1,079 research outputs found

    Associations between motor coordination and BMI in normal weight and overweight/obese adolescents

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    Introduction: While evidence suggests that the levels of motor coordination and body mass index (BMI) are positively correlated, little is known about the influence of levels of physical activity on associations between these variables among adolescents. Objective: To analyse the relationships between levels of motor coordination and BMI in normal weight and overweight/obese adolescents, controlling for physical activity levels. Methods: Fifty-six students (50% overweight/obese adolescents), aged 12–14 years old, participated in this study. The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children and the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder were used in order to assess the levels of physical activity and motor coordination, respectively. Bivariate and partial correlations were used to analyse the interrelationships among motor coordination, BMI and physical activity. The analysis of covariance test was used in order to compare the levels of motor coordination between normal weight and overweight adolescents, considering the physical activity level as a covariate. Results: Weak to moderate negative correlations (p < 0.05) were found between motor coordination and BMI in the sample as a whole, normal weight and overweight/obese groups. However, when controlled for physical activity levels. no significant correlation was observed in the normal weight group. Further, overweight/obese adolescents showed lower levels of motor coordination than their normal weight peers Conclusion: Physical activity levels infl uence the association between levels of motor coordination and BMI in normal weight adolescents, but not in their overweight/obese peers

    Relationships Between Motor Coordination And Academic Achievement In Middle School Children

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 9(5): 616-624, 2016. Although it is recognized that children with a marked impairment in the development of motor coordination may show difficulty in gaining academic achievement, research examining the relationship between gross motor coordination and academic achievement in children without intellectual disabilities is limited. This study aimed to examine whether gross motor coordination is associated with academic achievement among children. Middle school children (n=122) were recruited. Writing, reading, and mathematics performance were used to attribute academic achievement. Gross motor coordination was assessed using the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder test. Pearson and partial correlations were used to analyze associations between gross motor coordination and academic achievement, controlling for physical activity. Bivariate correlations revealed no significant associations between gross motor coordination and academic achievement scores in both boys and girls. On the other hand, gross motor coordination scores were significantly correlated with writing performance when controlled for physical activity levels, in boys. Our findings question whether motor coordination scores are really associated with academic achievement scores among middle school children

    O Ente Racional Enquanto Incontinente

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    O fito nesta monografia é expor o ente racional enquanto incontinente: com sua incontinência tal qual remonta a Aristóteles e Santo Tomás de Aquino. Mas apresentar, de início, a ordem das potências da alma, bem como galgá-las uma a uma, a fim de atingir este ou aquele âmbito do incontinente, é a via fundamental que sedimenta o atinente trabalho. Estas potências da alma, entretanto, são os degraus estruturantes, pois sem as tais tornaria esta exposição lacunar e peremptoriamente amputada da sua ordem natural. Em nossa exposição partiremos ao lado de Aristóteles, ou seja, usando-o como suporte basilar para discorrer acerca do estudo empreendido pelo Doutor Comum, ora sobre certa estrutura interna do ente racional, ora sobre a incontinência, uma vez que, do contrário, o aprofundamento ao modelo do ente humano no Santo Doutor estaria doutrinalmente incompleto. Contudo, arrolar os argumentos dos Filósofos aludidos em questão é, por assim dizer, um dos primados ao longo desta monografia


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    The aim of this work was to: (i) review the current state of art about the strength of hip and lumbo-pelvic muscles in patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), (ii) examine and (iii) establish considerations of the findings of the studies. Several databases were searched from 1980 to 2009 containing keywords related to PFPS and strength of Core muscles. After application of inclusion/exclusion criteria, 12 studies were selected in the literature search. The results suggest that most part of the studies found indicated that PFPS group showed a decreased ability to generate force, mainly by hip abductors, extensors and external rotators and trunk lateral flexors. These results point to a demand for training of these muscles during rehabilitation. None of these studies demonstrated a causal relationship between strength and appearance of PFPS


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    The aim of this study is to identify the differences in the movement patterns of beginners and advanced climbers, according to quantitative parameters. In order to do so, climbers (n=17) of a variety of skill levels were analyzed as they climbed up the test routes. From this, the following conclusions were drawn: beginner climbers (n=11) require very much the aid of tactic and visual information to elaborate their responses, whereas more experienced climbers (n=6) are able to anticipate their response only with the aid of visual information. This characteristic was conveyed through the greater amount of hand movements performed by the beginners, as well as a longer period of time required to ascend the test routes

    O Diagrama de Corpo Livre como recurso de avaliação da aprendizagem significativa da Biomecânica em um curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física

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    A Biomecânica é uma disciplina de natureza interdisciplinar, comumente percebida como de difícil compreensão pelos graduandos e, ao que parece, ainda pouco utilizada no cotidiano profissional de professores de Educação Física. Cientes de que congrega informações essenciais à prática desse profissional, procuramos compreender, neste estudo de caso, de abordagem qualitativa, o processo de aprendizagem significativa de conceitos necessários para a adequada elaboração do Diagrama de Corpo Livre. Os sujeitos da investigação foram os alunos da disciplina Biomecânica do curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física de uma Universidade pública do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Assumimos a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa como marco teórico e a observação participante como estratégia metodológica. Além das notas de campo, tomamos como registros as respostas de um questionário e de quatro testes realizados durante e após a disciplina que, conforme natureza, foram categorizadas. Os resultados sugeriram que, no continuum aprendizagem mecânica–significativa, a aprendizagem realizada tendia à primeira, apesar do evidente avanço do conhecimento dos alunos, o qual, em relação ao conjunto das atividades realizadas, pareceu-nos aquém do esperado para o nível do curso

    Alterações nos caracteres de peso, volume e densidade dos grãos de milho (Zea mays L.) provocadas pela seleção segundo o tamanho do embrião

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    Nos métodos de seleção comumente empregados para elevar o conteúdo de óleo nos grãos de milho se verifica alterações morfológicas, principalmente a redução de seu peso, devido ao balanço energético fisiológico entre o óleo e o carboidrato presentes nos grãos. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar as alterações em peso, volume e densidade dos grãos provocado pelo emprego do método de seleção entre famílias de meios irmãos para produtividade e dentro das famílias seleção visual para embrião grande, visando a obtenção de germoplasmas com alta produtividade de grãos e elevado conteúdo em óleo nos seus grãos. Para tanto, foi usado sementes S1 da população Alto Óleo onde foi feito seleção entre e dentro de famílias para produtividade e tamanho do embrião, respectivamente; e a população Original, onde somente foi realizado seleção entre e dentro de famílias para produtividade. O tipo de seleção empregada não provocou redução nos caracteres de peso e volume de 100 grãos, e sim, uma tendência para aumentar estas características na população Alto Óleo em relação à população Original. Para o caráter densidade dos grãos, embora estatisticamente não significativo, houve uma redução. Esta redução foi devido que o método seletivo usado na população Alto Óleo foi mais eficiente para o aumento do volume dos grãos do que para o peso desses.Among the selection procedures applied to increase the oil content of corn grain, seems that some morpho-logical changing takes place during the process and a reduction in kernel weight can be detected. One reason to explain this situation is that inherent with the net balance disturbance between oil and carbohydrate content in the grain. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the changing in kernel weight, volume and density done by the selection procedure applied among and within half sib families in order to increase the yielding and the germ size. Seeds of S1 ears from the Original and High Oil population were used. The selection procedure did not reduce the 100 kernel weight and volume but a tendency to increase these characteristics in the High Oil population was found. A certain degree in reduction was detected for kernel density. This was done because the method of selection used in the High Oil population had a greater efficiency to increase the kernel volume than that for kernel weight

    Seleção para tamanho do embrião relacionada com o teor de óleo do grão de milho (Zea mays L.)

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    To get corn with higher yielding and oil content, the population ESALQ-VD-2 was submited to a breeding program where the selection among half sib families were carried out mainly for yielding and within families, a mass selection was applied in order to increase the germ size, since the oil content is highly correlated with the germ enlargement. The present work had been done with the intention to evaluate the breeding procedure used, by measuring the progress in the oil content of the grain after five cycles of selection. To avoid any pollen effect seeds of S1 ears were used and comparisons were done between two populations, the Original and the High Oil. The Original population was obtained through a selection among and within families only for productivity. The High Oil population besides the selection among families for productivity, had a mass selection applied to increase the germ size. The breeding response under the selection scheme led to an increasing progress in the oil content of the High Oil population and a 1.44% of oil per cycle was detected.Para a obtenção de milho com elevada produtividade de grãos e alto conteúdo em óleo, realizou-se na população ESALQ-VD-2, seleção para produtividade entre famílias de meios irmãos e seleção visual para embrião grande dentro dessas famílias, pois a porcentagem de óleo apresenta estreita relação com o tamanho do embrião. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o método de seleção empregado, através da porcentagem de óleo, após cinco ciclos de seleção. A fim de evitar possíveis efeitos da fonte polinizadora, usou-se sementes S1. Foram comparadas, entre si, a população Original onde se efetuou seleção entre e dentro de famílias de meios irmãos para produtividade e, a população Alto Óleo onde, além da seleção entre famílias de meios irmãos para produtividade realizou-se seleção visual para embrião grande dentro das famílias. Este sistema usado permitiu elevar o conteúdo de óleo nos grãos de milho, promovendo um ganho médio, por ciclo, de 1,44% na população Alto Óleo em relação à população Original


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    This study aimed to compare the level of co-contraction of shank muscles during five different types of instability. Six healthy male adults performed ten balance exercises, five double leg and five single leg, while myoelectric activity of tibialis anterior and soleus was collected. Significant differences were identified in the level of muscular co-contraction between exercises performed on the BOSU and exercises performed without instability devices. It is conclude that there is a trend toward progression of balance exercises to increase the joint ankle stability, allowing physical therapists and physical educators to develop more efficient training programs aiming at improving levels of MCC and prevent injuries

    Motor coordination during gait after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review of the literature

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    AbstractTo investigate the state of art about motor coordination during gait in patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Searches were carried out, limited from 1980 to 2010, in various databases with keywords related to motor coordination, gait and ACL injury. From the analysis of titles and applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria 24 studies were initially selected and, after reading the abstract, eight studies remained in the final analysis. ACL deficient patients tend to have a more rigid and less variable gait, while injured patients with ACL reconstruction have less rigid and more variable gait with respect to healthy individuals. The overall results suggest the existence of differences in motor coordination between the segments with intact and those with injured knee, regardless of ligament reconstruction. ACL injured patients present aspects related to the impairment of the capability to adapt the gait pattern to different environmental conditions, possibly leading to premature knee degeneration. However, the techniques used for biomechanical gait data processing are limited with respect to obtaining information that leads to the development of intervention strategies aimed at the rehabilitation of that injury, since it is not possible to identify the location within the gait cycle where the differences could be explained