1,969 research outputs found

    Independence and matching numbers of some token graphs

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    Let GG be a graph of order nn and let k{1,,n1}k\in\{1,\ldots,n-1\}. The kk-token graph Fk(G)F_k(G) of GG, is the graph whose vertices are the kk-subsets of V(G)V(G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G)F_k(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of GG. We study the independence and matching numbers of Fk(G)F_k(G). We present a tight lower bound for the matching number of Fk(G)F_k(G) for the case in which GG has either a perfect matching or an almost perfect matching. Also, we estimate the independence number for bipartite kk-token graphs, and determine the exact value for some graphs.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Third version is a major revision. Some proofs were corrected or simplified. New references adde

    Análisis de eficiencia de empresas de saneamiento de aguas en Andalucía

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    En este estudio se analizarán las empresas de saneamiento de aguas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, con el objetivo de comparar la eficiencia de las variables que intervienen en este proceso del ciclo integral del agua, diferenciando el análisis de eficiencia por provincias como en la Comunidad Autónoma. Para ello se van a analizar las cinco empresas más importantes por provincia, incluida la capital, para obtener los datos necesarios para el análisis de eficiencia de éstas. Una vez recopilados todos los datos, se realizará un análisis de eficiencia mediante Análisis por Envoltura de Datos (DEA) tanto por provincias como la totalidad de los municipios estudiados. Dicho análisis se realizará mediante el software EMS, donde al introducir los datos de las variables referidas al saneamiento muestra la eficiencia de cada una de las unidades productivas del estudio y otros aspectos importantes que se verán en dicho análisis. El propósito del proyecto es mostrar la situación actual de las empresas encargadas del saneamiento de aguas en Andalucía y reflejar qué aspectos y variables hacen que la empresa en cuestión esté siendo más o menos eficiente para así poder servir como ayuda o apoyo para las empresas involucradas en el estudio.This study will analyze the water treatment companies of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, with the aim of comparing the efficiency of the variables involved in this process of the integral water cycle, differentiating the efficiency analysis by provinces as in the Autonomous Community. To this end, the five most important companies per province, including the capital, will be investigated in order to obtain the necessary data for their efficiency analysis. Once all the data has been collected, an efficiency analysis will be carried out by means of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) both by provinces and the totality of the municipalities studied. This analysis will be carried out using the EMS software, where the introduction of data on the variables related to sanitation will show the efficiency of each of the productive units in the study and other important aspects that will be seen in this analysis. The purpose of the project is to show the current situation of the companies in charge of water sanitation in Andalusia and to reflect which aspects and variables make the company in question more or less efficient in order to serve as help or support for the companies involved in the study.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriale

    Independence and matching number for some token graphs

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    Let G be a graph of order n and let k ∈ {1, . . . , n−1}. The k-token graph Fk(G) of G is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of V (G), where two vertices are adjacent in Fk(G) whenever their symmetric difference is an edge of G. We study the independence and matching numbers of Fk(G). We present a tight lower bound for the matching number of Fk(G) for the case in which G has either a perfect matching or an almost perfect matching. Also, we estimate the independence number for bipartite ktoken graphs, and determine the exact value for some graphs

    The role of keeping "semantic blocks" invariant: effects in linear genetic programming performance

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    This paper is focused on two different approaches (previously proposed by the authors) that perform better than Genetic Programming in typical symbolic regression problems: straight-line program genetic programming (SLP-GP) and evolution with attribute grammars (AGE). Both approaches have different characteristics. One of themost important is that SLP-GP keeps semantic blocks invariant (the crossover operator always exchanges complete subexpressions). In this paper we compare both methods and study the possible effect on their performance of keeping these blocks invariant.This work was partially supported by the R&D program of the Community of Madrid (S2009/TIC-1650, project “e-Madrid”) as well as by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2007-67466-C02-02). The authors thank Dr. Manuel Alfonseca for his help to prepare this document

    Triazole-Containing [FeFe] Hydrogenase Mimics: Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Behavior

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    Item en revisión. Pendiente de cumplimentar metadatos.Through a Cu-catalyzed Huisgen cycloaddition between terminal alkynes and azides (CuAAC) reaction, azide [(μ-SCH2)2N(4- N3C6H4)Fe2(CO)6] has demonstrated to be a robust and versatile reagent able to incorporate the [(μ-SR)2Fe2(CO)6] fragment on a wide range of substrates, ranging from aromatic compounds to nucleosides, metallocenes, or redox and luminescent markers. The [FeIFeI]/[Fe0FeI] and [Fe0FeI]/[Fe0Fe0] reduction potentials of the triazole derivatives prepared are comparable to those of other aminodithiolate (adt) Fe−Fe hydrogenase mimics. The presence of the triazole linker influences the electrochemical behavior of these complexes depending on the strength of the acid employed

    5. Una agenda global constructiva

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    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the surveillance system for tuberculosis in cattle in Spain

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    In Spain, the eradication of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle has had some setbacks and therefore we need to re-evaluate the current surveillance strategies. The Spanish cattle TB surveillance system consists of three components: a) routine skin testing, b) slaughterhouse surveillance, and c) pre-movement controls. Our objectives were to assess the effectiveness of the whole surveillance system and evaluate the relative contribution of each of those components, both at national and at the province level. The effectiveness was estimated based on both the sensitivity of detection per year and the time until detection. Moreover, we evaluated the impact of different factors on that effectiveness. We used a stochastic model that simulated the spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-complex (MTC) infection within cattle herds that was modified to incorporate the three components of TB surveillance. Input data, at the province level, on cattle movements off-farm or the frequency of the routine screening were provided by the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Under the current conditions, 96.1% of Spanish herds were detected within one year after their infection (i.e. mean sensitivity of TB surveillance), although that detection took on average 178 days. The surveillance system effectiveness was highly dependent on the routine skin testing, responsible for the detection of almost 90% of the infected herds, while slaughterhouse surveillance and pre-movement controls contributed only to the identification of a small proportion of infected herds. We observed substantial differences in the effectiveness of the surveillance components among Spanish provinces, although in general, the sensitivities were high. The most influential factor on the efficiency of TB detection in Spain was, by far, the frequency of routine controls, followed by the sensitivity of the test used. In a context of reduced funding for cattle TB eradication, the frequency of testing should be adapted based on risk-based surveillance strategies, i.e. efforts should focus on herds more likely to be infected, but also in herds more likely to infect other herds. While slaughterhouse surveillance seems a cost-effective strategy, the use of pre-movement testing at least in areas of low incidence should be further evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficiency of water service management alternatives in Spain considering environmental factors

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    The main aim of this study is to identify the most efficient forms of management for municipal water supply services, taking into account exogenous factors. The study is based on a sample of 1518 Spanish municipalities, all with 1000 to 50,000 inhabitants, for the year 2019. The study method consists of analysing order-m partial frontiers subjected to environmental factors. The main results obtained indicate that mixed management forms achieve the highest levels of efficiency.Andalusian Regional Government, Grant Number: P20.00605University of Granada (FEDER funding), Grant Number: A.SEJ.351.UGR18Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant Number: PID2021- 128713OB-I0University of Granada "AYUDAS DEL PLAN PROPIO UGR 2022", Grant Number: PPJIA2022-5

    Proyecto Mowinga : alimento y salud

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    58 páginasMowinga es un proyecto de impacto social que busca desarrollar una compañía dedicada a la producción y comercialización de productos 100% orgánicos a base de una planta llamada Moringa cuyas hojas y rama contienen múltiples nutrientes y propiedades alimenticias que le permiten a sus consumidores tener una alimentación balanceada. Este proyecto busca ser implementado en la región Caribe en donde se ve la problemática con la nutrición de los niños de bajo recursos y Mowinga puede significar la solución de raíz a ese impacto social que buscará darle solución a la poca y mala alimentación de dichos niños. También se busca llegar a las nuevas tendencias a nivel mundial sobre la "onda fit" en donde nuestros potenciales clientes buscarán con nuestros productos mejorar su estilo de vida y lograr ser saludables. Nuestro producto será Polvo de Hojas de Moringa Orgánico 100% puro, ideal para ser consumido en ensaladas, infusiones, sopas o con diferentes tipos de bebidas, para todo el público que busca beneficios. generales de salud y bienestar y será comercializado en las siguientes presentaciones: Caja moringa en polvo x 20 sachets x 200 gr Tarro de 90 cápsulas de moringa x 50 gr Sobre sellado moringa en polvo 200 grMowinga is a social impact project that seeks to develop a company dedicated to the production and marketing of 100% organic products based on a plant called Moringa whose leaves and branch contain multiple nutrients and food properties that allow their consumers to have a balanced diet. This project seeks to be implemented in the Caribbean region where the problem with the nutrition of low-income children is high and Mowinga can mean the root solution to this social impact that will seek to solve the poor and bad diet of these children. lt also seeks to reach the new trends worldwide on the "wave fit" where our potential customers will seek with our products to irnprove their lifestyle and achieve health. Our product will be 100% Pure Organic Moringa Leaf Powder, ideal to be consumed in salads, infusions, soups or with different types of beverages, for all the public that looks for general health and wellbeing benefits and will be commercialized in the following presentations: Moringa powder box x 20 sachetsx 200 gr Jar of 90 capsules of moringa x 50 gr Sealing envelope moringa powder 200 grEspecialista en GerenciaEspecializació