26 research outputs found

    Differential nuclear scaffold/matrix attachment marks expressed genesā€ 

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    It is well established that nuclear architecture plays a key role in poising regions of the genome for transcription. This may be achieved using scaffold/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) that establish loop domains. However, the relationship between changes in the physical structure of the genome as mediated by attachment to the nuclear scaffold/matrix and gene expression is not clearly understood. To define the role of S/MARs in organizing our genome and to resolve the often contradictory loci-specific studies, we have surveyed the S/MARs in HeLa S3 cells on human chromosomes 14ā€“18 by array comparative genomic hybridization. Comparison of LIS (lithium 3,5-diiodosalicylate) extraction to identify SARs and 2 m NaCl extraction to identify MARs revealed that approximately one-half of the sites were in common. The results presented in this study suggest that SARs 5ā€² of a gene are associated with transcript presence whereas MARs contained within a gene are associated with silenced genes. The varied functions of the S/MARs as revealed by the different extraction methods highlights their unique functional contribution

    Nuclear Scaffold Attachment Sites within ENCODE Regions Associate with Actively Transcribed Genes

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    The human genome must be packaged and organized in a functional manner for the regulation of DNA replication and transcription. The nuclear scaffold/matrix, consisting of structural and functional nuclear proteins, remains after extraction of nuclei and anchors loops of DNA. In the search for cis-elements functioning as chromatin domain boundaries, we identified 453 nuclear scaffold attachment sites purified by lithium-3,5-iodosalicylate extraction of HeLa nuclei across 30 Mb of the human genome studied by the ENCODE pilot project. The scaffold attachment sites mapped predominately near expressed genes and localized near transcription start sites and the ends of genes but not to boundary elements. In addition, these regions were enriched for RNA polymerase II and transcription factor binding sites and were located in early replicating regions of the genome. We believe these sites correspond to genome-interactions mediated by transcription factors and transcriptional machinery immobilized on a nuclear substructure

    From lamins to lamina: a structural perspective

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    Lamin proteins are the major constituents of the nuclear lamina, a proteinaceous network that lines the inner nuclear membrane. Primarily, the nuclear lamina provides structural support for the nucleus and the nuclear envelope; however, lamins and their associated proteins are also involved in most of the nuclear processes, including DNA replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, and signaling. Mutations in human lamin A and associated proteins were found to cause a large number of diseases, termed 'laminopathies.' These diseases include muscular dystrophies, lipodystrophies, neuropathies, and premature aging syndromes. Despite the growing number of studies on lamins and their associated proteins, the molecular organization of lamins in health and disease is still elusive. Likewise, there is no comprehensive view how mutations in lamins result in a plethora of diseases, selectively affecting different tissues. Here, we discuss some of the structural aspects of lamins and the nuclear lamina organization, in light of recent results

    Aberrant transmembrane signal transduction in Dictyostelium cells expressing a mutated ras gene.

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    Dictyostelium discoideum cells contain a single ras gene (Dd-ras) that is highly homologous to mammalian ras genes. Cell transformation with a vector carrying a ras gene with a (glycine----threonine) missense mutation at position 12 causes an altered morphogenesis. Extracellular cAMP signals regulate morphogenesis and induce chemotaxis and the activation and subsequent desensitization of adenylate and guanylate cyclase. cAMP signal transduction was investigated in Dd-ras-transformed cells. Transformants that overexpress the mutated Dd-ras-Thr12 gene show normal activation and desensitization of adenylate cyclase and normal activation of guanylate cyclase. However, cAMP induces a stronger desensitization of guanylate cyclase stimulation in the Dd-ras-Thr12 transformant than in transformants overexpressing the Dd-ras-Gly12 wild-type gene or in untransformed cells. This effect was correlated with a reduced chemotactic sensitivity of the transformant expressing the mutated Dd-ras-Thr12 gene

    A progeria mutation reveals functions for lamin A in nuclear assembly, architecture, and chromosome organization

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    Numerous mutations in the human A-type lamin gene (LMNA) cause the premature aging disease, progeria. Some of these are located in the Ī±-helical central rod domain required for the polymerization of the nuclear lamins into higher order structures. Patient cells with a mutation in this domain, 433G>A (E145K) show severely lobulated nuclei, a separation of the A- and B-type lamins, alterations in pericentric heterochromatin, abnormally clustered centromeres, and mislocalized telomeres. The induction of lobulations and the clustering of centromeres originate during postmitotic nuclear assembly in daughter cells and this early G1 configuration of chromosomes is retained throughout interphase. In vitro analyses of E145K-lamin A show severe defects in the assembly of protofilaments into higher order lamin structures. The results show that this central rod domain mutation affects nuclear architecture in a fashion distinctly different from the changes found in the most common form of progeria caused by the expression of LAĪ”50/progerin. The study also emphasizes the importance of lamins in nuclear assembly and chromatin organization