1,139 research outputs found

    Results of the investigation: participation and connective action in novel most social movements: the case of # yosoy132 and the 15m

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    A partir de un trabajo teórico y matrices categoriales cualitativas, el presente trabajo realiza un análisis comparado entre el #YoSoy132 y el 15M como novísimos movimientos sociales; entendiéndolos en el marco de la globalización, y estableciendo sus formas de acción colectiva, acciones conectivas, formas de participación, así como los resultados dentro de sus respectivos sistemas sociales, políticos y culturales.From a theoretical work and qualitative categorical matrices, the present work performs a comparative analysis between # YoSoy132 and 15M as newest social movements; understanding them in the context of globalization, and establishing their forms of collective action, connective actions, forms of participation, as well as the results within their respective social, political and cultural systems.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-

    Modélisation des comportements de recherche basé sur les interactions des utilisateurs

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    Les utilisateurs de systèmes d'information divisent normalement les tâches en une séquence de plusieurs étapes pour les résoudre. En particulier, les utilisateurs divisent les tâches de recherche en séquences de requêtes, en interagissant avec les systèmes de recherche pour mener à bien le processus de recherche d'informations. Les interactions des utilisateurs sont enregistrées dans des journaux de requêtes, ce qui permet de développer des modèles pour apprendre automatiquement les comportements de recherche à partir des interactions des utilisateurs avec les systèmes de recherche. Ces modèles sont à la base de multiples applications d'assistance aux utilisateurs qui aident les systèmes de recherche à être plus interactifs, faciles à utiliser, et cohérents. Par conséquent, nous proposons les contributions suivantes : un modèle neuronale pour apprendre à détecter les limites des tâches de recherche dans les journaux de requête ; une architecture de regroupement profond récurrent qui apprend simultanément les représentations de requête et regroupe les requêtes en tâches de recherche ; un modèle non supervisé et indépendant d'utilisateur pour l'identification des tâches de recherche prenant en charge les requêtes dans seize langues ; et un modèle de tâche de recherche multilingue, une approche non supervisée qui modélise simultanément l'intention de recherche de l'utilisateur et les tâches de recherche. Les modèles proposés améliorent les méthodes existantes de modélisation, en tenant compte de la confidentialité des utilisateurs, des réponses en temps réel et de l'accessibilité linguistique. Le respect de la vie privée de l'utilisateur est une préoccupation majeure, tandis que des réponses rapides sont essentielles pour les systèmes de recherche qui interagissent avec les utilisateurs en temps réel, en particulier dans la recherche par conversation. Dans le même temps, l'accessibilité linguistique est essentielle pour aider les utilisateurs du monde entier, qui interagissent avec les systèmes de recherche dans de nombreuses langues. Les contributions proposées peuvent bénéficier à de nombreuses applications d'assistance aux utilisateurs, en aidant ces derniers à mieux résoudre leurs tâches de recherche lorsqu'ils accèdent aux systèmes de recherche pour répondre à leurs besoins d'information.Users of information systems normally divide tasks in a sequence of multiple steps to solve them. In particular, users divide search tasks into sequences of queries, interacting with search systems to carry out the information seeking process. User interactions are registered on search query logs, enabling the development of models to automatically learn search patterns from the users' interactions with search systems. These models underpin multiple user assisting applications that help search systems to be more interactive, user-friendly, and coherent. User assisting applications include query suggestion, the ranking of search results based on tasks, query reformulation analysis, e-commerce applications, retrieval of advertisement, query-term prediction, mapping of queries to search tasks, and so on. Consequently, we propose the following contributions: a neural model for learning to detect search task boundaries in query logs; a recurrent deep clustering architecture that simultaneously learns query representations through self-training, and cluster queries into groups of search tasks; Multilingual Graph-Based Clustering, an unsupervised, user-agnostic model for search task identification supporting queries in sixteen languages; and Language-agnostic Search Task Model, an unsupervised approach that simultaneously models user search intent and search tasks. Proposed models improve on existing methods for modeling user interactions, taking into account user privacy, realtime response times, and language accessibility. User privacy is a major concern in Ethics for intelligent systems, while fast responses are critical for search systems interacting with users in realtime, particularly in conversational search. At the same time, language accessibility is essential to assist users worldwide, who interact with search systems in many languages. The proposed contributions can benefit many user assisting applications, helping users to better solve their search tasks when accessing search systems to fulfill their information needs

    Exchange rate pass-through on prices of goods and services in Venezuela

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    This paper delves into the asymmetries of the exchange rate pass-through on prices in the case of Venezuela, extending the analysis of Mendoza (2004) the prices of goods and services. The data used is monthly for the period 07/90 -12/04. We find that pass-through in services is less than pass-through in goods. This result may reflect the presence of a major component of non-tradables in the former than the latter. For both groups there is evidence of price asymmetries associated mainly to the behavior of oil prices, the misalignment of the real exchange rate and monetary expansions or contractions.Pass-through, inflation, depreciation, regression models with smooth transition

    Income and beyond: Multidimensional poverty in six Latin American countries

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    This paper presents empirical results of a wide range of multidimensional poverty measures for: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico and Uruguay, for the period 1992–2006. Six dimensions are analysed: income, child attendance at school, education of the household head, sanitation, water and shelter. Over the study period, El Salvador, Brazil, Mexico and Chile experienced significant reductions of multidimensional poverty. In contrast, in urban Uruguay there was a small reduction in multidimensional poverty, while in urban Argentina the estimates did not change significantly. El Salvador, Brazil and Mexico together with rural areas of Chile display significantly higher and more simultaneous deprivations than urban areas of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In all countries, access to proper sanitation and education of the household head are the highest contributors to overall multidimensional poverty.Multidimensional poverty measurement, counting approach, Latin America, Unsatisfied Basic Needs, rural and urban areas.

    Modelo canvas para la ampliación de referencias venta de productos de mercado en Alkosto a través de la página web alkosto.com

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    44 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficos.En Alkosto se ha detectado una oportunidad de crecimiento en las ventas a través de una estrategia omnicanal en el segundo trimestre del 2018, uno de los componentes de esta estrategia es la venta de productos de mercado por medio de la página Web. Dado los antecedentes del E-Commerce a nivel mundial y ahora en nuestro país, entendemos que los consumidores cada vez valoran más su tiempo y quieren aprovecharlo al máximo; gracias a esta conclusión podemos determinar que los productos de la categoría de mercado no se quedan atrás dentro de las ventas online y por el contrario pueden llegar a ocupar un espacio muy importante en la fidelización de los usuarios con la marcaIn Alkosto an opportunity for growth in sales has been detected through an omnichannel strategy in the second quarter of 2018, one of the components of this strategy is the sale of market products for the medium of the website. Given the history of electronic commerce worldwide and now in our country, we understand that consumers increasingly value their time and want to make the most of it; thanks to this conclusion we can determine that the products of the market category are not behind in online sales and on the contrary they can occupy a very important space in the loyalty of users with the brand.Especialista en Gerencia con Énfasis en Logística y Comercio InternacionalEspecializació

    Thermal conductivity and viscosity measurements of ethylene glycol-based Al2O3 nanofluids

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    The dispersion and stability of nanofluids obtained by dispersing Al2O3 nanoparticles in ethylene glycol have been analyzed at several concentrations up to 25% in mass fraction. The thermal conductivity and viscosity were experimentally determined at temperatures ranging from 283.15 K to 323.15 K using an apparatus based on the hot-wire method and a rotational viscometer, respectively. It has been found that both thermal conductivity and viscosity increase with the concentration of nanoparticles, whereas when the temperature increases the viscosity diminishes and the thermal conductivity rises. Measured enhancements on thermal conductivity (up to 19%) compare well with literature values when available. New viscosity experimental data yield values more than twice larger than the base fluid. The influence of particle size on viscosity has been also studied, finding large differences that must be taken into account for any practical application. These experimental results were compared with some theoretical models, as those of Maxwell-Hamilton and Crosser for thermal conductivity and Krieger and Dougherty for viscosity

    Rheological non-Newtonian behaviour of ethylene glycol-based Fe2O3 nanofluids

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    The rheological behaviour of ethylene glycol-based nanofluids containing hexagonal scalenohedral-shaped α-Fe2O3 (hematite) nanoparticles at 303.15 K and particle weight concentrations up to 25% has been carried out using a cone-plate Physica MCR rheometer. The tests performed show that the studied nanofluids present non-Newtonian shear-thinning behaviour. In addition, the viscosity at a given shear rate is time dependent, i.e. the fluid is thixotropic. Finally, using strain sweep and frequency sweep tests, the storage modulus G', loss modulus G″ and damping factor were determined as a function of the frequency showing viscoelastic behaviour for all samples

    An experimental study of novel nanofluids based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs) by Choline chloride and ethylene glycol

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIn this work, the preparation and characterization of some new nanofluids based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs) consisting of a hydrogen bond acceptor, ethylene glycol (EG), and a hydrogen bond donor, choline chloride (ChCl), as well as water, are presented. The nanofluids were designed by the dispersion of spherical MgO nanoparticles in four different DESs, ChCl:EG (molar ratio of 1:2), 1ChCl:5EG, 1ChCl:2EG:2Water, and 1ChCl:5EG:2Water. The stability of nanofluids was carried out by measuring size distribution for five days, which discovered the best results obtained with nanofluids of dispersed MgO in DES 1ChCl:5EG. Thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity and density) were measured and the influence of nanoparticles’ mass fraction, temperature, and water content all were examined. The acquired outcomes revealed that the trend of density was reducing by increment in temperature since for pure base fluids and DES-based nanofluids 1.3% decrement were recorded, averagely (the decline in density was sharper in the case of DES 1ChCl:5EG and its based nanofluids). The thermal conductivity was almost constant during the range of 283.15–333.15 K. It confirmed that the thermal conductivities of prepared nanofluids based on DESs with water were higher in comparison to the ones based on DESs without water and nanoparticles concentration could promote thermal conductivity. The greatest enhancement was gained at 10 wt% of MgO suspended in DES 1ChCl:2EG. The isobaric thermal expansivity was also determined at different temperatures. Eventually, the general conclusions were drawn and concerning the results, the MgO/DES 1ChCl:2EG 10 wt% nanofluids was introduced as the most efficient.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-112846RB-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PDC2021-121225-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. ENE2017-86425-C2-1-