561 research outputs found

    Estratigrafía y ambientes deposicionales de la Cuenca Bauru (Cretácico superior, Brasil)

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    The Upper Cretaceous Bauru Basin developed in the south-central part of the South American Plate resulting from the thermo-mechanical subsidence processes which followed the break-up of Gondwana and the opening of the Southern Atlantic Ocean (Figs. 1 to 3). In this inland basin it was developed an essentially sandy, 300 m thick siliciclastic, alluvial and aeolian dominated sequence (red beds), the so called Cretaceous Suprabasaltic Sequence -¡.e. "Secuencia Suprabasáltica Cretácica" (SSC). This sequence presently occurs in a very extensive area of 370,000 km2 and unconformably overlies the mainly basaltic Neocomian Paraná Volcanic Floods (Sena Geral Formation), from which it is separated by an erosive surface (Figs. 4 and 5). The sequence deposits extend between 18OS and 24OS latitudes and 47OW and 56OW longitudes covering parts of the states of SEO Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Goiás in Brazil. It also occurs in northeastem Paraguay. A stratigraphic review of the whole SSC, based on studies developed mainly on the southwestern part of the basin is shown in this paper which also deals with the structural, paleoclimatic and paleogeographic settings of the basin. The sedimeniological features, depositional environments and paleogeographic distribution of the defined stratigraphic units is analyzed, as well as their general resulting implications on the paleobiological record (Figs. 5 to 7). The sequence is formed by two synchronous groups, the aeolian dominated Caiuá Group and the alluvial dominated Bauru Group. and was deposited in an asymmemcal closed basin, which underwent climatic conditions ranging from semi-and at its margins to dessertic in the inner basin zones. Alluvial sedimentation in the Bauru basin was simultaneous with the progressive uplift of its margins, constituted by tectonic uplifts which separated the basin from other neighbouring cretaceous basins. Life in the Bauru Basin developed best in areas with largest water supply, such as in the broad braid plains, where ephemeral carbonate water shallow lakes and ponds developed. Reptiles (mainly dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles) dwelled there. Increasing aridity resulted in the gradual reduction in the paleobiological diversity as recorded in the inner, central basinal aeolian dominated units, with an almost complete lack of fossils in the sand sea deposits of the central paleodessert

    Estratigrafía y ambientes deposicionales de la Cuenca Bauru (Cretácico superior, Brasil)

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    The Upper Cretaceous Bauru Basin developed in the south-central part of the South American Plate resulting from the thermo-mechanical subsidence processes which followed the break-up of Gondwana and the opening of the Southern Atlantic Ocean (Figs. 1 to 3). In this inland basin it was developed an essentially sandy, 300 m thick siliciclastic, alluvial and aeolian dominated sequence (red beds), the so called Cretaceous Suprabasaltic Sequence -¡.e. "Secuencia Suprabasáltica Cretácica" (SSC). This sequence presently occurs in a very extensive area of 370,000 km2 and unconformably overlies the mainly basaltic Neocomian Paraná Volcanic Floods (Sena Geral Formation), from which it is separated by an erosive surface (Figs. 4 and 5). The sequence deposits extend between 18OS and 24OS latitudes and 47OW and 56OW longitudes covering parts of the states of SEO Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Goiás in Brazil. It also occurs in northeastem Paraguay. A stratigraphic review of the whole SSC, based on studies developed mainly on the southwestern part of the basin is shown in this paper which also deals with the structural, paleoclimatic and paleogeographic settings of the basin. The sedimeniological features, depositional environments and paleogeographic distribution of the defined stratigraphic units is analyzed, as well as their general resulting implications on the paleobiological record (Figs. 5 to 7). The sequence is formed by two synchronous groups, the aeolian dominated Caiuá Group and the alluvial dominated Bauru Group. and was deposited in an asymmemcal closed basin, which underwent climatic conditions ranging from semi-and at its margins to dessertic in the inner basin zones. Alluvial sedimentation in the Bauru basin was simultaneous with the progressive uplift of its margins, constituted by tectonic uplifts which separated the basin from other neighbouring cretaceous basins. Life in the Bauru Basin developed best in areas with largest water supply, such as in the broad braid plains, where ephemeral carbonate water shallow lakes and ponds developed. Reptiles (mainly dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles) dwelled there. Increasing aridity resulted in the gradual reduction in the paleobiological diversity as recorded in the inner, central basinal aeolian dominated units, with an almost complete lack of fossils in the sand sea deposits of the central paleodessert

    The Value of Being Innovative in Information Technology

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    We developed this paper in order to better understand the effects of being innovative in the use of Information Technology (IT). Through a measure for listed companies that are innovative in IT use, we developed a quantitative analysis considering the investments made by institutional investors in these companies. As institutional investors, the sample includes observations from 2,880 mutual funds, since managers of these funds are presumed to be experts in choosing good companies to invest financial resources. Regarding the companies’ stocks, the final sample of this study is comprised of 592 observations during the period from 2013 to 2015. The main result obtained in this paper indicates that “innovative companies in IT use” receive more investments from institutional investors when compared with the other firms. These results are robust to other variables presented by academic literature as relevant factors to understand resources allocation in financial market


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    A Bacia Bauru é uma bacia continental interior do Neocretáceo (Coniaciano-Maastrichtiano), desenvolvida no centro-sul da Plataforma Sul-Americana. Acumulou uma seqüência sedimentar essencialmente arenosa, que ocorre em área de cerca de 370.000 km2. Tem por substrato rochas vulcânicas, sobretudo basaltos da Formação Serra Geral (Cretáceo Inferior). A área do mapa corresponde à parte oriental da bacia, com cerca de 180.000 km2. A seqüência neocretácea é composta por dois grupos cronocorrelatos: Caiuá (formações Rio Paraná, Goio Erê e Santo Anastácio) e Bauru (formações Uberaba, Vale do Rio do Peixe, Araçatuba, São José do Rio Preto, Presidente Prudente e Marília, incluindo os Analcimitos Taiúva). LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC MAP OF THE BAURU BASIN EASTERN PART (PR, SP, MG), SCALE 1:1.000.000 Extended Abstract The Bauru Basin is a Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Maastrichtian) interior continental basin developed as a result of subsidence of the central-southern part of the South-American Platform. It spreads over an area of approximately 370,000 km2 and is filled by a sandy sequence with a preserved maximum thickness of 300 meters. The substratum is made up of volcanic rocks (mainly basalts) of the Serra Geral Formation (Early Cretaceous). The map area corresponds to the eastern part of the basin, with about 180,000 km2 (west of São Paulo, southwest of Minas Gerais, northwest of Paraná), located between the coordinates 18°S to 25° S and 47° W to 54° W (Figure 1). The Upper Cretaceous sequence is composed by two partially contemporaneous groups (Figure 2): Caiuá (Rio Paraná, Goio Erê and Santo Anastácio formations) and Bauru (Uberaba, Vale do Rio do Peixe, Araçatuba, São José do Rio Preto, Presidente Prudente, and Marília formations, including the Taiúva analcimites). The intensification of the tectonic activities at the north-northeastern and eastern margins, and probably also at the northwestern margin, caused significant changes in the paleogeographic scenario, promoting progradation of alluvial fans. At the same time, climatic changes increased the humidity in the marginal zones. These changes mark the beginning of the sedimentary phase during which important fluvial systems from northeast to southwest were established between the marginal zone and the inland Caiuá Desert. During the uplift of the margins, the intrusion of several alkaline magmatic bodies cause extrusive magmatism near the eastern border (Taiúva analcimites), as well as localized silicification in the southern border. All known fossil occurrences are located in the eastern part of the basin and were paleogeographically controlled. They comprise bone remains, mainly from reptiles -crocodiles, turtles, dinossaurs -, as well as amphibians, fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, and oogones of charophytic algae. The main occurrences are from fluvial flood plain deposits and ephemeral lagoons in the interior of the basin, as well as from those of braided water flows and lagoons located in zones of marginal alluvial fans. In the interior of the basin the hot desertic condition prevailed during the two phases of sedimentation


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    The Bauru Basin covers an area of about 370.000 km2, occurring in São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Goiás states in Brazil, and also in the northeast of Paraguay. These upper Cretaceous sequence correspond to a semi-arid to arid climate and is divided in two groups, Bauru and Caiuá. The first one has the major record of fossils, being the focus of the taphonomic study. Field trips to Marília and Monte Alto municipalities (São Paulo State) and also to Uberaba city (Minas Gerais State) were made to check the depositional context and collect fossiliferous material. Vertebrate collections were visited, as the Museu de Paleontologia from Marília and Monte Alto (SP), Museu de Paleontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, as well as Museu dos Dinossauros, Centro de Pesquisas Paleontológicas Llewellyn Ivor Price from Peirópolis (MG). Four biostratinomic classes related to articulated/disarticulated fossils were identified in Vale do Rio Peixe, Uberaba, Marília, São José do Rio Preto and Presidente Prudente formations. Class I represents articulated and almost complete specimens, corresponding mainly to turtles and crocodiles. Class II comprises partially articulated specimens of skull and jaw fossils, or sequences of vertebrae. Classes I and II were recorded in Vale do Rio do Peixe, Marília (Serra da Galga Member) and Presidente Prudente formations. Class III is represented by isolated bones, and Class IV by fragmented bones. These two last classes appear in all units of the basin. For diagenetic analysis, 19 thin sections were made showing that, in general, the bone structure is well preserved, with spatic calcite filling the bone and the presence of the original phosphatic material. Marília Formation, on Echaporã Member, is the most different unit of the basin, being more carbonatic. The study of thin sections, considering the osseous structure and the biostratinomic analysis, match with the paleoenvironmental contextualization

    Risk of Credit Cooperatives: An analysis based on the profile of the cooperated

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    This work has as purpose to analyze among the credit operations, those that generate larger breach of contract risk for the cooperative, with base in the profile of the cooperated, and to identify which the strategies can be pointed to avoid possible flaws in the next credit analyses. The work was divided in three stages. The first stage refers to the National Financial System, with the objective of demonstrating as in him the Cooperatives of Credit are inserted. The second stage approaches the System of Cooperative Credit, it presents that form is structured and his/her hierarchical level. The third stage treats of the System of Risk of Credit, in the which the risk, administration and the models of credit evaluation will be analyzed. It was verified that the most appropriate models for analysis of the Cooperatives of Credit are Credit Scoring Models and Credit Bureau, us which, through statistical techniques as the analysis discriminante and regression logistics, the characteristics of considered credits of larger breach of contract risk were demonstrated. The analysis based on identifying the "worse customer", because this generates larger breach of contract risk and it influences in the financial administration. It was ended that the most relevant variables to identify the breach of contract risk were the rude monthly income and the value liberated in the credit concession, because the largest concentration of breach of contract risk

    A Supersequência Bauru no Paraná, revisão cartográfica e cronoestratigráfica

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    A Supersequência Bauru (Cenomaniano-Maastrichtiano) é representada no noroeste do Paraná, quase que exclusivamente, por duas formações do Grupo Caiuá: Rio Paraná e Goio Erê. As formações Santo Anastácio (Grupo Caiuá) e Vale do Rio do Peixe (Grupo Bauru) ali ocorrem em área relativamente menor. No estado, a supersequência corresponde a depósitos de trato de sistemas deposicionais eólicos, do antigo Deserto Caiuá. Apresenta-se aqui o traçado refinado do contato entre as formações Rio Paraná e Goio Erê, decorrente de contribuição dos autores ao novo mapa geológico do Paraná. O mapa foi elaborado pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (SGB-CPRM), em cooperação com a Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e o Instituto Água e Terra. O artigo traz síntese da evolução do conhecimento e da cartografia da Supersequência Bauru, incluindo atualização cronoestratigráfica. Essa última feita com base em novos dados paleontológicos de vertebrados encontrados no noroeste do Paraná, palinológicos e geocronológicos absolutos de magmatismo alcalino contemporâneo à sedimentação; e correlações com a Bacia de Santos. Ao final é apresentado um roteiro de geossítios representativos das unidades litoestratigráficas, estruturas sedimentares e sítios paleontológicos relevantes.

    A Supersequência Bauru no Paraná, revisão cartográfica e cronoestratigráfica

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    A Supersequência Bauru (Cenomaniano-Maastrichtiano) é representada no noroeste do Paraná, quase que exclusivamente, por duas formações do Grupo Caiuá: Rio Paraná e Goio Erê. As formações Santo Anastácio (Grupo Caiuá) e Vale do Rio do Peixe (Grupo Bauru) ali ocorrem em área relativamente menor. No estado, a supersequência corresponde a depósitos de trato de sistemas deposicionais eólicos, do antigo Deserto Caiuá. Apresenta-se aqui o traçado refinado do contato entre as formações Rio Paraná e Goio Erê, decorrente de contribuição dos autores ao novo mapa geológico do Paraná. O mapa foi elaborado pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (SGB-CPRM), em cooperação com a Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e o Instituto Água e Terra. O artigo traz síntese da evolução do conhecimento e da cartografia da Supersequência Bauru, incluindo atualização cronoestratigráfica. Essa última feita com base em novos dados paleontológicos de vertebrados encontrados no noroeste do Paraná, palinológicos e geocronológicos absolutos de magmatismo alcalino contemporâneo à sedimentação; e correlações com a Bacia de Santos. Ao final é apresentado um roteiro de geossítios representativos das unidades litoestratigráficas, estruturas sedimentares e sítios paleontológicos relevantes. The Bauru Supersequence (Cenomanian-Maastrichtian) is represented in northwest Paraná, almost exclusively, by two formations of the Caiuá Group: Paraná River and Goio Erê. The Santo Anastácio (Caiuá Group) and Vale do Rio do Peixe (Bauru Group) formations occur there in a relatively smaller area. In the state, the supersequence corresponds to deposits of an aeolian depositional systems tract, from the ancient Caiuá desert. The refined trace of the contact between the Rio Paraná and Goio Erê formations are presented here, resulting from the authors’ contribution to the new geological map of Paraná. The map was prepared by the Geological Survey of Brazil (SGB-CPRM), in cooperation with Universidade Federal do Paraná and Instituto Água e Terra. This article summarizes the evolution of knowledge and cartography of the Bauru Supersequence, including a chronostratigraphic update. The latter, based on new paleontological data from vertebrates found in northwest Paraná, palynological, and absolute geochronological data of alkaline magmatism contemporary to sedimentation, and correlations with the Santos Basin. At the end, a roadmap of representative geosites of lithostratigraphic units, sedimentary structures, and relevant paleontological sites is presented

    Efficiency comparison of different DC-DC converter architectures for a power supply of a LiDAR system

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    LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a technology used to meas-ure distances to objects. Internally, a LiDAR system is constituted by several components, including a power supply, which is responsible to provide the dis-tinct voltage levels necessary for all the components. In this context, this paper presents an efficiency comparison of three different DC-DC converter architec-tures for a LiDAR system, each one composed of three DC-DC converters: in parallel; in cascade; and hybrid (mix of parallel and cascade). The topology of the adopted integrated DC-DC converters is the synchronous buck Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS), which is a modified version of the basic buck SMPS topology. Three distinct SMPSs were considered: LM5146-Q1, LM5116, and TPS548A20RVER. These SMPSs were selected according to the require-ments of voltage levels, namely, 12 V, 5 V, and 3.3 V. Along the paper, the prin-ciple of operation of the SMPSs is presented, as well as the evaluation results obtained for different operating powers, allowing to establish a comprehensive efficiency comparison.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, and also European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 037902; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-037902]

    Corrosion resistance evaluation of AISI 420 steel deposited by various thermal spray process

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    Entre as técnicas utilizadas no melhoramento de desempenho de materiais, a deposição na superfície de componentes pode ser eficaz para recuperação de elementos desgastados. Os processos de aspersão térmica, devido a sua versatilidade, quanto à aplicação, tipos de camadas e espessuras, constituem-se numa forma bastante adequada na obtenção de camadas de elevada dureza para proteção ou reparo do componente base, sendo possível revestir substratos metálicos com polímeros, metais ou cerâmicas. Entre esses processos, destacam-se: HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel), Arc-spray (arco elétrico) e Flame-spray (chama-pó). A seleção de um aço inoxidável, para aplicação, envolve algumas considerações como resistência à corrosão da liga, propriedades mecânicas, fabricabilidade e custo. Nesse trabalho foram usadas amostras do aço AISI 1045, revestidas, com aço inoxidável AISI 420, por meio das técnicas de Arc-Spray, HVOF e Flame-Spray, para o estudo comparativo de suas resistências à corrosão em água do mar, visando à produção de peças de menor custo, em comparação com peças maciças desse aço. Os melhores desempenhos em termos de dureza, porosidade e resistência à corrosão ocorreram na seguinte seqüência crescente: Flame-Spray, Arc-Spray, e HVOF.Among the techniques used to improve materials performance, deposition on the surface of components is a proper way of recovering worn elements. Thermal spraying processes were developed during the last few years and they are a very suitable method to obtain layers with high hardness for protecting or repairing the base component. Employing these processes, it is possible to overlay metallic substrates with polymers, metals and ceramics. Among these processes are: HVOF, Arc-Spray and Flame-Spray. The selection of a particular type of stainless steel for an application involves some considerations, as the corrosion resistance of the alloy, mechanical properties, manufacture feasibility and cost. In this work, used were samples of AISI 1045 steel, coated with stainless steel AISI 420, using the techniques of Arc-Spray, HVOF and Flame-Spray for the comparative study of their corrosion resistance in sea water, aimed at producing low-cost alternative pieces, compared with massive pieces of steel. The best performances in terms of hardness, porosity levels and corrosion resistance of the layers occurred in the following sequence growing: Flame-Spray, Arc-Spray, and HVOF.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNP