisation and calibration. Additionally, the potential climate-determined elevation of the treeline was modelled to check the DGVM for its ability to identify the transition between the montane forest and alpine vegetation. Outcomes of the evaluation of the JULES land surface model identified the following key processes in montane forests: temperature-related decrease in net primary production, respiration, and allocation to above-ground biomass and increase in soil C stocks with elevation. There was a variable agreement between simulated biomass and those derived from field measurements via allometric equations. We identified major gaps between data availability and the needs of process-based modelling of South American mountain vegetation and its dynamics in DGVMs. To bridge this gap, we propose a transdisciplinary network, composed of members of the theoretical/modelling and empirical scientific communities to study the natural dynamics of mountain ecosystems and their responses to global change drivers locally, regionally and at the continent scale, within a social-ecological system framework. The work presented here forms the basis for the design of data collection from field measurements and instrumental monitoring stations to parametrise and verify DGVMs. The network is designed to collaborate with and complement existing long-term research initiatives in the region and will adopt existing standard field protocols. Complementary protocols will ensure compatibility between field data collection and data needs for process-based and empirical models.</p