194 research outputs found

    Translation of the L-species dsRNA genome of the killer-associated virus-like particles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Virus-like particles containing the L (P1)-species of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) were isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the translational activity of the virus-like particle-derived dsRNA was analyzed in the wheat germ cell-free system. Denaturation of the dsRNA immediately prior to in vitro translation resulted in the synthesis of one major and at least three minor polypeptides, whereas undenatured dsRNA, as expected, did not stimulate [35S]methionine incorporation into polypeptides, but actually slightly inhibited endogenous activity. The major in vitro translation product of the denatured L-dsRNA was shown to be identical with the major L-dsRNA containing virus-like particle capsid polypeptide on the basis of three criteria: co-electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, immunoprecipitation, and tryptic peptide analysis. We have therefore established that the L-dsRNA genome encodes the major virus-like particle capsid polypeptide. This result adds considerable support to the hypothesis that the L-dsRNA genome acts as a helper genome to the smaller (1.6 x 10(6) dalton) M-dsRNA genome in killer strains of yeast by providing the M-dsRNA containing virus-like particles with their major coat protein

    Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity.

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    In the healthy human brain, the processing of language is strongly lateralised, usually to the left hemisphere, while the processing of complex non-linguistic sounds recruits brain regions bilaterally. Here we asked whether the anterior temporal lobes, strongly implicated in semantic processing, are critical to this special treatment of spoken words. Nine patients with semantic dementia (SD) and fourteen age-matched controls underwent magnetoencephalography and structural MRI. Voxel based morphometry demonstrated the stereotypical pattern of SD: severe grey matter loss restricted to the anterior temporal lobes, with the left side more affected. During magnetoencephalography, participants listened to word sets in which identity and meaning were ambiguous until word completion, for example PLAYED versus PLATE. Whereas left-hemispheric responses were similar across groups, patients demonstrated increased right hemisphere activity 174-294 msec after stimulus disambiguation. Source reconstructions confirmed recruitment of right-sided analogues of language regions in SD: atrophy of anterior temporal lobes was associated with increased activity in right temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus. Overall, the results indicate that anterior temporal lobes are necessary for normal and efficient lateralised processing of word identity by the language network.The study was primarily funded by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit with additional support from the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care). TEC was supported by the Association of British Neurologists, the Patrick Berthoud Charitable trust, and the NIHR. YS was supported by the Medical Research Council (MC-A060-5PQ90), Lundbeck Foundation (R164-2013-15801, project 18690), Danish Council for Independent Research (6110-00486, project 23776), HSE Basic Research Program and the RF Academic Excellence Project '5-100'. JBR was supported by the Wellcome Trust (103838), and the Medical Research Council (MC-A060-5PQ30 & SUAG/004 RG91365)

    Factors Affecting the Radii of Close-in Transiting Exoplanets

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    The radius of an exoplanet may be affected by various factors, including irradiation, planet mass and heavy element content. A significant number of transiting exoplanets have now been discovered for which the mass, radius, semi-major axis, host star metallicity and stellar effective temperature are known. We use multivariate regression models to determine the dependence of planetary radius on planetary equilibrium temperature T_eq, planetary mass M_p, stellar metallicity [Fe/H], orbital semi-major axis a, and tidal heating rate H_tidal, for 119 transiting planets in three distinct mass regimes. We determine that heating leads to larger planet radii, as expected, increasing mass leads to increased or decreased radii of low-mass (<0.5R_J) and high-mass (>2.0R_J) planets, respectively (with no mass effect on Jupiter-mass planets), and increased host-star metallicity leads to smaller planetary radii, indicating a relationship between host-star metallicity and planet heavy element content. For Saturn-mass planets, a good fit to the radii may be obtained from log(R_p/R_J)=-0.077+0.450 log(M_p/M_J)-0.314[Fe/H]+0.671 log(a/AU)+0.398 log(T_eq/K). The radii of Jupiter-mass planets may be fit by log(R_p/R_J)=-2.217+0.856 log(T_eq/K)+0.291 log(a/AU). High-mass planets' radii are best fit by log(R_p/R_J)=-1.067+0.380 log(T_eq/K)-0.093 log(M_p/M_J)-0.057[Fe/H]+0.019 log(H_tidal/1x10^{20}). These equations produce a very good fit to the observed radii, with a mean absolute difference between fitted and observed radius of 0.11R_J. A clear distinction is seen between the core-dominated Saturn-mass (0.1-0.5M_J) planets, whose radii are determined almost exclusively by their mass and heavy element content, and the gaseous envelope-dominated Jupiter-mass (0.5-2.0M_J) planets, whose radii increase strongly with irradiating flux, partially offset by a power-law dependence on orbital separation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A&

    The Genome of C57BL/6J Eve , the Mother of the Laboratory Mouse Genome Reference Strain.

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    Isogenic laboratory mouse strains enhance reproducibility because individual animals are genetically identical. For the most widely used isogenic strain, C57BL/6, there exists a wealth of genetic, phenotypic, and genomic data, including a high-quality reference genome (GRCm38.p6). Now 20 years after the first release of the mouse reference genome, C57BL/6J mice are at least 26 inbreeding generations removed from GRCm38 and the strain is now maintained with periodic reintroduction of cryorecovered mice derived from a single breeder pair, aptly named Adam and Eve. To provide an update to the mouse reference genome that more accurately represents the genome of today\u27s C57BL/6J mice, we took advantage of long read, short read, and optical mapping technologies to generate a de novo assembly of the C57BL/6J Eve genome (B6Eve). Using these data, we have addressed recurring variants observed in previous mouse genomic studies. We have also identified structural variations, closed gaps in the mouse reference assembly, and revealed previously unannotated coding sequences. This B6Eve assembly explains discrepant observations that have been associated with GRCm38-based analyses, and will inform a reference genome that is more representative of the C57BL/6J mice that are in use today

    Non-O ABO blood group genotypes differ in their associations with Plasmodium falciparum rosetting and severe malaria

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    Blood group O is associated with protection against severe malaria and reduced size and stability of P. falciparum-host red blood cell (RBC) rosettes compared to non-O blood groups. Whether the non-O blood groups encoded by the specific ABO genotypes AO, BO, AA, BB and AB differ in their associations with severe malaria and rosetting is unknown. The A and B antigens are host RBC receptors for rosetting, hence we hypothesized that the higher levels of A and/or B antigen on RBCs from AA, BB and AB genotypes compared to AO/BO genotypes could lead to larger rosettes, increased microvascular obstruction and higher risk of malaria pathology. We used a case-control study of Kenyan children and in vitro adhesion assays to test the hypothesis that “double dose” non-O genotypes (AA, BB, AB) are associated with increased risk of severe malaria and larger rosettes than “single dose” heterozygotes (AO, BO). In the case-control study, compared to OO, the double dose genotypes consistently had higher odds ratios (OR) for severe malaria than single dose genotypes, with AB (OR 1.93) and AO (OR 1.27) showing most marked difference (p = 0.02, Wald test). In vitro experiments with blood group A-preferring P. falciparum parasites showed that significantly larger rosettes were formed with AA and AB host RBCs compared to OO, whereas AO and BO genotypes rosettes were indistinguishable from OO. Overall, the data show that ABO genotype influences P. falciparum rosetting and support the hypothesis that double dose non-O genotypes confer a greater risk of severe malaria than AO/BO heterozygosity

    Contextual influences on health worker motivation in district hospitals in Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Organizational factors are considered to be an important influence on health workers' uptake of interventions that improve their practices. These are additionally influenced by factors operating at individual and broader health system levels. We sought to explore contextual influences on worker motivation, a factor that may modify the effect of an intervention aimed at changing clinical practices in Kenyan hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Franco LM, et al's (Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Soc Sci Med. 2002, 54: 1255–66) model of motivational influences was used to frame the study Qualitative methods including individual in-depth interviews, small-group interviews and focus group discussions were used to gather data from 185 health workers during one-week visits to each of eight district hospitals. Data were collected prior to a planned intervention aiming to implement new practice guidelines and improve quality of care. Additionally, on-site observations of routine health worker behaviour in the study sites were used to inform analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Study settings are likely to have important influences on worker motivation. Effective management at hospital level may create an enabling working environment modifying the impact of resource shortfalls. Supportive leadership may foster good working relationships between cadres, improve motivation through provision of local incentives and appropriately handle workers' expectations in terms of promotions, performance appraisal processes, and good communication. Such organisational attributes may counteract de-motivating factors at a national level, such as poor schemes of service, and enhance personally motivating factors such as the desire to maintain professional standards.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Motivation is likely to influence powerfully any attempts to change or improve health worker and hospital practices. Some factors influencing motivation may themselves be influenced by the processes chosen to implement change.</p

    Conceptual framework for the definition of preclinical and prodromal frontotemporal dementia

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    The presymptomatic stages of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are still poorly defined and encompass a long accrual of progressive biological (preclinical) and then clinical (prodromal) changes, antedating the onset of dementia. The heterogeneity of clinical presentations and the different neuropathological phenotypes have prevented a prior clear description of either preclinical or prodromal FTD. Recent advances in therapeutic approaches, at least in monogenic disease, demand a proper definition of these predementia stages. It has become clear that a consensus lexicon is needed to comprehensively describe the stages that anticipate dementia. The goal of the present work is to review existing literature on the preclinical and prodromal phases of FTD, providing recommendations to address the unmet questions, therefore laying out a strategy for operationalizing and better characterizing these presymptomatic disease stages

    CSF glial markers are elevated in a subset of patients with genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    Background: Neuroinflammation has been shown to be an important pathophysiological disease mechanism in frontotemporal dementia (FTD). This includes activation of microglia, a process that can be measured in life through assaying different glia-derived biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid. However, only a few studies so far have taken place in FTD, and even fewer focusing on the genetic forms of FTD. Methods: We investigated the cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of TREM2, YKL-40 and chitotriosidase using immunoassays in 183 participants from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study: 49 C9orf72 (36 presymptomatic, 13 symptomatic), 49 GRN (37 presymptomatic, 12 symptomatic) and 23 MAPT (16 presymptomatic, 7 symptomatic) mutation carriers and 62 mutation-negative controls. Concentrations were compared between groups using a linear regression model adjusting for age and sex, with 95% bias-corrected bootstrapped confidence intervals. Concentrations in each group were correlated with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score using non-parametric partial correlations adjusting for age. Age-adjusted z-scores were also created for the concentration of markers in each participant, investigating how many had a value above the 95th percentile of controls. Results: Only chitotriosidase in symptomatic GRN mutation carriers had a concentration significantly higher than controls. No group had higher TREM2 or YKL-40 concentrations than controls after adjusting for age and sex. There was a significant negative correlation of chitotriosidase concentration with MMSE in presymptomatic GRN mutation carriers. In the symptomatic groups, for TREM2 31% of C9orf72, 25% of GRN, and 14% of MAPT mutation carriers had a concentration above the 95th percentile of controls. For YKL-40 this was 8% C9orf72, 8% GRN and 0% MAPT mutation carriers, whilst for chitotriosidase it was 23% C9orf72, 50% GRN, and 29% MAPT mutation carriers. Conclusions: Although chitotriosidase concentrations in GRN mutation carriers were the only significantly raised glia-derived biomarker as a group, a subset of mutation carriers in all three groups, particularly for chitotriosidase and TREM2, had elevated concentrations. Further work is required to understand the variability in concentrations and the extent of neuroinflammation across the genetic forms of FTD. However, the current findings suggest limited utility of these measures in forthcoming trials