15 research outputs found

    Energetic metabolism in fasting sheep: regularization of metabolic profile by treatment with oral glucose, with prior handling of gastric groove

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate a possible corrective measure against negative metabolic states, as occurs in the advanced stage of gestation in ewes, and that sometimes produces a disease called pregnancy toxaemia. In the present research, we found that the joint administration of i.v. lysine-vasopressin (0.08 IU/kg body weight, BW) and an oral glucose solution (50 g) produces an increase in blood glucose, which persists for some time (up to 6 h); therefore, it could be used in the treatment of pregnancy toxaemia. This therapy is based on the fact that lysine-vasopressin induces gastric groove closure in adult ruminants, enabling orally administered glucose to reach the abomasum directly, from where it rapidly passes into the intestine and is immediately absorbed. We can say that the tested treatment causes a significant increase in blood glucose in ewes affected by toxaemia caused by fasting, which, although less marked than conventional therapy with intravenous drip glucose, remains longer, regularizing other parameters indicative of energy metabolism in fasting ewes

    Prolazna apneja u ovaca: alternativna metoda za uzastopno uzimanje uzoraka mokraće.

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    Urine samples are necessary in order to carry out many veterinary diagnostic and research protocols. In ovine, these samples are usually obtained through catheterization, but a transitory apnoea could be an easy way to obtain urine samples. This is achieved by preventing air from entering through the nostrils and mouth in sheep, for a short period of time, always less than 1 minute. The results of this transitory apnoea demonstrated that urine characteristics (pH, density and proteinuria) were not different from samples obtained by bladder catheterization. There were no differences in the blood parameters studied (cortisol, glycaemia, total proteins, haematocrit and total and differential leucocyte counts) either, when compared with the control group of catheterized animals, or with the measured values before or after sampling. In conclusion this system could be considered an easy and effective method to obtain urine samples, without causing stress to the sheep and avoiding the alterations to the blood and urinary parameters measured.Prikupljanje uzoraka mokraće nužno je radi provođenja mnogih veterinarskih dijagnostičkih postupaka i znanstvenih istraživanja. Ti se uzorci u ovaca obično uzimaju kateterizacijom. No, prolazna apneja može biti jednostavan način uzimanja uzoraka mokraće u ovaca. To se može postići zatvaranjem nosnica i gubice u kratkom vremenu, uvijek manje od jedne minute. Rezultati pretrage mokraće prikupljene nakon prolazne apneje pokazali su da značajke mokraće (pH, gustoća i proteinurija) nisu bile različite od onih dobivenih pretragom uzoraka uzetih kateterizacijom mokraćnog mjehura. Nije bilo razlike u pretraženim krvnim pokazateljima (kortizolu, glikemiji, ukupnim proteinima, hematokritu, ukupnim leukocitima i diferencijalnoj krvnoj slici) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom kateteriziranih životinja, a ni u usporedbi s izmjerenim vrijednostima prije i nakon uzimanja uzoraka. Može se zaključiti da je opisani način uzimanja uzoraka jednostavan i učinkovit bez izazivanja stresa u ovaca i ne dovodi do promjena u pokazateljima krvi i mokraće

    Effects of Ewe’s Diet Supplementation with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Meat Lipid Profile of Suckling Lambs

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    [EN] Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deposition in lambs’ muscles could be influenced by their mothers’ diet. The aim was to study the profile of fatty acids in the muscle of lambs from ewes supplemented with different sources of PUFA to achieve a healthier meat for the consumer. On day 100 of gestation, pregnant ewes grazed on natural grass were divided into three groups (n = 20) and supplemented with PUFA: Group A: 700 g of a ration rich in PUFA, Group B: 700 g of a ration for sheep + 20 mL of fish oil and Group C: 700 g of the same ration. After parturition, each group was subdivided: ten ewes continued with the same diet until the end of lactation; the other ten were fed only natural grass. The values of n-3 and n-6 PUFA and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid (AA) were analyzed in Longissimus lumborum muscles of lambs at 90 and 120 days of life. The feeding of ewes during lactation favorably influenced the lipid profile of the lamb muscle, increasing the concentration of n-3 and n-6 PUFA, ALA, LA, AA, DHA and EPA. The supplementation of ewes with fish oil and/or a ration rich in PUFA improved the LA/ALA ratio in lambs’ meatSIThis research was funded by the CSIC-UdelaR (Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica, Universidad de la República), project “Metabolic, behavioral parameters and concentration of fatty acids in carcass of lambs born to mothers supplemented with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids”. 201

    Enfermedades Emergentes en producción ovina en México

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    Las enfermedades emergentes re-emergentes se definen como aquellas no detectadas hasta el momento en una población o área geográfica concreta, o bien aquellas que están sufriendo un aumento exponencial en incidencia o en rango geográfico en forma de epidemias o brotes. La aparición de las enfermedades emergentes se ve afectada por multitud de factores influenciados por el hombre, que alteran el medio natural, entre los que destacan: el cambio climático, el aumento de los viajes intercontinentales y las migraciones, el transporte o movimiento de animales, la deforestación y la urbanización, la agricultura y la ganadería, la sobrepoblación, la pobreza y los conflictos armados, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la introducción de nuevas especies. En el caso de México, en la producción ovina existen algunas enfermedades en las cuales el cambio climático, los desastres naturales, los cambios en los sistemas de producción, la extensión de la producción ovina a áreas no tradicionales, la importación masiva de animales, se constituyen en factores de riesgo para la aparición de brotes de enfermedades actualmente consideradas exóticas como el Scrapie o Lengua azul o enfermedades, recientemente reconocidas en el país como el Aborto Enzoótico Ovino (Chlamydia abortus) o la enfermedad provocada por retrovirus de los pequeños rumiantes (Maedi-Visna). Por otro lado existen enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias endémicas que pueden tener un comportamiento emergente debido a los cambios ocurridos en el clima y a la extensión de la producción ovina a zonas no tradicionales. Por lo tanto este capítulo tiene como objetivo repasar algunas emergentes, exóticas y endémicas que podrían tener un comportamiento reemergente y que por sus características epidemiológicas pueden poner en riesgo para la producción ovina en México.Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales, UAE

    Toxemia de la gestación en ovejas. Revisión 

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    In this work a comprehensive review of ewe pregnancy toxemia is presented. Different thematic sections were considered, for a better nderstanding of the predisposing factors involved, their pathophysiology, clinical signs, post mortem findings, and the diagnosis. Finally, an analysis of current therapy of the disease is presented.En este trabajo se presenta una exhaustiva revisión de la toxemia de la gestación en la oveja. La misma ha sido dividida en diferentes secciones para lograr una mejor comprensión de los factores que predisponen a esta enfermedad, su patogenia, signos clínicos, los hallazgos postmortem y el diagnóstico. Por último se presenta un análisis de los distintos tratamientos que se utilizan en esta enfermedad

    Mecanismos de defensa e inmunidad de la glándula mamaria en la vaca lechera

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    La respuesta inmune contra los agentes infecciosos involucra una compleja interacción entre diferentes tipos de células y sus productos, que culmina con la eliminación del agente infeccioso o la muerte del animal. La glándula mamaria está protegida por una variedad de mecanismos de defensa, que forman parte de la inmunidad innata y de la inmunidad específica. Durante las primeras etapas de la infección se activan los mecanismos inespecíficos de defensa en caso de ser sobrepasados los mecanismos de inmunidad específica se activan con el fin de controlar al patógeno y crear memoria inmunológica la que resultará en un ataque rápido en una segunda exposición al patógeno. Por otra parte la inmunidad se produce por la interacción de los agentes infecciosos y los mecanismos inmunes, durante la infección o mediante la administración de las vacunas se desarrolla la inmunidad local y sistémica. A su vez las células somáticas de la leche que representan una proporción normal de células epiteliales y leucocitos, son consideradas un indicador de la respuesta celular inducida por la inflamación de la glándula mamaria al producirse la agresión. El conocimiento de los mecanismos inmunes y la resistencia a la enfermedad, son fundamentales para el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención y control de la mastitis, para mejorar la salud de la glándula mamaria en el hato lechero. Por último se discute la implicación del estrés calórico en la ocurrencia de mastitis.UAE

    Subclinical ovine gestational toxaemia at parturition: Influence on determinant variables in lamb survival

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    [EN] - The objective of this study was to determine the impact of metabolic changes occurring in induced subclinical gestation toxaemia in ewes on metabolic parameters and vigour in the first 72 h of their lambs’ life. Fifty-one adult Corriedale ewes of known gestation date and fed on a natural pasture were randomly divided into four groups at day 145 of gestation. Group A (ewes with single pregnancies) and group C (ewes with twin pregnancies) were fed on a natural pasture throughout the trial; group B (ewes with single pregnancies) and group D (ewes with twin pregnancies) were subjected to 75% feed restriction for three days until they reached glycaemia and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) values indicative of subclinical gestational toxaemia. The birth-to-first station and birth-to-first suckling times of the born lambs were studied. Within the first hour after parturition and at 24, 48, and 72 h, glycaemia and BHB concentrations were determined in the blood of lambs, and body temperature and body weight were assessed at the same time. Relative weight gain at 72 h of age was calculated for all lambs. The BHB concentration determined at all times studied showed no difference among the groups. Subclinical gestation toxaemia induced in ewes subjected to feed restriction causes a decrease in the glycaemia of their lambs in the first hour of life; however, it does not cause an increase in ketone bodies. The metabolic changes induced in the mothers do not have negative effects on the vigour of the lambs at birth, as the weight, temperature, and the time it took for lambs to stand and suckle are not affected. However, they have a negative effect on relative weight gain in the critical period of the first 72 h of life.This work was made possible thanks to funding from the Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) of the Universidad de la República. We would also like to thank the director of Experimental Field Nº2, Dr. Elena de Torres, as well as the staff working at this research facility of the Facultad de Veterinaria, especially Mr. Gustavo Cazard, for their support. We also thank the training program of the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII), for having provided a Master’s scholarship to carry out this work

    Mastite estafilocócica em rebanhos caprinos / Staphylococcal mastitis in goats herds

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    A caprinocultura é uma importante atividade produtiva no país, favorecendo o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional em áreas áridas e marginalizadas do México. Atualmente, a produção de leite aumenta sua demanda agroindustrial sem ser atendida no território. A mastite caprina reduz a secreção e a qualidade e segurança do leite, além de afetar a criação dos cabritos. A infecção da glândula mamária é frequentemente identificada em rebanhos caprinos associada a Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus coagulase negativa, a avaliação da saúde da glândula mamária da cabra leiteira considera as variações que são observadas no nível de células somáticas no leite relacionadas à o estágio de lactação e outras condições de manejo; porque a cabra tem níveis normais próximos a 1000x 103 células/mL de leite. No diagnóstico de mastite subclínica: O California Mastitis Test em campo é útil no diagnóstico de mastite subclínica no rebanho, sugerindo a possibilidade de infecção mamária intraglandular confirmada por isolamento bacteriológico

    Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare

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    [EN] Sheep and goat extensive production systems are very important in the context of global food security and the use of rangelands that have no alternative agricultural use. In such systems, there are enormous challenges to address. These include, for instance, classical production issues, such as nutrition or reproduction, as well as carbon-efficient systems within the climate-change context. An adequate response to these issues is determinant to economic and environmental sustainability. The answers to such problems need to combine efficiently not only the classical production aspects, but also the increasingly important health, welfare, and environmental aspects in an integrated fashion. The purpose of the study was to review the application of technological developments, in addition to remote-sensing in tandem with other state-of-the-art techniques that could be used within the framework of extensive production systems of sheep and goats and their impact on nutrition, production, and ultimately, the welfare of these species. In addition to precision livestock farming (PLF), these include other relevant technologies, namely omics and other areas of relevance in small-ruminant extensive production: heat stress, colostrum intake, passive immunity, newborn survival, biomarkers of metabolic disease diagnosis, and parasite resistance breeding. This work shows the substantial, dynamic nature of the scientific community to contribute to solutions that make extensive production systems of sheep and goats more sustainable, efficient, and aligned with current concerns with the environment and welfareSIThe CECAV authors acknowledge financial support of the research unit, which was financed by the National Funds from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), project number UIDB/CVT/00772/2020. Financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal) in the form of infrastructural funding to LEAF (UID/AGR/04129) and PhD grants SFRH/BD/143992/2019 (DM Ribeiro) and 2021.07638.BD (L Sacarrão-Birrento). Author L.E.H.C. acknowledges funding from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) (RYC2019- 027064-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Anatomy, physiology, manipulation and veterinary applications of the reticular groove. Review

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    Reticular groove closure in ruminants is a primary mechanism, almost exclusive of lactating animals, which makes the passage of food from the orifice of cardia to the abomasum possible, thus avoiding unwanted fermentations in rumen and reticulum. In this review It is described some anatomical and physiological aspects of the reticular groove, given its embryonic and postnatal development, its topographic location, structure, innervation, blood circulation and histology. Also describing the techniques used to study its functioning, both direct and indirect methods. Finally there is a concentrate on handling techniques to manipulate closing reflex of reticular groove and its veterinary applications, in both the stimulation and inhibition, since the possibility to control this reflex is of great interest in the oral administration of various drugs, the treatment of certain diseases, as well as a better utilization of some types of food