264 research outputs found

    Efeitos do tramadol sobre variáveis clínicas e limiar nociceptivo mecânico em equinos

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos clínicos e o potencial antinociceptivo mecânico de diferentes doses de tramadol administradas por via intravenosa (IV) em equinos. Sete animais foram tratados com 1 (Tr1), 2 (Tr2) ou 3 (Tr3) mg kg-1de tramadol IV em um estudo cruzado do tipo cego e randomizado. Foram avaliados frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura retal, pressão arterial, nível de sedação, motilidade gastrointestinal, alterações comportamentais e limiar antinociceptivo mecânico (Von Frey). As principais alterações evidenciadas pela administração do tramadol concentram-se no aumento na frequência respiratória em Tr3, aumento signifi cativo da pressão arterial em Tr1 e redução da motilidade gastrointestinal, mais pronunciada em Tr2. O tramadol não promoveu alteração signifi cativa no limiar nociceptivo mecânico. As alterações clínicas observadas nos diferentes tratamentos foram consideradas leves e transitórias. Diante dos resultados, pode-se concluir que o tramadol não apresentou efeito antinociceptivo passível de ser avaliado pelo método empregado no presente estudo, em nenhum dos tratamentos. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study assessed the clinical effects and the mechanical antinociceptive potential of intravenous (IV) tramadol in horses.A blinded and randomized study was designed with 7 horses treated with 1 (Tr1), 2 (Tr2) or 3 (Tr3) mg kg-1 of tramadol IV. The heart rate, respiratory rate (fR), arterial pressure, degree of sedation, gastrointestinal motility (GI), behavior changes and the mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) were evaluated. The MNT was determined with von Frey device method.Tr3 had a signifi cant increase in their fR and more pronounced behavioral changes than other treatments.The Tr1 showed a signifi cant increase in arterial pressure. The GI reduced signifi cantly, mainly in Tr2. The tramadol did not change the MNT of the horses.The clinical alterations observed with the different treatments were considered mild and transitory, being most evident in Tr2. However the tramadol did not have any analgesic effect with any of the doses evaluated

    Retrospective study of traumatic phimosis in horses and treatment with penis shortening surgery circumcision (1982-2007)

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    Traumatismos no pênis e prepúcio de garanhões são causas comuns de infertilidade nos equinos e entre elas destaca-se a fimose, que, neste estudo retrospectivo, realizado em 367 propriedades rurais, foram encontrados 49 casos da enfermidade, sendo 43 casos de origem traumática e com 12 óbitos. A técnica de circuncisão com encurtamento do pênis foi utilizada para a correção da enfermidade em 20 animais, distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com o protocolo anestésico utilizado. Todos os equinos apresentaram como complicação pós-operatória edema em vários graus, porém diminuindo significativamente em 95% dos animais após o sétimo dia. Assim, concluiu-se que a técnica de circuncisão com encurtamento peniano constitui-se em alternativa viável e eficiente no tratamento de fimose traumática em equinos. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTPenis and prepuce injuries of stallions are common causes of infertility in horses and among them, paraphimosis is featured. This retrospective study was conducted in 367 rural properties and 49 cases were found; 43 of them were traumatic with 12 deaths. The technique of circumcision with shortening of the penis was used for the correction of the disease in 20 animals. They were divided into two groups according to the anesthetic protocol used. All horses had post-operative complications such as edema in various degrees, which decreased significantly in 95% of animals after the seventh day. Thus, it was concluded that the technique of circumcision with penis shortening is an effective alternative in the treatment of traumatic paraphimosis in horses


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    Foram estudadas 207 amostras de soro bovino, colhidas entre dezembro de 1997 e novembro de 1998, com o objetivo de estabelecer a freqüência de anticorpos para o vírus da diarréia viral bovina (BVDV), em bovinos do entorno de Goiânia, através do ensaio imunoenzimático (EIE) e soroneutralização (SN). A prevalência de anticorpos para BVDV encontrada, pela técnica de EIE, foi de 47,83% e, pela SN, de 52,17%, não havendo diferença estatística significativa entre ambas. Considerando a reatividade dos soros em uma ou ambas as técnicas, a prevalência de anticorpos na região foi de 54,11%. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovino, diarréia viral bovina, prevalência, testes sorológicos, pestivírus

    Implante de tendão autógeno do músculo flexor superficial dos dedos no reparo de desvio do pênis de bovinos

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    Dezoito novilhos mestiços, com idade entre 16 e 20 meses, foram submetidos à remoção do ligamento apical do pênis para provocar o seu desvio. Decorridos 60 dias os animais foram colocados em presença de fêmeas em estro, sendo verificado formação de desvios ventral e lateral direito do pênis, com incapacidade de cópula. Os bovinos foram submetidos ao transplante autólogo de um segmento do tendão da porção superficial do músculo flexor superficial dos dedos, sobre a túnica albugínea, substituindo o ligamento apical do pênis removido. Observou-se a presença de poucas células mononucleares, polimorfonucleares e células gigantes e formação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, ocasionando aderências resistentes e capacidade de sustentar a extremidade livre do pênis. Os bovinos, quando em presença de fêmeas em estro, não apresentaram desvio de pênis e modificações do comportamento sexual. A técnica mostrou ser eficaz, podendo ser indicada para corrigir desvio de pênis ventral e lateral de bovinos.In this experiment, 18 hybrid steers, from the ages between 16 and 20 months, were submitted to the removal of the penis apical ligament to provoke a penis deviation. After passed 30 days, to be tested, the animals were put together to the females that were in heat. It was verified the formation of the ventral and right lateral penis deviation with incapacity of the copula. The bovines were submitted to the autologous implant from the one following superficial portion tendon from the superficial flexor fingers muscle, on the top of albuginea tunic, replacing the apical penis ligament removed. The material implanted was well tolerated, appearance a few inflammatory cells and formation of the fibrous conjunctive tissue, causing resistant adherence and capacity of sustaining the free penis extremity. The bovines, when were among the females that were in heat, did not show a penis deviation nor sexual behavior modification. The method revealed itself satisfactory and it can be indicated to correct ventral and right lateral penis deviation in bovines

    Giant Fibrolipoma in the Distal Limb of a Cow

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    Background: Lipomas are adipocytic tumors of slow and expansive growth. They can be classified into several subtypes depending on the tissue present next to the neoplastic adipocytes. One of such subtypes is the fibrolipoma, which is formed by well-differentiated adipocytes and fibrous connective tissue. This neoplasm has been little described in cattle, and rare reports present the treatment and resolution of the case. Thus, the dissemination of cases of fibrolipomas in cattle is essential to help veterinarians diagnose this neoplasm. The present report describes a case of fibrolipoma in the distal pelvic limb of a cow successfully treated by surgical excision. Case: A 4-year-old 3/4 Girolando cow from the municipality of Vazante-MG, Brazil, was treated on the farm. According to the owner, the animal had been showing tumoral growth in the left pelvic limb over the period of 1 year and 3 months. The tumor involved the entire left metatarsus and was 40 x 37 cm, without ulcerations and painless on palpation. A neoplasm was suspected and surgical excision was the chosen approach. The cow was sedated, positioned and restrained in right lateral recumbency for surgery. The operative field was prepared and a subcutaneous locoregional ring block was performed dorsally to the tumor. The tumor mass was excised with a safety margin of 1 cm. After removal, the mass was found to weigh 10.4 kg and to be yellowish-white upon sectioning. Due to the distance between the edges of the surgical wound, skin suture could not be performed. Thus, second-intention healing and wound protection with bandages were the choice of management. In the postoperative period, the adopted treatment consisted of antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin, analgesia with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, daily dressings and wound protection with bandages. The animal did not show postoperative complications and, over 8 months of monitoring after surgery, there was no recurrence of the neoplasm and the cow was in productive activity. Tumor fragments were fixed in 10%buffered formalinand sent for histopathological examination, which revealed a neoplasm of mesenchymal cells in the subcutaneous adipose tissue supported by dense fibrovascular stroma with solid arrangement. A large amount of dense connective tissue was found among the neoplastic cells. In view of these findings, the diagnosis of fibrolipoma was established.Discussion: Fibrolipoma is a benign neoplasm little described in the veterinary literature, especially in cattle, with only 3 cases reported. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first report of this neoplasm in the distal limb of cattle. Fibrolipomas are a rare type of lipoma formed by well-differentiated lipocytes and fibrous tissue. The fibrolipoma described in this report was 40 cm in diameter and weighed 10.4 kg, so it can be classified as a type of giant lipoma, as it was more than 10 cm in diameter and more than 1 kg in weight. In the present report and in others in the medical literature, surgical removal of the fibrolipoma resulted in complete recovery of the patient without postoperative complications. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice in these cases and usually promotes healing. However, surgery must be performed early and the neoplasm must be completely removed. The histological characteristics of the fibrolipoma in this case are similar to those found in other cases in cattle and corroborate the choice for surgical treatment and maintenance of the animal in the herd. Although rare, fibrolipomas should be included in the differential diagnosis of tumors of slow and expansive growth in cattle.Keywords: bovine, adipose tissue, lipoma, neoplasia, surgery.Descritores: bovino, cirurgia, tecido adiposo, lipoma, neoplasia.Título: Fibrolipoma gigante no membro distal de uma vaca

    Different methods of processing thermographic images to evaluate the carpal temperature of healthy calves

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    The aim of this study was to compare three methods of processing thermographic images for the evaluation of carpal temperature in healthy calves. Additionally, we sought to evaluate the thermal symmetry between the contralateral carpi of these calves. Thermographic images were obtained from both carpi of eight healthy calves aged between 20 and 45 days with a mean weight of 38.65 ± 2.27 kg. Using GRAYESS® IRT Analyzer 7 software, the total temperature (Ttot), region-of-interest temperature (Troi), and maximum mean temperature (Tmax) were determined. There was no difference between the temperatures obtained by the Ttot and Troi methods. Tmax showed higher temperatures (p < 0.01) than the other methods. The three image processing methods showed high and significant positive correlations for the temperature of the right and left carpi of healthy calves. Tmax presented a higher correlation coefficient (r = 0.99) than the two other methods, which suggests a greater sensitivity for identifying thermal variations among the contralateral carpi. The 99% confidence interval for the difference between the temperatures of the right and left carpi (Δr-l) was between 0.03 and 0.26°C; thus, a temperature variation within that range does not refer to pathologic processes. Key words: cattle; joint; thermal symmetry; thermograph

    Epidemiological aspects and treatment of tungiasis in cattle from the municipality of Jataí, state of Goiás

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de tungíase em bovinos oriundos de seis propriedades rurais localizadas na região sudoeste do Estado de Goiás. De um total de 550 animais examinados clinicamente, 375 (68%) apresentavam lesões características da tungíase. Constatou-se que as extremidades distais dos membros locomotores, especialmente a zona de crescimento do casco, o espaço interdigital e a região dos talões, foram os locais mais acometidos. Através de enucleação cirúrgica, foram colhidas algumas amostras das lesões para o exame microscópico, que permitiu a identificação morfológica das fêmeas ovígeras de Tunga penetrans. Em 43 vacas, observaram-se também lesões típicas nos tetos, sendo que quatro apresentavam mastite clínica. Alguns animais claudicavam durante a marcha. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study was intended to describe the occurence of tungiasis in cattle from six farm in the southwest of the State of Goiás. 550 cows were submitted to clinical exams, which detected 375 (68%) animal with classical lesions due to tungiasis. The distal parts of the limbs, specially in the growing zone of the roof, and the interdigital tissue were affected mostly. Some lesions were collected by surgical procedure to be submitted to microscopic examinations. Parasites were found within these samples and they were identified by morfological characterization as mature females of Tunga penetrans. 43 cows showed typical lesions in the teats and 4 of those had clinicalmastites. Some animalswere limping

    Residues of antibiotics in integral and standard pasteurized milk produced and commercialized in Goiás, Brazil

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    A presença de antibióticos no leite é um fator de risco para o consumidor, podendo causar alergia, resistência bacteriana e até mesmo choques anafiláticos em indivíduos suscetíveis. Com o objetivo de investigar os resíduos de antibióticos no leite, fez-se um estudo em 533 amostras de leite pasteurizado padronizado em Goiás, no período de junho de 1997 a agosto de 1998. O método foi baseado na difusão de resíduos de antibióticos em ágar, tendo o Bacillus subtilus e o Bacillus stearothermophilus como microrganismos-testes. Embora os resíduos tenham sido somente encontrados em 9,95% das amostras, 32,65% das 98 marcas comerciais mostraram-se positivas. Os resultados indicam que, apesar da baixa ocorrência, a presença desses resíduos comprova que os procedimentos sanitários padronizados, recomendados pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal, não foram seguidos. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe presence of antibiotics in milk is a risk factor for consumers. It may cause allergy, bacterial resistance and even anaphylatic shocks in sensitive individuals. In order to investigate the residues of antibiotics in milk, we performed a study in 533 samples of integral and standard pasteurized milk produced and commercialized in Goiás, Brazil, from June 1997 to August 1998. The method was based on the diffusion of residues of antibiotics in agar with Bacillus subtilus and Bacillus stearothermophilus, which act as testing microrganisms. Although residues were only found in 9,95% of the samples, 32,65% were positive as far as trade marks were concerned. The results indicate that, despite of the low occurrence, the presence of these residues in milk demonstrates that the standard sanitary procedures recommended by the Brazilian Federal Inspection Service have not been followed


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    A fixação dorsal de patela é uma síndrome observada em grandes animais, ocorrendo em bovinos, uni ou bilateralmente, em ambos os sexos e em diferentes idades e raças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de possíveis fatores de risco relacionados à enfermidade em bovinos submetidos a diferentes manejos. O estudo foi realizado em trinta fazendas de criação de bovinos entre janeiro de1998 a agosto de2002, em 41 animais enfermos. Usou-se um questionário constando dados como: resenha,estágio de lactação, de prenhez e grau de parentesco entre os animais, topografia e tipo de solo. Estabeleceram-se escores corporais correlacionando o estado físico e diferentes situações dos animais. Encontraram-se 56% de animais mestiços na faixa etária entre cinco e nove anos coma enfermidade, com maior ocorrência em fêmeas entre dois e três anos e em touros na estação reprodutiva. A enfermidade era mais evidente em animais com escore corporal baixo, em lactação, prenhes e durante a seca. Casos de recuperação espontânea ocorreram no período chuvoso. Observaram-se 76,6% de animais afetados em pastagens de cerrado e 23,4%em pastagens de solo com maior fertilidade. Os índices encontrados sugerem que vários fatores de risco podem contribuir ou estar associados no desencadeamento da fixação dorsal de patela em bovinos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Bovino, sistema locomotor, fixação dorsal de patela, fatores de risco