94 research outputs found


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    Resumen El presente proyecto se centra en el diseño de máquina boleadora con el fin de ayudar al panadero a reducir el tiempo de boleado de la masa y aumentar la productividad para la elaboración de pan blanco en el área de producción. El objetivo general de este trabajo es diseñar una máquina boleadora para la industria panificadora, mediante el análisis del proceso actual del pan para la maximización de la producción con reducción del tiempo en el área de producción. La información recolectada se analizó mediante diversas técnicas e instrumentos de origen cualitativo, que sirven de apoyo para obtener la información necesaria para el desarrollo óptimo del proyecto. Por lo que con esta información se logró visualizar de mejor manera el diseño de la máquina para reducir los tiempos y el flujo de trabajo, permitiendo al investigador conocer el funcionamiento de la máquina boleadora para la industria, así como los diferentes modelos de máquinas boleadoras existentes. Con la información obtenida se identificó que las opciones en el mercado son costosas y no se adaptan a las necesidades del panadero convencional, se busca elaborar un diseño sencillo y funcional, tomando en cuenta las necesidades y requerimientos específicos de algunas empresas. Este proyecto tendrá un impacto positivo para las empresas panificadoras, debido a que reducirá notablemente el tiempo invertido en el proceso de boleo de la masa, logrando así una mayor productividad. Abstract This project focuses on the design of a rounding machine to help the baker to reduce the time for rounding the dough and increase productivity for the production of white bread in the production area. The general objective of this work is to design a rounding machine for the bakery industry, by analyzing the current bread process to maximize production with reduced time in the production area. The information collected was analyzed using various techniques and instruments of qualitative origin, which serve as support to obtain the information necessary for the optimal development of the project. Therefore, with this information, it was possible to better visualize the design of the machine to reduce time and workflow, allowing the researcher to know the operation of the rounding machine for the industry, as well as the different models of existing rounding machines. . With the information obtained, it was identified that the options in the market are expensive and do not adapt to the needs of the conventional baker. The aim is to develop a simple and functional design, taking into account the specific needs and requirements of some companies. This project will have a positive impact on bakery companies, since it will significantly reduce the time invested in the dough rolling process, thus achieving greater productivity

    Amenorrea primaria y disgerminoma en una paciente con disgenesia gonadal pura, reporte de caso

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    La amenorrea primaria representa un reto diagnóstico para el médico general y especialista, dado que el espectro etiológico es amplio y se requiere de un adecuado enfoque para garantizar una correcta orientación terapéutica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 18 años de edad con amenorrea primaria, quien a los 15 años presentó cuadro de abdomen agudo por disgerminoma ovárico. Cariotipo reportado como 46XY, configuró el diagnóstico de disgenesia gonadal pura o síndrome de Swyer. El presente reporte de caso ilustra los principales hallazgos de la disgenesia gonadal pura y ejemplifica el abordaje secuencial diagnóstico de una paciente con amenorrea primaria. Abstract Primary amenorrhea is a diagnostic challenge for Specialists and Primary Care Physicians, for proper treatment is required to perform a clinical approach and rule out differential diagnoses. This is a case report of a 18 years old patient with primary amenorrhea, who at age of 15 years old presented acute abdomen for ovarian dysgerminoma. Karyotype reported 46XY, and pure gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer syndrome) was diagnosed. This case report illustrates the main clinical features of pure gonadal dysgenesis and the primary amenorrhea›s clinical approach

    Maternal serum angiopoietin-like 3 levels in healthy and mild preeclamptic pregnant women

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    Objective: Angiopoietin-like protein 3(ANGPTL3) is an important regulator of lipoprotein metabolism in the fed state by inhibiting the enzyme lipoprotein lipase in oxidative tissues. However, the possible role of ANGPTL3 throughout gestation and its relationship with hormonal and biochemical variables are still unknown. The aim of this study was to determinate serum ANGPTL3 level in healthy non-pregnant women, during healthy and preeclamptic pregnancy and postpartum. Methods: Serum ANGPTL3 was analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in a prospective cohort of healthy pregnant women (n = 52) and women with mild preeclampsia (n = 21), and women at three months postpartum (n = 20) and healthy non-pregnant women (n = 20). The results obtained were correlated with biochemical, hormonal and anthropometric variables and insulin resistance indices. Results: Levels of ANGPTL3 were not different between the follicular and the luteal phases of the cycle in healthy non-pregnant women. There was a significant reduction in serum ANGPTL3 levels from the first to the third trimester in healthy pregnant women compared with healthy non-pregnant and postpartum women (p 0.05) Conclusions: We describe for the first time the profile of ANGPTL3 throughout pregnancy and postpartum as well as and discussed about explore their potential contribution interactions with lipoprotein metabolism throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Thus, low levels of ANGPTL3 during pregnancy might favor lipid uptake in oxidative tissues as the main maternal energy source, while may helping to preserve glucose for use by the fetus and placenta.Fil: Garces, María Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Rodriguez Navarro, Haiver Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Buell Acosta, Julieth Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Burgos Cardenas, Alvaro Javier. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Franco Vega, Roberto. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Maldonado Acosta, Luis Miguel. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Eslava Schmalbach, Javier. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Parada Baños, Arturo José. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Castro Pinzon, Andres. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Sanchez, Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Angel Muller, Edith. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Lacunza, Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Investigaciones Inmunológicas Básicas y Aplicadas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Castaño, Justo P.. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Dieguez, Carlos. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; EspañaFil: Nogueiras, Rubén. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; EspañaFil: Ruiz Parra, Ariel Ivan. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Caminos, Jorge Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Colombi

    Validation of the Amsterdam Pre-surgery Anxiety and Information Scale in Latino American women with breast cancer: Mexico – Costa Rica research

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    Surgery is the most frequent and efficient treatment for cancer, however, it is an invasive procedure that has been associated with psychological symptoms in up to 76% of patients. Health professional require specific and adapted tools to evaluate anxiety related to surgery, but there are few instruments to evaluate it. An option is the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS), which has been validated in multiple countries with patients undergoing different surgeries. Validations have shown APAIS has adequate psychometric properties. Aim: To obtain the reliability and validity of APAIS in the oncology population for the Latin American population. Method: Cross-sectional, non-experimental, psychometric analysis study that included a non-probabilistic sample of 117 women aged between 25 and 75 years, all patients have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have been scheduled for surgery in a public hospital in Mexico (57 women) or Costa Rica (63 women). Results: The six items of the APAIS Scale showed an adequate distribution of the responses of the participants among the response options, the ability to discriminate between extreme groups and contributed to the internal consistency of the instrument. The factor analysis of maximum likelihood with varimax rotation showed a structure that explained 58.58% of the variance with two factors, this structure was confirmed by a confirmatory factor analysis. The total scale showed an internal consistency of α = .816. This scale showed adequate sensitivity and specificity with a cut-off point of 14 points. Conclusions: The APAIS scale shows adequate psychometric properties to be considered valid and reliable to evaluate pre-surgical anxiety in patients with cancer

    Identification of candidate genes associated with fibromyalgia susceptibility in southern Spanish women: the al‑Ándalus project

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    Candidate-gene studies on fibromyalgia susceptibility often include a small number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which is a limitation. Moreover, there is a paucity of evidence in Europe. Therefore, we compared genotype frequencies of candidate SNPs in a well-characterised sample of Spanish women with fibromyalgia and healthy non-fibromyalgia women.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [I+D+i DEP2010-15639, I+D+i DEP2013-40908-R to M.D.-F.; BES-2014-067612 to F.E.-L.]; the Spanish Ministry of Education [FPU2014/02518 to M.B.-C.]; the Consejería de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte, Junta de Andalucía [CTCD-201000019242-TRA to M.D.-F.]; Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía [PI-0520-2016 to M.D.-F.], and the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES). This work is part of a Ph.D. Thesis conducted in the Biomedicine Doctoral Studies of the University of Granada, Spai

    El hueso, la obesidad y su interacción endocrina

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    La asociación entre la obesidad y la densidad mineral ósea ha sido un punto controversial al momento de establecer si existe una asociación positiva o negativa entre las mismas. Diversos estudios han propuesto que la obesidad es un factor protector del hueso, debido a la tensión mecánica dada por el peso corporal en la remodelación ósea. Otros estudios plantean que la relación es mucho más compleja debido a que el tejido adiposo y los osteoblastos provienen de líneas germinales comunes. Además, el adipocito tiene la capacidad de secretar diversas moléculas, entre ellas las adipocinas. Adicionalmente, el tejido adiposo es una de las principales fuentes de aromatasa, esto lo involucra en la conversión de andrógenos a estrógenos, que juegan un papel importante en el mantenimiento de la homeostasis ósea. Por lo tanto, se ha planteado el hueso como órgano blanco de diversas vías endocrinas y, a su vez, se considera un órgano endocrino que puede afectar otros órganos cuando está alterado. Por otra parte, se ha visto que la resistencia a la insulina en el contexto de la obesidad está asociada con inflamación crónica de bajo grado, deterioro funcional de órganos y alteración del metabolismo energético, que impacta la remodelación ósea.   Abstract There is controversy over the effect of obesity in bone mineral density. Several studies have proposed that obesity is a protective factor of the bone by the mechanical tension that favors the bone remodeling. However, other studies suggest that this relationship is more complex because both tissues come from a common germ line; emphasizing that the adipocyte secretes diverse molecules, among them adipocinas. In addition, adipose tissue has aromatases that convert androgens into estrogens, having an importance in bone homeostasis. Therefore, the bone has been raised as a target organ of various endocrine pathways, which may affect other organs when it is altered. On the other hand, it has been shown that insulin resistance in the context of obesity is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation, functional impairment of organs and impaired energy metabolism, which impacts bone remodeling

    La sequía de la península de Yucatán

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    La sequía es uno de los fenómenos naturales más difíciles de estudiar debido a que no se cuenta con una definición lo suficientemente clara ni con los recursos técnicos para poder predecirla. Es un problema que, en el mundo, se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas como consecuencia del cambio climático. En México, la sequía afecta a más personas que cualquier otra contingencia natural, por lo que se requiere estudiarla para poder prevenir y mitigar sus efectos. En la península de Yucatán (PY), zona privilegiada por tener un vasto manto acuífero, la sequía no se presenta de manera tan catastrófica como en otros estados de la república. La sequía produce pérdidas y bajo rendimiento de cultivos, cabezas de ganado y colmenas, disminución de la calidad de los productos, así como incremento en los costos de producción, lo que produce reducción en el ingreso de los productores. A nivel de los organismos operadores no se registra baja en la disponibilidad de agua durante la época de sequía y sólo se reporta su disminución para consumo humano en algunas localidades en donde el acuífero se encuentra muy profundo o la calidad natural del agua no es adecuada para consumo humano. Sin embargo, al depender la PY casi en su totalidad del acuífero para el abasto del agua, su disponibilidad podría disminuir súbitamente por problemas en la infraestructura del sistema operador o de contaminación (importante por la permeabilidad del sustrato geológico y porque no existen sistemas de drenaje y potabilización de agua suficientes)

    Monetary Policy Report - January 2021

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    Macroeconomic Summary Overall inflation (1.61%) and core inflation (excluding food and regulated items) (1.11%) both declined beyond the technical staff’s expectations in the fourth quarter of 2020. Year-end 2021 forecasts for both indicators were revised downward to 2.3% and 2.1%, respectively. Market inflation expectations also fell over this period and suggested inflation below the 3% target through the end of this year, rising to the target in 2022. Downward pressure on inflation was more significant in the fourth quarter than previously projected, indicating weak demand. Annual deceleration among the main groups of the consumer price index (CPI) was generalized and, except for foods, was greater than projected in the October report. The CPI for goods (excluding foods and regulated items) and the CPI for regulated items were subject to the largest decelerations and forecasting discrepancies. In the first case, this was due in part to a greater-than-expected effect on prices from the government’s “VAT-fee day” amid weak demand, and from the extension of some price relief measures. For regulated items, the deceleration was caused in part by unanticipated declines in some utility prices. Annual change in the CPI for services continued to decline as a result of the performance of those services that were not subject to price relief measures, in particular. Although some of the overall decline in inflation is expected to be temporary and reverse course in the second quarter of 2021, various sources of downward pressure on inflation have become more acute and will likely remain into next year. These include ample excesses in capacity, as suggested by the continued and greater-than-expected deceleration in core inflation indicators and in the CPI for services excluding price relief measures. This dynamic is also suggested by the minimal transmission of accumulated depreciation of the peso on domestic prices. Although excess capacity should fall in 2021, the decline will likely be slower than projected in the October report amid additional restrictions on mobility due to a recent acceleration of growth in COVID-19 cases. An additional factor is that low inflation registered at the end of 2020 will likely be reflected in low price adjustments on certain indexed services with significant weight in the CPI, including real estate rentals and some utilities. These factors should keep inflation below the target and lower than estimates from the previous report on the forecast horizon. Inflation is expected to continue to decline to levels near 1% in March, later increasing to 2.3% at the end of 2021 and 2.7% at year-end 2022 (Graph 1.1). According to the Bank’s most recent survey, market analysts expect inflation of 2.7% and 3.1% in December 2021 and 2022, respectively. Expected inflation derived from government bonds was 2% for year-end 2021, while expected inflation based on bonds one year forward from that date (FBEI 1-1 2022) was 3.2%.Box I. Macroeconomic Expectations: Analysis of the Monthly Survey of Economic Analyst Expectations. Authors: Hernando Vargas, Alexander Guarín, Anderson Grajales, César Anzola, Jonathan Muño