1,197 research outputs found

    Consumption Behaviour in Zambia: The Link to Poverty Alleviation?

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    In order to be able to suggest viable solutions to the overwhelming problem of poverty on the African continent, it is first necessary to know exactly what is causing that poverty. It is the intention of this paper to measure welfare in Zambia, via an estimated consumption function, and then to compare this estimated consumption to the levels of poverty, or subsistence level consumption expenditure, in Zambia. The objective is to understand the underlying determinants and depth of poverty in Zambia, by analysing the root of the problem Ð why people canÕt afford to consume. Aggregate real PCE is estimated in Zambia for the years 1970 to 2001, and it is found that the Zambian economy suffers from a very high MPC. The results also show that the average Zambian is regarded as being extremely poor, spending approximately US$17 on consumption per month, as calculated using the estimated PCE function.

    Investigating the Bank-Lending Channel in South Africa: A VAR Approach

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    The monetary policy transmission mechanism can broadly be categorised into three separate channels: the interest rate channel, the credit channel and the other asset price channel. This paper seeks to examine the bank-lending channel of the credit channel of monetary policy in South Africa by making use of structural vector auto- regressions (SVAR’s). The pass-through effects of a change in the repurchase (repo) rate on bank deposits and loans and output, are tested using a parsimonious vector error correction model (PVECM). The Johansen (1988) cointegration procedure is used to test for a demand- or supply-driven bank-lending channel. In this way, the validity and effectiveness of the monetary policy regime in South Africa is tested and evaluated.monetary transmission mechanism, bank-lending channel, VAR, VECM, Johansen cointegration test

    Clinical and therapeutic aspects of viral hepatitis: exploring the role of ribavirin

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    Minyak gandapura (Gaultheria fragrantissima) mengandung methylsalisilat yang banyak digunakan dalam industri farmasi. Indonesia masih mengimpor minyak gandapura sintentik dari Cina untuk kebutuhan industri farmasi. Sampai saat ini tanaman gandapura di Indonesia belum dibudidayakan, untuk memperoleh terna segarnya petani masih menambang dari daerah pegunungan yang tumbuh secara liar. Dalam rangka menggali potensi pengembangan pengusahaan minyak gandapura, telah dilakukan kajian awal bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha pengolahan minyak gandapura. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus di industri/pengrajin minyak gandapura milik Kelompok Tani Rukun yang berlokasi di Desa Sikunang, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah mulai bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2003. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha pengolahan minyak gandapura digunakan indikator kelayakan Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa usaha pengolahan minyak gandapura di Kabupaten Wonosobo layak secara finansial. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai BCR 1,60 dan memberikan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 400.000,- per hari atau Rp.16.000,- per orang/hari, lebih besar dari pada upah tenaga harian yang berlaku setempat (Rp. 12.500,-/HOK)
