83 research outputs found

    Orexin-A represses satiety-inducing POMC neurons and contributes to obesity via stimulation of endocannabinoid signaling

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    In the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC), proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons and the POMC-derived peptide α–melanocytestimulating hormone (α-MSH) promote satiety. POMC neurons receive orexin-A (OX-A)-expressing inputs and express both OX-A receptor type 1 (OX-1R) and cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) on the plasma membrane. OX-A is crucial for the control of wakefulness and energy homeostasis and promotes, in OX-1R–expressing cells, the biosynthesis of the endogenous counterpart of marijuana’s psychotropic and appetite-inducing component Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, i.e., the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), which acts at CB1R. We report that OX-A/OX-1R signaling at POMC neurons promotes 2-AG biosynthesis, hyperphagia, and weight gain by blunting α-MSH production via CB1R-induced and extracellularsignal- regulated kinase 1/2 activation- and STAT3 inhibitionmediated suppression of Pomc gene transcription. Because the systemic pharmacological blockade of OX-1R by SB334867 caused anorectic effects by reducing food intake and body weight, our results unravel a previously unsuspected role for OX-A in endocannabinoid-mediated promotion of appetite by combining OX-induced alertness with food seeking. Notably, increased OX-A trafficking was found in the fibers projecting to the ARC of obese mice (ob/ob and high-fat diet fed) concurrently with elevation of OX-A release in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood ofmice. Furthermore, a negative correlation between OX-A and α-MSH serum levels was found in obese mice as well as in human obese subjects (body mass index > 40), in combination with elevation of alanine aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase, two markers of fatty liver disease. These alterations were counteracted by antagonism of OX-1R, thus providing the basis for a therapeutic treatment of these diseasesPeer Reviewe

    Targeting the orexin/hypocretin system for the treatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases: from animal to clinical studies

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    Orexins (also known as hypocretins) are neuropeptides located exclusively in hypothalamic neurons that have extensive projections throughout the central nervous system and bind two different G protein-coupled receptors (OX1R and OX2R). Since its discovery in 1998, the orexin system has gained the interest of the scientific community as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of different pathological conditions. Considering previous basic science research, a dual orexin receptor antagonist, suvorexant, was the first orexin agent to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat insomnia. In this review, we discuss and update the main preclinical and human studies involving the orexin system with several psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. This system constitutes a nice example of how basic scientific research driven by curiosity can be the best route to the generation of new and powerful pharmacological treatments

    Increased levels of palmitoylethanolamide and other bioactive lipid mediators and enhanced local mast cell proliferation in canine atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Despite the precise pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD) is unknown, an immune dysregulation that causes Th2-predominant inflammation and an intrinsic defect in skin barrier function are currently the two major hypotheses, according to the so-called outside-inside-outside model. Mast cells (MCs) are involved in AD both by releasing Th2 polarizing cytokines and generating pruritus symptoms through release of histamine and tryptase. A link between MCs and skin barrier defects was recently uncovered, with histamine being found to profoundly contribute to the skin barrier defects. Palmitoylethanolamide and related lipid mediators are endogenous bioactive compounds, considered to play a protective homeostatic role in many tissues: evidence collected so far shows that the anti-inflammatory effect of palmitoylethanolamide depends on the down-modulation of MC degranulation. Based on this background, the purpose of the present study was twofold: (a) to determine if the endogenous levels of palmitoylethanolamide and other bioactive lipid mediators are changed in the skin of AD dogs compared to healthy animals; (b) to examine if MC number is increased in the skin of AD dogs and, if so, whether it depends on MC in-situ proliferation. Results: The amount of lipid extract expressed as percent of biopsy tissue weight was significantly reduced in AD skin while the levels of all analyzed bioactive lipid mediators were significantly elevated, with palmitoylethanolamide showing the highest increase. In dogs with AD, the number of MCs was significantly increased in both the subepidermal and the perifollicular compartments and their granule content was significantly decreased in the latter. Also, in situ proliferation of MCs was documented. Conclusions: The levels of palmitoylethanolamide and other bioactive lipid mediators were shown to increase in AD skin compared to healthy samples, leading to the hypothesis that they may be part of the body's innate mechanisms to maintain cellular homeostasis when faced with AD-related inflammation. In particular, the increase may be considered a temptative response to down-regulating the observed elevation in the number, functionality and proliferative state of MCs in the skin of AD dogs. Further studies are warranted to confirm the hypothesis

    Endocannabinoid-dependent disinhibition of orexinergic neurons: electrophysiological evidence in leptin-knockout obese mice

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    Objectives In the ob/ob mouse model of obesity, chronic absence of leptin causes a significant increase of orexin (OX) production by hypothalamic neurons and excessive food intake. The altered OX level is linked to a dramatic increase of the inhibitory innervation of OX producing neurons (OX neurons) and the over expression of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) by OX neurons of ob/ob mice. Little is known about the function of the excitatory synapses of OX neurons in ob/ob mice, and their modulation by 2-AG. In the present study, we fill this gap and provide the first evidence of the overall level of activation of OX neurons in the ob/ob mice. Methods We performed in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recordings on OX neurons located in the perifornical area of the lateral hypothalamus in acute brain slices of wt and ob/ob mice. We identified OX neurons on the basis of their electrophysiological membrane properties, with 96% of concordance with immunohistochemisty. Results We found that OX neurons of ob/ob mice are innervated by less efficient and fewer excitatory synapses than wt mice. Consequently, ob/ob OX neurons show more negative resting membrane potential and lower action potential firing frequency than wt. The bath application of the cannabinoid type 1 receptor agonist WIN55,212-2, depresses both the excitatory and the inhibitory synapses in ob/ob animals, but only the excitatory synapses in wt animals. Finally, the physiologic release of 2-AG induces a prevalent depression of inhibition (disinhibition) of OX neurons in ob/ob animals but not in wt. Conclusions In ob/ob mice, chronic absence of leptin induces a 2-AG mediated functional disinhibition of OX neurons. This helps explain the increase of OX production and, consequently, the excessive food intake of ob/ob mice

    Amygdalar CB2 cannabinoid receptor mediates fear extinction deficits promoted by orexin-A/hypocretin-1.

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    Anxiety and stress disorders are often characterized by an inability to extinguish learned fear responses. Orexins/ hypocretins are involved in the modulation of aversive memories, and dysregulation of this system may contribute to the aetiology of anxiety disorders characterized by pathological fear. The mechanisms by which orexins regulate fear are unknown. Here we investigated the role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in the impaired fear extinction induced by orexin-A (OXA) in male mice. The selective inhibitor of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) biosynthesis O7460 abolished the fear extinction deficits induced by OXA. Accordingly, increased 2- AG levels were observed in the amygdala and hippocampus of mice treated with OXA that do not extinguish fear, suggesting that high levels of this endocannabinoid are related to poor extinction. Impairment of fear extinction induced by OXA was associated with increased expression of CB2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2R) in microglial cells of the basolateral amygdala. Consistently, the intra-amygdala infusion of the CB2R antagonist AM630 completely blocked the impaired extinction promoted by OXA. Microglial and CB2R expression depletion in the amygdala with PLX5622 chow also prevented these extinction deficits. These results show that overactivation of the orexin system leads to impaired fear extinction through 2-AG and amygdalar CB2R. This novel mechanism could be of relevance for the development of novel potential approaches to treat diseases associated with inappropriate retention of fear, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, panic anxiety and phobias.post-print3418 K

    Overlapping distribution of orexin and endocannabinoid receptors and their functional interaction in the brain of adult zebrafish

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    Hypocretins/Orexins neuropeptides are known to regulate numerous physiological functions, such as energy homeostasis, food intake, sleep/wake cycle, arousal and wakefulness, in vertebrates. Previous studies on mice have revealed an intriguing orexins/endocannabinoids (ECs) signaling interaction at both structural and functional levels, with OX-A behaving as a strong enhancer of 2-arachydonoyl-glycerol (2-AG) biosynthesis. In this study, we describe, for the first time in the brain of zebrafish, the anatomical distribution and co-expression of orexin (OX-2R) and endocannabinoid (CB1R) receptors, suggesting a functional interaction. The immunohistochemical colocalization of these receptors by confocal imaging in the dorsal and ventral telencephalon, suprachiasmatic nucleus (SC), thalamus, hypothalamus, preoptic area (PO) and cerebellum, is reported. Moreover, biochemical quantification of 2-AG levels by LC-MS supports the occurrence of OX-A-induced 2-AG biosynthesis in the zebrafish brain after 3 h of OX-A intraperitoneal (i.p.; 3 pmol/g) or intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.; 0.3 pmol/g) injection. This effect is likely mediated by OX-2R as it is counteracted by i.p./i.c.v administration of OX-2R antagonist (SB334867, 10 pmol/g). This study provides compelling morphological and functional evidence of an OX-2R/CB1R signaling interaction in the brain of adult zebrafish, suggesting the use of this well-established vertebrate animal model for the study of complex and phylogenetically conserved physiological functions

    Exploiting Nanotechnologies and TRPV1 Channels to Investigate the Putative Anandamide Membrane Transporter

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    Considerable efforts have been made to characterize the pathways regulating the extracellular levels of the endocannabinoid anandamide. However, none of such pathways has been so argued as the existence of a carrier-mediated transport of anandamide across the membrane. Apart from the lack of molecular evidence for such a carrier, the main reasons of this controversy lie in the methodologies currently used to study anandamide cellular uptake. Furthermore, the main evidence in favor of the existence of an "anandamide transporter" relies on synthetic inhibitors of this process, the selectivity of which has been questioned.We used the cytosolic binding site for anandamide on TRPV1 channels as a biosensor to detect anandamide entry into cells, and exploited nanotechnologies to study anandamide membrane transport into intact TRPV1-overexpressing HEK-293 cells. Both fluorescence and digital holographic (DH) quantitative phase microscopy were used to study TRPV1 activation. Poly-epsilon-caprolactone nanoparticles (PCL-NPs) were used to incorporate anandamide, which could thus enter the cell and activate TRPV1 channels bypassing any possible specific protein(s) involved in the uptake process. We reasoned that in the absence of such protein(s), pharmacological tools previously shown to inhibit the "anandamide transporter" would affect in the same way the uptake of anandamide and PCL-NP-anandamide, and hence the activation of TRPV1. However, when masked into PCL-NPs, anandamide cellular uptake became much less sensitive to these agents, although it maintained the same pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics as that of "free" anandamide.We found here that several agents previously reported to inhibit anandamide cellular uptake lose their efficacy when anandamide is prevented from interacting directly with plasma membrane proteins, thus arguing in favor of the specificity of such agents for the putative "anandamide transporter", and of the existence of such mechanism