801 research outputs found

    Guest Artist Recital: Kimberly Cole Luevano

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    Concert: Clarinet Masterclass, Kimberly Cole Luevano

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    Educational Journeys Of Successful Hispanic Science Professionals

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    This qualitative case study examined the science identity and educational experiences, including discrimination, perseverance, and mentorship, of Hispanics in science. The participants were asked to reflect on their 1) educational journeys including obstacles they encountered during their education, 2) support systems while in college, 3) science identities, and 4) their advice for future Hispanic science majors. To capture the stories of successful Hispanic science professionals in detail, transcripts were utilized as data sources. Once member check was conducted, transcripts were analyzed by utilizing qualitative computer software. Grounded science identity model and social capital theory were utilized as the conceptual frameworks. The themes that emerged from the data were: 1) Successful Careers, 2) Support Systems, 3) Obstacles Encountered During College, 4) Successfully Navigated Through Their Obstacles, and 5) Science Identity. In order for the participants to be successful in science, they relied on their support system that included family, friends, and mentors to assist them once an obstacle/barrier was encountered. Implications for practice include 1) Hispanic science professionals mentoring Hispanic science majors, 2) Hispanic families becoming more active in their child’s dream of attending college, and 3) assist educators in an understanding of the obstacles some Hispanic science students encounter. The participants’ determination and passion were key to their success in science


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    El Síndrome de Intestino Irritable (SII) es una enfermedad crónica y recurrente, que se caracteriza por dolor abdominal y/o molestias asociadas al cambio de la consistencia y frecuencia de las heces. Este síndrome es uno de los más prevalentes en todo el mundo y el más frecuente en la consulta ambulatoria, es más habitual en mujeres, estos pacientes tienen una clara menor calidad de vida. El diagnóstico se realiza utilizando los Criterios de Roma III ya que tienen una alta sensibilidad y especificidad. El tratamiento actual se encuentra en discusión pues no hay un fármaco que mejore todos los síntomas que se presentan por lo tanto se trata con dieta, antiespasmódicos, antidepresivos, psicoterapia etc

    Professor Avatar Holographic Telepresence Model

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    Introduced into theaters in the 1860s, Pepper’s Ghost startled theatergoers with an effect that allowed live people or objects to materialize into the scene. The illusion of a ghost is an actor located forward of and below the stage floor. The glass illustrates the reflection of the offstage “ghost,” while the leftmost “ghost” simulates what the audiences see. Modern versions of this effect consist of a completely new way of projecting video to create the illusion of life-size, full-color, moving images but projected as 2D images into a set. The mind of the audience creates the 3D illusion. This technology enables a new line of communication, which is called “holographic telepresence” that delivers a life-sized holographic experience in real time, enabling to connect more effectively and make an impact on audiences. The technology reduces expenses and saves on time travel. This project identified the parameters for correct setup of holographic telepresence, so that future users will be able to replicate and use with ease. The project used action research, which provides fast and effective solutions. The results demonstrated that it was possible that by defining the parameters and a guide for setting up a holographic telepresence


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    Simbólicamente, el 1 de mayo de 2019 se publicó una muy anunciada reforma a la legislación laboral mexicana que materializa un cambio constitucional de 2017. Entre otros aspectos, dicha modificación concretó el fin del tripartismo en la justicia laboral, más que la conclusión de un ciclo es una etapa más en el desmantelamiento de los derechos sociales mexicanos.En general, el derecho del trabajo mexicano se encuentra en un momento de profundas transformaciones que desmontan su carácter protectorio. Desde hace al menos tres décadas inició una ofensiva de elites patronales y gubernamentales contra los mecanismos y dispositivos de auxilio a la clase obrera que se concreta en las recientes reformas legales que desconocen la desigualdad de las partes en la relación productiva las cuales implican una especie de regresión liberal. Con la desaparición de las Juntas de Conciliación y Arbitraje, y por tanto del tripartismo, en la reforma laboral constitucional de 2017 se reconoce formalmente el fin del derecho del trabajo como disciplina social en México. La reconfiguración del Congreso de la Unión en el país puede implicar una nueva discusión sobre el futuro del derecho laboral, sin certeza sobre sus características

    Método para evaluar el Clima organizacional del área docente de un centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico de CD. Obregón, Sonora

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    The organizational climate is a set of perceptions that individuals have of a company and its environment, regardless of how others perceive it, therefore, is more of an individual dimension than of the organization. For this reason, is important to know the teachers thought about the organizational climate, because this affects different factors such as physiological, psychological, social and economic, in addition to having material needs, they also need to feel involved in a comfortable environment in order to work optimally. All of them, may have all the necessary skills to perfectly meet the requirements of the position, but if they are not in a pleasant environment, will not achieve their potential. This is the reason why, an organizational climate survey was carried out, designed by the author Likert, and modified for the previously evaluation of the administrative staff of the Scholastic Records Department, of the Technological Institute of Sonora. The questionnaire was designed with 21 questions and was applied to 40 teachers of the Technological Bachelor Center of Cd. Obregon. After the implementation a report was made where the results and the opportunities of improvement where found, the application method to evaluate the organizational climate, is considered an effective tool to improve the employees performance.El clima Organizacional, es un conjunto de percepciones que los individuos tienen de una empresa y el entorno, independientemente de cómo lo perciben otros, por lo tanto, es más una dimensión del individuo que de la organización. Por tal motivo, es importante conocer el pensar que tienen los docentes sobre el clima organizacional, porque esto afecta diferentes factores como el fisiológico, psicológico, social y económico, además de tener necesidades materiales, también necesita sentirse involucrado en un ambiente confortable para poder trabajar de manera óptima. Todos ellos, pueden tener todas las aptitudes necesarias para cubrir perfectamente los requerimientos del puesto, pero si no están en un ambiente agradable, no lograrán desarrollar su potencial. Es la razón por la cual, se llevó a cabo una encuesta del clima organizacional, la cual fue diseñada por el autor Likert, y modificada para evaluar anteriormente al personal administrativo del Departamento de Registro Escolar, del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. El cuestionario fue diseñado con 21 preguntas y se aplicó a 40 docentes del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico de Cd. Obregón. Después de la aplicación se realizó un informe donde se dan a conocer los resultados y las oportunidades de mejora, la aplicación del método para evaluar el clima organizacional, se considera como una herramienta eficaz para mejorar el desempeño de los empleados

    Generation of Natural Killer Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells, Characterisation and Application for Immunotherapy

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    Adoptive (Natural killer) NK cell therapy relies on the use of a large amount of NK cells that are cytotoxic, and yet not exhausted. For this purpose, NK cells can be isolated from cord blood, peripheral blood or generated in vitro from haematopoietic stem cells (HSC). In vitro generation of high numbers of activated NK cells using HSC would facilitate multiple infusions and treatment of patients with large tumour burden, allowing to by-pass the limitations of NK cell numbers and activation state of blood-derived NK cells. However, comprehensive studies about the use of fresh or cryopreserved HSC and of different HSC sources for protocols of NK cell production in vitro have yet to be performed. The aim of this thesis was to investigate these variables and establish an optimal protocol for the generation of NK cells in vitro. This work investigated the use of a published protocol and a modified version using only IL-15 for the last weeks of culture; moreover, the comparison of NK cells derived from fresh cord blood stem cells (CBSC) and frozen CBSC and a different HSC source, mobilised peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC), was performed. Using this protocol, we showed that frozen CBSC generated higher NK cell numbers expressing activating receptors, lacking killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor expression but with better immunoregulatory and cytotoxic properties compared to NK cells from fresh CBSC and PBSC cultures. More than half of the NK cells generated in vitro from all HSC types expressed the myeloid-marker CD33; blocking of this marker did not impact on NK cell functions. Finally, CBSC and PBSC showed a different threshold for NK cell activation with interleukin 12. In conclusion, our study provides evidence that frozen CBSC are a suitable source of HSC for NK cell generation in vitro compared to fresh CBSC and frozen PBSC

    Traducción y análisis: The Tecate Journals: Seventy Days on the Rio Grand, Un Libro de Keith Bowden

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    Translation is an art and a craft that can be improved with practice and by critically reflecting on the process. In addition, the analysis of translation contributes to the development of theory. This thesis presents a translation and its analysis of the techniques applied during the process. Three fragments of Keith Bowden’s (2007) book The Tecate Journals: Seventy Days on the Rio Grande were translated. Bowden offers a chronicle of what he experienced while boating down the Rio Grande along the Mexican-American border. It is a book aimed primarily at the rafting and adventure sports enthusiasts. However, it also deals with a variety of issues such as river pollution, drug trafficking, and the overall conditions of those living on its banks. The author offers a different perspective of the river. The translation of these fragments offers the Spanish-speaking audience an opportunity to explore this important waterway in a way that has never been done before. The analysis of the translation identifies some of the challenges the translator faced during the process and explains the different translation techniques applied to overcome them, all informed by the theory found in translation manual

    Rhesus macaques compensate for reproductive delay following ecological adversity early in life

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    Cayo Santiago is supported by the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) of the National Institute of Health, grant 2 P40 OD012217, and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Medical Sciences Campus. L. L. was supported by the Edison STEM-NET Student Research Fellowship Program and in part by the Richard D. Green endowment at the CSULB College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. S. J. G. was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (award # T32GM138075).Adversity early in life can shape the reproductive potential of individuals through negative effects on health and life span. However, long-lived populations with multiple reproductive events may present alternative life history strategies to optimize reproductive schedules and compensate for shorter life spans. Here, we quantify the effects of major hurricanes and density dependence as sources of early-life ecological adversity on Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque female reproduction and decompose their effects onto the mean age-specific fertility, reproductive pace, and lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Females experiencing major hurricanes exhibit a delayed reproductive debut but maintain the pace of reproduction past debut and show a higher mean fertility during prime reproductive ages, relative to unaffected females. Increasing density at birth is associated to a decrease in mean fertility and reproductive pace, but such association is absent at intermediate densities. When combined, our study reveals that hurricanes early in life predict a delay-overshoot pattern in mean age-specific fertility that supports the maintenance of LRS. In contrast to predictive adaptive response models of accelerated reproduction, this long-lived population presents a novel reproductive strategy where females who experience major natural disasters early in life ultimately overcome their initial reproductive penalty with no major negative fitness outcomes. Density presents a more complex relation with reproduction that suggests females experiencing a population regulated at intermediate densities early in life will escape density dependence and show optimized reproductive schedules. Our results support hypotheses about life history trade-offs in which adversity-affected females ensure their future reproductive potential by allocating more energy to growth or maintenance processes at younger adult ages.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe