1,253 research outputs found

    Progress Report--Globalizing U.S. Extension Systems

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    This article highlights the results of a 2000 study of U.S. Extension directors who described their Extension systems related to efforts to globalize over a 20-year period. Directors recognize that globalization of Extension is underway and will become more integrated into future Extension programming. Positive changes were seen between 1990 and 2000, with 35 systems moving towards globalizing. For purposes of the study, globalization was defined as the incorporation of global content into Extension efforts so that clientele develop an understanding of global interdependencies as they relate to the issue areas within the Extension mission

    Studies on pathogenicity and host resistance of Exserohilum turcicum and Fusarium spp. on maize (Zea mays L.) cultivated in tropical and temperate climate zones

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    In the last 60 years, maize production has increased worldwide, reaching 1.14 billion tons in 2018. Maize production in Europe and South America was about 110 and 130 million tons in 2018, respectively. The demand for highly productive maize is observed in both tropical and temperate zones. Thus, the selection of plants from different maturity groups and high yield production are required from breeding programs. Besides highly productive plants, other agronomical traits such as resistance to pest and diseases needs to be considered during selection. Globally, some of the most important diseases affecting maize are northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), and Gibberella and Fusarium ear rot (GER and FER, respectively). Host resistance to E. turcicum is based on qualitative or quantitative sources, while for GER and FER only quantitative resistance is available in commercial hybrids. The quantitative resistance is more durable; however, it is more laborious to introgress into breeding lines. Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is an important disease in maize-producing areas worldwide. The symptoms of NCLB, whose causal agent is the ascomycete Exserohilum turcicum (teleomorph Setosphaeria turcica), are characterized by elliptical grey-green lesions. High disease severity can cause yield losses up to 40% (Levy und Pataky 1992). The main control methods applied for NCLB control are fungicide applications and the cultivation of resistant hybrids. Qualitative resistance has been widely used to control NCLB in many countries through the deployment of Ht genes. The race assessment from isolates collected in Argentina and Brazil during 2017, 2018 and 2019 revealed a high frequency of race 0 isolates (83% and 65% in Argentina and Brazil, respectively). In those countries, Ht genes are not being used extensively to control NCLB. This information is important for breeding programs and may help with disease management. Favorable weather conditions for NCLB development are long dewy periods and moderate temperatures. These optimum conditions for disease development can be observed in temperate regions as well as in mid-altitude regions in the tropics. The comparison of E. turcicum isolates in response to temperatures varied in vitro and in vivo between 15 and 30°C demonstrating that the aggressiveness of South American isolates was higher than that of European isolates. The multivariate analysis confirmed that South American isolates are better adapted to higher temperatures by grouping them separately. In conclusion, E. turcicum populations may adapt quickly to environmental changes. The plasticity in adapting to environmental conditions of E. turcicum may decrease the durability of resistance. Studies on the pathogenesis of E. turcicum in the differential maize line B37 with and without the resistance genes Ht1, Ht2, Ht3 and Htn1 were conducted for different stages of infection and disease development from penetration (0-1 dpi), until full symptom expression (14-18 dpi). Symptomological analysis demonstrated that Ht1 expressed necrotic lesions with chlorosis, Ht2 displayed chlorosis and small lesions, Ht3 resulted in chlorotic spots and Htn1 express wilt-type lesions. Histological studies conducted with Chlorazol Black E staining indicated that the pathogen was able to penetrate xylem vessels at 6 dpi in compatible interactions and strongly colonized the mesophyll at 12 dpi, which is considered the crucial process differentiating susceptibility from resistance. Additionally, lower disease levels, low fungal DNA content at 10 and 14 dpi, and the delayed progress of infection in compatible interactions with resistant lines imply that the Ht genes are associated with or confer additional quantitative resistance. Physiological studies showed a reduction in the photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency in the incompatible interaction at 5 dpi. At 14 dpi, the strong necrosis displayed in the resistance reaction by B37Ht1 resulted in the reduction of photosynthesis as observed for B37. However, leaf area, aerial and root dry biomass were not reduced in inoculated plants at 28 dpi. Additionally, high rates of peroxide localization were observed in inoculated plants at 3 and 6 dpi, corroborating data on peroxidase activity. In fact, Ht1, Ht3 and Htn1 reduced pathogen sporulation whereas Ht2 reduced the number and size of lesions. All phenotypical studies demonstrated that Ht genes confer distinct resistance mechanisms. The resistance phenotype expressed by Ht2 may change according to environmental conditions. There are reports on the influence of low post-inoculation temperature (22/18°C) and low light intensity (324 and 162 µmol m-2 s-1) on resistance expressed by this gene. Our objective was to prove that temperature has no influence on the resistance conferred by the Ht2-gene against E. turcicum. Therefore, maize plants were pre-exposed to warm (30/25°C) and moderate (20/15°C) temperature regimes for 10 days before inoculation. There was no influence of pre-inoculation temperature on the expression of resistance by Ht2. The resistance conferred by the Ht2 gene was confirmed by quantifying the fungal DNA in planta at 21 dpi. Changes in resistance phenotypes may be related to pathogen aggressiveness factors. GER and FER can cause qualitative yield losses due to mycotoxin production. GER is mainly caused by Fusarium graminearum and FER by F. verticillioides. GER is more frequent in regions with colder temperatures and high precipitation, and is more prevalent in Germany, while FER occurrence is favored by warm and dry weather conditions and is more prevalent in Brazil. In general, F. graminearum was more aggressive than F. verticillioides, which support affirmations about systemic colonization by F. verticillioides. With regard to tropical and temperate hosts, the German isolates were more aggressive than the Brazilian isolates when inoculated in the tropical lines. Additionally, tropical lines pre-exposed to higher temperatures presented higher disease severity when compared to plants exposed to mild temperatures. In general, the cultivation of resistant hybrids remains a successful strategy for controlling NCLB, GER and FER. The optimization of resistance resources is fundamental for maintaining the durability of resistance.2021-11-1

    Global in Our Backyard

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    Extension faculty function in a political arena and should be politically active in Extension issues and budgets. Extension faculty and administrators each have a role in providing reliable information on issues and budgets to elected officials. Extension administration should provide plans and budgets to faculty and expect them to work with elected officials as well as inform clientele and support groups. Communication between all levels of Extension becomes extremely critical. There are pitfalls, but the rewards can be a stable or higher Extension budget

    Gamblers seeking treatment: Who does and who doesn't?

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    Abstract Background and aims As only a minority of pathological gamblers (PGr) presents for treatment, further knowledge about help-seeking behavior is required in order to enhance treatment utilization. The present study investigated factors associated with treatment participation in gamblers in Germany. As subclinical pathological gamblers (SPGr, fulfilling one to four DSM-IV-criteria) are target of early intervention due to high risk of transition to pathological gambling, they were subject of special interest. Methods The study analyzed data from a general population survey (n = 234, SPGr: n = 198, PGr: n = 36) and a treatment study (n = 329, SPGr: n = 22, PGr: n = 307). A two-step weighting procedure was applied to ensure comparability of samples. Investigated factors included socio-demographic variables, gambling behavior, symptoms of pathological gambling and substance use. Results In PGr, regular employment and non-German nationality were positively associated with being in treatment while gambling on the Internet and gaming machines and fulfilling more DSM-IV-criteria lowered the odds. In SPGr, treatment attendance was negatively associated with married status and alcohol consumption and positively associated with older age, higher stakes, more fulfilled DSM-IV criteria and regular smoking. Conclusions In accordance to expectations more severe gambling problems and higher problem awareness and/or external pressure might facilitate treatment entry. There are groups with lower chances of being in treatment: women, ethnic minorities, and SPGr. We propose target group specific offers, use of Internet-based methods as possible adaptions and/or extensions of treatment offers that could enhance treatment attendance

    Has gambling changed after major amendments of gambling regulations in Germany? A propensity score analysis

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    Aims: This study examined changes in general population gambling in the light of two major amendments of the German gambling regulation, the Fifth Amendment of the German Gambling Ordinance (AGO) for commercial amusement machines with prizes (AWP) and the State Treaty on Gambling (STG) for gambling activities subject to the state monopoly. Methods: Applying cross-sectional data from the 2006 and 2009 Epidemiological Survey of Substance Abuse (ESA), propensity-score-matched samples of 7,970 subjects and 3,624 12-month gamblers aged 18–64 years were used for analyses. Logistic regression was employed to examine changes in gambling controlling for possible confounding variables. Results: Overall participation in state gambling activities, participation in lotto as well as TV lottery decreased and gambling on Internet card games increased. No changes were found for any other gambling activity, 12-month prevalence of any gambling and pathological gambling. While weekly gambling declined, overall multiple gambling increased. Effects were similar in the total sample and among current gamblers. Conclusions: Prohibiting specific gambling activities, e.g., Internet gambling, seem to be insufficient approaches to change gambling behavior. Supply reduction might need to be enhanced by changes in game characteristics and implementation of early intervention measures. However, long-term consequences are uncertain and further monitoring is needed

    Strategic Preferences of Farm Supply and Grain Elevator Businesses: Empirical Evidence from Germany

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    Against the background of profound structural changes of the agricultural sector during the last decades, the current paper examines an often neglected area in agricultural economics, namely the local farm supply and grain elevator (FSG) business. By using a discrete choice experiment, we examine strategic preferences of agricultural traders in Germany. For this purpose, we employ a Hierarchical Bayes Model and simulate shares of preferences for different strategic options. Since our study also reveals strategic subgroups, the paper at hand helps on the one hand to better understand the ongoing structural changes within this industry and on the other hand to forecast the manner of competition between the farmers’ market intermediaries in the future

    Examining What Should Be the Role of an Internationalized Land Grant Extension System

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    The purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics that will describe an internationalized state extension system. The study used a modified Delphi technique to explore and describe the characteristics of an internationalized state extension system. By consensus of the Delphi Panel, five critical elements were identified. Extension systems can use these as criteria to make initial assessments on the level of internationalization present

    Midkine in Inflammation

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    The 13 kDa heparin-binding growth factor midkine (MK) was originally identified as a molecule involved in the orchestration of embryonic development. Recent studies provided evidence for a new role of MK in acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Accordingly, several inflammatory diseases including nephritis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, colitis, and autoimmune encephalitis have been shown to be alleviated in the absence of MK in animal models. Reduced leukocyte recruitment to the sites of inflammation was found to be one important mechanism attenuating chronic inflammation when MK was absent. Furthermore, MK was found to modulate expression of proinflammatory cytokines and the expansion of regulatory T-cells. Here, we review the current understanding of the role of MK in different inflammatory disorders and summarize the knowledge of MK biology

    Feiertagsstreichung, 40-Stunden-Woche, Steuererhöhung - ein Konzept zur mittelfristigen Haushaltssanierung?

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    Fehlt der Bundesregierung ein mittelfristiges Konzept zur Haushaltssanierung? Dr. Barbara Hendricks, Bundesministerium der Finanzen, erläutert mit ihrem Beitrag das Haushaltskonzept der Bundesregierung für das Jahr 2005 und unterstreicht, dass das Konzept einen Weg aus dem Konflikt zwischen notwendigem Defizitabbau einerseits und konjunkturellen Erfordernissen andererseits weist. Dieter Ondracek, Deutsche Steuer-Gewerkschaft, sieht vor allem eine Notwendigkeit darin, dass Bewegung in die Struktur der Finanzpolitik gebracht wird: "Eine Steuervereinfachung durch Verzicht auf steuerliche Vergünstigungen und Sonderregelungen ist neben der konsequenten Anwendung geltender Steuergesetze ein wirksamer Beitrag zur Sanierung der öffentlichen Haushalte." Für Dr. Udo Ludwig, Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle, ist eine Arbeitszeitverlängerung kein Mittel zur Haushaltssanierung.Haushaltskonsolidierung, Öffentlicher Haushalt, Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung, Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft, Steuerbelastung, Steuerrecht