131 research outputs found

    Land use and land cover mapping in detailed scale: A case study in santa rosa de Lima-SC

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    It is challenging to reconcile large scale data with the dynamic characteristics present in land use. Such dynamism requires data with a high repetition of sampling. An alternative is the integration of data of high spatial resolution and low temporal resolution, with that of high temporal resolution and low spatial resolution. The aim addressed in this article is related to the integration of aerial photographs and temporal series for land use and land cover mapping in high detail scale. We conducted a case study in Santa Rosa de Lima-SC. The main data used was the aerial survey that overlaid the state of Santa Catarina, executed in 2010/2011. The interpretation key included typical elements of photointerpretation (color, texture, size, shape), aiming to classify the land use and land cover classes. The mapping evaluation resulted in 75.6% global accuracy, ranging from 54% (Grassland and Wetlands) to 96% (Water Bodies and Rocks). Such results are considered satisfactory. The integration of high-resolution images with high temporal resolution data has enabled the discrimination between classes that present great difficulties of separability. Such discrimination is essential in the territorial management processes of Encosta da Serra and the municipality of Santa Rosa de Lima

    Circulating inflammatory mediators and organ dysfunction after cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: a prospective observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has improved in past decades, but inflammatory activation in this setting is still unpredictable and is associated with several postoperative complications. Perioperative levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and other inflammatory mediators could be implicated in adverse outcomes in cardiac surgery. METHODS: Serum levels of MIF, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, soluble CD40 ligand, IL-6 and IL-10 from 93 patients subjected to CPB were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and compared with specific and global postoperative organ dysfunctions through multiple organ dysfunction score (MODS) and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA). RESULTS: Most of the cytokines measured had a peak of production between 3 and 6 hours after CPB, but maximum levels of MIF occurred earlier, at the cessation of CPB. Among specific organ dysfunctions, the most frequent was hematological, occurring in 82% of the patients. Circulatory impairment was observed in 73.1% of the patients, and 51% of these needed inotropics or vasopressors within the first 24 hours after surgery. The third most frequent dysfunction was pulmonary, occurring in 48.4% of the patients. Preoperative levels of MIF showed a relevant direct correlation with the intensity of global organ dysfunction measured by SOFA (ρ = 0.46, p < 0.001) and MODS (ρ = 0.50, p < 0.001) on the third day after surgery. MCP-1 production was associated with postoperative thrombocytopenia, and MIF was related to the use of a high dose of vasopressors in patients with cardiovascular impairment and also to lower values of the ratio of partial arterial oxygen tension (PaO(2)) to fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) registered in the first 24 hours after CPB. CONCLUSION: Despite the multifactorial nature of specific or multiple organ dysfunctions, MIF should be explored as a predicting factor of organ dysfunction, or even as a potential therapeutic target in decreasing postoperative complications

    Mitral valve repair by Double Teflon technique: cardiac remodeling analysis by tridimensional echocardiography

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A plastia valvar mitral é o tratamento de escolha para a insuficiência mitral, porém a literatura é escassa em relação ao comportamento do átrio e ventrículo esquerdos após a plastia mitral sem utilização de anéis protéticos. OBJETIVO: Analisar a morfologia e a função cardíaca de indivíduos submetidos à plastia valvar mitral pela técnica de Duplo Teflon, por meio da ecocardiografia tridimensional. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 14 pacientes com insuficiência mitral mixomatosa, submetidos à plastia mitral pela técnica de Duplo Teflon. Treze pacientes encontravam-se em classe III/IV. Os pacientes foram avaliados nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato (POI), 6 meses e 1 ano após a plastia mitral. Foi utilizado teste de análise de variância de medidas repetidas para o estudo estatístico, sendo considerado estatisticamente significante P<0,05. RESULTADOS: A análise dos volumes sistólicos, atrial e ventricular demonstrou redução volumétrica significativa entre POI e 1 ano (P=0,028 e P=0,020, respectivamente). Entre o pré-operatório e 1 ano, houve redução média de 19,9% e 15,4% nos volumes atrial e ventricular, respectivamente. Os volumes diastólicos atrial e ventricular apresentaram redução significativa no POI (P<0,001 e P=0,024, respectivamente), permanecendo estáveis ao longo do estudo. Houve aumento na fração de ejeção do átrio esquerdo após 6 meses (P<0,001), porém não houve variação na função ventricular esquerda. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes submetidos à plastia valvar mitral por meio da técnica de Duplo Teflon apresentaram remodelamento reverso do átrio esquerdo e do ventrículo esquerdo. Esta redução nos volumes cavitários esteve associada à melhora da função atrial esquerda durante o estudo.INTRODUCTION: Mitral valve repair is the treatment of choice to correct mitral insufficiency. Although the literature related to left atrial and ventricular behavior after mitral repair without use of prosthetic rings is scarce. OBJECTIVE: To analyze cardiac morphology and function using real time tridimensional echocardiography in individuals submitted to mitral valve repair with Double Teflon technique. METHODS: Were included 14 patients with mixomatous mitral valve insufficiency that were submitted to mitral valve repair with the Double Teflon technique. Of them, 13 patients were in class III/IV. Patients were evaluated in preoperative period, immediate postoperative period, 6 months and 1 year after mitral repair. Statistic analysis was made by repeated measures ANOVA test and was considered statistically significant P < 0.05. RESULTS: The analysis of systolic volumes, atrial and ventricular, demonstrated a significant volumetric reduction between immediate postoperative period and 1 year (P=0.028 and P=0.020, respectively). Between preoperative period and 1 year, there was a mean reduction in atrial and ventricle volumes of 19.9% and 15.4%, respectively. Atrial and ventricle diastolic volumes presented a significant reduction in immediate postoperative period (P <0.001 and P =0.024, respectively), remaining stable during the study. There was an increase in left atrial ejection fraction after 6 months (P<0.001), although there was no significant variation in left ventricle ejection fraction. CONCLUSIONS: Patients submitted to mitral valve repair by the Double Teflon technique demonstrated a left atrial and ventricle reverse remodeling. These reductions were associated with an improvement in left atrial function during the study.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Classification system for cardiorespiratory fitness based on a sample of the Brazilian population

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    Background: Peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) is an important prognostic marker and its classification helps the cardiologist in the therapeutic decision-making process. The most commonly used cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) classification has not been validated for the Brazilian population. Objective: To elaborate a CRF classification using a Brazilian sample and to compare it with the American Heart Association (AHA), Cooper and UNIFESP classifications. Methods: A total of 6,568 healthy subjects were analyzed through cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). They were distributed by sex and the following age groups (years): 7-12, 13-19, 20-79 (per decades) and > 80 years. After measurement of the VO2peak, participants were distributed into quintiles of CRF in very poor, poor, moderate, high and very high (AEMA Table). The CRF classifications by AEMA, AHA, Cooper, and UNIFESP were compared using the Wilcoxon, Kappa and concordance percentages. Results: VO2peak presented an inverse and moderate correlation with age considering both sexes (R = -0.488, p < 0.001). All paired comparisons between CRF classification systems showed differences (p < 0.001) and disagreement percentage - AEMA versus AHA (k = 0.291, 56.7%), AEMA versus Cooper (k = 0.220, 62.4%) and AEMA versus UNIFESP (k = 0.201, 63.9 %). Conclusion: The AEMA table showed important discrepancies in the classification of CRF when compared to other tables widely used in our setting. Because it was obtained from a large sample of the Brazilian population, the AEMA table should be preferred over other classification systems in our population

    Modelagem Dinâmica do Uso e Cobertura das Terras para o Controle da Erosão na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Mogi-Guaçú e Pardo - São Paulo - Brasil

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    O objetivo deste artigo é a modelagem da dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras na Bacia-Hidrográfica dos Rios Mogi-Guaçú e Pardo no Estado de São Paulo. Ele foca a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos do controle da erosão. São descritos e analisados a dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras, focados nas suas principais forças direcionadoras, tais como a legislação ambiental do país e as mudanças nos preços relativos favorecendo uma forte expansão do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar na região. Esta dinâmica tem importante impacto nas taxas de erosão cujas medidas metodológicas são apresentadas com os resultados obtidos. Para simular esta dinâmica foi desenvolvido um modelo seguindo a metodologia do MIMES. O algoritmo desenvolvido modela as mudanças do uso e cobertura das terras baseado principalmente na força das leis ambientais. Espera-se que esta dinâmica contribua para a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos da Bacia HidrográficaThis paper aims at modeling the land use and land cover dynamics in a watershed in São Paulo State, Brazil. It focuses on the potential restoration of the ecosystem service erosion control. The studied watershed is described and its land use and land cover dynamics analyzed, focusing on its main driving forces such as the legislation enforcement and crop relative price changes favoring a very strong expansion of sugar-cane in the region. This dynamics has important impacts on erosion rates whose measurement methodology is presented along with the results obtained. To simulate this dynamics a model was built following MIMES. The algorithms developed deal with a process of forest recovery, modeling land use/land cover changes pushed mainly by legislation enforcement and environmental price movements and measuring their impacts on the erosion process. It is expected that this dynamics would lead to a restoration of the ecosystem service erosion contro

    Modelagem Dinâmica do Uso e Cobertura das Terras para o Controle da Erosão na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Mogi-Guaçú e Pardo – São Paulo – Brasil

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    O objetivo deste artigo é a modelagem da dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras na Bacia-Hidrográfica dos Rios Mogi-Guaçú e Pardo no Estado de São Paulo. Ele foca a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos do controle da erosão. São descritos e analisados a dinâmica do uso e cobertura das terras, focados nas suas principais forças direcionadoras, tais como a legislação ambiental do país e as mudanças nos preços relativos favorecendo uma forte expansão do cultivo da cana-de-açúcar na região. Esta dinâmica tem importante impacto nas taxas de erosão cujas medidas metodológicas são apresentadas com os resultados obtidos. Para simular esta dinâmica foi desenvolvido um modelo seguindo a metodologia do MIMES. O algoritmo desenvolvido modela as mudanças do uso e cobertura das terras baseado principalmente na força das leis ambientais. Espera-se que esta dinâmica contribua para a restauração dos serviços ecossistêmicos da Bacia Hidrográfica.Modelo de mudanças do uso das terras; valoração dos serviços ecossistêmicos; controle da erosão de solos; modelo dinâmico integrado multi-escala.

    Impactos no solo provocados pela mineração e depósito de rejeitos de carvão mineral

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    The Coal basin of Santa Catarina is located between the towns of Araranguá and Lauro Müller and contains a reserve of mineral coal around 4.3 billion tons, corresponding to 13% of the country total exploitation. Coal mining is done in underground and in surface mines, and both processes lead to environmental problems. Until the late 1990’s, the reject was, in most cases, deposited in open areas close to mining sites or coal beneficiation. Thus, an area of approximately 6,400 hectares was degraded. In January 2000, the Department of Public Prosecution ordered the Union and the Union of Mining Industries to adopt safer rules for the reconstruction of areas still being mined, and to recover areas previously degraded by the activity. The recovery of such areas undergoes primarily the knowledge of key issues that may prevent restoration of ecological functions of impacted soils; these functions depend directly on physical and chemical soil properties. The chemical and physical properties of soils built post-coal mining reflect the inherited variability of geological materials, different construction processes, thickness and degree of layers compaction, degree of material mixing of the geologic column, mixing degree of reject and soil and presence or absence of acid mine drainage. The interaction of these factors results in the complexity and diversity of problems found when attempting to recover the degraded areas of mining coal in Santa Catarina State, Brazil.A bacia carbonífera catarinense encontra-se localizada entre os municípios de Araranguá e Lauro Müller e contém uma reserva de carvão mineral da ordem de 4,3 bilhões de toneladas, o que corresponde a 13% do total do país. A exploração do carvão mineral é feita em minas subterrâneas e a céu aberto. Ambos os processos acarretam em problemas ambientais. Até o final da década de 1990, o estéril ou rejeito era, na maioria dos casos, depositado a céu aberto em áreas próximas aos locais de mineração ou beneficiamento do carvão. Com isso, uma área de aproximadamente 6.400 hectares foi impactada. Em janeiro do ano 2000, o Ministério Público condenou a União e o Sindicato das Indústrias Mineradoras pelo passivo ambiental, obrigando-os a adotar normas mais rígidas de reconstrução das áreas ainda a serem mineradas, além de recuperar as áreas já degradadas anteriormente pela atividade. A recuperação desse passivo ambiental passa primeiramente pelo conhecimento dos principais problemas que podem impedir a restauração das funções ecológicas dos solos impactados, sendo que essas funções dependem diretamente das propriedades físicas e químicas dos solos. As propriedades químicas e físicas dos solos construídos pós-mineração de carvão refletem a variabilidade herdada dos materiais geológicos, dos diferentes processos construtivos, da espessura e grau de compactação das camadas, do grau de mistura dos materiais da coluna geológica, do grau de mistura do estéril com o solo e da presença ou ausência de drenagem ácida de mina. A interação desses fatores resulta na complexidade e diversidade dos problemas encontrados quando da tentativa de recuperação das áreas do passivo ambiental catarinense