362 research outputs found

    Criminal Compliance en las Empresas Constructoras para prevenir ac-tos de Lavado de Activos

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    The purpose of the investigation was to demonstrate that Criminal Compliance in construction companies, has as philosophical support, the validity of the norm and social control, as well as socio-legal support, is justified in the trust of the companies' self-regulatory system, to achieve exemption from criminal responsibility. To achieve the objectives, it began with the observation of standard cases (cassation in criminal matters), then it was contrasted with the current regulation, and in the discussion the interpretation provided by the specialized doctrine of recent date was used. The problem statement was formulated as follows: What is the philosophical, socio-legal basis of Criminal Compliance in construction companies, as a self-regulatory model for the prevention of money laundering acts in Peru? Finally, the contribution of this investigation consisted in providing theoretical and practical support for criminal compliance, while its affirmation as a self-regulatory system, capable of preventing risks of money laundering acts, within the business organization depends on it.El propósito de la investigación, fue demostrar que el Criminal Compliance en las empresas constructoras, tiene como sustento filosófico, la vigencia de la norma y control social, así como el sustento socio-jurídico, se justifica en la confianza del sistema autorregulativo de las empresas, para lograr la exoneración de responsabilidad penal. Para lograr los objetivos, se inició con la observación de casos tipo (casación en materia penal), luego se contrastó con la regulación vigente, y en la discusión se utilizó la interpretación brindada por la doctrina especializada de reciente data. El planteamiento del problema, se formuló de la manera siguiente: ¿Cuál es el sustento filosófico, socio-jurídico del Criminal Compliance en las empresas constructoras, como modelo autorregulativo de prevención de actos de lavado de activos en el Perú? Por último, el aporte de la presente investigación, consistió en dar sustento teórico y práctico del criminal compliance, en tanto que, de ello depende su afirmación como sistema autorregulativo, capaz de prevenir riesgos de actos de lavado de activos, dentro de la organización empresarial

    The Representation Jensen-Shannon Divergence

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    Statistical divergences quantify the difference between probability distributions finding multiple uses in machine-learning. However, a fundamental challenge is to estimate divergence from empirical samples since the underlying distributions of the data are usually unknown. In this work, we propose the representation Jensen-Shannon Divergence, a novel divergence based on covariance operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). Our approach embeds the data distributions in an RKHS and exploits the spectrum of the covariance operators of the representations. We provide an estimator from empirical covariance matrices by explicitly mapping the data to an RKHS using Fourier features. This estimator is flexible, scalable, differentiable, and suitable for minibatch-based optimization problems. Additionally, we provide an estimator based on kernel matrices without having an explicit mapping to the RKHS. We show that this quantity is a lower bound on the Jensen-Shannon divergence, and we propose a variational approach to estimate it. We applied our divergence to two-sample testing outperforming related state-of-the-art techniques in several datasets. We used the representation Jensen-Shannon divergence as a cost function to train generative adversarial networks which intrinsically avoids mode collapse and encourages diversity

    On the relationship between pump chirp and single-photon chirp in spontaneous parametric downconversion

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    We study the chronocyclic character, i.e. the joint temporal and spectral properties, of the single-photon constituents of photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion. In particular we study how single photon properties, including purity and single-photon chirp, depend on photon pair properties, including the type of signal-idler spectral and correlations and the level of pump chirp.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    DiME: Maximizing Mutual Information by a Difference of Matrix-Based Entropies

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    We introduce an information-theoretic quantity with similar properties to mutual information that can be estimated from data without making explicit assumptions on the underlying distribution. This quantity is based on a recently proposed matrix-based entropy that uses the eigenvalues of a normalized Gram matrix to compute an estimate of the eigenvalues of an uncentered covariance operator in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We show that a difference of matrix-based entropies (DiME) is well suited for problems involving the maximization of mutual information between random variables. While many methods for such tasks can lead to trivial solutions, DiME naturally penalizes such outcomes. We compare DiME to several baseline estimators of mutual information on a toy Gaussian dataset. We provide examples of use cases for DiME, such as latent factor disentanglement and a multiview representation learning problem where DiME is used to learn a shared representation among views with high mutual information

    Análisis emergético del policultivo de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) y bocachico (Prochilodus sp.) en la estación piscicola Vai, municipio de el Doncello – Caquetá - Colombia

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    El concepto de emergía fue utilizados para evaluar la sustentabilidad ambiental de la producción en policultivo de las especies Cachama Blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) y Bocachico (Prochilodus sp.) en la Estación Piscícola Vai, ubicada en el Municipio de El Doncello, Departamento del Caquetá – Colombia, con datos suministrados por la Asociación de Acuicultores del Caquetá, ACUICA. La emergía se define como la energía disponible usada en el trabajo de fabricación de un producto o servicio. Valores de 73,7% para el índice de renovabilidad, 1520000 sej/J para la transformidad, 3,842 para la razón de producción emergética, 0,352 para razón de inversión emergética, 0,356 para la razón de carga ambiental y 2,966 para la razón de cambio emergético fueron obtenidos para el sistema en estudio. Se encontró que la producción de cachama tiene una alta dependencia de recursos naturales renovables y presenta mejores índices de renovabilidad que otros sistemas pecuarios ya estudiados (Ortega, Queiroz, Boyd, Ferraz, 2000). Esto implica el desarrollo de una política pública de protección ambiental que contribuyan a la conservación de las fuentes superficiales de agua, que es el recurso natural renovable que más emergía aporta al sistema productivo

    Clinical use of the parasympathetic tone activity index as a measurement of postoperative analgaesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy

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    El articulo ya esta aceptado y sale publicado en el volumen de marzo que es el primero de este año 2021. Adjunto link http://jvetres.piwet.pulawy.pl/index.php/archive-pdf-a-abstractsAbstract Introduction: While the current tools to assess canine postoperative pain using physiological and behavioural parameters are reliable, an objective method such as the parasympathetic tone activity (PTA) index could improve postoperative care. The aim of the study was to determine the utility of the PTA index in assessing postoperative analgaesia. Material and Methods: Thirty healthy bitches of different breeds were randomly allocated into three groups for analgaesic treatment: the paracetamol group (GPARAC, n = 10) received 15 mg/kg b.w., the carprofen group (GCARP, n = 10) 4 mg/kg b.w., and the meloxicam group (GMELOX, n = 10) 0.2 mg/kg b.w. for 48 h after surgery. GPARAC was medicated orally every 8 h, while GCARP and GMELOX were medicated intravenously every 24 h. The PTA index was used to measure the analgaesia–nociception balance 1 h before surgery (baseline), and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, and 48 h after, at which times evaluation on the University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) was made. Results: The baseline PTA index was 65 ± 8 for GPARAC, 65 ± 7 for GCARP, and 62 ± 5 for GMELOX. Postoperatively, it was 65 ± 9 for GPARAC, 63 ± 8 for GCARP, and 65 ± 8 for GMELOX. No statistically significant difference existed between baseline values or between values directly after treatments (P = 0.99 and P = 0.97, respectively). The PTA index showed a sensitivity of 40%, specificity of 98.46% and a negative predictive value of 99.07%. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the PTA index measures comfort and postoperative analgaesia objectively, since it showed a clinical relationship with the UMPS

    Preliminary report on the July 10–11, 2015 explosive eruption at Volcán de Colima: Pyroclastic density currents with exceptional runouts and volume

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.11.022Reporte preliminar acerca de una de las últimas etapas eruptivas de Volcán de Colima, análisis realizado a partir de técnicas de percepción remotaOn July 10–11, 2015 an eruption occurred at Colima volcano produced 10.5 km long pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) along the Montegrande, and 6.5 km long along the San Antonio ravines. The summit dome was destroyed and a new crater excavated and breached to the south. This new breach connects to a narrow channel that descends along Colima's southern flank and was used by a subsequent lava flow. The Montegrande PDCs represent the longest and hottest flow of this type recorded during the past 30 years but are still smaller in comparison to the 15-km long PDCs produced during the 1913 Plinian eruption. Data obtained from field reconnaissance, lahar monitoring stations, and satellite imagery suggest that at least six PDCs occurred. The two largest PDCs (H/L 0.2) were able to surmount topographic barriers or bends. Based on field reconnaissance and digital elevation models extracted from SPOT satellite imageries we estimate a minimum volume for the valley-pond and distal fan deposits of 4.5 × 106 m3. After one week, the deposits were still hot with burning trees on the surface and millimeter-sized holes from which fumes were emanating. The juvenile components of the deposits consist of gray dense blocks and vesicular dark-gray blocks and bombs with bread-crust textures and cooling joints. The mineral association of these rocks consists of plagioclase + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + FeTi-oxides ± olivine and resorbed hornblende in a dark glassy matrix that corresponds to an andesitic composition.CONACY

    Pirólisis catalítica de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFU) mediante catalizadores de H₃PW₁₂O₄₀/TiO₂: distribución de productos a microescala y escala de laboratorio

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    En este trabajo, la selectividad hacía la formación de alquilbencenos fue evaluada sobre catalizadores basados en H₃PW₁₂O₄₀ (TPA) soportados en TiO₂, durante la reacción de pirólisis catalítica de NFU llevada a cabo en microescala y escala de laboratorio. La distribución de productos dependió del favorecimiento de reacciones secundarias de deshidrogenación, isomerización y ruptura del enlace C-C. Los resultados mostraron una marcada correlación entre los sitios ácidos fuertes del catalizador y la selectividad a alquilbencenos, siendo 24,8, 35,0 y 43,1% (escala de laboratorio) para los catalizadores con 15, 37 y 60% de TPA, respectivamente, mientras la reacción no catalizada mostró una selectividad muy baja hacía estos compuestos (4,1%). Por otro lado, se acentuó la tendencia observada en la selectividad a alquilbencenos al aumentar la escala de la reacción.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Realidades interculturales, miradas hacia el género y la educación

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    Este texto contribuye al análisis científico de varias áreas del conocimiento como la filosofía social, la patología, la educación para el cuidado del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad que inciden en diversas unidades de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Educación para la Salud y de la Maestría en Sociología de la SaludLa presente obra, es la reunión de varias investigaciones que se han dado cita para construir un libro que representa el horizonte de autores y lectores en la pasión del dialogo. Se trata de experiencias de los observadores e interpretes de la realidad de los observadores e interpretes de la realidad social quienes se aventuraron a reunir las voces de los informantes que resguardan los secretos de sus comunidades acerca de su cultura, organización simbólica, y de sus practicas y rituales engarzados en la vida cotidiana