15 research outputs found

    Frequency of HLA B*5701 allele carriers in abacavir treated-HIV infected patients and controls from northeastern Brazil

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    n our study population from Northeastern Brazil, the frequency of HLA-B*5701 was between Caucasian and African ethnic groups; however, when stratifying for ethnicity, our findings show that the HLA B*5701 carriers' frequencies are more similar to those previously reported for Caucasians and Africans. Considering the clinical importance of hypersensitivity to Abacavir treatment in HIV-infected patients and the frequency of HLA B*5701 carriers reported in this study (3.1% in patients and 3.4% in the controls), we suggest the preventive use of HLA B*5701 testing in clinical practice in Abacavir treatment in Northeastern Brazil

    Increased risk of dizziness in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients taking zidovudine and efavirenz combination: a Brazilian cohort study.

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    Abstract Objectives Neuropsychiatric adverse effects (NPAE) related to efavirenz, mainly dizziness, is detrimental to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment. Our study aims at evaluating if zidovudine use potentiates the risk of dizziness related to efavirenz when used together and whether there are significant differences in over time distribution of this NPAE and others relatively frequents regarding efavirenz regimen without zidovudine. Methods Human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients under efavirenz-containing different therapy were enrolled. A retrospective analysis of official medical records was accomplished to collect clinical data regarding NPAE occurrence and severity. Univariate statistic and statistical model based on survival analyses were performed. Key findings One hundred sixty-two patients were included, of these seventy-seven (47.5%) had NPAE reported, such as dizziness (more frequent), depression and insomnia. Univariate statistical analysis demonstrated that the combined use of efavirenz with zidovudine increased the NPAE risk (OR: 2.5; P-value: 0.008), mainly dizziness risk (OR: 3.5; P-value: 0.009) and survival analysis showed that such combination is associated with dizziness occurrence faster (HR: 2.9; P-value: 0.02). Conclusions The results may contribute to clarify the dizziness occurrence dynamics in therapy with efavirenz and zidovudine by identifying susceptibilities and assisting in the choice of combined antiretroviral therapy

    Presence hepatitis B virus in blood donors of HbsAG negative andantiHBc positive: associated with serologic markers

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    BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Estudo multicêntrico de imunogenicidade e reatogenicidade de vacinas contra hepatite B: informe preliminar

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    Apenas foram migradas as páginas e/ou folhas que evidenciam a participação e/ou citação ao Dra. Gilberta Bensabath.BR IEC GB AP PUB 037DossiêItensArtigo publicado na "Revista de epidemiologia e serviços de saúde" e formulário de resumo estruturado para nota prévia do IESUS

    Effectiveness of the First Dose of BCG against Tuberculosis among HIV-Infected, Predominantly Immunodeficient Children

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the protective effect of Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine against tuberculosis among (predominantly immunodeficient) HIV-infected children in Angola. A hospital-based case-control study was conducted with 230 cases, children coinfected with tuberculosis, and 672 controls, HIV-infected children from the same hospital, aged 18 months to 13 years. The presence of a vaccination scar was taken as a proxy marker for BCG vaccination. The crude effectiveness was 8% (95% CI: -26 to 32) and the adjusted effectiveness was 30% (95% CI: -75 to 72). The present study suggests that BCG does not have a protective effect against tuberculosis among immunodeficient HIV-infected children. Since BCG is no longer given to HIV-infected children, the study may not be replicated. Accepting that these findings should be considered with caution, they are nonetheless likely to be the last estimate of BCG efficacy in a sufficiently powered study

    Lactotransferrin gene functional polymorphisms do not influence susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus-1 mother-to-child transmission in different ethnic groups

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    Lactotransferrin, also known as lactoferrin, is an iron binding glycoprotein that displays antiviral activity against many different infectious agents, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1. Lactotransferrin is present in the breast milk and in the female genitourinary mucosa and it has been hypothesised as a possible candidate to prevent mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission. To verify if two functional polymorphisms, Thr29Ala and Arg47Lys, in the lactotransferrin encoding gene (LTF) could affect HIV-1 infection and vertical transmission, a preliminary association study was performed in 238 HIV-1 positive and 99 HIV-1 negative children from Brazil, Italy, Africa and India. No statistically significant association for the Thr29Ala and Arg47Lys LTF polymorphisms and HIV-1 susceptibility in the studied populations was found. Additionally LTF polymorphisms frequencies were compared between the four different ethnic groups

    Polymorphisms in innate immunity genes and patients response to dendritic cell-based HIV immuno-treatment.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs)-based vaccine was demonstrated to increase HIV specific cellular immune response; however, in some HIV-infected patients, the response to the vaccine resulted to be not effective. In order to understand if the outcome of the vaccination may be influenced by the host's genome and natural immunity, we studied the innate immune genome of HIV-infected patients previously vaccinated with DCs. We identified 15 SNPs potentially associated with the response to the immuno-treatment and two SNPs significantly associated with the modulation of the response to the DC vaccine: MBL2 rs10824792 and NOS1 rs693534. These two SNPs were also studied in different ethnic groups (Brazilians, African and Caucasian) of HIV-infected, exposed uninfected and unexposed uninfected subjects. The HIV positive Caucasian patients were also characterized by different disease progressions. Our findings suggest that, independently and/or in addition to other variables, the host's genome could significantly contribute to the modulation of the response to the DC vaccine